trolldadaytakk · 10 years
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Heya MSPaint... I can has Santa nao?
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trolldadaytakk · 10 years
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'Me Gusta Mercury' needs more love so here it is Doge style!
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trolldadaytakk · 11 years
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9:50pm, Tuesday 17th December 2013
Been a while since I made one of these...
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trolldadaytakk · 11 years
My set from Neko Nation on Friday. Very NSFW!
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trolldadaytakk · 11 years
When Keyboard Warriors attack! (from Neko Nation Adelaide - 13th December 2013)
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trolldadaytakk · 11 years
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My daughter brought home a Christmas Wishlist she made at school yesterday...
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trolldadaytakk · 11 years
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trolldadaytakk · 11 years
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Alf Stewart vs Crocodile Dundee (part two)
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trolldadaytakk · 11 years
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Alf Stewart vs Crocodile Dundee
Its a silly idea but here it is - enjoy!
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trolldadaytakk · 11 years
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trolldadaytakk · 11 years
The Ultimate Insta-Goth Kit!
From the Peter Murphy December 2013 Australian Tour Facebook event page : https://www.facebook.com/events/1432157810345227/?ref=3&ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular "Limited PREMIUM PASS tickets available - includes: Exclusive Meet & Greet opportunity with Peter Murphy Exclusive Special Edition t-shirt (not for sale separately) Official Commemorative Meet and Greet Laminate (not for sale separately) Limited Edition A3 thick card stock tour poster (not for sale separately) 2 items signed by Peter Murphy A photo with Peter Murphy on your personal phone or camera" I repeat... Official Commemorative Meet and Greet Laminate (not for sale separately)
The stuff of legends has finally been made real... Its an official goth card!!!!! 
So Peter Murphy is now selling official goth cards as part of an insta-goth kit. You can't be a real goth without one!
Did I mention he's playing nothing but Bauhaus material? I guess if Peter Hook can tour with his new band as Joy Division then Peter Murphy can tour with his new band as Bauhaus too.
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trolldadaytakk · 11 years
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I searched the web for 'fedora alone' and it was not there. Someone had to fix this travesty against lulz. So I took action...
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trolldadaytakk · 11 years
Matthias Fritsch shot a video that became a viral hit, known as "Technoviking". For three years, he's been battling the protagonist over "personality rights". He's now raising funds on Indiegogo to make a documentary about the ordeal
Technoviking kind of has a point. Like it or not his 'brand' is being used without permission to make money.
Unlike many memes this one is a positive one for the person its about. So it probably hasn't hurt the guy's reputation. If anything its enhanced it. But he did dance right at the front and put on a bit of a show for the camera too. He clearly takes centre stage so arguing he wants privacy hold little water. But at the same time back in 2000 it wouldn't have been expected that a video would be published to a wide audience online - maybe a little footage on a small website for the event for fans of the event but not worldwide.
Looking at the original video again (its on the page in the link) they clear space for Technoviking to lead the dance down the street. Its clearly a set up to film him. He knows the camera is there and he's playing for the camera.
If the video was simply put online and no money was made from it would he still be suing the publisher? Maybe its all about money. But if it is all about money why not use his brand to make money officially?  The publisher then making a doco about it seems a little insensitive. It gives the image that the publisher is more than happy to exploit technoviking (as a brand) to make money whether technoviking (the man) likes it or not.  So the big question is then who owns technoviking the brand? I think they both do so all profits made by either party should be split 50/50. By taking centre stage for the video he gave permission to film but the publisher wouldn't have anything to make money with if technoviking didn't take centre stage. Therefore they are both co-owners and co-creators of the technoviking brand. A similar argument could have been made by Eduard Khil (Mr Trololo) given the original performance happened years before the internet was even a thing. But in his case no one seems to have tried to make money from it. To Mr Khil's credit he embraced the meme and used his new popularity to earn some money and spread the joy. William Shatner's Rocket Man performance might fall under this too. But you don't see The Shat going about trying to ban the clip even if he's pulling no royalties from it. But William Shatner is already famous and performed on live TV so he would expect wide exposure from the start. There may be more to it but I think the publisher and Technoviking are just in it for the money. They will probably end up bankrupting each other via lawsuits. Yet again the only winners are the lawyers.
