This post speaks to me because there are so few women in the field of palaeontolgy, and its associated fields of archaeology and biological anthropology. I mean, there are absolutely no important female role models in any of those fields, especially not dating back to the early-mid 20th century.
*Cough* Mary Leakey *Cough* One of, if not the, most important people in the study of hominin fossils. *Cough* Mary Anning *Cough* 19th century amateur palaeontologist who did more for the field than any contemporary male actual palaeontologist. *Cough* Nope no women of importance at all. *Cough*
Also, guess what, when you are interested in becoming an archaeologist, palaeontologist, biological anthropologist, osteologist, or other related "fringe" (not actually, but considered so by the public at large) fields of science, you will be questioned as to why, no matter what your gender is. Take me for an example. I am a male, and I've always wanted to be an archaeologist, ever since I learned how to speak and read. Now that I've achieved my goal and have become an archaeologist, I can look back at my journey and see that very few people supported my dream along the way. Even my parents questioned it, in the early stages (see up until mid-high school) they told me to do something worthwhile like economics or accounting, but I ignored them and continued on because it was the only thing I have ever wanted to do.
Also, every archaeology or archaeology-related class that I took was made up of ~70% females, with ~50% of the classes being taught by female professors. So the original post makes no sense to me.
Male privilege is not having your career choice questioned. Growing up, I wanted to pursue Palaeontology, have a career in the armed forces or be a formula 1 racer, and I was constantly told they weren’t things ‘girls should do.’. With Palaeontology in particular, I was constantly questioned on why I’d want to dig up bones and get dirty and sweaty because they weren’t things ‘becoming of a woman.’ 
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This blog is so ridiculous, I don't even know where to start, but I'm going to start here, just 'cause. So, by reducing the male population to 10% of what it is today (which is essentially genocide - genderside?) you think that will advance equality? That it won't simply be oppressing the shit out of males (both cis and trans* apparently), and forcing them to become slaves to women whose only use is as a sperm producer to continue our species? The fuck? What happens when a male baby is born? Does it get killed? Does an older male get killed? How do you know that the baby will even ID as male once it grows up? Now on to the part where you say that white people have caused all the oppression since the beginning of time. This is, inherently, false. Back when dinosaurs ruled the land (which is still well after the beginning of time, by the way) did the white dinosaurs oppress the other dinosaurs? Back when white skin colour was emerging (see Homo neanderthalensis/ Homo sapiens neanderthalensis), did they oppress the superior non-white species of human (see Homo sapiens)? Back when the people of the Pacific Northwest of North America, who were descendants of the First Peoples (see Indigenous/ Native/ Aboriginal/ however else you can say they were in North America before the white people ever were), created sophisticated, class-based societies, did they enslave and oppress the local white people (hint: they didn't exist), or did they do so to members of their own culture? Don't get me wrong, white people have oppressed other people in the past, but to say that they are the source of all oppression is laughable at best. Now I know that the creator of the blog in question will simply say "DAMN WHITE MAN, YOU CAN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THIS, YOU'RE A STUPID WHITE MAN!!!!!!!!!" However, that doesn't detract from the point that I am making, and I would be happy to provide you with more examples of pre-white oppression, or clarify the ones that I have already provided. - Fifth Pilgrim 
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This is not white privilege. This is simply stupidity or ignorance. There are plenty of "white" people who can name and locate African cities. There are also plenty of African people who can name and locate American cities. Just because Americans (see not just "white" Americans, but all Americans) tend to be inwardly focused and not know a whole lot about the rest of the world, does not grant them "white privilege." It just makes them (not all of them, mind you) ignorant.
White privilege is making a huge deal about your Ethiopian friend not being able to pin point Boston on a map, while not being able to name a single African city.
Submission from (The Silly Soliloquy)
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“All men are rapist scumbags-“
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“Men can’t be raped-“
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“Men get no say in abortion-“
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“Men can’t be domestically abused-“
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“Being a stay at home mom means you’re letting yourself become the slave of your husband-“
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“Kill all men-“
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This is not a privilege. This is simply stupidity. If you have money to immunize your child(ren) you do it. If you don't have money to immunize them (which doesn't apply here in Canada, yay!), then that's a completely different story. Oh, and while we're on the topic, immunizations do not lead to autism. That is all.
Wealthy privilege is not immunizing your child because you know that if they get sick you can get good medical attention to help them get better.
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I thought this would be something interesting to throw out there.
Previously, Capncaptain completely disregarded a post by an Australian person who made a comment on how no one can support a family on $3,000 a year, just because they are Australian and don’t understand the American economy.
