trilliontrees · 4 years
The Trillion Trees Initiative for biodiversity conservation, climate adaption, ecological education, ecosystem restoration, environmental protection, sustainable greening, reforestation and species protection can reduce climate change effects, deforestation, droughts, desertification, land degradation, mass extinction, global warming and pollution worldwide. The world's first and official Trillion Trees Initiative was started in 2017 by Greening Deserts founder Oliver Gediminas Caplikas. Others like the WEF and the White House followed the good example and started also trillion trees initiatives or programs. Many people, international organisations, institutions and even governments have been inspired by the Trillion Trees Initiative and connected projects.
Greening Deserts principles and the real Trillion Trees Initiative (TTI) agreeing with the sustainable goals and scientific parts of the Trillion Tree Campaign by Plant for the Planet, the One Trillion Trees Initiative by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, the Trillion Trees Partnership by TrillionTrees.org, Birdlife and WWF. TTI is not directly related to the mentioned organizations but supports some of the good goals and advises against bad goals or shows good alternatives. Greening Deserts and TTI supporting also other conservation organizations and tree planting actions by good examples and ideas. How everybody can see the others took many of the ideas in their programs or agendas. But there is also criticism of some points in the Trillion Trees Act and other campaigns or initiatives. On the official pages of TrillionTreesInitiative.org you can read about the backgrounds, facts and worldwide opinions of different media outlets, conservation organizations and institutions.
Together with many innovative developments and sustainable projects the initiative want to plant over 100 Billion Trees and can support other big tree planting actions to reach the trillion trees goal fast and efficient. Project developments like Agrophotovoltaik, Desert Bamboo Africa, Greening Coasts, Greening Drones, Greenhouse Ship, Green Ring Africa, Great Green Wall North Africa, Seeding Balloon, Transparent Solar greenhouses and many other awesome projects, organizations, institutions, partners and sponsors can support. Financial and institutional experts will help to implement good aspects of Climate Finance, Green Finance, Sustainable Investment and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Swiss finance experts and sustainable finance institutions were informed since 2018, many of them liked the idea of a Trillion Trees Foundation and Trillion Trees Fund. Some of them already working on a fund for the Trillion Trees Initiative. It will be a chance for the nations, innovative institutions and organisations to join the future actions and programs of the TTI in different parts of the world. The main focus for the next years is on Europe, Africa and MENA region. The One Trillion Trees Initiative of WEF, the One Trillion Trees Interagency Council and a special Executive Order of the White House in Washington D.C. have already positioned themselves for America and have shown their support by planting a part of the trillion trees in the USA. About more support and solidarity for the other Americas and especially tree planting actions in Africa we all would be happy.
During the next years we will all see if the United States of America or the president will keep their promises to plant a trillion trees until 2030 worldwide. The U.S. chapter of the One Trillion Trees Initiative announced to plant at least 855 million trees by 2030. Would be great if the most of the trees will be part of national parks or for biodiversity causes and not for monoculture tree plantations. Biodiversity conservation, climate adaption and establishing healthy forests with different trees species are some of the main tasks of Greening Deserts and the Trillion Trees Initiative. The focus is to establish more biodiversity in forests, agroforestry, ecological forestation (EcoForestry), mixed forests and supporting reforestation of damaged ecosystems – focus is also on wilderness, wildlife and ecosystem restoration as whole. Critically endangered and threatened tree species will be saved by breeding or cultivation in the Greening Camps and by all the coming tree planting actions. Of course native and typical trees of each region will be planted also in other right areas, habitats or climate zones the tree species belong typically. For this mammut task we will use the help and experiences of artificial intelligence (AI), plant databases, climate scientists, conservationists, indigenous people or natives, plant and tree experts or scientists like arborists and botanists. Maybe GIS experts, blockchain, cloud, supercomputing, supercomputer programs and scientific organizations or networks can support to find unknow endangered keystone species, the right tree species and places. There are some interesting programs we could imagine to integrate, like of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), WolframAlpha network, Planetary Computer by Microsoft and Wildlife Insights by Google. Landscape architects, land administrations, private landowners, satellite operators and services can also  help to match the right plants and regions for the new trees and forests in future. For the TTI it is also important to integrate each concerned region into the greening process and reforestation actions. For example school classes and students of universities can use the greening camps, planting actions and workshops for environmental education, to establish better connections to nature and to get more environmental awareness. By the way, it is also great for fitness, healthy movement and health in general. Army troops and soldiers can also plant trees as a kind of training and to do something real good for the environment and humanity. The idea to include parts of the army, to fight climate change and global warming by planting trees, was published with Greening Deserts projects Greening Army and Forest Army in 2017 and 2018.