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trolldadaytakk · 11 years
On tumblr activism...
As soon as you encounter someone in activist mode you are fucked. If you are white and male (whether queer or not because you will never be queer enough) you can't win. Ever.
Being able to message people anonymously will bring out the worst in people. It is very easy to insult or crusade against someone behind the veil of anonymity. A behavior usually reserved for internet trolls that is also being adopted by the tumblr activist as you can pick any fight you like and never see any backlash against you. However an activist who calls you out under their username is likely experienced in such matter and will destroy you. They do not hunt what they can not kill.
If you are a minority then everything you are offended by must be agreed to be stamped out - no matter how minor or petty. Anyone who doesn't agree or argues 'but...' will be called on their privilege and insulted for not being a minority, therefore not allowed to have an opinion about anything.There is even a packing order to the minorities/activists. The very pinnacle seems to be the POC transgender but it is debatable if M2F is better than F2M feminist as F2M is gaining privilege and in a way becoming a traitor to feminism by becoming male where F2M is giving it up (but the feminists will see you in poor taste for mocking women even if female is how you feel inside). In either case if you have more privilege than this person, you should be bow to them and and commended them at all times. No matter what they do. Feminists (deeming themselves less privileged) will question anyone who is trans and the trans community will call them cis-whatever scum in return or call them out for not being queer enough.
When it comes to race vs race the darker skinned race is always deemed right as they are clearly the only people who have ever suffered at the hands of white society. If you are a minority who can pass as white you will be treated as white unless you are dealing with a white person. Any offensive or misappropriation of terms (as deemed inappropriate in the eye of the minority activist) must be harshly dealt with even if the term is technically correct in its usage. For example, the old name of this blog was TrannyTrollDad. I am a part-time crossdresser (a lot of the time I wear female clothing items as part of outfits anyway) so the term tranny (short for transvestite) is technically correct. But no - as I am not trans enough I can't use that term and its offensive to trans people in general. I changed the blog name as a courtesy but mostly to avoid further shitstorms. My pic is still the same.
The use of any netspeak (eg - fag) will be frowned upon even if the term is used in a way that does not demean the person being called it (eg - all FPS people and 4channers will call all other people fags - its meaning is determined by a prefix like new, lucky, fuck etc). In fact anyone found out to be a 4channer will likely be told they are a white cismale who needs to check their privilege and then die.
But what would I know - I'm a white cismale who is only slightly queer. 
*checking privilege*
Yep its still there. Problem, activists?
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trolldadaytakk · 11 years
Re : Deathrockets and Transphobia
I’m sure most of you have seen the propaganda against Deathrockets that was created by the gothfail tumblr by now. 
If not this is the piece that got things started : http://gothfail.tumblr.com/image/62002992660
Right now we have that out the way and before you all start reaching for your pitchforks and start forming online lynch mobs lets get a few things straight.
To start with you have only heard one side of the story. And its a side that had a heavy bias against Deathrockets - not a neutral party. 
Gothfail is a blog made purely to make Deathrockets (and associated people) look bad. Almost every post is either a pic, screencap or quote from Deathrockets accompanied by a description to put it in the worst possible light. Gothfail stops at nothing to make Deathrockets admin and regulars look bad.
Yet people blindly share the things Gothfail creates and without question. Why not - if someone took this much time to make it then it must be true. Its a snippet of a conversation so it must have been said and be every awful ISM and IST the original poster can think of. BULLSHIT!
Gothfail is out to destroy these people. And its using your sense of outrage to do it.
That lot at Deathrockets don’t like Joji. Which is fine - we don’t have to like everyone we meet or see online. But its not because he is trans or homosexual. Its because of WHO he is. Not WHAT he is.
They don’t like Joji because they think he’s a wanker, not because he is trans or homosexual. Gothfail is a blog made purely to make Deathrockets (and associated people) look bad. A look through their blog is enough to show this. If they were legit in trying to rid the goth/deathrock scene of bad elements why do they only target one small group? There are plenty of others out there doing bad they could target too. But they don’t because its all about taking Deathrockets down.
