tinygardner · 4 years
all credits go to @guess-im-me​  
im not ready to go...
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we were here. we will remember.
@crankgameplays @markiplier
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tinygardner · 4 years
Reblog if Black Lives Matter to you
Where are those woke white people at!?
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tinygardner · 4 years
 i was in 6th or 7th grade
they are ok about it most of the time i guess
yes, i have dealt with a lot of trauma
major depressive disorder, borderline personality disorder, social phobia (not the same as social anxiety)
yes, i was in a ‘behavioral health hospital’ for a month and a half in 2018 it was weird and scary
listening to music, smoking, engaging with my friends, drawing, stimming
talking about my trauma, major change, and the unknown
its complicated
Dear 11 year old me, its gonna get really shitty but just ask for help. Even if its scary, asking for help will be so much better in the long run
Dear 26 year old me, i hope you’re still here. Please tell me i held on
school is either wonderful or absolutely terrible i have lots of friends
a lot of stimming and suppressing tics. LOTS of dissociating and bottling shit up
yes, it gets hard when i start dissociating or i get stressed
fluoxetine 90mg it only stops my impulsiveness
 no i am not, dating is really hard for me and its hard to open up and trust people
i have 3 siblings, it really depends on whats going on, if im having a breakdown or not
i want to be a cosmetologist or an asl interpreter
Mom and Dad, please just listen to me. Let me explain what im going through and wy i do the things i do
Why me?
Mental Health Questions: 
How old were you when you first started to realize something was wrong? 
How do your parents handle your mental health? 
Have you dealt with any trauma? 
What is/are your diagnosis? 
Have you ever been admitted into a psych ward? How many times? What was it like?
Does anyone else in your family struggle with mental health? 
What are your top five coping skills?
What are your triggers?
Do you have a support system? 
Write a letter to yourself when this all started- Dear ___ year old me, 
Write a letter to yourself ten years from now. 
What is/was school like for you, do you have many friends? 
What does an average day look like to you?
Do you have a job? What is it like working with your diagnosis? 
What medications are you on? Does it seem to help? What are the bad side effects of this medication that you have dealt with? 
Are you in a relationship (romantically)? What is it like to be in a relationship with your disorder? 
Do you have any siblings? How do they handle your mental health? 
What are your dreams? Do you feel like it will be hard to fulfill them due to your disorder? Do you have a plan to accomplish this? 
Write a letter to your parents. 
Ask your own question. 
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tinygardner · 4 years
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When I ask what gives him an ego boost, given that he’s not driven by money or fame, he is so baffled by the idea of his ego needing a boost that he is silent for a full 28 seconds before finally answering, “The work.” [Hadley Freeman, The Guardian]
(September 2nd, 1964)
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tinygardner · 4 years
if you get offended by this statement, YOU ARE THE MEN I AM TALKING ABOUT
TW: lots of ranting below the cut, swearing, and fake doms
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thank you for coming into my safe space and doing this, you do not have conversations like this with an age regresser, i do not use omegle to find caregivers because everyone on there is toxic and disgusting. I used to use it to try and find friends but i have not regressed in WEEKS due to people like this. Both of these are FUCKING TERRIBLE
so lets talk about the first photo
NEVER EVER FUCKING START A CONVERSATION WITH “HI SLUT” it is absolutely fucking disgusting. You do not know me, i have not given you permission to use that name with me and i would not give ANYONE PERMISSION to call me that. That right there is violation of consent, and then when I told them to not call me that and i told them how old i was they went and told me to die. REAL FUCKING MATURE 
alright, now lets move onto the second picture
YOU EARN THE RIGHT FOR ME TO CALL YOU ANY FUCKING HONORIFICS i will not call you daddy (or any variation of said word) until we have gotten to know each other and i feel comfortable around you. NEVER FUCKING REFER TO YOURSELF AS DADDY/MOMMY UNLESS YOU ARE TALKING TO YOUR LITTLE/SUB Jesus fucking Christ you people are so fucking dense and i hate all of you right now.
