top-floor-boss · 12 days
I want to live, but I don't see the point in it. The happy moments are incredibly brief. Meanwhile, the all-consuming sadness, disappointment, emptiness, fear, seems almost constant.
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top-floor-boss · 12 days
im living in a body that keeps on fighting to survive with a mind trying to die
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top-floor-boss · 18 days
anyway she broke up w me i didn’t really care but i still miss my ex for some reason and its making my chest feel so heavy i fucking hate love its so much bullshit and nonsense i don’t get it
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top-floor-boss · 1 month
being in love is so cool i just get anorexia for no reason :3
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top-floor-boss · 1 month
another try at love it is, hoping it doesn’t destroy me >_<
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top-floor-boss · 2 months
just ate a kebab so good it might cured my depression
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top-floor-boss · 2 months
fuck all that in the end i was never really loved, getting manipulated used and lusted over aint that cool i give up until someone that brings back my love appears (im gonna get attached too fast and they’ll leave anyway)
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top-floor-boss · 2 months
I don’t want to be alone again but everyone is leaving me behind again. Im so tired im not sure if i even want to be social again i feel like i wouldn’t be able to keep a conversation with anyone
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top-floor-boss · 2 months
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top-floor-boss · 2 months
All I do is ruin shit and I wish I had the courage to kill myself bc everyone will be better off without me
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top-floor-boss · 2 months
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top-floor-boss · 2 months
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top-floor-boss · 2 months
It's gotten to the point where i lack motivation for anything except self destruction
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top-floor-boss · 2 months
looooll my biggest streak on i am sober was the time we were together idk why i even keep using that app
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top-floor-boss · 2 months
nooooo mom you don't understand it's called being a based thighpilled cutmaxxer not an addiction mom
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top-floor-boss · 2 months
I just have nothing there’s nothing left im again at my lowest after she healed me so much im just back in this hole deeper than before and i can’t do anything about it i don’t have the energy to do anything i just sleep during the day and stay awake during the night and watch series the other day i was ready to end it all but didn’t do anything because im so much of a pussy i even resorted to writing to get something out of my chest but it barely did anything she’s not coming back she doesn’t care anymore and im tired i hope i die in my sleep so i can at least go peacefully or see her one just last time before going
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top-floor-boss · 2 months
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