October 2021. i lost my grandma. this was hard. it was the first close family death for me.
January 2022. i fell down my stairs and injured my spine.
February 2022. i started pain medicine and physical therapy.
March 2022. the pain was excruciating. medicine and physical therapy weren’t helping. so i had to take a leave from work. i had a spinal injection, which also didn’t help.
May 2022. i had spinal surgery.
June 2022. i had my one month follow up with my surgeon, and lost my job and insurance. my anxiety grew.
July 2022. i got engaged. i applied for state insurance so i could follow up with a surgeon again and start post surgery physical therapy.
September 2022. i finally got state insurance, saw a new primary care physician, and was prescribed zoloft for my increased anxiety and depression due to the events that had unfolded.
October 2022. i started physical therapy. we celebrated my grandmas one year. then our family dog passed away from cancer.
November 2022. i decided to stop zoloft because i didn’t like the way it made me feel. it’s been 9 days since stopping and it’s unlike anything i could have ever imagined. the withdrawal symptoms are really bad for me. i’m having panic attacks. i’m breaking down at random times. my insecurities are chipping away at my confidence. i feel like i’m fighting a never ending battle with my demons. but i know i can get through this. i have to. i refuse to let this tear me down. this has to get better.
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