Key factors: Biodiversity forests, grasslands and landscapes, climate adaption and protection, environmental education and species protection, sustainable greening and real ecological forestry
People must understand that it is not just about to plant a few tree species. Each tree has typical plants, animals, mushrooms, insects and microorganisms to grow really healthy and to provide a kind of own cosmos or biotope. To know and to establish the most of these connections, relations and key factors is the key for real healthy and natural forests. Just compare the biodiversity, ecosystem services, productivity and soils of a rainforest and a monoculture tree plantation. Because all of these points Greening Deserts and the Trillion Trees Initiative started the Critically Endangered Species Research and Protection Program (CES-RPP), especially to show the importance of keystone species and the biodiveristy in agriculture, forestry and urban greening. Of course the waters and life forms of lakes, rivers, seas and oceans are also important in this aspect. Just to mention important issues like the biodiversity in coastal areas, coral reefs and sea grass. Later if all runs good with the research, reforestation and Greening Camps we can also support with innovative developments and projects like Greening Coasts, Greenhouse Ship and Recycling Ship.
But back to the main issues and topics of this article, the biodiversity, nature conservation, climate improvement, environmental protection and species conservation by establishing real healthy forests, grasslands and other ecosystems who need more or less trees. The official Trillion Trees Initiative (TTI) is really unique in this relation, because the members of the connected projects can cultivate, sow and plant many trees directly with the help of forestation and greening camps, balloons, greening buses or trucks, drones and planes – if seeds need to be covered by soil we will use seed balls. With connected tree experts, databases and networks we will choose the right trees for the right areas or regions where we and our partners will start with bigger tree planting actions.
A statement and important facts from the official Trillion Trees Initiative website: The TTI do not just support other tree planting organisations. Other trillion trees initiatives write that they planted that trees or want to plant a trillion trees. In fact many of them have not planted any trees themselfs and they wont if you take a closer look. In some cases their partners or supporters are big polluters or questionable industries who try to do greenwashing or treewashing. They let others do that work, mostly by cheap workers and volunteers. In general it is ok if others will be supported to plant new trees, but pay them good money if they do important work for biodiversity and environmental protection ! To plant countless monocultures or monotonous tree plantations has nothing to do with ecological forestry, ethical business or fair trade. They do or will do more damages as improvements, especially if too much trees will be planted in ancient grasslands, savannas or wetlands. The main goal should be to stop deforestation, to improve ecosystem restoration and supporting the regeneration of existing natural forests which were affected by fires or pollution. To all that companies and groups out there ! Join our real climate, environmental and species protection initiative if you really want to improve the worldwide climate and environments. Many institutions, organisations and people were informed during the years, especially about the backgrounds and true history of the real Trillion Trees Initiative.
