travssworld · 1 year
Chloe and Frida give me life
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travssworld · 1 year
Fuck school
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travssworld · 2 years
He’s Pretty for a boy
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Vance hopper/Bruce Yamada
Warning:Foul Language
Bruces’s POV
(Art by rakbuun on TikTok)
Bruce didn't like boys in a way a boy should like a girl.. or that's what he thought until he saw Vance. Pinball Vance hopper, the strongest and most aggressive boy at his school, the boy that would get into fights at school all the time for something as small as someone messing up his chance at beating his high score on the Pinball Machine.
Vance was an angry person with a lot of hatred in him everyone could see it from a mile away and even Bruce saw it. He saw how mad Vance was at the world but he never understood why. He always asked himself that when he thought of Vance but he never got close enough to ask, because even though his curiosity was killing him he didn't wanna walk home from school with a black eye and broken nose.
That's how it started aswell.. his attraction to Vance Hopper. It started with curiosity.
Bruce was walking to the cafeteria to get his lunch when he glanced over at the field and saw a bunch of kids circling something, he knew it must have been a fight and at first he was just going to ignore it until he saw one of his friends run over to the crowd. After debating if he should skip lunch to check out the fight or not he decided he would just see who's fighting who, and why than he was gonna quickly come back to the cafeteria.
The closer he got to the crowd the louder the cheers became.
"Fuck him up!"
"Let him get up damn!!"
And so on. Once he made it, he pushed though the crowd to see who was fighting and there he was Vance Hopper straddling some random kid, punching him in the face over and over again repeatedly. The kid already looked passed out Vance had clearly won but he wasn't stopping, if Vance keeps going that kid's gonna end up in the hospital with a concussion. While Vance would probably end up in juvie.
So against his better judgment Bruce jumped into the circle, quickly putting his arms around Vance's torso and pulling him off. Vance quickly tried to get out of my grasp, which he did end up doing successfully with me falling back but quickly gaining back my balance.
"Uh oh!"
"Bruce is in trouble now"
"What the hell man?!"
Vance turned to me and he looked piss, and admittedly I'll say that I was slightly terrified but at that moment I wasn't really thinking about how much of a dead man I was, instead I was thinking about how... pretty he looked. He has long curly dirty blonde hair, his face was very defined yet slightly feminine. However his most memorable feature was his deep blue siren like eyes. I could look at them forever, and I would, if Vance let me. Vance was very angelic, well he would look more so if he didn't have an already forming black eye and a nose bleed but Bruce didn't mind.
I was still deep in thought when I felt myself being pushed roughly to the ground by Vance, that's what snapped me out of my zoned out haze and back to reality. I looked up at Vance and that's when I thought I was going to get what that other guy got. Which is a horrible concussion, but luckily and thankfully that's not what happened. Vance just looked down at me and than walked away without saying a single word to me.
He pushed thought the crowd and even managed to knock some people to the ground but no one went at him for it they all just let him go.
"Bruce what the fuck were you thinking?!" My friend yelled at me as he helped me pull myself off the ground.
"I don't know.. I was just trying to help that kid, Vance was probably gonna end up giving him a concussion!" I was lying thought my teeth. I didn't care for the kid laying unconsciously on the ground, I just didn't want Vance to get in more trouble if he accidentally killed him or something.
In retrospect, that's probably very heartless of me to not care for the poor guy that went against Vance but from what I've seen from Vance since the beginning of the school year is that he doesn't ever start the fights. People either go to him asking for one or they do something stupid to provoke Vance to want to beat them to a pulp, I just wondered what that guy did to make Vance hit him continuously even after he was unconscious.
"Look Bruce, you're a good person and I know you like to help people but WHAT THE FUCK. You're lucky Vance didn't beat the absolute SHIT out of you"
"I'm sorry okay I was just worried, I mean if I didn't stop Vance could have been sent to juvie too you know. So I was trying to help the both of them"
"Yeah well if you ask me I think it would be better if pinball Vance went to juvie. The guys a fucking monster he'll beat up anyone if they make him even a little mad. The guy has got problems."
What is wrong with him? Why would he say that? No one like Vance should ever be in juvie he's probably just misunderstood or something, he's not a monster. He just has a short temper.
"Yeah I guess you're right"
"Of course I'm right!" He says putting his arm around my shoulder.
"Now come on Bruce lets go get some food before the bell rings I'm starving!"
We both go to the cafeteria and I sit with my usual group of mostly baseball friends, when I see Vance in the corner of my eye leaving the cafeteria.
I wonder where he's going?
Love leaving cliff hangers 🤭
I published this on Wattpad aswell and I might make a chapter 2 there (it’s @Dreams4877 the display name is risesthemoon._)
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travssworld · 2 years
Here’s something sad for you guys
When Robin was taken by the grabber his bandana fell off (we see it on the ground in the intro) so what if when Finney finally escapes he ends up finding it, so he takes it, washes off the blood and has it in his pocket or around his wrist/neck all the time
Like he never goes anywhere without it
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travssworld · 2 years
Can we all just agree that if robin and finney were to date that robin wouldn’t call him “mi amor” or “hermoso” but instead call him “flaco/flacito” or “Chico blonco”
Like Robin doesn’t really seem like the really romantic type 😂
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travssworld · 2 years
So many fanfics 😭
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fwcu being shipped with will byers is hilarious and I’m here for it
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travssworld · 2 years
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The Casper crew 🤭
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travssworld · 2 years
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Even in the movie bro I love them so much 🤩💕💕
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travssworld · 2 years
Nahhh cuz it’s my 2nd time watching the black phone and, Robin and finney bro ☹️
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travssworld · 2 years
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Me when Vance hopper:
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Only picture I could really find of him 😭
You can watch like the whole movie here ^
I feel like a sponsor 💀 but fr it’s really good
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travssworld · 2 years
And I don’t hate it 🤭 plus the fanfics were pretty fucking good the writing was a solid 10/10
^This is the Will x Boris fic it’s really good 😌
I kinda forgot name of the Richie x will one
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travssworld · 2 years
I could totally see Will from stranger things listening to this song, not bc it sounds like his taste in music but bc he said that he wasn’t gonna fall in love but ofc he does and I can just totally see young will listening to this song even though this song came out when he would be in senior year of Highschool 💀
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