Never Finished ‘It’s Kind Of A Funny Story,’ and Here’s Why:
Though in the beginning, I found it to be ‘amazing,’ as I posted before, that was because it had been fairly poetic, almost like literature; and this book even included some very clever analogies. The author wrote with flow and poise. But around the middle of Chapter 10, I think, I got tired of the selfishness of the characters, the partying, the acting up. I was DONE, took my bookmark out and closed the book. This happens a lot when I read nowadays, and I very much wish it didn’t. I want to be a very well-read individual. It just seems I have to drag my way through annoying or boring books, once I feel they are, and that I’m not disciplined or patient enough to finish them. Anyway, I was mad at this Ned Vizzini author... I assumed he was just as selfish as his characters... Until I found out he, that’s right, the author of ‘It’s Kind of a Funny Story,’ threw himself off a building in 2013, and that he suffered from depression, not unlike Craig, the main character in the book. I felt sorry for assuming he was a rotten person. 
Guys, please, no matter how poorly someone acts, never assume they’re rotten, or bad, or uncaring. Some people turn bitter after caring for too long, and being treated badly. Others are going through a hard time and don’t know how to deal. And it’s also sometimes true that there are people who just downright have an attitude and heart problem. Pray for them, be kind to them, and never stop showing them you care. The straw that breaks the camel’s back and pushes someone over the edge doesn’t have to come from you. Suicide IS a selfish act, I won’t deny that. But here’s a view from an insider of deep depression, from someone who’s experienced the possible absolute lowest of low moods: You honestly convince yourself you would be doing everyone who loves you a favor by getting out of this life. You think you’re a burden, a waste of time/space/etc, and that they’d all be better off without you. And my final piece of heartfelt advice for all you who’ve ever or will ever experience suicidal ideation, is DON’T BELIEVE THAT LIE. YOU are loved, YOU are wanted by those who love you, and yes, someone somewhere loves you. Don’t let them down, okay? And importantly as well, don’t let yourself down either.
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Be Careful What You Read...
“I know that I found it beautiful, but I cannot recapture its beauty.” That’s how I feel about the memory of the faces of guys I get crushes on.  (Eye roll)
That, in italics above, is a quote from the unforgettable modern work of literature, ‘The Reader’ by Bernhard Schlink. I do not recommend this book though because it is highly sexual in Part One. I found this book(Shown below, I am holding it)in the reject bin outside a used bookstore(Edward McKay’s, I’m a regular there)in my city. Perhaps someone else once owned it and thought it not wholesome either... What you put in your stomach, you digest. What you put in your eyesight and ears is also digested in its own way, so BE CAREFUL. I try to avoid entertainment that doesn’t honor Christ, and if you follow Him, perhaps you should do that same.
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What Is A Writing Storm?
Writing Storm Definition: When you are so caught up in a writing process, whether that be brainstorming, planning, writing, editing, reading, etc, that you are highly focused, irritated with all distractions and determined to finish what you’re doing, possibly to accomplish a certain set goal.
I got caught up in a writing storm last night, when editing this blog’s appearance. I posted a similar post to this one then, but the stupid thing somehow disappeared. Here were some additional signs of a writing storm: I spent four hours right through dinnertime without eating, without feeling hunger pangs or weakness as I usually do. It was like my stomach was in overdrive, as if to help me finish the work I was so set on finishing. I was sore and stiff once I got up, from the position I’d so faithfully been sitting in(Back problems later?!). I ignored most people who were trying to get in touch with me during my storm. Anyone in person who tried to, I tried to be my usual polite self, but honestly, I probably sounded really irritated. Once I finished, I still wasn’t hungry, but my clothes and jewelry suddenly felt constricting, and I just HAD to get them off IMMEDIATELY, and turn my fan on blast. I struggled with a hemp bracelet that’d gotten twisted, and muttered some angry words.
By the way, a writing storm can be a coping mechanism. God knows mine was... I miss my best friend.
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Learn From My Mistake - A Lesson For All Bloggers
It looks like the post I just posted on here from my phone that started with the definition of a writing storm mysteriously disappeared from anywhere I could find it on Tumblr. What in the literal is GOING ON HERE?! I am in such a bad mood currently that I literally can't even right now.
Before posting on Tumblr, especially a long text post you wouldn't feel like re-typing, please copy it & paste it somewhere else, THEN come back to your Tumblr app or site & press 'post.' Learn a lesson from my mistake. My post disappeared & I'm too heated to repost until at least tomorrow. Yes, I pressed the post button. Yes, I refreshed the page a million times. Yes, I searched my home page. It's a goner. It was a really good post too, but could've used some better wording about it so I'm trying to consider this a blessing in disguise.
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I will give a full review when I'm finished! ❤
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Writer's Symptoms I Am Feeling Today: Frustration at lack of motivation. Seeking fascinating poetic/philosophical style novels to inspire me to actually put fingers to keyboard, & pencil to paper, writing my own work that follows a similar pattern as those. Send help. SOW(Save Our Writer).
