turtledude ¡ 1 year
Hobie brown with a M!reader who sleeps with a stuffed animal
Fluff ☁️ Romantic 💘
Warnings: None❤️
S/N = stufies name M/N = Male readers name
AUTHORS NOTE: I know I’ve been very inconsistent but honestly I didn’t expect people to even see the posts I made before 😭 but thank you for the support on them ❤️ I may make more tmnt content but I’m not sure when I will
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Not my GIF!
This is Hobie we’re talking about, He’s not very judge-mental
I like to think the first time he found out was actually on accident. You were having one of your regular hang outs at your place, when you went to go get snacks. But you had forgotten to put S/N away.
Hobie was lounging on a chair when he saw it from the corner of his eye. Now he’s not one to pick through your stuff. He respects your space and trusts you as his boyfriend, but he assumed that since it was out, you wouldn’t mind him looking.
The thought of it being weird never really crossed his mind, he was just curious as he went to inspect the plush
That was when you walked in
You were a bit embarrassed but honestly Hobie didn’t understand why.
You told him you thought he would judge you and you forgot to put it away, and he almost laughed
“Love, I don’t care about stuff like that.” He sighed. “I mean if it makes you feel more comfortable why should I care? And besides, it’s probably better than holding a pillow.” He squished one of the pillows on your bed. “Too bulky anyway” he laughed
But yeah, if you were scared at first you won’t be pretty soon. He has a way with people like that.
He does make a joke about being jealous that you hold S/N instead of him at night but that’s just Hobie being Hobie
Overall, he loves everything about you and finds it kinda endearing too know you like things like that.
P.S. if you ever get him a plushie or win him one at an arcade or a fair, he will definitely keep it with him on missions
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turtledude ¡ 1 year
Rise tmnt with a flamboyant !male! reader
(Ex:flashy personality and feminine clothing)
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He’s your biggest supporter no matter what so when it comes to the way you dress and act he’s your biggest hype man
Personality wise he finds it fun how dramatic you are
Even though he doesn’t need clothes he finds them cool
He actually wants to try dresses cause he thinks they look cool but none of Aprils stuff fits him. So you may or may not have gotten a few things so you guys could dress up together
Speaking of dresses, if you dress more feminine he honestly doesn’t see why anyone would be against it
He doesn’t see anything wrong with it but finds it commendable that you wear stuff that others would look down on you for
He gets really bushy if you wear anything red
If your an extroverted type he’ll get really embarrassed if you try to show him off, but please do, he likes it
Also if anyone in his reach try’s to mess with you because of it he’s gonna pound em
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He honestly just screams hype man tbh
He’s also very verbal about how much he likes your fits so be careful
He kinda wants you to dress him up tbh
Scratch that you WILL dress him up, you have no choice.
Def the type to try and buy matching fits for you guys but they probably look really bad 💀(if you wear them anyway it’ll make him really happy)
Would def show you off like “lookhowcoolandamzazingmyboyfriendishahahesmineandnotyoursloser”
Casually roasts people who insult you
Honestly genuinely finds it a really endearing part of you and feels butterflies whenever he’s sees how good you look
Wont shut up if you wear blue.
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Honestly no one expected that you two would be together but in a way it was also very expected
Like Donnie does act stand offish at times but he’s a loud theatre kid at heart and we know he’s flashy
Tries to not notice it but he thinks you look amazing
Will choke if you wear purple
He’s not the best at compliments but if he gets into his theatrical mood he’ll say something stupid and poetic about you. Away from his brothers of course
He does show you off to people but most likely not infront of you
His brothers are tired cause he won’t stop talking about you
If you have a cool like cyber punk style or something with a lot of accessories he will probably steal them and modify them with tech. No you don’t have a choice but it’s okay cause it always turns out super cool
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Omg he loves you sm
He finds your style really fun and likes to do like random fashion shows in his room with you
If you wear orange he probably will just treat it like any other outfit (meaning telling you how absolutely awesome you look) but if you tell him you wore it cause it reminds you of him, he will cry and hug you
He’s not a big show off but he’ll talk about you a lot
He also really likes your personality and it goes pretty well with him
He’s quite bubbly and you suit eachother
Doctor delicate touch mode is on immediately when someone is rude too you
The whole concept of “boys can’t wear feminine clothing” never made sense too him. I think him and Donnie have def tried on some of aprils clothing for fun
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turtledude ¡ 2 years
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No thoughts behind those eyes
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turtledude ¡ 2 years
Personal headcanons for 2012 tmnt turtles. Fluff 🌸
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-secretly loves rom-com but will never tell a soul
-bonus: Mikey found out when he snuck into raphs room and saw him crying while watching the titanic, he never let him live it down
-has way to many protein shakes
-doesn’t like chocolate but LOVES sour candy
-he loves punk rock but occasionally lets his inner swifty out
-color blind because I said so and it somehow makes sense
-hyper active adhd
-Donnie had to explain pronouns to him. He understood pretty quick but didn’t think much of it. He probably wouldn’t care if someone used she/her on him but he prefers he/him
-he doesn’t like to verbally apologize but if he makes one of his brothers upset on accident he’ll leave a note in their room saying he was sorry and that if they told anyone he apologized they would face his rath
-gets really sad if an animal doesn’t like him but pretends he doesn’t care. (Def a dog person but likes cats)
-I also see him as Demi-romantic and bi. He can’t see a relationship happening if he doesn’t trust you or know you well enough, so I think it fits him(yes I know he fell really quickly for Mona but that doesn’t matter shh)
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-loves cucumber water
-fav movies are horror films
-he always points out the mistakes if the gore doesn’t look accurate
-I headcanon that when Donnie was younger one of his teeth was loose and Raph like tied a string to it and a door to get it out but it was the wrong tooth. Raph still feels bad about that(I got this idea from a fan made comic but I forgot which)
-He’s autistic you can’t prove to me she’s not
-he’s had a wide range of special intrests which is why they know a lot of random stuff.