More than 10,000 of approx 60,000 tree species worldwide are threatened with extinction. On the IUCN Red List over 1,400 tree species are listed as Critically Endangered (CR), in reality it are probably much more. Biodiversity, conservation and reforestation programs should care more about these critically endangered and keystone species. The Trillion Trees Initiative and Greening Camps in concerned regions could recultivate the critically endangered trees species. Each camp will have extra greenhouses and storage rooms for the seeds. Botanical gardens and other biodiversity projects can be connected. During the last years over 20.000 institutions, organisations and personalities were invited to join the official Trillion Trees Initiative and the special species protection program. Many academics, ambassadors, environmentalists, developers, entrepreneurs, ministers, researchers or scientists and students showed interest. Most of them liked the ideas and developments of Greening Deserts and the Trillion Trees Initiative. Even some people of the EU Commission, UN and WHO became inspired by the initiative. It is sad that some conservation and environmental organistations ignored Greening Deserts and the Trillion Trees Initiative, even after several friendly contact requests. We all should act and work together, but the society and world shows that it is not so easy, especially in these times of the crises, egoism, fears, ignorance and misunderstanding.
We want to be honest and work transparent. The future staff of the initiative will plant a lof of trees and can connect many awesome tree planting projects from around the world. So far as possible only native species will be planted, biodiversity experts and indigenous people will be included. We respect indigenous people who protect approx 80% of the world’s remaining forest biodiversity, including cultural, spiritual, social and environmental values. If Greening Deserts projects and the official Trillion Trees Initiative get enough financial support and can generate good income by the greening and research camps, developments and products, we can share much better our experiences with learning materials, various media, online or offline courses, workshops, etc.. The camps and projects can provide much work, generate a lot of jobs and income for each region. With appropriate funding and constructive support we can accelerate or improve the project developments and team building for each camp, as well as the whole infrastructure. Without money it is not possible to build up any of these camps and with too less support it needs many years more as planned, in this case other tree cultivation and tree planting projects cannot really be supported. We have not that time to wait longer and longer for all that promised support by officials or politicans. The projects need this year finally real active and financial support or it maybe will be too late. If you know the real backgrounds because of the keystone species, accelerating mass extinction and tipping points,.. you understand why we must act now or fast as possible. We must put these important points of species protection on the first place of all ‘green agendas’, whether it is the Green Deal, Greening Act, Trillion Trees Act or UN Convention on Biological Diversity.
Just imagine all that actions, the attention and financial support in the Corona Crisis would be used to reduce the Climate Crisis. We really would change the world into a better one, prevent new crises, disasters and even new pandemics who are caused by environmental pollution, species extinction and weak environments. Climate adaption, global warming mitigration, ecological education, environmental resilience and species protection is now more important as ever before. Climate protection, nature conservation and environmental protection is also species protection – so it is human protection. - Oliver Gediminas Caplikas
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trilliontrees · 4 years
Trillion Trees Game for gamers, game developers and game publishers
Announcement of Trillion Trees: The Game; a future game and platform for game developers, gamers and game publishers in connection with biodiversity, reforestation, species protection, climate protection and environmental protection. In summer 2020, the founder of Change Games and Greening Deserts started a new project development for "Trillion Trees: The Game"; a future game and an innovative platform for gamers, climate, nature and environmental games. Especially casual and full-time gamers, game developers and game publishers can use the game platform and Trillion Trees Community to exchange ideas and experiences. The aim is to promote topics such as biodiversity and sustainability as well as species, climate and environmental protection. The game is intended for mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, PCs and game consoles. An extra version which can be played directly online on websites should also be possible. The main game design will of course implement various tree planting actions and options in a playful way. This means that the game can be used for advanced learning, ecological education and for planting many trees through in-game actions. For example, achievements, specific items, quests, points and game objectives can realize real tree planting actions in the real world. International partners and sponsors can help improve and support this system. It does not only depend on donors, financing models or monetization. The main thing is ecological and sustainable thinking, which can lead to real environmental action and sustainable living. Another important point is the will of politicians and certain economies to really