theunit-mbti · 4 years
in case anyone needed help, here are the function stacks of the types:
INTJ: Ni-Te-Fi-Se
ENTJ: Te-Ni-Se-Fi
INFJ: Ni-Fe-Ti-Se
ENFJ: Fe-Ni-Se-Ti
ISFJ: Si-Fe-Ti-Ne
ESFJ: Fe-Si-Ne-Ti
ESTJ: Te-Si-Ne-Fi
ISTJ: Si-Te-Fi-Ne
INTP: Ti-Ne-Si-Fe
ENTP: Ne-Ti-Fe-Si
INFP: Fi-Ne-Si-Te
ENFP: Ne-Fi-Te-Si
ISFP: Fi-Se-Ni-Te
ISTP: Ti-Se-Ni-Fe
ESFP: Se-Fi-Te-Ni
ESTP: Se-Ti-Fe-Ni
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theunit-mbti · 4 years
Are u familiar with the new group DKB? They're daebak! What do u think of their types? [P.S. Did you keep up with Dalmatian/DMTN back in the day? How about their types? (Especially Inati!)]
I’m so sorry, I’ve never heard of DKB!!  🙈🙈  I will try to find out about them and maybe get back to you when I’m familiar!
I did listen to DMTN back in the day - still put E.R on every now and then, but I never really watched them on any shows, etc?  So I genuinely have no idea about their personalities, I’m really sorry!
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theunit-mbti · 5 years
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Evidence of Visual Typology - the ESTP 8w7
It’s a little off the beaten track for my blog, but I just wanted to make a quick post on visual typing.  It has been coming up a lot on @istj-hedonist ‘s blog and I noticed that the ESTP 8w7 faces I had stored in memory all had certain similarities.
Notice the extremely square jaw.  The defiant, often slightly protruding lower lip.  The Se/Ni stare in the eyes, which I might not describe as “piercing” but certainly commanding.  Where they are looking at the camera, you can feel that gaze.  Mouth shape in general a long-ish straight line across the face, often with a slight taper downward.  Indifferent to “resting bitch face disorder”.
I may do other equivalent posts for other types I notice a lot of visual similarities for.
People shown from left to right:
Chris Hemsworth, Benito Mussolini, Al Capone
Henry VIII, Conor McGregor, Theodore Roosevelt
Donald Trump, Ernest Hemingway, Winston Churchill
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theunit-mbti · 5 years
oneus/onewe? 🌫️
Hey!  Thanks for the ask.
Onewe:  Not too sure at the moment, since most of them were barely shown during the Unit - with the exception of Dongmyeong who I’ve already typed, and I haven’t watched anything of theirs which showcases their personalities since.
Oneus:  OK so I’m still learning their personalities but here’s what I’ve got so far.  Keonhee is an ENFP, maybe 7w6 or 6w7 or something, but 100% ENFP.  Hwanwoong has Fe for sure, and apparently unlike other people out there, I don’t believe he’s an introvert.  Xion is ISTP, or something, kind of hard to tell!  Leedo’s probably Ni/Se and a Feeler.  xNFJ?? xSFP???  The rest I’m not sure about.
I might do proper typings for them later, when I know them better.  My mind may have changed!
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theunit-mbti · 5 years
Yep, same guy! Thank you. You make fair points!!
I agree about a lot of things in visual typing, everything you've said makes sense and literally julius caesar must be the most xntj entj to have ever walked the earth. But with the eye bag thing... most people I've typed as se dom DO have those eyebags lol. But this guy doesn't- ( theunit-mbti(.)tumblr(.)com/post/170664797538/the-unit-mbti-gunmin-mbti ) there are some gifs, I'd be interested in your opinion. Description is old and involves stuff I'd now attribute to enneagram.
uuh boy i gonna open a wasp’s nest here but i don’t trust any k-pop celebrity typings because a) i’m assuming most of them had plastic surgery and b) are all pressed into cookie cutter tropes by their management making their “personalities” about as genuine as any actor’s job and c) i’m boring white toast and not experienced enough to analyze asian faces
those caveats aside, that’s the same guy right? those are super obvious Se-eyes and those pics where it doesn’t seem like it are all either heavily overexposed or clearly photoshopped so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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theunit-mbti · 5 years
MBTI Statistics
Have you ever been bored on a Tuesday evening just sitting around and thinking to yourself, “Boy, I sure wish I had a shit ton of random MBTI-related charts, statistics, and surveys to look at”? SAY NO MORE, FAM. I have compiled here for you today the world’s finest assortment of completely useless MBTI-related data, all for your viewing (and procrastinating) pleasure. Enjoy!
