uncomposed-witing · 5 years
What Makes a Hero Pt 6
When Monday rolls around (y/n) arrives early to UA with Midnight and joins her in the teacher's lounge as everyone explains what the plan is.
“(y/n), you will be joining Aizawa’s class 1A in the hero course. Now this is a top hero course so you will have to work very hard in your classes here.” explained principle Nezu. 
“Will the students know I’m a villain?” asked (y/n)
“So far only the teachers have been informed. Your record is protected and sealed, so the students don’t need to know. It just depends on what they learn from you.” said Midnight.
“I’m expecting a lot from you (y/n). Having Midnight vouch for you is no small deal. I will not tolerate you if you slip up. Now come with me, we’re running late” stated Aizawa.
Grabbing her bag she quickly follows after him. “Aizawa, with the attack... I’m so sorry abo--” he cut her off. 
“Don’t apologize to me. You weren’t in charge of the attack. You didn’t even attack anyone. My duty is to protect my students and I did just that, but I will also protect them even if the threat is from another student.” he adds his bandages hiding his expression. 
Before (y/n) knew it they were in front of class 1A. When he slid the door open the classroom suddenly quieted down. Following him inside everyone’s eyes were on her. Aizawa addressed the class explaining, “This is (y/n), she is a new student at UA and is joining their class.”
“Wait, isn’t that the girl from the USJ attack?” asked a boy with red spikey hair.
“Mr. Aizawa, how are you back already? You’re still injured.” asked a girl with pink cheeks and short brown hair, as she pointed out his bandages.
“She’s a hero in training just like everyone else here, Kirishima, and Uraraka these injuries aren’t bad,” explained Aizawa.  “Now go to your seat, (y/n).”
Walking to the back of the room she sits next to a girl with black hair pulled back in a ponytail and the boy with red and white hair from USJ. As she walks past a boy with a bird face, a shadow suddenly charges towards her. The class stares in horror as the boy yells out “Dark Shadow no!” Calmly, (y/n) puts her hand out a small smile ghosting her lips. Aizawa is about to interfere, but the shadow quickly wraps itself around her hand. She laughs as she wraps a small shadow of her own over her hand.
“Dark Shadow, huh? That’s fitting,” she states, and suddenly Dark Shadow is nuzzling into her palm. She unwraps herself with her quirk before proceeding back to her seat. The stunned silence is broken by the boy gasping and apologizing. “Why are you apologizing? Dark Shadow didn’t hurt me.” 
“You weren’t even scared?” asked a girl with pink skin.
“Why would I need to be scared?” (y/n) responded.
At this comment, a boy with ash blonde hair huffed and rolled his eyes. 
“What quirk do you have?” Midoriya asked, the excitement clear in his voice.
(Y/n) looks to Aizawa to see how he reacts to yet another interruption of his class. 
“Well I can tell I’m not getting anything done today, so we might as well do your quirk assessment today. I already have everyone else’s scores, I just need yours. Get changed and meet on the training field, everyone.”
When everyone met up again on the field Aizawa called (y/n) forward. “Your assessment will be different from what the others did. There are dummies set up around the room. I want you to demonstrate your quirk on them.” 
Nodding, (y/n) steps forward and activates her quirk forming a javelin out of shadows. She quickly hurls it at the targets uprooting two of them as it impales itself into a third dummy. Shifting her quirk she forms her twin blades and dances through the field carving them up. Finally, she brings up a wave of darkness and descends it upon the dummies. When she pulls her quirk back all the dummies are completely destroyed. Everyone is quiet as they take in the power of her quirk. Midoriya breaks the silence, “(Y/n), your hands…” he says quietly. Looking down everyone notices her fingers are completely black even though her quirk wasn’t being used. 
“It happens when I use my quirk sometimes. It’ll fade soon enough.” she says brushing it off.
“So you create darkness?” Asked Midoriya.
“Not exactly. I can’t create it, but I can manipulate shadows into almost anything I want.” 
After her assessment, Aizawa dismisses the class for lunch, but before anyone can move a boy with glasses stops everyone. “(y/n), I am the class representative but please call me Iida, I want to introduce you to the rest of the class so you can know who we are. It is my job to make sure you feel welcome here.” As he went through introducing everyone the girls were extremely happy to have another girl in the class with them and decided to sit with her at lunch and talk about all of their quirks. Finishing up lunch (y/n) decided to walk back to class alone. Lost in her thoughts she ran into someone. 
“Oh, sorry,” she said as she looked up and met red eyes. 
“I don’t know what you’re playing at,” Bakugou said. 
“What are you talking about?”
