tuberculosis-ridden · 3 months
I shivered as I felt the cold breeze touch my skin, goosebumps raising up on my arm.
I wrapped my arms around myself trying to warm my body but I wasn't exactly working
I heard a sigh behind me "what is it" he asked
"nothing,it's just cold" I replied
"it isn't that cold"
"yeah well not everyone's a super human like you dude" I sneered
He sighed again and walked closer to me "what are you doing?" I asked
"keeping you warm" he said as he wrapped his hands around me trapping my hands between him and I.
He's nice. Really nice. And he hates to show it
I smiled to myself.
"and you say you're evil" I murmured against him
"oh you know what" he said moving back after he heard me
"NO OKAY SORRY you're really really evil and I'm cold" I said as I pulled him closer to me again, hugging him tight. I shivered and he held me tighter.
I swear I heard him chuckle.
Hell I'd sell my soul to hear it again.
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tuberculosis-ridden · 4 months
"wait," he said stepping back "hold on a second, i need to process this"
she had just confessed to him, his bestfriend had just told him that she liked him
"so- when you said there was this guy who made your heart flutter, you meant that it was me?"
"yes, look i mean- i tell you every little secret and now you became the secret so i had to improvise..." she replied looking anywhere but at him.
he was losing his mind. anyone would lose there mind if their crush of 15 years confessed to them.
he took a deep breathe, trying to recollect all the things that she told him about her 'mysterious crush'
he looked at her, eyes shining. he had to know.
"so, when i did this," he said pushing her hair behind her ears "and told you 'you look pretty' your heart was beating like crazy? " he asked quoting her
"WHAT- you cant just do that- while im telling you-" she said trying to form a sentence but she was too damn flustered to think about anything but his hands on her face.
he smiled, realizing that he had the same affect on her, the same way she had on him.
"this is interesting" he said, his eyes full of mischief.
oh dear, maybe she should not have told him.
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tuberculosis-ridden · 6 months
A serial killer and a group of 5 other people are stuck in a school together during a zombie apocalypse.
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tuberculosis-ridden · 6 months
"we shouldn't be here, alone"
"Why? Are you afraid I'll do something to you?" I teased
"No," he said staring intensely "I'm afraid I might"
He moved closer and my breathe hitched
"But you are a gentleman, remember?" i said looking up at him.
"I don't think i can be a gentleman around you. I don't think I want to"
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tuberculosis-ridden · 7 months
There’s a serial killer in your town. Unfortunately for them you are a necromancer and you have fun driving that maniac insane.
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tuberculosis-ridden · 7 months
"so, the goods come in this Thursday and they'll probably go into hiding right after they get it." Sious went on explaining "are you listening?"
"What, yeah I am" Nivea replied
"alright so-" Sious went on scribblings on a piece of paper but all he could think about was how intense Nivea's gaze was on him.
He could almost feel her staring at him, like she was memorizing each and every inch of his face. He couldn't think straight.
After a while he kept his pen down and looked at her "you aren't listening ,are you? Why are you so distracted?"
"you are very distracting" She blurted out without thinking.
Sious was over a thousand year old and yet at that moment he felt like a highschool boy with a crush.
"you know I never noticed your freckle before" Nivea said as she traced his cheeks "it's shaped like a heart"
Usually he always had some snarky comment ready to go but his brain had just short circuited.
He sighed and looked back at the paper. As he continued all he could think about was the warm feeling of her hands on his face.
He was so screwed.
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tuberculosis-ridden · 7 months
When I walked into Min's room what i didn't expect was him standing there, without a shirt on. I couldn't take my eyes of of him.
Now, im no pervert, i promise, but what can i say? I am a simple girl who appreciates art.
"you know you're ganna burn a hole through me if you keep staring" Min's voice broke the silence startling me.
"i wasn't staring" i said diverting my gaze to the celling or the floor, anywhere but him.
"mhm, sure i believe you" he taunted, walking closer "why exactly is your heart beating so fast then hm?"
"uh i ran here so"
"oh of course"
"i did"
"whatever you say" he said
"just so you know, im all yours to stare at" he said grinningly as he kissed my forehead and left the room.
What just happened.
0 notes
tuberculosis-ridden · 7 months
I put my hand out towards Min "Cheque please" i said grinning
He groaned "i cannot believe this"
"what is going on" Akira asked confused
"Wait hold on a second" Seok said putting the dots together "did you guys make a bet? On Akira and i getting married?"
"oh definitely, i told you they would get married "i taunted Min
"what- when did this happen?" Akira asked as Min passed me the piece of paper that would pay of all my tuition fee and probably more.
Perks of being friends with filthy rich immortals.
"7 years ago" Min mumbled
"yup 7 years ago" i repeated
"But we werent even together yet" Seok said
"My intuitions are never wrong im afraid" i said shoving the cheque in my pocket.
