Total drama Parent Au Part 3: ⚠️This idea is not going to make sense at all but I just wanted to throw it out there⚠️
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So if anyone had to be Scary girl Mom it would 100% be Dawn since they look similar (making a bet Dawn gene is dominant) and Scary girl hair is dyed so it possible that she can have blonde hair but then I was thinking who can be her dad? It going to be hard to figure out If Dawn genetic is dominant so I tried to do it based on personality. (Btw i picked the guys she interacted with the most on her team)
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Option one is Scott: I mean Scott does like to scheme and cause trouble just so he can win while Scary girl tries to hurt her teammate to hear them scream so it would make the most logical sense. Though Scott is only is like this because he wasn’t held enough as a child, if that the case he would definitely do his best to be better then his parents were and to make sure Scary girl wouldn’t turn out like him but end up failing I also think he would be afraid of Scary due to how extreme she can be. (I can imagine this would cause Dawn and Scott to a lot argue since they would both would blame each other for her behavior)🦊
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Second Option is B: Tbh I feel like B wouldn’t be her biological dad and no it doesn’t have to due with skin color, like I mentioned before if Dawn genetics are more dominant then it wouldn’t matter what the father eye color, skin color or hair color is since in the end she would look like Dawn (unless she a natural brunette). The only reason I think B wouldn’t be her biological dad is because he give more stepdad vibe. I feel like if this was the case Scary girl Dad would of never been in the picture to begin with leading B to become as her new father figure which he does a good job since his silence make her feel comfortable and safe. (Dawn and B would have a normal quiet relationship where their love language is action due to B still not speaking)🐻
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Last option is Lighting: Both him and scary girl have a few thing in common, they are very athletic, their both are extremely strong and They can get angry/violent when someone offends them. Lighting definitely would teach her self defense move and sign her up for gymnastics as a sport. Also Lightning calls Dawn Creepy girl all of the time so it wouldn’t be surprising if he gave Lauren the nickname Scary girl, But despite her behavior Lighting would still care about her and wouldn’t judge her behavior unless it damage his reputation which hasn’t happened.⚡️ (Dawn and Lighting would have a good relationship, I like to believe they would have a Yin Yang relationship)
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(Btw this is just a random idea you don’t have to take seriously but I do think if Dawn was her mom scary girl would have mommy issue due to how different they are and Dawn not approving of Scary girl violence)
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Total drama Parents Au Part 2: (Btw even though I think they could be their kid doesn’t mean their personality have to be the same all the time, as for feature I try to see who could have the dominant gene or their facial feature can give me a hint unless in the end I believe their adopted , test tube, donor babies or niece/nephew)
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Katie is definitely Raj mom and Sadie is definitely Wayne Mom, it would make sense since Katie and Sadie were childhood and dress up the same their son’s would be be childhood friends as well and dress similar to. (Katie and Sadie probably had sperm donor or but if they did have husband they probably sign Raj and Wayne up for hockey) since I don’t t🏒🥌
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Honestly I feel like Millie would be Leshaniqua Daughter But Leshawna and Harold would definitely be her babysitter from time to time (I like to believe she calls them uncle and aunt but also would be closer to Harold).🗒️
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So I know a lot of people believe Geoff and Bridgette would be Emma parents (I believe it to) but I wanted to mix it up and throw the idea of Tyler and Lindsay being her parents instead. I mean Emma did mention how a tree fell on her mom which not only caused her to become crippled but to call Emma Jeff, Lindsay alway end up forgetting people name so it wouldn’t be surprising if she forgot her daughter name at one point in life. Also Tyler is athletic so that probably explain why Emma athletic as well since he could of taught her a-lot about sport. 💐
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Chase would definitely Alejandro and Heather son! He has both of their feature and a little bit of their personality combined. I like to think Alejandro and Heather would spoil him rotten and make him think he better then everyone causing Chase to grow up a bit of a narcissist.(also it a fun idea to think that heather kid would date Lindsay kid would date each other and have a bad relationship like their mother had a bad friendship)🚘🔥
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Emma and Noah are 1000% Mk parents, she look like Emma but she got Noah personality which is a perfect mix. I can imagine that Kitty got Mk her first phone and taught her everything about technology which is why she is so Tech-savvy📱
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So I been seeing a lot of Total drama Parents Au and I wanted to throw in some of my idea! (Btw even though I think they could be their kid doesn’t mean their personality have to be the same all the time, as for feature I try to see who could have the dominant gene or their facial feature)
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I feel like sky and Dave could be Zee parent but Sky has 100% custody of Zee🦿
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Stephane and Ryan would definitely Caleb parents since he has their features (I think he Wear blue eye contact because Justin is his role model and want to be just like him in the future or Justin could be his adoptive father)🏋🏾‍♂️
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Jasmine and Shawn could be Nichelle parents since she look like a little like Jasmine and she could of dyed her hair to look like Shawn a bit✨
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Blaineley would 100% be Julia Mom and probably would of spoiled her rotten💄🤳🏼
Owen and Izzy would definitely be Ripper parents….He like both of their worst qualities combine🌯
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Sooner or later I would write some head-canon about the total drama 2023 cast relationship with their parents and what there childhood could of been like. I also might how each of the Og cast are like as parents 🏝️
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