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Death Threats are NEVER okay. Never ever ever.
“Actually I’ve never called anyone a cracker or told anyone to put a bullet in their brain, but I can imagine if I had hundreds more messages in my personal inbox like the one I just received telling me to kill myself, or hateblogs dedicated to me, I might start spewing vitriol too...
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Whoever wrote this is awesome. They couldn't be more right in what they said! <3
(Could you post this anonymously please? ;u; I am shy and don’t like being seen much.)
I recently unfollowed you guys, but it’s not because of you, it’s because of Redd. It’s because all of her bigotry and hypocrisy is discussed here (and mocked, which is fun!) and she deserves the awful things...
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Good to know that the British never forced the CoE on the Irish instead of Catholicism. Good to know that the Romans never forced Catholicism on the local British (see Anglo-Saxons, Celts, Picts, etc.) instead of the indigenous "pagan" spiritualism. Good to know that the Spanish never forced Catholicism on the Jewish/ non-Catholic people in Spain during the Inquisition.
Good to know that no "white" person has ever had an unwanted religion shoved down their throats before.
White privilege is never having to question your beloved faith once you realize that it was forced upon your indigenous ancestors by their colonizers.
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I don't consider this a privilege at all, considering that I always assume a person wearing sweats (no matter their body size, gender, etc.) is doing so either because they're lazy or they feel sweats are comfortable. Everyone that I know who wears sweats does so for one of those reasons (and they all have different body sizes/ types so don't go there).
tl;dr Most people assume that anyone wearing sweats is lazy or simply wants to be comfortable
Thin privilege is wearing sweats on laundry day- or on any day, for that matter- without people assuming you’re just lazy and didn’t want to put on “real” clothes. A thin person in sweats is assumed to be active, to have earned the right to wear them. What the dicks is this double standard?
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It's things like this that decrease the importance and validity of trigger warnings.
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So, a buddy of mine reblogged something from someone, and for some reason I decide to check out their blog. Upon getting there, I see a link to the tags they happen to use. Curiosity has me look at it, and midway down there is a section for their trigger warnings they use. Ladies and gentlemen (and people identifying as giraffes), I present to you……
TW: Moths
SSHoF - TW: HORSES! Omg, why?
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How is this even a thing?
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I am so glad I found this! I'm always on the lookout for sane blogs to follow and yours looks fantastic! Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the kind words! I'll keep trying to do the best I can :)
- Fifth Pilgrim
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I hate the umbrella terms People of Colour (PoC)/ Women of Colour (WoC) and "white." If someone self-identifies as one of those terms, I'm all for it. What I hate though, is when people decide to paint everyone as one of those terms. PoC diminishes the importance of a person's race, and "unites" people under the fact that they are all not "white."
Similarly, "white" is not a race. White is an umbrella designation for a large group of races, all classed based on the average colour of their skin. For example, the classic "white" race is Caucasian, which is a group of people originating in the Caucasus Mountains, which lie between Europe and Asia. Another race of "white" people are the Saxons, which are a Germanic people that eventually helped to populate Britain. A third group of people that are currently classified as "white" are the Jewish people (not including Ethiopian Jewish people), who are originally from the Middle East, and can trace their lineage archaeologically back to the Sea Peoples of the Mediterranean. As you can see, all three of these groups of people are ethnically different, with different cultures, and yet many people see fit to label them all as simply being "white," effectively robbing them of their ethnic and cultural identities. Also, before you go and claim "oh no white boy tears boo hoo," remember that a similar thing happens to "black" people, in that their individual cultural and ethnic heritages are forgotten in favour of a single, uniform "black" heritage.
Anyway, back to the photo. According to that definition of WoC, my mother, who has ghost-white skin, can call herself a WoC simply because she was born in British Guiana, identifies as culturally and ethnically Guyanese, and is not "white" due to the fact that "white" is not a race. Food for though, AMP?
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It may not be up to someone to dictate how another person responds to vitriol, but generally speaking, it isn't a good idea to respond with death threats. Death threats are never okay. Never. 
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hello!! i help run an anti privilege/anti oppression blog and i wish you the best of luck!!! never let anyone get to you, ya hear? they will throw some pretty nasty insults even if you remain completely calm and reasonable. it can be very disconcerting and i would hate to see you feel down on yourself!! really good luck to you
Thank you for the support! I feel that, at least right now, I can handle what those people can dish out to me, but it's always good to know that other people are dealing with them too. :)
- Fifth Pilgrim
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