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Too Many Goals
Is there such a thing as having too many goals and too little time? Too many things you want to do in a day, or over the course of an amount of time? This makes me think I need to schedule my days better, to help me waste time less. Date: Tues 9/25/18 Song For This Post: Just Imagine It by MKTO (Also love their song ‘Classic!’) I have so many goals simply as just a writer, much more in life in general(To name several: I want to make a lot of amazing jewelry, maintain a steady work schedule and have a livable income, build relationships with family/friends, get married, and more.)
As for writing goals, I want to be known for the novels I write, and an awesomely encouraging memoir too. I don’t care about establishing myself as a blogger as much, but that would be great too.
I want to finish writing a novel that takes place in Hawaii. One that takes place in a small southern country town. One that takes place in another culture, overseas. A novel about a gang rape/pregnancy(Check! To A Fighter). A novel about a fruit curing cancer(Almost check! All For Her Happiness is more like a novella). I want to write a devotional too. I have a lot of poems and some songs written. I do write a rough schedule for each day, but I also wish I read more, journaled everyday, and charted my moods. However, those are whole ‘nother cans of worms!
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What You Do With Spare Time is Important...
…because you are only given ONE life. We should make memories with friends and family, record the ones we can so we can smile later, and manage the time we use WISELY. But before you do any of that, take a moment to ponder, what are you doing with your spare time and how can you use it more wisely? Keep reading because I’m here to help.
Date: Fri 9/14/18 Song For This Post: Meant To Live by Switchfoot
When you’re not busy, do you spend a lot of time on your phone, watching TV, or on the computer? Do you ever wish you had more free time? What if you don’t need more free time, but simply managed your time more wisely? First of all, I want to tell you I do not believe in more than 5 hours a week of TV watching or wasting time messing around on my phone, browsing social media for awhile or whatever. I think these waste time and are mindless activities. I used to spend soo much time on my phone, but now, I’ve taken such a step away from technology that when I have my own place, I don’t even know if I’m going to have a TV. I do believe spending appropriate time with technology isn’t bad in moderation, such as by these examples: * Messaging friends and family to ask how they are or to schedule a meeting. Checking on the ones who’ve been going through a hard time, and encouraging them. * Starting/updating/editing a blog of your own, and posting to help/inspire others. * Sharing tidbits of my life with others on Snapchat stories, Instagram posts, etc. * & last but most definitely not least, finding new music!
Now, for making more spare time! Have you considered you can get more done by multitasking? When you’re on hold on the phone, why don’t you put the call on speaker phone and clean your house or car? Instead of mindlessly waiting for a car ride to be over, why don’t you put in some earphones and listen to an audio book or some music? While waiting in a waiting room or wherever(EXCEPT when driving please!), why don’t you make some progress in a book you’re reading or in studying for school?
You can also get more done by keeping lists! To-do lists and shopping lists are great stress busters and a good use of your time to MANAGE your time. Also, you can save gas AND time by using Google Maps or whatever to plan your routes so you don’t spend more time driving than you have to.
Remember guys, we were meant to live for so much more. Wise time management can build a productivity, motivation and confidence in yourself you didn’t even know was there. ❤
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I do apologize for the unintentional lie, you guys. Checking my settings, I see my anonymous questions button was actually off. Anonymous questions are now open.
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As I Write This Post, I Really Miss My Baby Boy...
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This... is Sylvester Wayne Saunders, my cat. He passed away early last year after a long battle with bladder cancer. My new header photo on here is this picture I took of me kissing his head on his last night on earth: February 15th, 2017. The following morning, he was humanely euthanized at his doctor’s office with my parents and I in attendance. This was while he laid in my arms, peacefully passing from this life, into eternity with the ones gone before... Once the doctor confirmed he had left, I said  “Okay.” Then I burst into tears as I said, “We can fall apart now.”
Sometimes when Sylvester saw me cry as I was growing up, he’d approach with a meow and curious look, even a head rub, as if he were trying to comfort me... So in his last moments on earth, it was my turn. I pet him, whispered to him, and absolutely forced myself to hold myself together until he passed from this life to the next. Then I let myself collapse under the weight of my grief... and cried. I wasn’t going to let Sylvester know I was so deeply hurting, because in that moment, he was no longer able to comfort me like he used to.
I promised Sylvester towards the end of his fight with the cancer that I would not leave him during his last moments, if I were at all able to be there. He may not have understood what I said, but he certainly didn’t complain.
Animals are special to many of us. I absolutely assure you that there is a very special place for them with us in heaven. If you are a believer of heaven and have doubts that animals on earth will be there, I’d recommend you look for the book I Will See You In Heaven by Jack Wintz. This small, but thoughtful book was a great comfort to me after Sylvester passed. 
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A Really Good Quote
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“You are SO enough. It is unbelievable how enough you are.” - Sierra Boggess
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Me too, girl! ❤
My goal in life is to somehow make a difference in the world and to help people, whether it’s a few people or many
idk how to start achieving this goal but i’m trying my best
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Perfect for a daydream! 😍
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A Really Good Quote.
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In career building, and in friendships, and in romance, and ESPECIALLY in writing. You can’t rush something if you want it or the rewards of it to last a very long time.
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My name is Michaela Saunders and I created this blog for its readers.
This is a former encouragement blog that was changed on Fri 9/28/18, to be a writer/reader blog.
If you are seeking what is in the description, congrats! You found it. Scroll up for more.
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