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Some weeks back, I found myself journaling, as I do, to explore the darker paths of my inner universe. It struck me that my work, both personal and as a yoga guide, shines light into these spaces, not so they may be shunned, but rather seen and healed. My Dharma, at its simplest is to be a light. In that moment, a tattoo idea flooded through me. By the magical @sierra_tattoo_art , as usual, this spell from Harry Potter means "Light." A constant reminder. The yellow is a nod to being a proud Hufflepuff. It reminds me there is a light that I hold, even on the darkest days. It shows me what lies within- my inner flame, my sacred life spark. These last seven months have tested me on every level. It has been the most difficult, emotional year thus far, but one of the most transformative. Between my accident, injury, insurance, family, and the lessons that arose, everything was challenged. Everything shifted and continues to flow. My long held shadows flew into open space to be acknowledged. My beliefs, outlook, sense of self, physical and mental endurance, relationship, my hope, patience, yoga practice bent under the weight of it all. Some days, I lose myself in the darkness. Yet time and time again, no matter how difficult, I return to my inner light, refusing to forget its warmth. It is always within, a loving reminder that... Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. ~Albus Dumbledore #tattoo #tattooedwoman #tattooempowerment #femaletattoartist #sierrasunshine1aug #harrypotter #harrypottertattoo #lumos #spell #witch #yoga #yogaphilosophy #yogawarrior #yogaguide #yogageek #recovery #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #shadowwork #personaldevelopment #literarytattoo #inkedwomen #wildwoman #innerlight #bealight #selfreflection #selflove #selfcare #yogaguide #hufflepuff #hufflepufftattoo https://www.instagram.com/p/B0fb6_1hANS/?igshid=llk77tsl9hen
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To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. ~Oscar Wilde It is easy to make excuses for being unkind to yourself. You put up with so much- the harmful self talk, unloving habits, the refusal to stand up and support yourself. For what purpose? In the last year, I have come to realize how essential it is to create a loving relationship with yourself. Yes, support from others is amazing, but what about support from within? You have to be your own best friend, your own parent, your own romancer! Speak to yourself tenderly. Work gently through the shadows and hold your own hand as you heal. Celebrate each high and low equally. Give yourself space to laugh, to cry. To move and rest. To breathe and live. Fall in love with the magic of you ☀️ 📷 By my love @k.siko #yoga #yogawarrior #yogaphilosophy #selflove #selfcare #portrait #earthy #wildwoman #wildling #pagan #nature #recoverytakestime #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #loveyourself #yogateacher #shadowwork #witch #magic #sacredselfcare #meditation #mindfulness #earthchild https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Rqi9kB-Jy/?igshid=107g9vdliwtyd
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Chipotle Lime Black Bean Bowl
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The best remedies on a cold, dreary day 🌧️☕
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so you’ve probably seen the post going around detailing the horrific human rights abuses in what are, undeniably, concentration camps in the US…. accompanied by the suggestion that the only thing you can do is call your senators.
it’s unfathomable to me that someone would see we have actual nazi death camps in our country, and think the solution is writing to the politicians who allowed it to happen.
i have yet to see a post on any social media that has meaningfully helpful suggestions for how to get involved, so:
this article offers a number of suggestions including getting involved with your local chapter of Sanctuary Not Deportation, which connects faith groups to offer sanctuary to immigrants fleeing ICE. it also has a comprehensive list of immigrant-lead organizations to get involved with or donate to, as well as a link to crowdfund for detainee’s phone bills, which allows them to contact their families, legal counsel, and inform the outside world of the realities they are facing in detention.
here is a link for finding detention centers near you. there are many rallies directly outside of these camps you can participate in, and physically going to them is crucial in liberation efforts.
posting bond for detained immigrants is still one of the best ways to get people out of the death camps, even though ICE is increasingly unwilling to participate. the linked article has a list of both federal and state-by-state bail funds/organizations.
host a refugee if you have the room. Room For Refugees is still trying to build a network in the US. keeping people out of ICE’s grip and preventing detention in the first place is the best thing we can do because these camps are becoming more and more impenetrable.
help the legal organizations helping immigrants near you; if you’re anywhere close to NYC the New Sanctuary Coalition needs volunteers/donations, and if you’re on the border get involved with Texas Civil Rights Project.
on top of free legal aid, the NSC specifically also organizes rapid responses to ICE raids, which is one of the most important things you can do – there are many local networks already in place, but here is how to organize a rapid response network if your city doesn’t have one.
one of the easiest things we can all do is learn the rights of immigrants in this country, and how to react to ICE raids. spread this information to everyone you know and keep the toolkit in easy access on your phone.
the only government policy that can make an immediate and tangible impact is municipal policy; push your local politicians to support or build sanctuary city initiatives – here is a toolkit for local political action.
finally, get involved with local antifa and leftist orgs! follow their social media to get updates on calls to action and protests happening near you. i cannot stress enough how important it is to be aware of efforts in your own city. antifa international’s tumblr is one page you can follow, but please research the orgs specifically in your area that are fighting the rise of fascism. the torch network has a list of chapters in several cities around the US, but again this is just a place to start.
i encourage everyone to find at least ONE thing from this list you can do, beyond donating. i know we are all stressed and have our time/energy zapped by capitalism, but if we do nothing, nothing will change. and please share these links wherever you can – copy and paste this post or at least share the first article i linked.
fascism is here, NOW, and we need to step up, because no one is going to invade us to free the camps this time.