1. MBTI by gender distribution 
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2. MBTI by sexual orientation
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3. MBTI by political affiliation
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4. MBTI by Hogwarts House
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5. MBTI by zodiac sign
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6. MBTI by household income
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7. MBTI by percentage of males per type
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8. A random assortment of MBTI statistics
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9. MBTI by enneagram correlation
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10. MBTI by alignment
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11.  MBTI by intellectual giftedness
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12. MBTI and whatever this is
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13. MBTI by type compatibility
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14. MBTI by type of abuse survivors
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15. MBTI types of stay-at-home parents
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16. MBTI type of polled therapists
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17. MBTI type of librarians
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18. MBTI type by unemployment status
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19. MBTI type by instinctual variant
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20. MBTI type by correlation to psychopathy
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21. MBTI by happiness level
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22. MBTI by temperament
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23. MBTI by philosophical alignment
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Enjoy, data hogs!
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theunit-mbti · 5 years
Hi, me again. :D Ooh, I agree now that he's not ISTJ; for some reason there are some things (& he kinda looked like an ISTJ grandpa on I Live Alone lol). I guess when I say we're similar it's more like he's one of my "fave people", but SOMETHING about his personality development (the things he struggled with, the changes he went through, conclusions reached, etc.) is familiar. (I'm a Type 1, btw.) Is a 1w9 a weird guess? He's too serious/principled to be a 9... And is ISFP a crazy suggestion?
I’m glad you backed down on ISTJ.  I think he’s not a 9 core because he’s too outspoken in some regards?  Like he often speaks with a sensible dose of what I’ve believed to be Fe-like consideration before he speaks, but he’s still outspoken enough about things not to be a 9.  I think 1w9 is sensible enough...  I mean, I can definitely see him as a 1 but not entirely sure of his wing.  ISFP....hmmm....I wouldn’t have said it because I’d interpreted his talking as a little more Fe-like.
When I read interviews, he always has a strong focus on himself, authenticity/sincerity, his dreams, etc.--seemingly like an Fi user. I struggle to see Fe in him (I’d love to hear more about his Fe you mentioned!); for instance, I don’t see him as duty-bound or particularly care-taking of others; he'd never change himself to fit in; he doesn't get others' feelings mixed up with his own; he does his own thing and doesn’t seem to look to others for approval. But maybe I'm overlooking something.
I don’t think he’s particularly “duty bound” in the Fe sense.  I think we’d have seen more examples of “hey why isn’t Taeyang the leader” if that had been the case.  I don’t think his Fe is particularly strong or overbearing, and just assumed it was the Ni taking centre stage.  But what you’re saying about him not changing to fit in etc works for ISFP.  I think “he doesn't get others' feelings mixed up with his own” is an oversimplification of how Fe works;  Fe users can and will feel their own feelings as well as others’, and the “does his own thing and doesn’t seem to look to others for approval” may just be from the confidence of past achievements and success.
Him having inferior Se also sounds weird. He often expresses things that SEEM high Se, such as: “When I dance, after a certain point, I start to feel like my body becomes the music. Even if it’s a song I’m hearing for the first time, my body moves instinctively.” All of his hobbies are sensory too. I wanted to post a link to a buncha quotes I compiled to get your take, but it wouldn't allow. Too bad! Anyway, my apologies for trashing your site with ?s. lol Feel free to only post my initial one!