"thank you for getting married or i would have to sleep on the streets for the rest of my life" i said glaring at Min
"A bet is a bet" Min argued
"You are filthy rich! Why would you even need so much cash" Niv argued back
"You could have just told me that you were scared-"
"first of all i won the bet remember?"
"They never change do they?" Seok whispered to Akira as she laughed.
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tuberculosis-ridden · 7 months
But in prompts because idk how to fill the plot holes
Seok and Min are extra protective over Niv since they found her after she was kidnapped.
Niv having to stay in Min apartment so one of them can keep an eye on her
Niv thinking them being on such high alert is unnecessary
"I get it that we need to keep her close but why is she staying in my apartment"
"because i don't want to third wheel Seok and his wife"
" *flustered* She isn't my wife-" "yet"
Min dropping her off at college everyday
Seok and Min tearing the city apart to find out who did that to her
Seok bringing all of her stuff (her photo frames, clothes, dolls, everything she needs)
a bedroom kept ready for her
"im sorry we took so long" "its alright, i knew you'd come for me"
this opening up soo many doors for Min and Niv (roommate AU)
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tuberculosis-ridden · 8 months
"good morning" Min said as he walked into the room
"morning- what the heck have you been drinking? you look like shit" i said looking at him
"i have a cold" he mumbled
"i said i have a cold"
"i can't hear you"
"i have a cold okay?" Min snapped, almost embarrassed.
"immortals get cold ?" i asked amused
"unfortunately" he said slumping down next to me
i stretched my hand and put my palm on his forehead, he froze.
"what are you doing?" he asked
"i think you have a fever" i said putting my other palm on my forehead "you're burning up"
he sighed "id argue with you but I'm too tired to do so"
"alright come on get up, we need to get you fixed up"
"this is horrible" he whined as he got up
"nothing a good hot soup and some medicine won't fix"
"soup? where are you going to get soup from?"
"I'm going to make it"
"oh great I'm going to die of food poisoning" he said as he sat down on his bed
"stop complaining"
i walked into his bathroom and got a mug of cold water and dipped a cloth in.
"its just a fever it'll go away" he said looking at me
"lay down"
"you really don't have to-" and before he could complete his sentence he sneezed.
i put the cold cloth on his fore head, trying to bring his fever down.
"ill be back" i said walking into the kitchen. i returned back with a warm cup of soup, the aroma filling the air
"oh look at that, my last supper is here" He sassed
"its funny how you're still a jerk even with fever, now ahh"
"I'm not a kid"
"i can have the soup on my own"
he groaned and opened his mouth "i despise you"
"ill get over it"
"How are you feeling?" i asked as i entered the room
"I'm dying" he whined
I sighed. Who would have thought that the big, bad and intimidating Min gets so cranky when he's sick?
"its just a fever, it'll go away" I said mocking him as i looked down "you were supposed to take the medicine not leave it as decoration on the side table"
"medicine is a human concept it wont work for me"
Insufferable. Absolutely insufferable.
"shut up and have the medicine will you?" i said as I gave it to him and he just glared at me.
"you'll be fine in no time alright?"
"You look all better" I told Min
"We'll your soup didn't kill me" He said
I sniffed my nose, barely able to keep my eyes open.
"this is your fault"
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tuberculosis-ridden · 8 months
I got up, I felt groggy like I was drugged or something. Everything was dark. I could feel a piece of cloth tied to my head covering my eyes. My hands were tied behind the chair that I was sitting on. I brushed my hand slightly on the rope, it was double knotted.
I shook my head trying to clear my mind
“hello?” I said, my voice sounding raspy. “are you serious this the third time this week, the whole kidnapping thing is getting old”
“where is Seok?” a voice asked
I am going to kill that idiot, how many people did he piss of?
“look dude, I don’t know what Seok did to piss you of but I have nothing to do with him. In fact I’d kill him myself” I said
“does that usually work?” he asked with a hint of laughter in his voice
“it was worth a shot alright” I said “what do you want? Revenge? Its not going to happen trust me. I haven’t seen him since he left without any explanation or warning.”
“ so, he’s actually missing?” he said
“yeah no shit. Hey if you see him beat his ass from my side will ya?” I said “now if you could please leave me, I have a test in like 20 minutes man and unfortunately a magical ancient being, being missing doesn’t stop it”
I could hear him stand up and walk towards me, I moved more back towards the chair with a million thoughts running around my head.
Slowly he pulled out the cloth from my eyes. Everything went hazy for awhile and my eyes finally adjusted to the light.
In front of me I saw a man, he looked , dare I say ethereal. But like Seok type of ethereal. 
Absolutely beautiful . His eyes , it shined like sunlight through a bottle of whiskey. I almost got lost in them for awhile.
