thisdoghiss · 3 years
...and then you learn that that was the actual purpose of schools, until the scope changed without the design...
"participation trophy generation" do you mean "generation whose schools and teachers emotionally blackmailed us into compliance by labeling every facet of our education as a competition with a heirarchy of awards and trophies, to the point it was not uncommon for literal children (especially ones who struggled to fit in among their peers) to base their entire identity on grades & academic or extracurricular success, all while cementing a tendency towards extreme anxiety around the approval of faceless authority figures*"?
is that the cultural trend u were referring to?
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thisdoghiss · 4 years
Battle Cats glitch happened
Calling it the "Empire of the Future Glitch"
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Anybody know what's happening?
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thisdoghiss · 4 years
Use #dontstayinschool to support the cause of changing the school syllabus
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thisdoghiss · 4 years
Who else eats: ice, half-popped popcorn, the steam from hot cocoa, and/or the souls of the innoc-NO BAGELS!!!
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