tum-blrweed · 17 days
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tum-blrweed · 1 month
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tum-blrweed · 1 month
Everyone go download No Thanks, it is actually a game changer!
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tum-blrweed · 4 months
I am so angry at the western world for letting it get to this. Joe biden is trying to convince israel to agree to a ceasefire? Only now? Why did so many innocent have to die for action to be taken? The people of gaza are starving, women are left without hygenie products, the ill are without care, and yet america remains in support of israel. We dont need a ceasefire in the near future, we need it now. Everyday there are people dying, they die in ways that should have never even been possible because we vowed history would not repeat itself, but here it is, happening. And what does america do? Stand by the oppressors side, deciding to overlook the crimes because they too got away with murdering people unjustly.
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tum-blrweed · 4 months
I have seen posts on Palestine get thousands on thousands of notes. If each person who engaged with them donated one dollar—literally just one; no more, no less—thousands of dollars would be raised to humanitarian aid in Gaza just like that. I understand there’s the whole bystander effect going on. People are probably like “Well there’s likely someone out there donating right now, so they can probably do without my one puny dollar” wrong. One dollar makes a huge difference. Any amount you can afford can make a huge difference.
I’m not going to say every single person on here can afford to give up a dollar, because that’s absolutely insensitive to people’s individual situations—but if you can, please donate. So many of us on here aren’t swimming in money, but we still make it a point to donate, regardless of how little or how big a sum it is. I promise it adds up.
The PCRF could use every last penny. Don’t be a bystander in a world of bystanders. It matters.
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tum-blrweed · 4 months
I think a thing that is pretty obvious now is that Israel is NOT going to STOP, so what we have to do is to MAKE them STOP.
People listen! Do what you can to help Palestine. Make posters, post about it on social media, talk about it, write about it, donate, sign petitions, call your congress, boycott, protest and etc!
I know it might not feel like enough. But it's still something, especially if everyone does it! If people in the past were able to start revolutions and overthrow governments. Who says we can't do anything now? There's power in teamwork, even if you're working with strangers to stop a fucking genocide!
Also important note, when I say protests I'm not talking about those violent protests that we see on TV. No.
You people remember Mahatma Gandhi? He was a wise man. We should follow his footsteps.
Trying to stop violence with more violence will only result in more hurt and death. And that's the last thing anyone needs right now.
But that's what governments of many countries do. They use MILLIONS on weapons that they send off to Israel (or Ukraine, Russia, etc) instead of actually trying to stop the fucking conflict. That kills people. Kids, women, men, seniors die. Soldiers on BOTH sides die. Meaning that not only are thousands of lives lost.
But families lose family.
Another thing people always seem to not think about is that war is not just killing each other. It's also about recovering from it. And not every country is able to do that!! Especially in Palestine's case because of how poor it is already. Because the amount of damage war does to a country is unimaginable. Not only is the economy and everything fucked, but so are people, physically and psychically. PTSD and C-PTSD will affect so many. So many that generational trauma will affect people decades later. So Israel is not only taking lives and ruining lives of the people that are lucky to survive. But also ruining lives of generations of Palestinian people that aren't even born yet!
There's people still affected by WW2 because of generational trauma in 2024, my own damn parents included. Generational trauma is not a fucking joke.
Hah, but obviously this will only happen if there will even be any Palestinians alive to have children. Since Israel isn't fucking stopping. Israel doesn't care about Palestinians! They kill everyone in sight and take over Palestinian territory!
One step at the time. The first one being: making as many people aware of the genocide and working together to stop it.