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tinygardner · 4 years
I don’t really wanna do this anymore
this is me venting, I’m not doing this for sympathy
I’m to fucking tired but i can’t sleep anymore
I’m so fucking hungry but i can’t keep anything down
I want to go to the hospital but my mom doesn’t think i need to
all i can do is lay in my bed and cry
i told myself that next time i fucked up i would stop regressing because it always makes people hate me and not want me
so i guess this is it
im not gonna be as active on here
im gonna sit in my room
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tinygardner · 4 years
i also like this as well because i am an AGE REGRESSOR i use regression to help me cope with past trauma, 
credits to @khitties-nursery for explaining it so well
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Ewwo Angels! Welcome to my age regression blog! I wanted to post this first, to explain some key differences in tagging, sfw and nsfw topics, as well as including my own opinion on age regression and being an “influencer” within the agere community! Please credit me if you repost!
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tinygardner · 4 years
i wanted to repost this because it was really nice and i like the formatting and color 
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This is my do not interact! If you know you support something listed or actively take part within a nsfw community, please do not interact with me! My direct messages are open as well, I ask that you follow the “dos and don’ts” because some stuff does make me uncomfy!
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tinygardner · 4 years
30 day little space “challenge”
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am I a 24/7 little?
no i am not because there are times where it is simply to much for me to be regressed 
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tinygardner · 4 years
Movie Night
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I got to have movie nights with daddy these last three nights and they were so nice!! we watched our movies with Netflix party and sat on the phone too!!!
i got to have my apples with peanut butter and candy AND sprite!!
we watched scott pilgrim, the invader zim movie, a haunted house, and as above so below (except i was to little to watch the whole thing)
but moral of the story....I LOVE MY DADDY
@cullen-0007​  that means you bro 
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tinygardner · 4 years
Little things that make me feel little
♡ Opening things for me like cereal boxes or wrappers
♡ Putting band aids on for me
♡ When someone talks in a baby voice
♡ Pinky promises
♡ Grabbing something for me that’s either really high up or just out of reach
♡ When someone lets me hold their fingers instead of their hand
♡ Being guided by someone
♡ When I’m sitting and my feet don’t touch the ground
♡ Wearing oversized sweaters
♡ Watching children’s movies or tv shows
♡ Coloring
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tinygardner · 4 years
ask me you pussies
Nsft Primal Asks [18+]
1. Are you into predator/prey dynamic?
2. What monster/creatures would you like to fuck?
3. What monster/creatures would you like to be?
4. What does it feel like to be primal? Do you act differently?
5. Do you enjoy making nests?
6. Do you like dressing the part? (Horns/ears/tail/etc)
7. Do you like growling / any other nonverbal communication ?
8. Favourite way to mark your partner/be marked?
9. Size difference?
10. Werewolves or demons ?
11. Do you like breeding?
12. Do you like knotting?
13. What’s your favourite kind of monster cock?
14. Do you like oviposition?
15. Do you like scratching/biting?
16. Do you think it’s hot when your partner is possessive?
17. Any cnc fantasies involving monsters?
18. Tentacles?
19. Do you like feline/barbed cocks?
20. Would you want to be with a monster romantically?
21. What’s the biggest monster you’d fuck?
22. What’s the most uncommon monster you’d fuck?
23. Do you prefer more humanoid monsters or more beastly monsters?
24. Any monster crushes from any media?
25. Do you like a/b/o dynamic ?
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tinygardner · 4 years
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tinygardner · 4 years
My Story (TW)
When i was in the 7th grade i got raped by my best friend at the time
he invited me to his house to watch a movie, we were sitting on his bed and next thing i knew he was on top of me. I didn’t scream, I couldn’t i was frozen i was terrified. Even if i tried to scream, no one was home. It was just the two of us. I still cant bring myself to watch the movie that was playing when it happened
In 8th grade I was in an extremely abusive relationship
she seemed amazing at the time, i asked her out and she said yes and i was so happy. Whenever we would hang out she would always call me horrible names and slurs. She would call me a faggot and a tranny. One day she even pushed me down a flight of stairs. She then told all of my friends that i was manipulative and ruined my friendship with someone i wish i was still close with
Freshman year of high school I was hospitalized
I was in a residential care facility for a month. I missed out on school, show choir, band, and being a part of everything. There were people there that made me scared to sleep at night. My roommate would always scream about how she was going to kill me in my sleep
Sophomore year of high school I was sexually harassed
Another one of my close friends brought me into the school library and tried to kiss me, he then tried to touch me and get me to have sex with him in a school bathroom. The worst part was that the school didn’t press charges because “each time you said no he moved onto a different thing so it wasn’t really sexual harassment” I still have nightmares and panic attacks. 
