tortured-sunlight · 2 months
i wouldn't wish unrequited love on my worst enemy.
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tortured-sunlight · 2 months
i've got a tree in my lungs.
you planted it the day we first talked. i'm not sure how, considering the distance, but i can feel it and i know it's you.
its roots have steadily grown and taken hold of my heart and brain. i feel them tug painfully when i am reminded that we could never be together.
though they hurt me so, i water them every single day with thoughts of you. i could never reject a gift from the one i love. i am at your mercy.
please, moon, hold me one more time. hold me and pretend you don't feel how my heart beats in sync with your breath.
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tortured-sunlight · 2 months
sometimes, i think about telling you.
about finally opening my mouth and letting my heart fall out of it's permanent residence in my throat.
and then i think, what a selfish thought. how could i throw away our perfect utopia for some pathetic feelings.
nothing i've ever felt is worth losing you over. i would happily cry until i could no longer breathe if it meant a moment longer in your company.
forgive me moon, i seem to be saying the strangest things. please, tell me about this girl you like.
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tortured-sunlight · 2 months
I live for the moment those perfect lips curl into that perfect smile..
My heart skips a beat.. time stands still.. my world stops spinning..
I’m transfixed, you’re like a work of art, a masterpiece painted by angels in heavenly light..
Every minute detail etched into my memory, replayed over and over again..
The sound of your voice.. like an heavenly orchestra in a world filled with noise..
The laughter, brightens up my world like a thousand burning suns..
The sparkle in your eyes, like an aurora lit up by millions of dancing stars..
You are the very definition of beauty, the epitome of perfection..
The stars can crash into earth, the moon can disappear, the sun can burn out into oblivion..
I’m oblivious to the world, to life, my darling, when you are around!
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tortured-sunlight · 2 months
I think about you a lot.
All the time, actually.
In the morning, at night,
in the middle of my day. It's you.
It's just always you.
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tortured-sunlight · 2 months
falling in love with the moon is a horrid affair.
it watches over you lovingly in the night. it cares deeply for you, but the love you feel isn't that of friends sharing a smile. it's that of a fire, so bright and hot it makes even the most tenacious recoil.
the moon only looks at you, pityingly. you try to get words out and all that emerges are hot, wet tears.
feeble sun. so far away from the one you love, and yet you still cling to them. when will you learn.
you were born to be alone.
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