“You were with the villains. How are you here? You might have fooled everyone else including the teachers, but you’re no hero.”
A boy with purple hair and eyes interrupts before (y/n) can reply. “She’s here, isn’t she? She must deserve to be here for some reason.”
“Who the hell are you?” yelled Bakugou. “Tch whatever, you don’t matter.” Turning his attention back to (y/n) he went on, “just know that I don’t trust you, and you’ll never beat me. When people realize who you really are,  just know that I’ll be the one to take you down.” With that, he stormed off.
 Letting out a breath of air she didn’t realize she was holding, she turned to the other boy. “Hey thanks for that, but you really didn’t need to defend me. You don’t even know me.”
“My name’s Shinso, and I know I didn’t have to get involved but no one deserves to be treated like that. You made it here so you’ve gotta be somewhat heroic.” he stated matter of factly.
“I’m (y/n) I just transferred in. Thank you.”
“It’s what heroes do right? They get involved in situations even if they don’t need to.” 
With that thought, he left down the hallway leaving (y/n) staring after him before she shook her head and returned to her class.
When class restarted Aizawa claims, “You can’t relax yet.”
Suddenly the class is filled with cries of “not another villain attack” and many groans. As (y/n) looks around her eyes meet red eyes that are glaring at her. Aizawa pulls everyone’s attention back. “The sports festival is next week. This is a huge opportunity to show everyone what you’re made of.” As everyone starts cheering about how excited they are, the world stops around (y/n).  She slips out of the classroom and quickly runs into a bathroom as panic wracks through her body. Curled up on herself she’s silently sobbing to herself when there’s soft knock on the stall door. 
“(Y/n)? Is that you?” the familiar voice of Midnight asks.
Slowly opening the door Midnight takes her in and quickly checks her over for any injuries. “What happened? I was told you ran out of class.”
“I can’t do it, Midnight. They’re going to find me.”
“What are you talking about. You’re perfectly safe here.”
“They’ll see me and they’ll come for me.”
“Where? Who’s coming for you?”
“At the sports festival. Aizawa said everyone will be watching. They’ll see me, the League, Shigaraki,” her voice broke on his name, “and they’ll find a way to get me. I can’t go back. I WON’T go back.” She yelled tears streaming down her face. 
Midnight suddenly pulled her close making her lose her balance. “They won’t get you. I promise. They won’t be able to hurt you anymore. We’ve already arranged for more security and I’ll make sure nothing happens to you.” 
As (y/n) and Midnight sat there, she finally agreed that she would go through with the festival.
*at the villains hideout*
Dust that used to be bar stools covered the floor like sawdust. The stools ones that remained were strewn across the room with broken legs littered around them. Broken glass covered the bartop sticky with the spilled alcohol. Sitting on the couch Shigaraki sat furiously scratching at his neck. “Where is she? How did she escape? Where did she go?!” he yelled. He suddenly grabbed the table in front of him and flipped it causing the wood to splinter. “FIND HER”. he commanded.
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uncomposed-witing · 5 years
Oh Brother Pt 5
This took me so long to post I’m so sorry. Life has just been really crazy lately but I’m back. I hope you all enjoy this!
The next day at class everyone barraged (y/n) with questions about Hawks.
“What’s he like?” Uraraka asked.
“Is it true he can get any girl he wants?” Kaminari chimed in.
Giving him a disgusted look, she responded “He’s my brother. I really don’t want to think about that.”
“But you live with him, so wouldn’t you know?” questioned Mina.
Giving her an agitated look, (y/n) huffed. “He doesn’t exactly live with me. He pays for the apartment and when he’s in town he has a room, but he’s hardly ever here. I see him once maybe every couple of months or so..”
“You live alone?!” Kaminari practically screamed at her.
“Isn’t that kinda scary? And lonely?” Asui asked.
“It isn’t really scary. Hawks trained me in basic self-defense as soon as I moved in with him and has been training me ever since, and ya it can get lonely sometimes but I’ve pretty much always been alone so it's not the worst thing,” she shrugged
Shouto reached his hand out and put it on her shoulder to comfort her. He was the only one who even knew she was adopted and didn’t have any real family. Looking back at him, silver lined her eyes as she met his stare before she quickly composed herself.
“Wow. You’re pretty brave to live on your own, “Kirishima said respect clear in his tone.
Kaminari puffed out his chest, “if you ever need a big strong guy to keep you company, you know who to ask”
Shouto’s grip tightened slightly on her shoulder. Looking Kaminari up and down, a small smile played on her lips “You know what you’re right thanks Denki.” The class was stunned at her reaction with Mineta glaring at Kaminari. “Hey Bakugou, would you ever be willing to stay with me when I’m feeling lonely. You are the strongest guy in class.”