Two weeks ago someone gave my nudes and snap chat to 3 people
After 7th grade i would reach out to people online to feel good about my body, one of those people sent me a nude that i sent to them in confidence with the caption “broken little slut” The next day at work i had 3 people add me, send me the picture, and then tell me that i had to do what they said or they would post my picture
I come from an amazing family, my parents are accepting and i have a great home life, But this still happened. This is the reason i self harm, this is the reason i hate my life. This is the reason i have trust issues. This is why i am who i am. This is my story. This is not a cry for attention. This is me telling you what i have been through. This is me telling anybody who will listen.
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tinygardner · 4 years
Having a Little With Low Self-Esteem Means...
Reminding them how amazing they are
Not punishing them for saying some self-depreciating 
Never comparing them to another Little (or anyone)
Understanding that they may need lots of reassurance
Reminding them that they do not annoy or bother you
Not getting mad when they don’t believe your complients (They still mean a lot, but it can be hard to accept them somtimes)
Reminding them that you love them inside and out
Understanding that it is not your fault
Telling them how grateful you are to have them be a part of your life
Helping them plan self-care days for the two of you to relax and take care of yourselves
Understanding that they’re going to have bad days, even if they were doing well lately
Reminding them that they are enough
Always having a comfort object on hand (or two)
Talking with them about what they’re feeling and why they feel that way
Being patient with them. Their low self-esteem is not your fault and you did nothing to cause it. They’re trying their hardest but a lot of times they just don’t feel like they are enough. Remember to talk through their feelings with them, and always encourage them to see a professional who can help them work through it and teach them healthy coping mechanisms!
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tinygardner · 4 years
♡ Little Things To Do While You Stay Home™️ ♡
🧸take a bubble bath (so you can stay clean!)
🍯pretend to be a doctor and cure your stuffies of the virus!
🍪start an agere journal (you can have plenty of time to decorate it to perfection)
🍑make your own home theatre with all of your stuffies and snackies. You can even watch your favorite movie!
🧺video call your best little friend or your cg
🧴bake your favorite treat (be careful of hot objects like the stove or oven!)
🧸practice learning a new language. You can even print out kiddie worksheets for your new language to make you feel even smaller while you learn
🍯clean and decorate your room. Turn that corner full of dirty clothes into your own reading/coloring nook!
🍪doodle or write out what your perfect day would consist of whenever you can go outside again
🍑use this time to clean/disinfect your baby gear like pacis, bottles, sippys, and teethers
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tinygardner · 4 years
♡ Rule Ideas For Babies W/o CG’s ♡
Keep in mind, rules are meant to help you be your best self and keep you healthy and happy! You have no obligation to follow these rules, but if you’d like to, feel free!
🧸For Physical Health🧸
Brush your teeth twice a day
Take a shower at least every other day
Drink 3 sippy cups of water every day
Bedtime: 11pm (maybe later on weekends)
Eat at least 2 meals a day
Try to fit in at least 10 minutes of exercise a day
🍯For Mental Health🍯
Make your bed every day
Try to tidy up your room at least once a day
Absolutely no talking bad about yourself!! (Treat yourself how you want others to treat you! You deserve it!!)
Talk to a friend or family member once every few days (isolation can’t be bad for the brain!)
Take about an hour (at least) a day to be baby! It’ll help your brain with all the stress of the day
Take your meds every day! (If you have any that is)
🧺Self Rewards🧺
Extra sweets!
A bubble bath
An hour to do whatever you want to do
A break to watch your favorite little show/movie
🍪Self Punishments🍪
There shouldn’t be any! Love yourself and if you can’t manage to brush your teeth twice a day or forgot to shower, that’s okay. You should just reward yourself when you do the good things, and when you get a little lost, tell yourself “tomorrow’s a new day and I’ll get it done”. It’s all about loving yourself and doing what’s best for you! We’re all rooting for you!
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