togayforthisshitt · 4 months
philophobia - a marauders x oc fanfic
6.7k words
hi!! okay first off thanks for reading..this is my first ever published anything. I've been writing for a year or two now but haven't really had the confidence to share my writing.
anyways this is a Marauders fanfic with an OC, i tried my best to follow the Marauders timeline, but with limited information, it was kinda hard..if you have any suggestions lmk!!
Chapter One
September 2nd, 1976 - First Day of Classes
The air was cold that morning and grey clouds covered the sky, a normal day in the Scottish highlands. Nephara never woke up early, she liked to sleep in, but the anxiety about the first day of classes had practically pulled her out of bed. She walked around her dorm, hoping to avoid waking her other roommates. They snored and murmured in their sleep, and Nephara tried her best not to giggle at the noises. She made her way over to her trunk and rifled through it, pulling out her uniform and some socks. Lily Evans often pestered her about being untidy and unorganized, but Nephara never truly cared enough to change her ways. She waved her wand around and levitated her books into a small book bag, as she shimmed into her uniform. She admired herself in the mirror as she quickly tied her red and gold, Gryffindor tie. 
Being sorted into Gryffindor as a child from a prestigious pure-blood family was nearly unheard of. Until both Nephara Castiel and Sirius Black became Gryffindors in their first year, to say Nephara's father was not happy with this outcome, was quite an understatement. He sent her a howler the next day going on and on about how she brought dishonor to her family name. She and Sirius just laughed the whole time. 
Sirius Black grew up alongside all the other pure-blood children, including Nephara. They spent the most of their childhoods learning how to become proper pure-bloods. Endless were the days of cotillion and ballroom dancing, both of which Nephara hated. Sirius quite enjoyed the dancing, mostly so he could show off to the other children. After a brief encounter in which Sirius had attempted to jinx Nephara, the two became inseparable. Of course, they were both the targets of each other’s never-ending pranks. After getting sorted into Gryffindor the pair met James Potter, another avid prankster. Slowly, but surely the trio became closer and after some time the trio became a quintet. With Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin joining their prankster ways the group was unstoppable. 
It was now 6th year, and the group was still as close as ever. Nephara eventually made friends with some of the Gryffindor girls, including Lily Evans. James went absolutely mental when they saw the pair hanging out and accused Nephara of stealing his ‘Lilyflower’. Both Lily and Nephara found this rather amusing and continued to hang out just to tease James. 
“Neph, what are you doing up?” A half-asleep Lily sounded from her bed. 
“Getting ready,” Nephara whispered as she finished her makeup. Lily mumbled something about it being too early and then fell back asleep. Neph chuckled and quietly made her way out of their dorm. There was nothing she loved more than the Gryffindor common room. Its warm and cozy ambiance was a stark difference from the cold and dark feeling of where she grew up. She walked down the stairs from the girl's dormitory and into the common room to find a rather excited James Potter sitting on the couch with his quidditch gear on. 
“Bloody hell, Prongs why are you up so early?” Neph said as she walked over to the boy. James turned to her with a cheeky grin on his face, his glasses slightly foggy. 
“First day of school, first day of quidditch practice, pup!” Nephara rolled her eyes, she wasn’t an animagi like the rest of the boys, but they insisted on giving her a nickname all the while. Of course, Sirius was the one who came up with ‘pup’ as he wanted her nickname to be similar to his. 
“Is Sirius up yet?” She said trying to change the subject off of quidditch, knowing James could go on and on about it. James shrugged. 
“Not sure, he was asleep when I got up but that was about an hour ago.” James stood up and stretched. 
“You’ve been up for an hour? It’s only six!” Neph looked at him with a curious look, although she should be used to this by now. James was always a morning person and always will be. He chuckled softly, brushing a hand through his messy dark curls. 
“Quidditch, Neph! Quidditch!” 
“Yeah, I know.” She rolled her eyes with a huff. “I’ll go get Pads then, he’s supposed to be practicing with you right?” 
“Yeah, tell him I’ll be at the pitch waiting,” James said. Nephara nodded and said her goodbyes as James left the common room. With a brisk yawn, Neph started climbing the flight of stairs that led to the boy's dormitory. She knocked on the Maruader's dorm, patiently waiting for a response. After a few seconds, she pulled out her wand, focused it on the door handle, and whispered, “Alohomora.” The lock clicked and she opened the door with ease. 