I’m interested in these links.  I’m not sure now;  I think the case for him being ISFP is definitely stronger than the ISTJ case was!!  And there’s certainly a tendency for people to over-type as intuitives (for instance Seulgi is often typed as INFJ when she’s definitely ISxP).  More ISFPs in the industry would make more sense overall.
(Me again; my apologies.) Wanted to add about Taeyang's enneagram: seems 1, 9, or 4. Whichever it is, I'd think he's self-pres. with social second? Not sure. How do you see it? (P.S. How cool about Raehwan's test!) (Also, no need to post this either. :p)
1w9 4w3 3w4 or something maybe?  Not sure enough about the instinctual variants, he has pretty strong close personal relations so I might even say he’s sp/sx.
Interesting discourse though, thank you!  To be honest, I am not a massive VIP so there’s still so much I could watch and discover about Taeyang.  I’ll leave this open for now, no definitive typing!
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theunit-mbti · 5 years
I have said this to you before and I still think the same, jun's ace seems infj to me and i get why you unsure about him bcs he seems not really healthy type somehow but excited to see what you typing him too
I know!!  I got so close to writing him up recently …. but I’m having second thoughts again.  I know his enneagram though lmao
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theunit-mbti · 5 years
칸토 (KANTO) SINGLE ‘갑자기 (Out Of The Blue)’ Offical MV 2020.01.24 6PM RELEASE
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theunit-mbti · 5 years
The Myers & Briggs Foundation has a “Be Wary Of” bad MBTI information spotter list and while about half of it comes down to “we have trademarked the test - excuse me, instrument - and do not appreciate you trying to get around that” the rest of the items listed are actually pretty good litmus tests for whether a source is worth continuing to read or if it is like, personalitycafe and needs to be launched into the void:
Be wary if a site says it will reveal answers such as the best job for you, the type you should marry, or the type of employees you should hire.
Be wary of a site that says or implies some types are better, healthier, or more desirable in any way than others.
Be wary of a site that presents type preferences as skills, ability, or indicators of mental health or illness.
Be wary if a site advocates the use of psychological type as a way of putting people at a disadvantage or manipulating them.
Be wary if a site insinuates that its organization or instrument is the only way to learn one’s psychological type.
Be wary of a site that presents type preferences as fixed behaviors or stereotypes that do not vary among individuals or insinuates that type explains everything about an individual.
Be wary of a site that says MBTI results are infallible—that the type shown by the Indicator is always the best-fit type.
(excerpted from a list by Naomi Quenk available at the link at the top of the post)
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theunit-mbti · 5 years
@ the Taeyang anon, I’m going to try to answer all your comments this weekend!  Thank you for your messages.
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theunit-mbti · 5 years
you got raehwan’s type right! he just uploaded a video on his youtube channel
OH my gosh, how amazing!!  What validation!
You all can watch his video here, although it’s not Eng subbed or anything, it’s still obvious he got ENFJ, and appreciates a lot of the description as being accurate.
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theunit-mbti · 5 years
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feeldog - No excuse (Prod.Q min)
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theunit-mbti · 5 years
Feeldog - No Excuse MV teaser 
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theunit-mbti · 5 years
Hello there! Fellow ISFJ here. :D I watched The Unit, but didn't know about MBTI until recently. I've read each of your typings with much enthusiasm! You have a knack for reading others (I can relate!) and your writings are clear and intelligent. SO, I don't know how familiar you are with Taeyang, but I'd LOVE to hear your thoughts. People often type him as INFJ. I find this super odd. I've observed him for 8+ years, and feel that he's similar to me. My sis(ENFJ) & I think he's a sensor (ISTJ?).
Hi, thank you for this ask, fellow ISFJ!!  
I’m glad you appreciate my writing, and yeah, it should seem relatively familiar to you since we probably read people in a very similar way :)
Taeyang… yes, literally everyone types him as INFJ.  He’s definitely an introvert, and the Fe is pretty much there but not domineering so Aux Fe makes sense.  I don’t think he has aux Te.  Now, Si or Ni?  