Bakugou grinned at Kaminari but before he could respond Shouto spoke up. “(Y/n).”
Looking at his hand on her shoulder then up to his face, (y/n)’s expression softened. “Of course, I haven’t forgotten about you Shouto. This is just in case dear old dad won’t let you come over again. He does hate me after all” A slight blush swept over his cheeks before Bakugou let out a “Huh?!”
“You’re allowed to have boys sleepover?!”  Mina screamed.
“Huh? ya Hawks doesn’t really have any rules for me except don’t be dumb. He was the one to actually set up Todoroki staying over when I was younger. Back at the orphanage, everyone slept in the same room so---”
“Orph-orphanage?” Midoriya questioned.
A blush crept up from (y/n)’s neck to her cheeks. She hadn’t meant to throw that out there. Looking around she saw the surprise on her classmates faces but she looked away when she saw pity. She didn’t want pity. She wasn’t in that situation anymore. She had Hawks. She would always have Hawks
Before she could respond to her classmates, the door slid open and Aizawa walked in to begin the lesson.
At lunch (y/n) snuck away to her favorite spot on the roof. Unfurling her wings, she let the slight breeze drift through her feathers. Stepping up on the ledge she began balancing as though she was on a tightrope. It was moments like this that she loved her quirk. She could be up high away from everyone’s questions with just her and the wind. Her wings could be fully outstretched and warmed by the sun instead of her constantly keeping them tucked in and still having people run into them.
She was pulled from her thoughts when she heard the door to the roof bang open. Turning to face the person who intruded on her peace she was surprised to find that it was Bakugou.
“What are you doing up here dumbass?” he asked
“I could ask you the same thing. This is where I like to go… cause y’know… I like being up high” she said pointing to her wings.
“tch whatever.”
“But seriously what are you doing up here?”
“I came up here to get away from all of those idiots but apparently you’re up here.” he snapped.
She flinched, embarrassed. “Sorry. Truth is I came up here to get away from everyone too.” Getting off the ledge she sat down her legs dangling over before she patted the seat next to her. He reluctantly walked over.
“About what happened in class earlier…” he began but stopped at her glare. “What?” He asked irritation laced in his voice
“please don’t ask,” she said defeated. “It just kind of slipped out.”
“Dumbass I wasn’t gonna ask you anything. If you had wanted to tell us your face wouldn’t have turned bright red.” he paused suddenly calming himself. “I was just gonna say if stupid icy hot isn’t available and you need help or whatever,... I’ll be there” he mumbled
As realization swept over (y/n) she smiled at him. “Thanks. That means a lot”. Just then the bell sounded telling them to head back to class.
As Bakugou turned to leave he turned back around when he noticed (y/n) wasn’t beside him. Finding her crawling back up on the ledge he yelled, “Dumbass, did you not hear the bell? We have to go!”
She turned to look at him before smiling and falling backward. Bakugou ran to the ledge and watched as she kept her wings tucked in tight. The wind tore at her clothes and ripped her hair out of its loose braid. With the ground approaching, she waited until the last moment to snap open her wings. They pushed powerfully,  stopping her fall and shot her straight up, past the ledge where Bakugou was standing. He stepped back as the wind kicked up dust on the roof. Swooping back down (y/n) yelled over the wind “you better hurry or you’ll be late,” while circling down the ground. Adjusting her uniform she walked back to class. While pulling at her wind-tangled hair in her desk she couldn’t help but laugh as Bakugou walked in, a light layer of dust coating his uniform.
“You bitch!” he yelled, explosions going off in his hands. As tears started running down her cheeks from laughing so hard Todoroki and Kirishima stepped in front of her. Collecting herself, she wiped at her cheeks.
“It’s fine guys. He wouldn’t hurt me. After all, we are friends, right Bakugou?”
“Not if you keep doing shit like that!” he yelled but he just stormed over to his desk. 
Seeing that there was no real threat to (y/n), they both backed down.
“And since when did you get bodyguards? What? Can’t fight your own fights?” he scowled at her.
Just as he said that the door slid open. Everyone immediately went to attention as Hawks walked in.
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uncomposed-witing · 5 years
What Makes a Hero Pt 5
So this took me way longer than I thought it would for me to get around to posting and I’m so sorry. I’m gonna try to be more consistent. I had to rewrite a lot of what I had to keep the story moving since I didn’t know exactly where it was going. Hope you all enjoy. Leave a comment for more content you want to be posted!
She woke up blinking into light. NO! No she had escaped. She couldn't be back. She had finally gotten away. She bolted upright panicked. “No. No. How did I get back here?!” she shrieked hysterically.