If Lily Evans got ruffled at Nephara’s mess, she would have a heart attack walking into the boy’s dorm. Clothes were strewn across the floor, along with books, parchment, and candy wrappers. Nephara rolled her eyes at the mess and carefully avoided stepping on dirty knickers. From the bathroom, she heard the shower running and assumed it was Remus. He and James were the only ones out of the group who were productive in the morning. She made her way over to Sirius’ bed where he slept soundly. His longer black hair was tousled and he was spread out over the bed. She laughed softly and then swiftly cast a spell. 
“Aguamenti.” She said with a flick of her wand. Water poured out and onto the sleeping body of Sirius Black. He screamed and shot up out of bed, causing Peter to stir in his own bed. Sirius’ eyes flickered to the figure above him, who had a cheeky smirk across her face. “Morning, love.” She said with a wink. 
“What the fuck, Neph!” Sirius said wiping water out of his eyes. Neph laughed and dried him with a drying spell. 
“Prongs told me to come and wake you. You have quidditch practice.” She said walking over to his trunk, where she knew he kept his quidditch gear. 
“You could have just shook me.” He said getting up from his bed. He walked over to Nephara and flicked her on the head. 
“Oi! Now what fun would that be.” She smirked as she pulled out his quidditch gear. He smiled and grabbed it from her. 
“Thanks, pup.” He said with his signature flirty smirk, Neph only rolled her eyes and went to sit back down on his bed as he changed. Nephara knew he was handsome. Every other student at this school knew that, too. She was sure he knew, as well. Hence the cocky ego and constant flirty remarks. But Neph couldn’t understand why watching him shirtless and putting on a Quidditch jersey had made her nervous. That thought got pushed from her head when the bathroom door creaked open and out walked a half-naked Remus Lupin. 
Both Sirius’ and Neph’s eyes shot to the boy. Who wouldn’t when Remus walked out in only a towel by his waist, hair dripping wet, and fit as ever? Remus noticed the two staring and furrowed his brows. 
“Everything alright?” He asked in his soft voice. After a moment of silence, Sirius laughed and spoke up. 
“Moons you look fit,” Sirius smirked and looked over to Neph who just rolled her eyes. She was trying her best to avoid this conversation and whatever feelings get brought up with it. Remus chuckled and grabbed his uniform off his bed. 
“Morning Nephie,” Remus said as he made eye contact with the girl. She smiled softly at his use of her nickname. 
“Morning Rem,” Remus smiled and made his way back into the bathroom to change. After he left Sirius and Nephara shared a brief look and a laugh. “Does he usually walk out half-naked?” Neph asked as Sirius laced up his trainers. He shrugged. 
“Sometimes. I always forget how fit he is,” He winked at Neph and tried to pull his hair up, unsuccessfully. She gestured for him to come over so she could do it. As she pulled his hair up, Sirius couldn’t help but feel relaxed as her hands ran through his hair. “Must be the werewolf in him.” She nodded and finished tying up his hair. 
“You should get going, Prongs is waiting for you at the pitch.” Sirius nodded and headed out of the dorm. For a few moments, it was silent in the Marauders dorm. Nephara looked around and took in the feel of the room. She loved spending time up here with the boys, drinking, smoking, or planning pranks. Her eyes traveled to the walls which were covered in quidditch memorabilia and a few playboy posters. Sirius had put them up in third year after finding a stash of them in Filch’s office. 
She almost thought she was alone in the room until Peter groaned and got up from his bed. He looked over at Nephara, slightly confused, and then relaxed realizing it was her. 
“Morning Neph.” He said, his voice scratchy. Peter was the last one to join their little group. He was quiet when they first met him, and for a while followed Sirius around everywhere. After some work and lots of late-night talks, Peter warmed up to the group and became close with all of them. He often felt overshadowed by the rest of the Marauders as they were all loud and outgoing, but Nephara always reminded him that he was just as talented as they were. 
“Morning, Pete.” She said with a soft grin. Remus once again walked out of the bathroom this time, fully clothed. He nodded towards Peter and then focused his attention on Nephara, who still sat on the edge of Sirius’ bed. 