Why - maybe Deathrockets ripped on them once. They’ve made jokes about a few people in the past and many of them they made peace with and left alone once it was clear they didn’t like the joke. Many even became their friends. Hell they rip on themselves more than they rip on anyone else. I’m not saying Deathrockets are angels and are squeaky clean but in this case they are being vilified for the wrong reasons. They made some comments (in a group you have to search for specifically to find mind you) about a person they don’t like.
They use a lot of common netspeak which many find offensive (eg the term fag). If you have ever played games online you will hear language like this. I’m not saying its right just that it happens. And for some its normal language and not offensive at all. They may be considered derogatory terms outside their circle but within its fine. Think of it like how swearing is more tolerated now than it used to be
But haven’t we all said things about people we don’t like before in semi-public places? Haven’t we all used words that others may find offensive? Its called being human and human beings aren’t perfect.
If you dig hard enough you could find dirt and offensive actions from anyone. Would you like to be judged by your less than perfect moments and mistakes too?
Here is what I think - 
Whoever runs Gothfail has a massive grudge against Deathrockets for whatever reason. Its probably something small that the rest of the world has forgotten about. And they are dragging everyone into their feud through the use of shock and outrage through reposts taking material out of context and tumblr activism. The fight is between Gothfail and Deathrockets, there is no need to drag the rest of us into it.
So… are you going to feed the hate machine and ruin some childish, offensive yet mostly harmless people who have an odd sense of humor?
Or are you going to ignore the troll trying to systematically ruin them?
Its your call.
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trolldadaytakk · 11 years
Yep its one of mine. More a DJ Jelly thing than a DJ Aytakk thing.
So, One of the DJs that work for Neko is what’s best described as a “Troll DJ” who produces his own stuff, with some rather interesting results.
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trolldadaytakk · 11 years
Labels are for Coffee Cups
Cyber: Reading in a coffee shop while listening to headphones, eh? Classic Elder.
Elder: And just what about the headphones and nose in a book scream, "COME BOTHER ME NOW!"?
Cyber: Christabel?
Elder: That's right. Just me, Coleridge, and silence. /clears throat/
Cyber: CHRISTOBEL, ah-bell, no crist-tah-bell...
Elder: Oooookay, so what kind of drugs are /looks up/- WHAT IS ON YOUR FACE?! By Cthulhu's eyes, must you ALWAYS wear such startling and preposterous Cybercessories?!
Cyber: You like my new goggles? Ah, lesbian vampires, eh?! Hey, this guy should write with Poppy Z. Brite, amiright?!
Elder: ...
Cyber: COLERIDGE. Coal-ridge. Oh, no he died July 24, 1834. Ha ha, they couldn't work together. I was just kidding.
Elder: Are you... are you somehow googling shit in order to talk to me?
Cyber: With these new googlegoggles!
Elder: I don't know if I should be flattered or pissed, so I pick flattered. Thank you for wanting to talk to me, but just be yourself... and leave me alone.
Cyber: But if I can't talk to you about poetry, silent film stars, proto-post-positive-psychedelic-pop-punk and all this other bullshit, you'll keep telling me I'm not a Goth.
Elder: WELL YOU'RE NOT! I'm mean, but that's fine for you. Just be yourself. You can hang out with us. You're like ... /sigh/ you aren't Goth but you're like, kind of, almost, in the family... the neighborhood, anyway.
Cyber: What do I have to do to be Goth enough for you?!
Elder: WHAT?! Do you know how much it killed me to say what I just did?!
Barista: Hansel? What? Dude, who is this coffee for?
Other Barista: Yeah, that guy; the Steampunk over there.
Cyber: STEAMPUNK! No, damn it! Don't search that! I AM NOT A STEAMPUNK! /tears off goggles/ AH! I'm out of the matrix! Gaaaaahhhhh!!
Elder: Ha ha ha! By, buddy! Bua hahaha!
Barista: Oh, it was for the psycho that just ran out? Oh, well. Hey, Emokid, do you want your friends drink?
Elder: Ha ha... ehhh. Just give me and shut up.
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