“Hey. you’re ok. You’re safe here.” a soft voice spoke.
No one was ever soft to her. Was she actually back at the hideout? Taking in her surroundings she saw she was in a hospital bed and surrounded by the pro heroes snipe, midnight, and cementoss and… a rodent?
“My name is Nezu. I’m the principle at UA. Can you please tell us who you are and how you got to be in the USJ?” the rodent asked politely.
She flinched and put her arms in front of her forming two knives of darkness… except nothing formed. She looked down at her hands in disbelief.
“We had to restrain your quirk so we could assess the situation.” Cementoss explained
“Can you answer Principle Nezu’s question?” Snipe asked.
“What happened? Where am I? How did I get here? Why am I here?” (y/n) asked.
“That’s what we’re trying to figure out. But let’s start with finding out your name.”
“My name is (y/n).”
“What’s your association with the League of Villains?
She looked around and finally realized the situation she was in. She was a criminal. Sure, no one knew of her crimes, but they would soon enough. She was a part of the League of Villains that had attacked UA. Their school. The best plan for her would be to work with the heroes in hopes that they’ll help her out somehow. She was also too injured to think about fighting any of them off and with her quirk suppressed...
Sighing she leaned back into the bed. “I’ve been in the League of Villains for 10 years now. I was arranged to be in a quirk marriage with their leader Shigaraki.” At that, the heroes looked at each other and Cementoss left the room. (y/n) continued on, “Yesterday I escaped and wound up wherever that was. I’m guessing the USJ?” she asked receiving a nod from Nezu.
The door opened again and Cementoss entered with All Might behind him.
“Shit” (y/n) breathed. The man she had been trained to destroy was now standing in front of her.
At that Midnight laughed but All Might looked confused. “You’re not used to that reaction, are you All Might?” Looking back at (y/n) she asked, “you escaped? Were you a prisoner? We noticed you had multiple injuries. How did you get those?”
“They recruited me when I was just 6 years old. Sensei demanded they train me and later revealed that I was to be with Shigaraki to combine our quirks. I tried to escape once before. Clearly, it didn’t work. Since then I’ve been going along with what they had me do for training.” She shuddered, letting out a shaky breath before continuing. “I went along with what they wanted me to do. I hurt people. I killed people.” Tears had started to flow down her cheeks as she realized how compliant she had been. She had stopped fighting and let them do this to her. “The turned me into the perfect weapon. You’re right to have erased my quirk. It’s too dangerous.”
“How did you get your injuries?” Midnight asked softly.
“Some of them were from my escape. I had that knife thrown into my shoulder and damaged my ankle even further yesterday, but most of these injuries came from the day before. They wanted to test out their Nomu against me before--”
“They put you against that Nomu?” All Might yelled
(Y/n) shrank further into herself at his outburst before Midnight reached out to her and grabbed her hand reassuring her.
“Yes” she mumbled out
“What’s your quirk?” Principle Nomu asked.
“I have the ability to control and manipulate all darkness. I can turn myself into darkness as well, but if I use my quirk too much, the darkness...it takes control. I lose myself and it can be rather disastrous.” she explained.
“Your quirk is rather impressive but how can they expect a child to take on the Nomu?” asked All Might
“They didn’t expect me to win. But they wanted to see how long I lasted against him. Sensei trained me to be the perfect weapon. His personal assassin to help tear down Hero society.” she sheepishly looked at the room. 
“How did they get you back in control when the darkness took over?” Asked Snipe
She visibly shuddered remembering the pain. “They had a special room built. It stripped my quirk away. Since my quirk is apart of me when it was being stripped away it would hurt me as well. I would be locked in the room for hours or days. I would completely submit to what they wanted if it meant getting out of that room.”
When she finished, the room was completely silent.
“Are those cuffs hurting you?” asked Nezu
“There’s a slight sting, but the nature of these quirk suppresents is different. The room was made to keep out all darkness. These just don’t allow my quirk to be used.” she said raising her cuffed hands.
Nezu asked the teachers to join him to talk some things over. As they were leaving Midnight turned back. “Thank you for helping us. You don’t have to worry. They will never get to you again.” She promised before sliding the door closed.
(Y/N) just looked at the ceiling with a blank stare.
As the teacher’s met Midnight was getting more and more frustrated.
“She’s just a kid!” cried Midnight. “You heard her, she was taken in by them at 6! This is all she’s ever known.”
“She murdered people Midnight. She admitted to it.” Snipe replied
“You saw her reaction. That was remorse. She knew what she did was wrong. She’s the same age as our students. She was tortured for gods sake!”