“Where’d Pads go?” He asked as he walked closer to the girl.
“Quidditch with James.” She said with a smirk. He chuckled and ruffled her hair. She blushed slightly as he ruffled her hair, she could never get over the butterflies she got when Remus was near her. 
“Have another hour-long conversation about quidditch with Prongs?” His chocolate brown eyes stared into hers. She couldn��t help but feel like he was getting a glimpse into her soul. 
“I was lucky today,” Nephara said getting up from the bed. He smiled and started walking towards the door of their dorm. 
“Breakfast then?” Nephara nodded and from the corner of the room Peter mumbled ‘Wait for me.’ 
Breakfast at Hogwarts was always lovely. In fact, every meal at Hogwarts was lovely. Nephara’s eyes took in the great hall, still astounded by its size and magnificence six years later. Four long wooden tables stretched down the room, each table for a different house. Platters and platters of food sat in each table's center. Any dish imaginable was there waiting to be eaten. With Peter and Remus next to her, the trio walked over to the Gryffindor table, where Lily and Marlene sat. Nephara sat down next to Marlene stealing a piece of sausage off her plate as she did so. 
“OI!” Marlene said as she swatted at Nephara’s hand, but it was too late the food was already in her mouth. Nephara laughed as Marlene flipped her off. 
“Stop it both of you,” Lily grumbled as she watched all of it go down. “No stealing, Neph and Marlene no obscenities.” Marlene and Nephara shared a look and started laughing loudly. Lily simply rolled her eyes and turned her attention towards Peter and Remus. 
“Morning Lily!” Peter squeaked as he helped himself to a serving of pancakes. Lily smiled and started talking to Peter about what classes they’d have that year. Remus remained silent just taking in the first day of school. He watched as Marlene and Nephara bickered over insignificant things, and as Peter kept eating pancake after pancake. 
After a few minutes of peace, the Great Hall doors flew open, and in stepped James Potter and Sirius Black. The pair made their way over to where everyone sat at the Gryffindor table. 
As soon as James saw Lily he screeched out a dreadful, “Lilyflower!” Lily groaned and grabbed Marlene by the hand pulling her up and out of the Great Hall. James sat down at the table with a pout and Sirius was just cackling behind him. 
“I don’t understand why she doesn’t like me.” He sighed dramatically. 
“Maybe because you scream at her,” Remus said with a small smirk on his face. The rest of the marauders laughed. James simply pouted more. 
Sirius now sat on the left side of Neph opposite Remus. He threw an arm around her shoulder, as he usually did. Remus rolled his eyes and went back to reading The Daily Prophet. After eating some food, Sirius turned his attention to the girl next to him. 
“What class you got next?” He asked Nephara. 
“DADA, I think.” She shrugged. Nephara was past the point of caring about school anymore. After five years of hard work and the O.W.L.S. she decided she was done spending hours upon hours doing homework. Sirius groaned. 
“Herbology,” He answered with a scoff, “As if I need to know about plants to become an Auror.” Nephara simply laughed at his dramatics. 
“You and your hatred for nature.” She smirked. It’s not that Sirius didn’t like nature, he enjoyed spending time outside with his friends, but his only problem was nature didn’t like him. It wasn’t his fault every plant he seemed to touch, shirvelled up and died.  
Remus chuckled at the interaction between the two. He was closest to Sirius and Nephara. They had always clicked for some reason or another. They often spent long nights in the astronomy tower smoking and talking. Nephara and Sirius were always there when Remus woke up in the hospital room after a full moon. They loved him, scars and all.
“Moony what class do you have next?” Sirius said while taking a sip from his orange juice. 
“DADA with Nephie.” He grinned, knowing it would piss Sirius off. 
“No fair.” Sirius groaned. “I can’t believe you guys get to spend time together, without me! While I’m wrist deep in the dirt.” 
“Poor Sirius, no one ever gives him enough attention,” Nephara said full of sarcasm. Sirius just simply scoffed, while Remus was dying of laughter. 
Breakfast ended and the group of Gryffindors split up and each went to their first class. Nephara and Remus had DADA with the Hufflepuffs. Sirius, Marlene, and Lily had herbology. James and Peter had Charms. Everyone seemed content with their first class of the day, excluding Sirius and his dramatics. 