I want to summarise this with;
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tum-blrweed · 4 months
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tum-blrweed · 5 months
I think the reason a lot of leftists struggle with disability justice is that they haven't moved past the concept that discrimination isn't bad because it's objectively "wrong." yes, sexists are objectively wrong when they try to claim women are dumber than men. yes, antisemites are objectively wrong that jewish people are inherently greedy and run the state. yes, racists are wrong when they try to claim that white people are the superior race. and so on.
but then with disabled people, there are a lot of objective truths to the discrimination we face. people with IDs/LDs do fall behind and struggle with certain concepts. physically disabled people are often weaker and less capable of performing demanding tasks than able bodied people. many of us with mental illnesses are more reckless and less responsible. a lot of us are dependent on others and do not contribute much "worth".
and guess what? disabled people still deserve a place in the world. disabled people still deserve the supports they need. because they are people, and that should be enough to support them and believe they deserve a place at the table.
if your only rebuttal against discrimination is its objective inaccuracies, you are meeting bigots where they are at. you are validating the very concept that if and when people are truly incapable of being equal to the majority, that means they are worth less. this causes some leftists to then try to deny the objective realities of disabled people and/or become ableist themselves.
your rallying behind marginalized groups should start and end with the fact that people are completely worthy of life and equity, because they are fellow human beings and that should, frankly, be enough.
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tum-blrweed · 5 months
Not feminist as in "women should be included in the draft" but feminist as in "being drafted is a violation of bodily autonomy for any gender".
The draft should not exist. Drafting people into the military is a violation of human rights. You should not be able to force someone to risk their life. If you can't find enough people who care about a conflict to keep it going then it simply shouldn't keep going. You can't even force someone to donate a kidney using government power, why the fuck can you force them to donate their whole body and life to a cause they don't agree with or don't care about?
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tum-blrweed · 5 months
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They're also censoring people who use these tags on X. Sudanese creators and activists who are talking about their experiences -and often not able to share extensive details about their sufferings because if they do, they could be killed for sharing information. Saying 'genocide' is getting their posts flagged and accounts banned too. We need to be talking about this too.
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tum-blrweed · 5 months
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Journalism has a vital role in shedding light on what entities like Israel want to keep in the dark.
Israel killed over 100 journalists in 10 weeks.
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tum-blrweed · 5 months
stop. stop. it is not just the women and children of gaza. it is not just the mothers. it is also the men. the fathers, the uncles, the vendor, the neighbor, the barber. stop dehumanising them. they are also being killed. they are also being bombed. they are also losing loved ones. palestinians are also losing their fathers and brothers. stop it. stop erasing the pain and suffering of palestinian men. they deserve our love, care and voice just as much as the women and children do.
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tum-blrweed · 5 months
the craziest Freudian slip I have ever seen.
"I am appalled that people are bringing up the Holocaust. Do not compare other genocides to this one."
Oh I'd be fucking sweating if I was this piece of shit...
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tum-blrweed · 5 months
Hi everyone
Due to tumblr bs on supporting genocide, i suggest all of you to use adblock, don't buy anything from this site
Please, share if you can
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tum-blrweed · 5 months
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Nobody is free until everybody is free
☠️ Tip ☠️ Links ☠️
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tum-blrweed · 5 months
Hello everyone, I know I haven’t been on here for a while to post. I kinda cutting down on social media and trying to stay focus with my college work…here and there I’ll reblog about the stuff going on in Gaza/Palestine to keep myself updated about the strike that’s happening.
Overall, please take care and effort to educated yourself and others about the stuff that is happening in Gaza. Boycott, inform, spread awareness about this genocide that is happening. So much has been lost, destroyed, and took away. The people in Palestine to seek out justice, help, and freedom! There’s tons of other countries who are facing similar problems like Palestine.
Congo, Sudan, Yemen, and much more. Everything is not okay, until Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Yemen, and more countries are set free!
I’m not saying try boycott everything at once, but at least one at time to make it much easier.
If anyone has more links to provide please reply in the comment section!
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tum-blrweed · 5 months
When I say that consumerism will be the death of us all, I am specifically talking about people who just can't seem to stop buying stuff (most of which they don't even need) after it's revealed that the companies that they're buying from are helping to fund multiple genocides. Especially seeing as not buying that stuff just means having one less thing to spend money on (especially with the economy being how it is today). This is arguably the most easy form of protest that anyone can do, and yet people find it so difficult to just not buy things all the time.
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