tim-tamyeoldul · 5 years
Do you have any tips for a FE newbie? Just got Echoes and I feel like i'm leveling up my units wrong or playing it wrong somewhat.
For echoes promote your villagers right away. There is no weapon triangle in that game so do whatever you want with your units.
Take your time. Know where/how your enemy moves and plan accordingly.
Don’t get to discouraged if you screw up, we all do it…a lot.
I’ve only played it once so I can’t say I know all the little details of it.
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tim-tamyeoldul · 7 years
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I’m glad that even after Saijou confessed her feelings for Takeo they were still friends and Takeo does care about her. I wish more guys were like Takeo.
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tim-tamyeoldul · 7 years
AOT Fandom: I can't wait until Ymir and Christa get married. YUMIKURI WAS ALWAYS CANON!!!!
People who've read the manga: *far distance sobbing*
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tim-tamyeoldul · 7 years
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How do you appreciate autumn when summer has been your companion for years? Her crisp breeze is refreshing and different from summer’s intense warmth; Leaves burst into color in autumn, but their dramatic deaths are marred by the memory of green The sun disappears and the days are swallowed by the night in autumn, So is all the hope and love truly gone? Instead, take the time to better understand autumn.
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tim-tamyeoldul · 7 years
To Holy Rome
What good is rebirth when one is already dead? An outreach that grasps nothing But a void of anxious feeling; I remember you - and the idea of you But my loyalty is to them. For they are my sole chance at redemption. My mistakes and foils, things I could never show you, They are the foundation of my house, And you the light sunny air that glitters from the window. I remember loving you, Even if that feeling only stayed - and still rests - with me. I wish you happiness; I wish myself luck. I know this road, my path, is uncertain But I hope our crossroads come again. And this time, not as old lovers, but as new people. But for now, we must grow on. -Italy
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tim-tamyeoldul · 7 years
"Love lives are like Internet Explorer. They're slow when they work, but they also crash. They are really frustrating."
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tim-tamyeoldul · 8 years
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How did we end up here?
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tim-tamyeoldul · 8 years
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Oh my god, they actually did it. I can't believe it's butter. My babe ;-;
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tim-tamyeoldul · 8 years
I can imagine Reiner being 849 AG's version of Shia Lebouf.
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reiner being motivational
what a great guy
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tim-tamyeoldul · 8 years
Letters of Old Love
Привет Alfredvy, it's been to long since I've written to you, da? Tell me, why don't you fight with me at meetings even though we both know we disagree? Why don't you notice my presence unless I'm threatening you? I'm not little Canada, you know. Anyway, about your party two days from now, is it in a warm place? Should I bring anything? Should I bring drinks? Фотка perhaps? Oh, I'm getting ahead of myself. Do you want me to even go to your party? Or is this invite just a coverup so that I won't kill you if I'm not invited? It's snowing day. Just like every day before that. It's so cold here in Russia. You of all people should know that. Still, it fills like only yesterday we were at war. I can't deny I love the way your eyes were focused on me like a hawk, as if I would invade on your soil any minute. Then again, the way you pointed your finger at me for the rise of communism in Korea was a bit rude - though you're not wrong. Ah, it's so cold. It's like any second now the frost will pierce it's way past my skin and into my heart. Your term "frostbite", it seems most fitting in this situation. Still, it dulls into comparison of our sessions. Back when we swore we were nothing to each other and the kisses pressed against each other's lips were full of malice. We were deep in what we called "anti-love" because there was no love to hold us together. Not that there is now, but my nostalgia tends to get the best of me. Still, do you remember times before the war? Of course you do, you can't forget these things yet, especially at your young age. True, Stalin wasn't the best, but our Grand Alliance performed well in the First War. England did well, I admit. He lasted longer than France. Don't worry, I only have eyes for you. До свидания. - Ivan Braginsky [Return to Sender]
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tim-tamyeoldul · 8 years
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How to turn on the Hetalian fandom: "Talk Hetalia to me~" *cue sexy music played by France*
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tim-tamyeoldul · 8 years
I can't believe it's not butter
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tim-tamyeoldul · 8 years
Eren: Agh don't make it gay Armin!
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eren:i hate u jean! jean:shut the fuck up eren! armin:get a room guyz eren:dammit armin jean:probably he`s right eren:WHAT jean:what
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tim-tamyeoldul · 8 years
"Flying is lying with the letter f in front of it."
Admin 2k16
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tim-tamyeoldul · 8 years
Hm, what if she's been trained to say she's 18 because child pornography is illegal in most places, so Kotoko is just an elementary schooler who still remembers her lessons in trying to hide the truth. Either way, it's still stupid how they say she's 18.
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Just to clarify, during the middle of a fight Kotoko said “I’m actually 18″….
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tim-tamyeoldul · 8 years
I never knew listening to the same song in repetition could sound so sad. As if the whole world is in a state of permanent stagnation.
Admin 2k16
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tim-tamyeoldul · 8 years
Shit, I'm Torso, I can't handle competition.
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Amon’s Harem
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