“what are you staring at?” he asked raising his eyebrows
“Are you a vulpix?” I asked
“what the hell is a vulpix?”
“the creature that Seok is”
“well yes I am. How could you tell?” he asked
“you kinda look like him” I said tilting my head trying to picture Seok
“I look nothing like him” he snapped
“whoa there didn’t mean to hit a nerve, my bad.” I said “who even are you? I know most of the people who are trying to kill Seok but I can’t seem to recognize you”
“Why? Am I the only one not giving an evil monologue telling you who I am and why im trying to kill him?”
“yes actually, how did you know that?”
He scoffed and he looked at me. “why does he keep you around?”
“why did he keep me around, big difference also im the one asking questions here hello?”
He turned and looked at me, and I saw it. The scar. It didn’t take me long to put everything together
“no way, wow I thought you were a drunk man’s legend this whole time” I said
“what is that supposed to mean?” he asked sitting down.
“you are Sious. His brother, aren’t you?”
“I am not his brother” he snapped
“holy shit, he said you’d say that” I said with my eyes wide in amusement. I tried to get up when I realized my hands were still tied.
“uh, can you please help me out” I said tugging at the rope. I should really learn how to free myself.
He sighed and leaned down to untie me.
He smelled like pine.
No I did not sniff him. Maybe just a tad bit.
“another dead end” I heard him-or Sious-murmur.
“so you’re looking for him too huh? Any luck?” I asked
He glared at me “does it look like it?”
I blinked. Ha right.
I looked around the place I was. It was an apartment. Not going to lie I was kind of disappointed. I thought Sious would live in some old classic house, you know like how you’d think an immortal would live? With fancy old artifacts and wine on display.
That’s how Seok said he’d live.
I turned around to see Sious staring at me. He looked like he was trying to solve a puzzle.
“what?” I asked
“it looks like something”
“don’t you have a test?”
Realization struck “oh crap” I said running to gather my things. “crap, crap, crap”
“its just a test” he deadpanned
“I wish” I said hurrying. I took a sticky note and wrote down my number and stuck it on the fridge
“that’s my number. I know there is no reason for you to contact me or anything, but if you find anything about him please let me know.” I put on my shoe and opened the door  “And if you see him, tell him im going to beat the shit out of him.” I said as I ran out.
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tuberculosis-ridden · 8 months
Daylight (Min, Niv & Seok)
Kidnapped (prompt)
Random prompts
Prompt 1
Prompt 2
Prompt 3
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tuberculosis-ridden · 8 months
"You alright?" I asked as i watched Min stand in the balcony, looking over the city.
"Mhm" he hummed without turning back as I leaned against the frame of the door.
We stood there in silence for a while and then he spoke.
"Is everyone else fine?" He asked, his voice coming out almost as a whisper.
"Yup, a few scratches here and there but we'll survive" I said with a smile. He was worried.
"Are you okay?" He asked hesitantly
"im talking to you aren't I?"' I sighed "I'm fine Min." I said assuring him.
I didn't have to look at him to know that he felt bad and that he was blaming himself. He'd never admit it out loud but i have know him for way too long not to know that.
"It was tricky but we did it, we always do." I said.
"Exactly, it was dangerous. So why did you do it?" He asked completely ignoring the 'we did it' part.
Honestly his question confused me. Why would we not do it?
"Because it's you." I walked towards him and stood in the other side of the railing "okay yes, there are times I'd end you myself but today, if we hadn't stopped it you would have gotten hurt. I don't want that"
"And what if you got hurt?" He asked as he tensed.
"I wouldn't, I didn't. And besides come on Min that's better than you dying" I chuckled "Id do it again in a heartbeat"
Min turned towards me and I finally saw his face. I couldn't read it. He walked towards me and I put my hand up.
"Okay come on don't get angry at me Min-"
He hugged me
Min hugged me.
His entire body hovered over me like a giant blanket and he held me there.
Min is hugging me.
He wasn't the type to show affection ever. EVER. I always knew that deep down he was a giant bear with a whole lot of feeling that he never showed. I mean it's not like he never did, his actions were always small.
Making sure I walked inside the side walk, slipping some candies into the kids bags. Leaving snacks at my place every time he came around. But he never ever let you know out loud.
And now he was hugging me. He was trembling which I hadn't realised at first because I was still processing the fact that his arms were wrapped around me.
I hugged him back, tight. I mean it's not everyday Carsious Lavigne shows affection and I sure as hell wasn't going to let this pass.
"Im sorry" he whispered
"It's okay Min, I promise" I said as I caressed his back. "We are all fine , I am fine. Its not your fault, it never has been and never will be so dont you dare apologize got it?"
And he hummed in response and we stood there under the dark, the moon being our only source of light.
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