transform the old systems into more sustainable systems. This means, for example, making production processes and supply chains cleaner, more ecological and more sustainable; including tree plantations and forestry. Gamification and serious games for environmental, nature and sustainability issues can support these processes, such as social learning, engagement and real ecological change. The game can promote environmental awareness and a more sustainable lifestyle. Human intervention in the natural environment and man-made climate change are causing more and more hazards, disasters, risks and extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, soil erosion, storms, air and water pollution. Greening and reforestation on a global scale can reduce these effects of climate change and extreme weather events. The computer and video game industry could contribute significantly to improvement. It would make sense to use a collaborative serious game environment to enable better relations between society, the economy, the environment and the sciences. Gamification is interesting in almost every field. Games can make it easier to adapt, learn and understand things in a playful way. Climate and environmental games would be good for many industries, but especially for education and research in the areas of climate adaptation, reforestation, deforestation, desertification, ecological education, ecosystem restoration, resource conservation, sustainable development, waste reduction, energy efficiency and water scarcity. If more game developments include these concerns into game design and gameplay, games with a truly positive impact on humans and the environment can be created. Biodiversity and environmental concerns can also be combined with ecological education and environmental science in games. The Trillion Trees game should not only be about environmentally friendly tree planting. It can be a game platform and community for many important questions and issues related to climate change, ecology, environmental protection, nature conservation, species protection and sustainability. The game, related platforms and partners can bring together players, game communities and game developers to focus more on the Global Goals or Sustainable Development (SDG) Goals, especially in relation to the important issues. AI and deep learning technologies can help to improve these developments and support the development of better community applications or games in this context. To this end, the use of good cloud services and cloud game solutions can improve sustainable game developments and gaming experiences in the future. Machine learning algorithms can be used to encourage people in algorithmically controlled areas or rooms to adopt better or more environmentally friendly habits. Gamification can improve human behavior, especially in terms of sustainability and environmental awareness.
Platforms like DeepMind and OpenAI use games to develop strategic AI, for example to solve complex problems in open world games or even in real environments. The platform AIcrowd, for example, strongly promotes AI development in various working environments and developments. Competitions are awarded with points, badges and rankings. Advanced training, game mechanics and gaming experience can take real sustainable games to the next level ! Games can promote awareness, concentration, challenge, happiness, joy, cheerfulness, ease, logic, sustainable thinking and environmental awareness; as well as many other positive qualities or incentives.
The Global Game Jams are another great opportunity to exchange views on climate change, the environment and the sustainability of game development. At these Game Jams many nice and small games were developed every year, now they could focus on the important questions and issues related to climate change, environment and sustainability issues. It would be great to exchange ideas about possible reforestation, greening, forest, nature and plant games, maybe they can be called green games or greening games.
More information about the project and the topics can be found on the official pages of the Trillion Trees Initiative or on the game project pages of TrillionTreesGame.com.
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trilliontrees · 4 years
Trillion Trees Initiative for climate protection environmental biodiversity and species protection worldwide
The Greening Deserts Trillion Trees Initiative and Greening Camps can reduce negative climate changes, deforestation, droughts, desertification, land degradation, floods and global warming on a large scale - especially in human-made deserts, drylands, savanna and wastelands. Inviting nations, organisations, personalities and institutions since years and many have shown interest. You are also welcome to join the projects and greening initiative. Let's make the world green again, together! Let's plant billions or even a trillion trees to improve the climate and to reduce global warming significantely, especially with urban greening camps in urban areas. It is maybe the cheapest and most effective solution to cool down planet Earth, clean up the air and waters. Greening Deserts founder developed good solutions and projects to regreen drylands and wastelands with different kinds of resistant and typical plants. The greening and research camps will be green spots to cultivate all the plants and trees are needed, for example ground cover, flower trees, wild grasses, wild flowers and medicinal plants. Together with soil improving plants top soil layers will be created in just a few years - the basis for the following tree plantations and mixed forests. Seeds and seed balls can be dropped by seeding balloons and seeding drones.  
