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“No More Nightmares” jar.
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I was asked to do a anti-nightmare bottle, which is something that I have for periods of weeks on end sometimes, that keep me from sleeping well because I have that many nightmares (it’s literally either amazing sleep or no sleep because nightmares for me.)
So, first I want to say, this is 100% not a replacement for medical or professional help, never ever take it as this. 
I also want to give some other tips along with the bottle to help with nightmares for me–
If I find myself having nightmares a few nights in a row, I strip my bed completely and wash everything, including pajamas (this was a tip given to me by @thistletongue I believe!) 
ground yourself and center yourself (how to do these things here and here) sometimes you really need to get yourself all back together to sleep well. I also 100% recommend this after doing any kind of spells or anything that’s going to take your energy.
Okay! On to the bottle! I am going to give a list of what I used in mine, and a few additional things you can add or use in place of things if you don’t have them! 
None of these things should be difficult to find, I had almost everything in my spice rack, and what I didn’t I picked up for only a little over $1 at the grocery!
sea salt - for protection
rosemary - for sleep, protection, and mental power
spearmint - for sleep protection
chamomile - purification and sleep
cloves - drives away negativity 
Other –
thyme - for a dream free sleep (if you are like me and would rather just not have any dreams, rather than have nightmares)
lavender - peaceful sleep
Each layer you do, focus your intent for what each represents.Take your time, speak it out loud if it helps you. It helps me to speak out loud, over and over until I feel like I am sure. 
Remember, there is power in your words! Speak those words and that intent into the universe! 
After you’re finished, cork your bottle, and seal it with wax if you’d like! I used a blue wax because it is a color I associate with calmness and peaceful sleep. 
After, focus on the whole bottle and the purpose of it– to ward away nightmares and to have a peaceful, sound sleep. I find it helpful when going to bed, to sort of envision forming a light, white energy bubble sort of thing around me, sort of protecting me from negativity and nightmares. 
I would sleep with the bottle (given it was a small one like the one I made) in my pillowcase, opposite of the side I sleep on, if not, somewhere close like on a nightstand should do just fine!
If nightmares continue, I would cleanse my home, and definitely talk to your doctor about it. Sleep is very important, and shouldn’t be sacrificed! 
Sleep well, babies!
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Sleep Protection Spell Jar
A jar spell to help protect you during your slumber and keep negative entities and dreams at bay.
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You Will Need:
💤 Bay Leaf (bring positive spells, empowers spell) 💤 Sea Salt (general protection, cleansing) 💤 Cinnamon (general protection) 💤 Sweet Grass (general protection) 💤 Sage (general protection, peaceful sleep, prevents nightmares) 💤 Rosemary (prevents nightmares, protection during sleep) 💤 Rose Buds/Petals (protection) 💤 Spearmint (general protection) 💤 Lavender (sleep, good dreams, peace) 💤 Chamomile (peaceful sleep, prevents nightmares) 💤 Mullein (prevents nightmares, protection during sleep, keeps nocturnal demons at bay) 💤 Jar 💤 (optional) Sigil for protection or nightmare prevention (or both)
💤 Cleanse and wash out your jar before doing this spell. Make sure it is well dried.
💤 Inside in layers place your herbs, the order is unimportant. Do what feels right for you.
💤 Once it is full at the top if you are using a sigil add in the sigil or draw it on the lid.
💤 Screw on your lid tightly
💤 To seal the spell you may use wax (preferably light blue or white or black), an energy seal, a sigil, tape, or anything else that you feel will work for me. I used an energy seal placed with a kiss for mine.
💤 Place beneath your bed to bring you protection each night you sleep and keep negativity and negative entities at bay while you sleep.
💤 Cleanse and charge in the light of the full moon every month before placing back under bed.
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you do know that when jewish and romani people say “never forget” we mean “learn about the holocaust so you can recognize the warning signs of facism and genocide” not “repeatedly bring up the holocaust whenever anything bad happens and exploit our pain and trauma to make people care about your cause” and when we say “never again” we mean “take action to prevent any stage of genocide on any scale by any means, hold collaborators responsible and don’t be complicit” not “only care about genocide when it’s too late”, right? or did you think it was just a fun catchphrase?
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Tarot Hacks
(DISCLAIMER: I didn’t invent most of these, just accumulated a lot from across the internet amongst other resources)
When something isn’t going your way: find The Wheel of Fortune, the cards on either side are the solution to the problem
To bring wealth; shuffle then pull the 1st, 5th, 10th, 20th, and 50th cards
When a romantic relationship is turning rocky; shuffle and find The Lovers, the cards on either side are the root of the problem
When you need to make a decision; shuffle, then find the 2 of Swords, the cards on either side are the different outcomes
When you’ve done fucked up shuffle then find The Fool, the cards on either side are how to fix the problem
Make a wish and draw a card
To get a glipse at your future; find your birth cards, then check out the cards laying underneath
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