DADA was relatively easy for Neph and Remus. As usual, there was a new DADA teacher this year, and Professor Nightshade greeted her class with an air of authority. Remus and Neph took their seats in the back of the class. The pair pulled out their parchments and textbooks, one eager to learn and the other eager to go back to bed. The first classes of the year are always boring and filled with introductions, revisiting past lessons, and going over the materials for the semester. DADA finally finished and Remus and Nephara started the long trek to the Potions classroom. 
Nephara never liked the dungeons, and as she walked through them she thought about how if she was placed in Slytherin her first year, she would walk these dungeons all day, every day. Remus noticed the uncomfortable demeanor right away, as he had a knack for picking up on people’s emotions. 
“You okay, Nephie?” He asked softly as the two continued walking. 
“It’s so sticky down here.” She shuddered, “Like there’s no fresh air, you know?” Remus nodded in agreement. He too found the dungeons stuffy and claustrophobic. Most students did, which is why the dungeon hallways were always empty. It was an eerie thing to walk through them at night, and both Gryffindors were thankful they never had to.
Sirius was already in the potions classroom flirting with some Ravenclaw when Remus and Nephara walked in. He gave the girl a quick wink and sauntered over to his two best friends. Nephara looked around the room with a scoff. 
“I can’t believe we have potions with the Slytherins.” The boys nodded in agreement. It wasn’t that Nephara disliked Slytherins she was friends with a few. There were just a handful of Slytherins, namely the pure-blooded ones she grew up with, that irked her. 
“If it isn’t Black and his little girlfriend.” A rather annoying voice spoke up from behind the trio. They all internally groaned as they turned around to be face-to-face with Evan Rosier and Barty Crouch Jr. After an incident involving Nephara being highly intoxicated and making out with Rosier's girlfriend at a party, the poor bloke never seemed to get over it. In turn, Evan was rather jealous and cruel anytime he saw her. 
“What do you want, Rosier?” Sirius spat as if speaking his name left a horrible taste in his mouth. Seeing Nephara make out with Evan Rosier’s girlfriend had been a right shock to everyone, including Sirius Black. For awhile he couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that his dear sweet Neph made out with someone. Remus hardly cared what Nephara did on her own time, but he too hated Rosier for his attempts to humiliate one of his best friends. 
“Just wanted to see how the blood traitors were doing,” Evan said with a chuckle. Remus knew this would instantly set off Sirius and Nephara so he quickly grabbed them by the arms and pulled them away from the scene. A flurry of ‘Moons’ and ‘Rems’ came from the pair as they were being dragged away. 
“Come on Moony why’d you go and have to do that?” Sirius said leaning up against a table, crossing his arms. Neph followed his stance. 
“Yeah, Moons.” She said her eyebrows furrowed. Remus rolled his eyes, he was practically babysitting two children. 
“Because you two would have hexed him and got detention.” He said firmly. Sirius and Nephara both scoffed, knowing he was right. He was always right.
September 2nd, 1976 - Potions
Potions had always been Nephara’s favorite subject, she enjoyed the long hours of meticulously chopping and stirring. Everything had to be perfect or the potion would fail, and she loved that. For a long time getting the highest marks in all her classes was her only sense of pride and fulfillment. Now though she seemed to have lost her spark for her education. Perhaps it was because she knew it was coming to an end or maybe she just didn’t care. The only exception to the complete lack of effort was potions. 
She stood hunched over her brewing table, not paying attention to the lecture Professor Slughorn was in the middle of. Her thoughts lingered on this morning, the uneasiness she felt when Sirius or Remus got close to her. She thought her brain simply didn’t want to be friends with them anymore. Nephara had always struggled with relationships. Of course, now she had close friends, but it didn’t always used to be that way. 
Growing up in a household with emotionally absent parents, made her not understand the depth of her feelings and the intimacy one can have with other people. In primary school she watched the other children play games at recess. She watched as they became friends, as they grew close. She truly never understood why anyone would want that, in her developing mind she believed that she was the only person she could rely on. 