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Greening Deserts economical, educational, cultural, social, scientific and sustainable projects have really big potential to reduce desertification and global warming, to improve healthy environments, sustainable agriculture (EcoFarming) and ecological forestry (EcoForestry). It are also projects for innovative Cleantech and Greentech developments. Here are some of the main projects: like Agrophotovoltaik, Desert Bamboo Africa, Greening Coasts, Greening Drones, Greenhouse Ship, Green Ring Africa, Great Green Wall North Africa, Seeding Balloon and Transparent Solar Greenhouses. All these projects were founded and initiated by Oliver Gediminas Caplikas during the last years. Strong future partners and investors for the ongoing project developments are always welcome! Invest in true values like education, ecological or real sustainable products and services together with our upcoming education, greening and research camps. Your investment in Greening Deserts projects will really change the world and we will create a better history or future. Global Cooling with Global Greening is not just possible, it is very realistic and the most effective solution – especially in relation to the costs, energy and time. Another important points are environmental education, climate adaption, mitigation, resilience and sustainability. All these points and developments will be realised at the forestation, greening and research camps.
Building a basic camp with a little team needs approx three to nine months, depends on the conditions and region. Greening and forestation of each concerned region starts from the very beginning, so like planting trees for the first parks. Bigger camps can get an Energy Storage Park with a solar park, water park and or wind park. Smaller camps will have of course solar energy and water supply, too. There are many developments and other projects connected, most of them will be realised with the camps. It is also interesting for urban areas, city forests and gardens - especially community and rooftop gardens. Many ambassadors, ministers, trade commissioners, scientists and experts were invited to join Greening Deserts campaigns, initiatives and projects during the years. We exchanged a lot about the sustainable developments, technics and techniques could be developed at the new Greening Camps. You can read more about on the official and social pages.
Many scientists confirming Greening Deserts concepts and projects, for example to plant a trillion trees to reduce human-made climate change effects and global warming worldwide. With financial support the projects like the Greening and Research Camps could finally start with forestation and greening, especially of drylands or wastelands in Africa and Europe. The Greening Camp project development is running since 2018, after successful funding in 2019 or 2020 the project can start fast as possible and build the first pilot camps.
More important information about Greening Deserts special projects like the new Critically Endangered Species (CES-RPP) research and protection program.
It's about Greening Camps, innovative developments, research, global goals and effective solutions. Greening Deserts projects like the greening and research camps will be platforms for Cleantech, climate protection, nature conservation, culture, education, environmental and species protection, Greentech and science. All camps can have a library, lounge and media room. Perfect to exchange with education, book and media branch, to experiment with creative designs, green building and sustainable architecture. Bigger camps can get an Energy Storage Park and even could be expanded to a kind of campus or science park.
We have not much time to establish hundreds of camps, greenhouses and new special areas, on land and at sea, for the most endangered species and keystone species of this world. It is similar as with other cascade effects like the permafrost and wetlands problem. If more keystone species like the bees extinct, even relative unknown or small ones, it will accelerate the mass extinction and reach 'tipping points' in relation to the critical biodiversity loss is ongoing. The only way is to focus on this most important issue of the world and put it on the first place of all agendas, concentrate on the most endangered known species and find the forgotten and unknown keystone species with best of search algorithms, networks and intelligent systems like AI, Deep Learning, cloud and crowdworking, archive management and intelligent library systems - powered by best of computing environments, so like special supercomputers. It has really more priority as using so much computing resources for astrological calculations, brain simulations or other mega applications which doing all the same or nearly simliar kind of tasks or work. Not to mention all the energy wasting computers, servers and smartphones in idle mode or used for time wasting tasks like certain films, series or war games.
It is important for us all to prevent the mass extinction in the next years, to restore and improve biodiversity in so many areas, also in urban areas. We all need to care more the species who are endangered or treatended the most! It makes no sense if there are so many conservation and species protection initiatives or programs for a single species like elephants, pandas,.. in background much more important species dying out. The species protection community and organisations like IUCN Red List of Threatened Species should overwork their agenda and priorities in this relation. Humanity must protect more the keystone species, particularly on which many other life forms depend on! For example if the most important species bees extinct, humans will extinct some years later. Another point is to support the climate adaption of animals and plants on the long term, help the species to survive by providing extra wildlife habitats like more biotopes, game reserves, meadows, parks and diverse forests for more biodiversity.
