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The year is 151441. Humanity is on it’s last string of life. Food is scarce. The last bottle of maple syrup has expired. Hope is dying fast.
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She's had this tattoo since she was a teen; turns out, according to Tian Tang, it translates as "serious error; gross mistake" (Photo: Hanzi Smatter) If you're thinking about getting a tattoo featuring Chinese characters, you might want to...
I haven't posted in a while. This seemed worthwhile to start up again.Hilarious. Watch what you get permanently inked on yourself!
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Awesome video! Really interesting and explains climate change really well. Good job Bill Nye!!
CLIMATE 101, a short video to teach you about climate change and separate fact from fiction when it comes to realizing the truth and moving on to solutions.
Oh yeah, it’s narrated by Bill F. Nye (The F does not stand for “Frank")
(via ClimateReality)
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Italian artist Bruno Walpoth has mastered the art of turning wood into realistic, lifelike representations of human beings. He's been working with wood for decades now, getting his start in the early '70s, and his technique has remained the...
These are amazing. It sure beats the art I was looking at yesterday...
some people and their talent. WOW.
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This is how this afternoon is going.
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I'm eating it with an apple - it gives the allusion of adulthood.
Sometimes I spend my lunch break in my office scrolling through Tumblr and eating peanut butter out of the jar BECAUSE I AM A MOTHER FUCKING ADULT.
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It's things like this that make me excited for my future career. But what will I do when I can't update my tumblr?
If you are a teacher or going to be… Watch this!!!
If you are not a teacher.. WATCH THIS!  
I love this and I am so glad someone put this into words. 
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I’m on board.
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The moment when Harry takes Draco's wand
J. K. Rowling: I said to Arthur, my American editor - we had an interesting conversation during the editing of seven - the moment when Harry takes Draco's wand, Arthur said, God, that's the moment when the ownership of the Elder wand is actually transferred? And I said, that's right. He said, shouldn't that be a bit more dramatic? And I said, no, not at all, the reverse. I said to Arthur, I think it really puts the elaborate, grandiose plans of Dumbledore and Voldemort in their place. That actually the history of the wizarding world hinged on two teenage boys wrestling with each other. They weren't even using magic. It became an ugly little corner tussle for the possession of wands. And I really liked that - that very human moment, as opposed to these two wizards who were twitching strings and manipulating and implanting information and husbanding information and guarding information, you know? Ultimately it just came down to that, a little scuffle and fistfight in the corner and pulling a wand away.
Melissa Anelli: It says a lot about the world at large, I think, about conflict in the world, it's these little things -
J. K. Rowing: And the difference one individual can make. Always, the difference one individual can make.
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So this was quite possibly the greatest thing I have seen in a while.
Washing Your Hair on the Space Station
Expedition 36 astronaut Karen Nyberg has a unique challenge in space that Chris Hadfield didn’t have to deal with.
She’s got long hair, and lots of it.
Here she explains how she washes her goldy locks in space. It’s not that different from how you might wash your hair on Earth, only with much less water and no elegant, tropical essence créme conditioner.
Even though they have water recycling systems on the ISS (yes, they drink recycled urine), water is a limited resource on the ISS. That means no “Rinse, Repeat". As she explains, all those escaped globs of liquid will be sucked up and recycled, too.
The science they do in space is awesome, but the modified routines of daily life might be even cooler.
I would be remiss if I did not include the following image:
(by insideISS)
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Kefir is a cultured milk beverage. It’s similar to yogurt but the taste is a bit different and it’s more of a drink than something you’d eat out of a bowl. Unlike yogurt, kefir contains benefici
I’m super stoked. Today, a friend at work mentioned that she has some extra kefir grains and is going to give them to me! Now, I can make my own delicious kefir!
I guarantee that I will be posting more about this as the little guys start to kefir all my milk. Cannot wait.
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I'm asking myself why I am not here right now...
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Absolutely gorgeous image of a giant Buddha carved into a hillside in Leshan, China.
(h/t @carnellm)
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This is the best thing that I have seen all day. That baby is in bliss. I want.
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A famous actor makes a frightening discovery about women and barely keeps it together explaining why.
This is along the lines of my previous post. What Dustin Hoffman says is truly beautiful.
As women, let's be proud of who we are on the inside, and recognize that there is value in our inner beauty.
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This brought tears to my eyes. How often do we criticize ourselves in front of younger girls? We teach young girls that it is normal to hate oneself, and that the main purpose of every female is to be beautiful.
It's time to change.
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this is fun!
Because why waste money on an English degree when you can just watch Disney movies?
I’m definitely going to use this in my classroom. Disney, literary techniques, winning!
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Calvin and Hobbes
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