Her eyes glanced over to Sirius who was playing with his quill. He was focused on it as he twirled it between his fingers. His fingers were adorned with many rings, most from Nephara. Her mind drifted toward the start of her relationship with Sirius. When they first met at a pure-blood event, one Nephara did not care enough to remember, she had hated him. He was loud, pompous, and just annoying. He would often play tricks on other kids, small jinxes here and there. He never dared prank Nephara though, he and all the other children avoided her entirely. Nephara never understood why this was, and she honestly never cared. Having friends was of no importance to her, making top marks and impressing her parents was her only goal. Until Sirius decided to finally prank her. 
June 1970 
Sirius found himself wandering around the Black Manor gardens. His parents had important guests over that night and he was told to stay away from them. The moon was full that night and the stars shone brightly. He sat on the grass looking up into the sky, trying to remember where his constellation was, and where his younger brother’s star was. That was until he heard the garden doors open. 
Nephara was snooping. She had been told to play with Regulus, but she found that to be an abysmal idea, so instead she was exploring every nook and cranny of the Black Manor. Eventually, she found her way to the gardens. She thought they were lovely, but not as lovely as her family's garden. She made her way to the grass when she heard giggling coming from a bush. 
Sirius was in the bush, waiting for the perfect opportunity to use a new jinx he learned. He chuckled to himself as he pictured Nephara Castiel with bright red hair. Unfortunately, Sirius was not as good at sneaking around as he was now. 
“Why are you in a bush?” Nephara asked him. 
“Uh I’m not in a bush,” Sirius replied from the bush. Nephara scoffed, unamused by this boy’s antics. 
“Do you think I’m daft?” She reached her hand in the bush and rather aggressively pulled out Sirius. 
“Oi!” He protested as her hands firmly grasped his wrist. She let go and Sirius dusted himself off with a fowl look on his face. “You’ve ruined it!”
“Ruined what?” She asked. He then smirked as he realized the bush truly had no key part in his plan.
“Colorvaria!” He said. Nothing happened. Nephara’s eyes widened and she started laughing. “What! What is it!” Sirius asked her confused by her sudden fit of giggles. 
“Your hair! It’s red!” Sirius practically fainted. His hands ran through his hair frantically, trying to understand what went wrong with his spell. “You said it wrong.” 
“What?” Sirius said still in shock that his hair was bright red instead of hers. 
“The spell, it’s colovaria, not color varia.” 
September 2nd, 1976 - Potions
Nephara chuckled to herself as she remembered the foolishness that went down on that day. Sirius looked at her confused. 
“What’s so funny, pup?” He whispered, making sure Professor Slughorn wouldn’t hear him. Remus then shot the two a fierce glare, silently warning them to stop talking. 
Neph ignored Remus and said quietly to Sirius, “Just remembering when we became friends.” Sirius grinned ear to ear, that memory was truly fond to him, and he often liked to look back upon it. 
“The only time one of my pranks failed.” He said dramatically putting his hand over his heart. Nephara rolled her eyes, a constant occurrence when you’re friends with Sirius Black. 
“Could you lot please shut up,” Remus whispered aggressively to the pair. Unluckily for the trio Professor Slughorn picked up on this conversation, and was now at his wit’s end. There was nothing more he hated than talking during his lectures. 
“Miss Castiel, Mr. Lupin, and Mr. Black!” The professor said storming over to their table. The three froze and directed their attention towards their professor. 
“Yes, Professor?” Nephara asked innocently, knowing that if anyone was to get out of punishment it was her. Sirius scoffed at this ‘innocent’ ploy, which subsequently earned him a nudge in the side. 
“Was your conversation so important that you had to interrupt my lecture?” Professor Slughorn asked looking between the trio. 
“In fact it was Professor!” Sirius spoke up. Remus and Nephara both groaned at Sirius's comment, knowing it would surely end up with them all getting detention on their first day. 
“Detention! All of you!” He said and then stormed off to continue his lecture. 
At lunch, Neph had opted to sit next to Remus as she was furious with Sirius for getting them all detention on their first day. James and Peter were talking about how their first classes went, and who was in them. James was especially excited when he found out Lily was in his DADA class. 
“And then Lily walked in, and I swear my heart stopped!” James said throwing his hands over his heart. Peter snorted.
“You're leaving out the part where she told you to bugger off,” Peter said, picking up some food from his plate.
“She might have said that, but she would never truly mean it,” James responded in a way that made him sound like he thought he knew about Lily’s true intentions. Sirius just slapped James on the back playfully, while completely egging him on in his delusions. 
