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By popular request, and my brain kinda hyper fixating on these two recently, here's a bunch of Tracks and Raoul art
extra rambling about stuff and comic projects ↓↓
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This a kinda final fun thing I'm doing before getting back to drawing the comic, these two don't appear for a few issues, so might as well draw lil them now
Thanks for all the nice comments and asks, all of them, not just the ones related to these two. Getting stuff like that legit makes me so happy. Even if I don't respond, I read all of them, and I appreciate it all.
I'm also surprised how much attention my stuff related to Tracks and Raouls gets. I see so little of them in fandom that it's surprising that they somehow became my most requested character to draw, but I'm not complaining.
Hopefully, I will have the comic done sometime in early July, but no promises.
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An incredible piece of artwork that I commissioned from @blitzy-blitzwing of Orion from my Those Abandoned AU. Thanks again, he looks gorgeous!
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Sorry I haven’t posted in a long time, lots of life stuff has come up, and I’m in the middle of reworking the story of Diverge so I can actually give some concrete stuff to post, I’ll try to make more stuff for this as soon as I can!
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transformers-diverge · 4 months
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(Click for better quality)
Finally finished the Elita crew lineup! The lore for them is that they are some of the Autobot that got left behind by the Ark, so now they deal with the Decepticons on Cybertron while not knowing what happened to the Ark. Now for some facts about them:
Moonracer is by far the youngest of the group, and was relatively sheltered from the war by her creators until her city was bombed, after which she was picked up by Elita and taught how to defend herself. Her alt mode is a moon buggy, and her design was based on 1950’s diner uniforms and chinchillas (I wanted to start giving each bot an animal base for more design flourishes)
Chromia is Elita’s right hand woman, and takes her job (and everything else) very seriously. She can be cold and blunt, but she just misses her old life as a energon farmer with her conjunx Ironhide, and doesn’t want to see anyone else she cares about get hurt. Her alt mode is probably a Cybertronian pickup, and her design is based on knights and rhinos
Elita is the leader of the group, and basically the leader of all the Autobots on Cybertron while Optimus is on earth. She used to be Ariel the dockworker until and accident had her, Orion, and Dion reformatted into Elita 1, Optimus Prime, and Ultra Magnus. She loves fighting almost as much as she loves her conjunx, and her design is based on knights and axolotls
Greenlight is an engineer and the closest thing the group has to a medic, though she’s better at repairing weapons than bots. Her plans to be conjunxed to Lancer were cut short by the war, and her main goal is to win this war and finally be with her forever. She’s very stresses out, and has picked up smoking Cygars to keep herself calm, though her nonchalant manner makes others question why she even needs to calm down in the first place. Her design is based on butches (duh), engineers, and tree pangolins
Lancer is a romantic, and always attempts to add flare to her battles, even in the middle of a war zone. She was trained in the Cybertronian equivalent of fencing, and values her rapier more than anything, as it was a conjunxing gift from Greenlight, given to her before their plans fell apart due to the war. Her design is based on those fancy coats and hats that every sword fighter wears in movies, and also secretary birds
Firestar is brash, and a very leap before you look type bot, putting her at odds with Chromia often. She doesn’t use a traditional weapon, instead opting for her outlier ability of shooting flames from her hands. She can be hard to get along with at first, but just like Chromia, she does truly care for her companions and just wants to get back to her normal life before the war. Her design is based on punk fashion and red foxes
Holy crap this took forever, sorry for not posting so much it just takes me a while to finish art, and six characters is a lot. Anyways, hope you enjoyed, and feel free to ask me any questions you might have on this au!
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transformers-diverge · 5 months
How Cybertronians are made (in my au)!
1. Harvest Spark from the Well of Allsparks
2. Place Spark into “cocoon” with liquid protoform
3. Place CNA into the cocoon via double method or single method
4. Double method: Two bots insert CNA into protoform (25% Parent, 25% Parent, 50% Spark)
5. Single method: Preprogrammed CNA is put into protoform (75% Preprogram, 25% Spark)
6. 1st Stage: Sparkling (0-1), no kibble, little color, undeveloped t-cog, 100% protoform
7. 2nd Stage: Bitlet (1-3), little kibble, more color, developing t-cog, 80% protoform
8. 3rd Stage: Youngling (3-10), full Kibble, full color, developed t-cog, 60% protoform
9. 4th Stage: Stripling (10-14), Spark ability activated, 40% protoform
10. 5th Stage: Juvenile (14-21), upgrades become available, 20% protoform
11. 6th Stage: Bot (21 onward), all abilities are active, 0% protoform
Protoform refers to soft tissue that hasn’t yet hardened into metal
The years aren’t in Cybertronian age, but human age just for reference
Single method is basically cold construction, and due to the overpowering code, the sparks tend to try and manifest any individuality it can, hence the increased chance for outlier abilities in single-code bots. Single bots are also raised in large centers, with caretakers assigned to them to mimic parental bonds (Ex. Cryak and Starscream)
If you have any other questions on anything in my continuity, feel free to ask!
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transformers-diverge · 5 months
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transformers-diverge · 6 months
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transformers-diverge · 6 months
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Soundwave + Cassette designs!
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transformers-diverge · 7 months
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Designs for the Command Trio!
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transformers-diverge · 7 months
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Headshots of all the seekers! (not including the coneheads or Slipstream)
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transformers-diverge · 8 months
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Elite Trine designs! Here’s some design facts!
Starscream is wearing glasses, since I wanted to give him a “nerdy” item to call back to the fact that he was a scientist before the war. I wanted her helm to look bat-like, since I thought that it fit with his vibe. His spark is meant to resemble a sun, since he’s the center of the universe in her own head. Starscream uses he/she/they
Thundercracker’s wings are meant to look like butterfly wings, because idk he deserves them. Also wanted him to have rounded edges than the other two, since he’s the nicest of the three. Also, he was trying to be a writer before the war, which didn’t work out because his trine was getting too involved in the war for him NOT to join the Decepticons. His spark is meant to be an electrical storm due to his outlier ability. Thundercracker uses he/him
Skywarp’s helm is meant to look like horns, since she likes all things punk and spiky. Her wings bend downward to differentiate her from the other two in her trine. She wanted to be a musician before the war, but followed Atarscream into joining the Decepticons. Still listens to Jazz’s old albums in private. Her spark resembles an atom, since I thought it the vibe of her warping ability. Skywarp uses she/her
Everyone with an outlier ability has some physical change when using their power, most often with the glass parts of their body taking on the color of their sparks
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transformers-diverge · 8 months
Hi! Welcome to Transformers: Diverge, my fan continuity that is a passion project of mine! My name is Maxie, and my main blog is @maxiezone if you want to see my other stuff
Please send me any questions you have about plot, characters, etc! I like talking about my stories and every opinion means a lot to me!
The story is very g1 based, since I wanted to stay away from the angsty stuff most transformers media goes to these days. Let the robots be silly and goofy dammit!
So, enjoy the show and stick around if you do! Let’s get this party started!
(Also tumblr absolutely EATS the quality of my art so click on images for better quality)
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