Exactly how I feel rn
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What is love? Is it the constant need to have someone’s presence in the venue? Or, to have your knees get weak every time you see them. Are there different ways to love a person; like a mother to a child, a sibling to a sibling, a lover to another. Can you love someone you’ve just met? Or does the love manifest itself in a relationship, and when the time comes, reveals itself to one party, or both? Can it be controlled, or does it rampage, like a wild horse on a leash? Is it denied? Is it welcomed? How do you know when you love someone? Do you just know?  Or are you oblivious? Do both parties feel it at the same time? Or does it eat at another’s feelings, till they explode like a tsunami wave in a thunderstorm?  Can love be stopped? Or is it unstoppable? Is it always meant to be? Or can it change; mold itself, like a block of soft clay? Do people fear it? Or wish for it to greet their lives?
Whatever love is. I don’t understand it.
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Her Eyes
Her eyes are like quartz crystals,
They are like icebergs that can melt,
By the grey pollution behind them,
Black sapphires make up the pupils,
Flowing into the grayish blue,
Submerging itself in color,
Diminishing for a moment,
Ending in a dark ring around each iris,
Little green flakes,
Like seasoning on top a savory dish,
Looking into them is like diving inside,
Sinking into them and never re-surfacing. 
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Me in Art Class:
Me: Woa...I just realised something
Peer : What
Me : If I'm a homo-sapien
Me : and if I'm also a homo-sexual...guess what am I
Peer : IDK
Me : I'M HOMO ² !!!
Peer : That's not how that works *mental facepalm*
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i miss your tiny nose and the multiple freckles it harbors, i miss your laugh, god your laugh, i miss your hair a lot too, its sooooo soft and silky and it smells soooooo good, i miss your eyes, the pomegranates filled with icebergs, I miss your lips a lot too, I miss your back, its so smooth, i miss your shoulders where i put my head when i hug you from behind, i miss the little spiky hairs at your hairline, i miss your hands, i love holding them, i miss your pinkies, they are soooo cute, i miss your thighs where i can draw patterns when we sit at tables. I miss you. God I miss you so much.
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21st November 2016 3:33pm
A plain day in project impact, we were going home and I was getting my things from my locker... I cracked one of my stupid fat jokes to you.... you didn't laugh. I asked what the matter was and I'll admit I was being a bit of a douche about it. You said no I don't have to tell you, you're not even my friend. That last sentence hit me like a wave that I couldn't swim away from. In the morning you had called me your friend but, as soon as you said that I was in shock. I felt like ripping my heart out of my chest. I was speechless, you went up to her and I heard you say something like "she thought she was my friend?"I didn't know what to say. I felt like you could see beneath my face mask and the emotions going on in my head, and you taking that and rubbing more hatred in my face. I didn't understand at all I still feel like crying as I write this. You won't see it but I just hope you subconsciously feel it. I don't know if you found out that I am your secret admirer or that I like you, but whatever it is I hope it can just be like a bad dream. I made you laugh all day but you just broke my admiration. I'll probably ignore you. Act like I have no feelings and our relationship will always be doubted. I'm scared to say my feelings out loud.
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Your Hate, My Love
You make me fall under your weight, 
Not with love but with your hate. 
You make me cry when we're alone, 
You never seem to want to get home.  
You break me apart without a care,
The scars, bruises, rips and tears.  
Fighting, trying, struggling to breathe, 
On all of the hate that you breed.   
But someday you'll see and I'll forgive, 
For I instead have love to give. 
The hate will perish and dissolve, 
And while that happens love will evolve. 
I don't forgive you now but when I do, 
All will be forgotten with nothing to rue.
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