Across the table, Remus and Neph were talking about their upcoming detention. Remus mentioned something about the last time he and Sirius got detention and how it ended up with them being stuck in the trophy room for two hours cleaning trophies. 
“I can’t believe him! Purposely sassing Professor Slughorn, fully knowing it would get us all in trouble.” Neph said as she viciously stabbed her salad. Remus looked at her salad and felt a moment of pity for it. 
“Promise me you won’t attack him like you're attacking your salad?” He said with a soft chuckle. 
“I will make no such promises, Rem.” Remus smiled at her, simply amused, “Besides he needs to know I won’t put up with him dragging us into his self-centered bullshit this year like he did last year!” Remus frowned slightly, remembering the incident Nephara had mentioned. Neph noticed the look on his face, and guilt washed over her. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have brought that up.” She said avoiding eye contact with Remus. 
His scarred hand found its way to Nephara’s shoulder. The touch jerked Neph out of her head, and into the spot where his hand lay. It was comforting, Remus was always comforting.“It’s okay.” he said, his voice soft. She looked up at him, he had a stupid grin on his face. Her eyebrows furrowed.
“And what exactly is so funny to you, Moons?” She huffed. 
“It’s cute when you get all in your head about something that’s not important.” He said softly, his hand still resting on her shoulder. Neph tried to ignore how he called her cute, and focus on the part where he said the incident wasn’t important. 
“Rem, it was a big deal though.” He sighed.
“I know, I just meant you don’t need to worry about bringing it up and upsetting me. That’s not a big deal.” His hand that was resting on her shoulder, picked up a loose strand of hair and twirled it lightly between his fingers. Remus wasn’t fully aware of what he was doing, but Nephara was. It was strange, if any of her other friends randomly started playing with her hair she would probably freak out, but not Remus. She stared into his brown eyes and the scar that went down his face. 
From across the table, Sirius was fuming. He watched as Remus played with Neph’s hair, and how she didn’t seem to mind. He wasn’t sure where this anger was coming from, he loved Neph and Remus, but he couldn’t help but feel left out. 
“Pads?” James said as he slightly nudged Sirius. Sirius turned his head towards James. His face was confused and still visibly upset after watching Nephara and Remus. “Did you hear what I said, mate?” 
“No, sorry,” Sirius said quickly. James chuckled and repeated what he said. Sirius put on his usual facade of being content and charming, hoping that it would push out the odd feelings of jealousy that had arisen earlier. 
September 7th, 1976 - noon
The library was empty that day, except for a group of 6th years who were delving deep into the intricacies of their latest read. Hanging out with Sirius constantly can become a little draining, so finding a way to balance out this perpetual source of energy, Nephara’s Saturday mornings were spent cozied up in the library discussing books with  Lily and Remus. Their current book was a fascinating insight into the beginnings of philosophy in the ancient world. Nephara found herself craving mental stimulation and intellectual conversations, which thankfully Lily and Remus were more than capable of providing for her. 
They sat in a circle of sorts in the corner of the library. Lily had opted for a comfy chair, while Neph and Remus sat across from her on an old leather couch. The library had to be one of Nephara’s favorite places in the castle. It smelled of old parchment and spilled ink. Any and every book from Wizard kind could be found in the Hogwarts Library. She often found herself sneaking in late at night to borrow a book or two from the restricted section. Permitting Peeves was in a good mood. With the book in her lap, and her hands wrapped around a warm cup of tea, Nephara felt at peace. She listened as Lily rambled about Marcus Aurelius and his meditations. 
Remus wasn’t listening to Lily, all his focus was on Nephara and how content she looked. He remembered when they were younger and Nephara was always on edge. She was always doing something, busying her mind, never once relaxing. Classes, homework, studying, prank planning. It never ended, and he often worried for her. 
Today seemed better though, her mind seemed at ease. He watched her subtle movements and today they seemed peaceful. Her breath seemed slow and her body relaxed. Remus relished in this part of his Lycanthropy, being able to notice the small changes in mood or behavior greatly helped him to become closer with his friends. He learned their signs and he learned what to do when they appeared. 
Nephara sat her cup down and brought her legs up to her chest. Something Remus noticed she only did when she was completely enthralled by something. Most often this would be books or muggle music, but sometimes it was with him. He noticed how when he talked about his passions she always listened, she more than listened, she was utterly engrossed by him. 
