I may not have seen “Call Me By Your Name” but I have a serious issue with it. It is a very popular movie (it has won 88 awards, had 208 nominations. and made 40 million dollars worldwide) but it sends a terrible message. I know it has gay representation, which is a very amazing thing, but the main relationship in the movie romanticizes and fetishizes under-age and pedophilic relationships. People may think its just a cute and fun movie but it is harmful. It is the most popular LGBT+ themed movie for a long time (besides Love Simon) but it really shouldn’t be. So many movies with a gay couple as the lead couple have very bad, inappropriate, and illegal messages, it’s harmful to under-age gay children who may now think it’s okay to date someone over-age. So many of these movies are essentially porn about an under-age skinny white boy falling in love with his coach or something. There is literally a movie called “From Beginning to End” that is about two BROTHERS falling in love with each other. Why can’t movie makers just make a silly fun romcom LGBT+ movie? I’m sick and tired of the only gay couples in entertainment being either illegal or have both partners cheating with each other. Stop pedophilic relationships in LGBT+ movies and give a gay couple kids can look up to. Why can’t Hollywood make a fun movie about a gay couple that feels like “13 Going on 30” or “Clueless”? And I don’t care if Elio is 17, it is still wrong. It’s also a problem with straight couples in entertainment. In “Pretty Little Liars” one of the main characters is dating her TEACHER. Pedophilic relationships aren’t cute, stop them in them in real life and in entertainment. I know the age in consent varies from country to country and even state to state, but still, it’s the message these movies send that’s harmful. #Stoppedophilicrelationshipsinentertainment
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