We stayed up the entire night because I told you that there was no other word in the English Language that rhymed with purple.
We didn’t find the other word. But at least we found each other.
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What really happens, when you take a walk down galle road?
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Feminism and how it affects the modern society. 
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Why do men watch porn? 
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New blog
Hi all :) I thought it’s high time that I move to a new domain so I won’t be posting in this blog anymore. Make sure to check me out at http://scribeproject.com/
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The theme park was deserted. Her phone started ringing.  ‘I gotta take this.’ she took her phone out. ‘it’s my boyfriend.’ She walked away. Mumbled some words to the phone and came back fixing her hair. ‘Sorry, he can be a real jerk at times.’ ‘But hey,  let’s take a ride in the roller-coaster.’,  She said. ‘No, I’ll pass’ I told her.  I wasn’t in a mood. ‘you’re such a baby. Stop being scared of…
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The longest walk
I regret my choice ;  It hurts letting go,
You heard it in my voice ; I’m sure you know.
Passing the gate; looking back at you,
I put my trust in faith, I hope you do too.
  I am walking the longest walk,
Waiting for your heart to talk.
  (I do not own this poem. I happened to see it somewhere ages back and I did really like it.)
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See your again: Wiz Khalifa (Short Cover) #paulwalkertribute Since everyone is doing things remembering Paul Walker I thought of doing a short cover too. Remember to check it out and tell me what you think of it :)
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Matt Taylor, Feminism and Strippers
Matt Taylor, Feminism and Strippers
Matt Taylor, the scientist who landed Philae on Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko by the Rosetta mission?  No. The sexist guy wore a shirt with a design of bikini-clad women and disgraced himself.
So for a start off,  Feminismis a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, cultural, and social rights for women. This includes…
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What’s not left behind is what you have.
What’s not left behind is what you have.
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“Stop Vandalism!” He sprayed on the clean white wall.
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A guy who doesn’t get women, doesn’t get women because he doesn’t get women.
A guy who doesn’t get women, doesn’t get women because he doesn’t get women.
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Ecstasy http://wp.me/s2Rh1R-ecstasy
“You wanna try the music?”, She grabbed my hand and led me to the next room. I could feel the lights on my face and bass in my ears. There was a lot of blue and I liked it.
We sat down. I could feel it running through my nerves. I felt the tranquility  regardless how loud the music was. It was good to have a hand to hold, and I liked the blue light.
I could feel nothing but happiness. No African…
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“Is she your girlfriend?”, The barista asked me, pouring the milk foam on the cappuccino,  resembling a heart shape.
“Yeah” I said,
“But In a perfect parallel universe where everything happens as we wish.”
He smirked and turned the heart in to a mickey mouse.
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If you were a degree, I’d still be a bachelor. If you were a degree, I'd still be a bachelor.
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