“Rem?” Nephara said, and Remus noticed both her and Lily were staring at him. He chuckled nervously and ran a hand through his hair. 
“Sorry, what was that?” He asked, hoping neither Neph nor Lily noticed what was distracting him. 
“I was wondering if you wanted to come to Hogsmeade with Marlene, Peter, and me,” Lily asked him while putting away her books. Remus shook his head with a soft smile
“Thanks, but I was thinking of staying indoors today.” Lily nodded and left the group, to join Marlene and Peter. The silence between Nephara and Remus was often, and comforting. It was something they were used to by now, something they looked forward to. Nephara yawned and rested her head on Remus’s shoulder. 
“Are you sleepy, pup?” He said with a soft chuckle. 
“A little.” Nephara sighed. “But Sirius and James are waiting for us.” Remus wanted so desperately to just spend the entire day with Nephara in the library. Although he’d never tell her that, so he sighed and gently pushed her head off his shoulder. He got up from the couch, offered a hand, and hoisted her up. 
September 7th, 1976 - half past noon
James and Sirius sat in the Gryffindor common room satisfied with their work. After a couple of hours of decorating and rearranging, the two had turned the common room into the perfect place for their annual back-to-school party. They turned their heads as the portrait to the common room swung open and in walked Neph and Remus. Nephara’s eyes lit up as she took in the work the boys had done. 
“Pads, Prongs it looks amazing!” She said walking over to the boys. Sirius got up and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
“Of course it does!” He said with a smirk across his face. James and Nephara laughed while Remus just shook his head. James showed Neph all the things he had set up for the party, and Remus, and Sirius sat down on the couch. 
Remus watched Sirius as he watched Nephara, he seemed completely entranced by her. It reminded him of himself just moments ago in the library. He could tell her loved her, but more importantly, he could tell that Sirius was in love with her. Remus surmised that he was the only one aware of this, he was sure not even Sirius could understand the depth of his emotions towards the girl. 
“You’re staring,” Remus said quietly to Sirius. Sirius turned to look at him with a small smirk on his face. 
“What mate?” He said with a soft chuckle. Remus chuckled and patted Sirius on the back. 
“You’re watching, Neph, mate.” He said, his hand not leaving Sirius’s back. Sirius scrunched his face. 
“So?” Remus only chuckled in response. Sirius scoffed, after putting Remus’s vague words together, “It’s not like that.” He subconsciously leaned back into Remus’s touch. “I mean, she’s great. Don’t get me wrong. She’s just Neph, mate,” He paused, his eyes darting back to the girl, who was now wrapping James up in streamers. “Even if I did, which I don’t, she’s closed off in that way. Romantically.” 
Remus nodded, he knew what Sirius meant. Nephara had never once been in a romantic relationship, at least not one that required genuine emotional vulnerability. She had flings here and there, hookups mostly. Neph told Remus a lot about her sexual escapades, but never once did she mention having romantic feelings for them. 
“She’s just like you in that way.” He said his voice growing somber as he spoke. Sirius nodded in agreement. 
“She is.” He said with a chuckle. The conversation quickly ended when Nephara helped a streamer mummy that was previously James waddle over to the pair. 
“I’m a mummy!” James mumbled underneath a copious amount of red streamers. 
“I was thinking of just leaving him like this, ought to help with the incessant need to talk about Lily.” Nephara joked and James muttered a few choice curse words. Remus and Sirius laughed and agreed with Neph. 
“Wormy’s getting the drinks while he's in Hogsmeade, right?” Sirius said as Remus’s arm was still around the back of the couch, slightly touching his shoulder. Neph nodded as she helped unravel James from the streamers. 
“That’s what he told me this morning.” Her eyes flickered over to Sirius and Remus on the couch, who were close together, but in the end, she thought nothing of it. She too was touchy with both boys. 
“Seems everything is ready then,” James said, now free from the confines of red streamers. “I think I’ll head to the prefect bathroom and take a bath.” James was not a prefect, far from it actually. Lily and Remus had been chosen as Gryffindor’s prefects this year. Remus being the generous friend he is, told the marauders the password to the pristine bathrooms at the start of term. 