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How much do you identify with your beliefs? How much suffering do you experience based on defending what you believe, reinforcing however possible that your words are truth or right. I believe we make this all the time at different levels. Every time we justify something we did or said, every time we feel attacked by what someone else said, every time we feel like having to clarify. It’s part of the nature of our mind to create different structures, patterns and beliefs through which we build the idea of our individual self. Our biggest problem is that we take those structures as if they were a very part of our core. As if the marrow of our existence were rooted in our beliefs and we would become nothing without it. In Yoga philosophy this is called “Asmita”. I observe myself and I see this pattern everyday. I see how much defensive I feel when something I believe to be truth gets threaten. At this point, the observation allows me to see it, to acknowledge it, but it still happens. The beauty of the observation practice is that at some point observation transforms into the power to actually decide how you want to react, from where you want to speak and live. That is why in yoga philosophy it is stated that practice should be done for a long time, with no interruption and with true care. . . . 📸👉🏽 @b.p.wcislo . #selfknowledge #selfobservation #svadhyaya #avidya #asmita #dirghakala #nairantarya #satkara #practicekindnessandcompassion https://www.instagram.com/p/BzbphvFBquG/?igshid=om2vu3xxhg0o
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Kimchi & mushroom stuffed potato cakes / Recipe
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How much of our true self is in our decisions? There are so many layers of conditioning in the way we see the world… We have learnt to like, want and appreciate things according to the roles and circles in which we have grew up. Even the concepts like “goodness”, “beauty”, “balance”, have been learnt at some level. Even when we believe we are trying to “not fit” into society rules, we end up fitting into other rules, other predefine perceptions.
So the only journey I see to be free is the journey inside. And it’s not an easy journey, there are layers and layers to be seen, we go from the dense to the subtle, everyday, becoming a little bit more truthful, less conditioned and more conscious about who we really are, so we become more free. In that freedom we start learning to embrace life with no conditions or preconceived ideas… freedom is the nature of our soul.
#freedom #selfknowledge #selfobservation #svadhyaya #practicekindnessandcompassion https://www.instagram.com/luanafarayoga/p/By5N_IfHJ02/?igshid=1clbigkhqkg41
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strawberries (if you look hard enough) by Liis Klammer on Flickr.
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Vegan Chicken Parmesan Round Up
Vegan Chickpea Parmesan (GF)
45-Minute Vegan Chick’n Parmesan
Easy Vegan Chicken Parmesan
Vegan Chicken Parmesan
Vegan Eggplant Parmesan (GF)
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My heart opens to the magic of transformation. Embracing change in joy and pain, I set my intentions to the space. I trust in this journey, I feel the vibration of my chest. We grow together because we are connected beyond and within. I believe in this light that emanates from your heart which is the same that emanates from mine. May we not be separated by our filters, but united by our songs.
Gratitude blooms from within because I am able to share the medicine that everyday heals my soul, gratitude because we can feel, live, awaken and grow together, because like mirrors we reflect each other helping to remove the veils of our mind and revealing that which makes us one; the light.
Thank you @anandasamsaarayoga for opening your magical space for the Ashtanga Practices. 🙏🏽💕 It was a beautiful first practice today with the light of the sunrise. Looking forward to keep growing together.
📸👉🏽 @b.p.wcislo
#goa #backbend #heartopening #gratitude #practicekindnessandcompassion #selfobservation #svadhyaya #selfknowledge #yogajourney https://www.instagram.com/luanafarayoga/p/BySzw1dnSk3/?igshid=6v2nuiets34y
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Teach children that this is not ok
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The soul is unchangeable. Everything else can be transformed.
#transformation#selftransformation #consciousness #love #yogajourney #practicekindnessandcompassion https://www.instagram.com/p/ByG3jZXHAgV/?igshid=1r0w3zq278syo
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Ultimate Blueberry Scrolls with Blueberry Glaze (vegan)
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Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. ~Carl Jung Last year, I came across a brilliant video by @kellyann_maddox exploring what occurs when emotional triggers arise. Rather than asking, "Why am I doing this?" she encouraged a shift to: What does this remind me of from my past? Such a profoundly simple question catalyzed a massive shift in my self study (svadyaya) and healing. Our reaction to triggers tends to be a defense/coping mechanism that developed in our past. A situation may bring up a familiar emotion or memory that you cannot quite place. Often, there is an Inner Child that needs patience, compassion, and understanding. When I pause to observe a strong reaction, it is usually my Inner Child contracting beneath unresolved pain or trauma. When Awareness has space to explore your consciousness, you offer yourself the support (and perhaps love) you did not receive in the past. You learn to reframe perceptions of self, the world, and others. Most importantly, you give yourself a voice. #yogawarrior #yogaphilosophy #yogalife #yoga #svadyaya #wildwoman #wildling #nature #balasana #childspose #innerchild #mentalhealth #healing #awareness #pagan #selfreflection #selflove #selfcare #carljung #strong #motherearth #yogaguide #compassion #shadowwork #yogapose #meditation #mindfulness https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx-0gsuBw3z/?igshid=geazendbohgy
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