Well, in terms of all the members, the one I’ve actually related to the most over time is Daesung, who is usually typed as an ESFJ.  I’d say that Daesung is more likely to be an ISFJ than Taeyang.  Taeyang’s manner of answering questions is often that slow, considered way of a Ni dom.  Probably not always, but that’s probably more to do with his cognitive development.  
The way I could see Si in him is that when answering things, he does relate back to traditions, what the norm is, etc.  But Fe can do that as well as Si, and INFJs are also aware of norms whether they follow them or not.  So I agree it’s not incredibly clear cut but I think he probably is INFJ anyway.  He’s not the most intuitive type of intuitive but sometimes it’s just that little bit less clear with introverts!
Might be worth looking further into though.  Have you considered that you could have the same/similar enneagram type which might influence how you view him?  I haven’t worked out his enneagram either but that might be an interesting one to consider.
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theunit-mbti · 5 years
The Unit MBTI - Hangyul MBTI
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Hangyul (IM) – ESTP
Cognitive Functional Stack:  Se Ti Fe Ni
Hangyul is a great dude, who is all about living in the present.  He makes the most of every performance and latches on to the positive things about each moment (Se).  He has a go-with-the-flow attitude, trusting that with hard work and practise, things will work out in the end, even when he is injured.  He stays pretty chill most of the time in spite of being in an intense competition (Se-Ti) and just enjoys all the performances without worrying what other people’s performances mean for himself.  This can be seen when he is regularly used as the facial reaction to his fellow competitors’ performances, and for instance, the way he grooved along to the Kingsman/That’s what I like team’s dance performance behind the scenes even though they were direct rivals.   He takes events at face value (Se) but can interpret them negatively later (inferior Ni) like when he later worries about not being able to give a good performance of All Day due to his leg injury.
He doesn’t waste words and is a direct talker – also a direct squabbler if he is with Dongmyeong! However he can be charming, understanding, and persuasive if he needs/wants to be (Ti-Fe).  He is a bit of a lad with other people and is willing to mess around a bit but in a straightforward kind of way, like with hand clapping games, rather than anything particularly “out there”.  He doesn’t really place an emphasis on noticing his team’s emotions but is there for anyone if they make it clear they need him.
He’s confident in his looks without being boastful;  when his team declare themselves the “Handsome boys” he accepts it automatically (Se-Ti). A funny moment is when he’s asked to do sit-ups but then proceeds to show his 8-pack instead, showing that he is direct and sees that there’s no point in work without purpose.  He’s image-conscious, but logical about it (Se-Ti).
Emotionally he can be straightforward and blunt or to the point with no added frills or “what ifs”. The best example of this is when he is talking about how his birth parents abandoned him.  He states it as a clear story without coloured elaboration (Se) and then says, “they must have had a reason to abandon me,” very simply, showing that he has given his birth parents the benefit of the doubt that they weren’t acting maliciously (Fe) and his Ti internally coming to this logical conclusion without needing to ask any further questions.  He doesn’t turn it into a sob story about ~how dreadful his life was~ (which would be Fi) but just states the facts with a little dose of empathetic understanding.  Although he says, “I always wondered why I was abandoned”, he doesn’t take the Ne-route into delving into the possibilities of “why” and makes it clear that that wondering was in the past.  He’s moved on now.  His Se ensures that he doesn’t colour/romanticise the past into something that it really wasn’t.
Nonetheless, he’s very grateful to his adoptive parents, who have since provided him with a lot, and therefore has drive to do well in this competition to “pay them back” for their hard work: “I need to work hard to pay back all the people who took care of me until now.  I’m going to make sure I do that.”  Very straightforward.  He has a desire to be liked and appreciated by others.  Compliments make him bashful – he’s not overly sure how to handle his emotional responses at that point.
He’s a go-getter who’s done very well in this competition.  He enjoys life to the full and is a pleasure to watch on stage, where he has been known to transform into a “beast”.  Good luck Hangyul, the ESTP!
Song you should listen to: Handsome Boys – All Day
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theunit-mbti · 5 years
A.C.E's new song, Under Cover is brilliant
Check it out here
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