Neph and the remaining boys said their goodbyes to James as he walked through the fat ladies’ portrait and out of the Gryffindor common room. Feeling slightly left out Nephara decided to nudge herself between the two boys on the couch. Neither of which had any complaints. 
“Aww did you miss me pup?” Sirius said as she sat in between him and Remus. Neph scoffed. 
“Hardly, I miss my precious Moony.” She said overdramatically. Remus laughed and ruffled the girl's hair with the arm that was touching Sirius’s shoulders. Sirius rolled his eyes in response. 
“Jealous, Pads?” Remus said with a wink. Sirius was jealous, he knew that much. He was unsure exactly what he was jealous about though. Was it Nephara calling Remus precious, or the way Remus’s arm left his shoulder to touch Neph? It was all so confusing, and he honestly had no clue what to make of any of it. Remus being the sensitive wizard he was, picked up on the change in Sirius’s emotions. He noticed how he went from being playful to feeling bitter about something, he assumed it was about Nephara. 
Neph was oblivious to this silent exchange and was just enjoying time with her best friends. She felt safe between them, and honestly never wanted to leave either of their sides. The three sat in the empty common room in comfortable silence. Most students were at Hogsmeade or spending time roaming the castle, it was nice to have the common room all to themselves. Nephara looked and Remus and then at Sirius and smiled at both of them. 
“I love James and Peter, but I like it when it’s just us sometimes.” She spoke softly, her hand absentmindedly going to fiddle with the rings on Sirius's fingers, the rings she had bought him. Sirius smiled at the soft touch she was giving him. 
“Why’s that, Nephie?” Remus asked, his long arm still stretched around the back of the couch, his fingers once again finding their way into Nephara’s hair. She contemplated this question. Sirius smiled when he saw that look in her eyes, the look she only gets when she’s truly focusing on something. He made eye contact with Remus who was noticing the same thing, and the two shared a smirk. 
“In a way it’s always calm. Even when it isn’t, it is. I think mostly because you even us out, Rem.” She said, and Remus smiled. 
“She’s right Moony, you cancel out our energy with your calmness.” Sirius chuckled softly. Remus did everything in his power not to blush on the spot, there’s nothing more he loved than feeling appreciated by his two closest friends. 
September 15th, 1976 - Slytherin Common Room - 6 PM
The Slytherin Commons were incomparable to any other houses. The dungeons provided a sense of exclusion and mystique that correlated with the Slytherin aesthetic. The common room was large, made completely out of stone, and located underneath Hogwarts. It was decorated head to toe in elegant and expensive furniture, with large windows providing views directly into the murky black lake.
Regulus Black sat on a fine leather couch talking to Evan Rosier. He found Evan dimwitted and rather dull, but who else was he supposed to converse with? Barty Crouch Jr? Certainly not. Avery, Mucilber? They were bigger fools than Rosier and Crouch combined. Unfortunately, Slytherin was lacking in sophisticated pure-bloods, and as each year passed their ranks filled up with more and more muggle-born students. 
Then there was Severus Snape, perhaps one of the only intelligent people in Slytherin, besides Regulus. However, he found Snape to be a sad excuse for a man with his capabilities. Regulus thought how pitiful it was to be Snape, being ridiculed by Gryffindors, and then having his one friend taken away because of James Potter’s bullying. Perhaps he would make a good servant, someone loyal, who had a known hatred for blood-traitors like James Potter. 
“What do you think about Snape?” Regulus asked Evan, quickly interrupting whatever the boy was talking about. Evan’s eyes shot over to Snape and then back to Regulus’s.
“Why?” He scoffed, almost disgusted that Regulus would ask such a question. 
“He’s smart, and could prove useful,” Regulus spoke in his usual air of confidence. Of course, it was hard not to be confident when you were surrounded by people like these. Evan shrugged. 
“He’s..just hard to look at.” Evan shuddered, “But, I suppose that doesn’t matter. I’ll send a letter to my father and see what he says. You’ll have to vouch for him, Black. Are you capable of taking all responsibilities for him?” Regulus contemplated for a moment, he saw no reason why Snape wouldn’t want to join. He lacked power, something the Dark Lord could provide. Regulus felt Snape might be someone who craved the fear or respect of others, especially those who wronged him. Those like his brother and James Potter. 
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