Every day counts to protect the most endangered species with all means and to bring this aspect, this task and the topic to the top on all relevant agendas - on all possible channels, daily and internationally. Of course, corresponding protected areas with the highest concentrations of life forms in all possible regions and climate zones also have priority. The 'overprotected' species and programs, resources, energies, .. in this context.. they should also concentrate more on these aspects, because to protect so much elephants, polar bears, giraffes, pandas, etc. who are relative save and every day important key species dying out ! It is a similar problem as with the neglected tipping points and the wrong prioritization of politics and economy - see United Nations Climate Change Conference. Only if the problems mentioned are resolved promptly the cascade effects can be reduced and possibly over decades of massive efforts stopped, and new disasters in this regard prevented. Then there may be a real chance to prevent extinction, also of humanity. Every action and every person counts in this regard, whether large or small, known or unknown. We maybe have approx two years to solve these problems and ten years to plant a trillion trees worldwide.
Bees have been declared as the most important species on planet earth. However, according to wildlife experts and scientists, the bees have joined the endangered species long list. Insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and other pesticides must be reduced, so like the air pollution. Let's plant more wild flowers and flower trees, especially for the bees, birds and other animals who need trees to survive. We need more biotopes, real natural and wild habitats or wildlife reserves with wild meadows, mixed forests and protected areas like game reserves, landscape conservation, nature conservation and water conservation areas. Greening Deserts projects goals are mainly to restore natural landscapes like mixed forests, grasslands and wetlands - to bring back biodiversity, clean air, topsoils and water. Reduce and stop deforestation in near future, replace wood with other sustainable materials like hemp and rice straw.
Further information and news:
The Greening Camp plants like desert bamboo and hemp will improve the soils, underground water and waters in general. Drylands and wastelands can be turned into fertile lands easily with Greening Deserts technics and technologies were developed during the last three years. It improves the soils in just a few years, after this other soil improving plants, environmental friendly crops and trees can be planted. There will be many side products of the forestation or greening processes, it can be delivered to hemp product producers like the paper branch and packaging industry. All would win at the end - the poor people or regions, the degraded lands or soils, the forestry, paper and wood industry - even big wood paper consumers like the book, newspaper and packaging industry. Hemp and rice straw paper books could reform the book and paper branch in many ways. If you want to know more about, don't hesitate to contact. We are experts in these fields and markets since 2003. The worldwide cleaning and greening process can accelerate the global peace building process siginificantly.
And again! You and colleagues are welcome to join the Greening Deserts campaigns and initiatives like the official Trillion Trees Initiative to reduce negative climate changes, deforestation, droughts, desertification, land degradation, floods and global warming on a large scale - especially in human-made deserts, drylands and wastelands. The initiative was founded in 2018.
The founder launched another great initivative to reduce plastic waste in worldwide waters and it will open a complete new sustainable market. It's called Plastic Fishery, more news will come on the plastic fisher network and platform.
Awareness programmes, communications letters and statements were initiated and shared with thousands of worldwide governments, institutions and organisations in summer, autumn and winter 2019. Diverse collaborations, cooperations, partnerships and sponsorships are possible. Feel free to contact by the official channels and pages on Greening Deserts and Trillion Trees Network.
Climate protection, nature conservation and environmental protection is also species protection. Please do not ignore and forward if you can, it affects us all. Childrens Rights are Human Rights. Clean air, soils, waters and healthy environments are Human Rights, too. We need more environmental awareness and sustainability, sustainable living and sustainable working, in all fields or areas. We need to create a world of understanding, acceptance, respect, tolerance, compassion and consciousness.
Do more for green places in your city, try to establish more community gardens, city parks, city forests, urban farming areas, fascade and rooftop gardens. Show that you can live and work really sustainable by saving energy, water and other natural resources. Reduce waste and pollution, especially plastic waste. Use alternative packaging and ecological products like bamboo or similar products. - Oliver Gediminas Caplikas
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