-they already knew about pronouns and think any fit him, but it took her a while to realize her sexuality
-bi king
-he’s scared of dogs, def a cat person
-doesn’t like the texture of meat that much
-he often makes things for her brothers to show he cares for them. Time and gift giving is the way they show affection
-not used to physical touch but loves hugs, especially Mikey’s hugs. She finds it really sweet
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-they love pickles so much (probably tried it on pizza while his brothers just looked horrified in the distance)
-lactose intolerant but doesn’t care (his brothers suffer for it)
-def still watches my little pony (me too it’s okay)
-innetentive adhd
-forgets things constantly but always feels bad about it
-Raphs gotten into the habit of reminding him about stuff and Mikey really appreciates it
-loves action films but thinks horror is too scary
-their pan like I just can’t see it any other way
-bros got rizz with everyone/j
-doesn’t really care about pronouns but prefers they/he
-he prefers cats over dogs but still thinks dogs are cute
-their very physically affectionate and hugs their brothers as much as they’ll let him cough* Raph
-listens to music when he’s upset
-if he makes one of his brothers upset they get really mad at himself, they’ll constantly apologize and try to make them feel better
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-autistic and his special interest is space hero’s
-loves action and comedy movies(even better when it’s a mix)
-he hates mayonnaise, idk he just looks like he hates it.
-the type of guy to eat ranch on his pizza
-he’s gay your honor
-whenever he tries to act serious his brothers try to mess with him and make him laugh, it works everytime
-he’s trans and uses he/him cause I’m right
-literally cannot decide whether he likes cats or dogs more
-even though he tries to be mature, he can pretty hot headed sometimes. He’s also stubborn so if you make him mad it will take a bit before he apologizes
-but even with that if he calms down and realizes he actually upset his brothers or friends, he’s gonna apologize. He doesn’t want to ruin a relationship just because he’s stubborn
-he has scars from fighting and sometimes feels a little self conscious about them, but Raph always tells him they look cool and it actually makes him like them more
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turtledude ¡ 2 years
2003 turtles with a boyfriend who has thicc thighs (NOT SEGGUAL!!) IDEA FROM: freestyle-crocodile-trashpile
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-We know bro is a flirt
-He would give you sly compliments if you wore something to show them off
-He honestly finds them really cute
-He’s a little nervous about laying on them though, domestic things in general make him a little nervous but he will never admit that
- He also would be endlessly teased by his bros if he did.
-He would casually put his hand on your thigh if you were sitting by him and just continue what he’s doing with a smile
-if your insecure about them he probably wouldn’t understand. He’s more likely to use his actions to tell you that he appreciates you and your body, but if you need him too he’ll tell you.
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-he’s trying to keep his composer give him a sec
-he wouldn’t be as flirty as Raph but if your insecure about them he would definitely compliment you
-he would be kinda scared to ask to lay on them at first, but he wants too
-he didn’t want to touch them at first cause he thought it would make you uncomfortable,but when you told him you were fine with it he started too
-he honestly holds them for comfort, touching you in general makes him feel safe
-sometimes catches himself staring and if you notice he tries to play it off but fails.
-if you wore something to show them off he would literally just like die on the spot. He would be sly about it though, while internally screaming
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-the most flustered about it
-he wanted to ask if he could lay between your thighs a few times but got too scared
-you either have to offer or confront him cause he won’t ask
-eventually he gets more comfortable. After a while he starts to find comfort in it.
-lays on your lap whenever hes stressed
-favorite thing to do is just lay with you and rant about his newest invention
-also speaking of, please listen to his rants, it makes him feel appreciated
-he probably noticed you where insecure even if you didn’t tell him. He would do subtle things for you to show how he generally appreciates you
-would also compliment you but he’d be a little shy, still he just wants you to know he loves you
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-probably giggling rn
-loves them sm omg
-“look at my thicc bf”/j
-he loves to lay on them, hold them, anything. And if his brothers tease him about it he probably just ignores it
-but if anything they say makes you feel embarrassed he’s throwing hands
-like leo he just finds them so comforting
-he honestly wouldn’t notice your insecure about it and with the way he loved on you, you could tell he didn’t mind them to say the least
-if you wore smaller shorts or something that made them visible he probably will whistle. Then proceed to be so sweet about it
-he loves to stare. They look so soft and he finds them adorable
-he just loves every part of you
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