“Well what are we supposed to do then, Midnight?” asked Cementoss
“We could teach her what it means to be a hero” All Might put in. Everyone turned their attention to him. “She doesn’t know how to use her quirk for good. We’re teaching our students how to become heroes. All she’s known is how to be a villain. What if we were to show her how to use her quirk for good? Quirks aren’t good or bad, it just depends on how they’re used.”
Midnight blinked for a moment before a smile grew on her face. “That’s perfect!”
“Are we really supposed to let a villain so close to our students?” asked Cementoss
“How will we be able to trust her?” added Snipe.
“All Might does have a point.” interrupted Principle Nezu. “It’s our job to teach the next generation of heroes. Who’s to say (y/n) isn’t a part of that? She’s clearly strong enough that the villains want her. But how will we make sure the villains don’t get to her again?”
“She’ll live with me” stated Midnight.
“Midnight? Are you sure?” asked Cementoss
“She’s been through more than enough already. If I can help to protect her and to teach her how to be a hero then isn’t it my responsibility as a teacher and a pro-hero to do that?”
“And what if she doesn’t want to be a hero?” questioned Snipe
“Well she definitely doesn’t want to be a villain,” muttered All Might. “Her injuries were substantial and she didn’t get in a fight with any of our students. Though Bakugou wanted to… “
“It’s decided then! (y/n) will live with Midnight and be enrolled in the hero course at UA.” announced Principle Nezu.
“I still don’t think this is a good idea.” muttered Snipe.
Midnight entered (y/n)’s room alone this time.
“I guess this is when I go to jail huh?” asked (y/n)
“Well if you want to, but I think you’ll want to hear me out before deciding that.” Midnight paused waiting to see her reaction. When (y/n) just looked at her waiting she continued, “We’ve decided to add you to the hero course at UA. This way we can ensure that the League of Villains can’t get a hold of you.”
“You’re kidding right? You can’t actually want someone like me at your school.” (y/n) said in utter disbelief. “I’ve killed people!” she said becoming a bit hysterical.
“It was against your will.” explained Midnight.
“No i--”
“Yes it was, while they might not have actually forced you to, it was against your will. You were their prisoner. You were even handcuffed when you escaped.”
“I...Are you sure you want me?” (y/n) asked quietly. “My quirk is dangerous. It’s in my nature to be a villain.”
“Well I wouldn’t have offered for you to live with me if I didn’t think this was a good idea. And your quirk is only dangerous if you let it be. No one is born evil or good but its the choices they make that make them.”
“Wait! You offered for me to live with you?!”
“I didn’t just offer, I’m expecting that you’ll be living with me. You’ll start school on Monday. We’ll figure out the details over the weekend and you can move in with me in the meantime.”
“Why?” (Y/n) asked.
“Because nobody deserves to go through what you’ve been through. I also see great potential in you. I’m putting my reputation on the line because I believe in you. So, do you want this or would you prefer to go to jail?”
With a determined look (y/n) met Midnight’s blue eyes. 
“I’ll work to become a person worthy of this and then I will destroy the Leauge for everything they’ve done.
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uncomposed-witing · 5 years
I’m back! Sorry I was offline for a while but I finally got back to WiFi! I have some catching up to do so please send me your favorite bnha posts this week that I might’ve missed while I sit in an airport for 10 hours. I will also be posting a few updates to my stories this week!💕
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uncomposed-witing · 5 years
So I recently introduced my friend to bnha but she was having a hard time remembering names so she started nicknaming them
Midoriya:crying boy
Bakugou: saucy/ spicy(when he’s with kirishima or kaminari)
Uraraka:gravity girl or gg for short
Kirishima:sharp-y/ sassy( when he’s with bakugou or kaminari)
Kaminari: pikachu/ sparky( when he’s with bakugou or kirishima)
Momo: boobs
Mina: pinky
Ayoma: my favorite
Todorki:Zuko/ icy spicy
Tokoyami: raven( from teen titans)
Sato: lips
Bakugou and todoroki are my personal favorites
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uncomposed-witing · 5 years
Reunion Dabi x F!Reader
So this is my first drabble. It definitely is longer than I was expecting but I really enjoyed writing this. Let me know if you have any requests!
~3k words
“No, it can’t be.”
You shook your head in disbelief.
“You’re alive,” you said as tears poured down your cheeks staining them.
An explosion had gone off and luckily you were on patrol nearby. You ran straight to the building and started evacuating civilians. As you were motioning people away from the scene you notice a body lying among the rubble.
“Oh please don’t be dead,” you thought to yourself.
Getting closer you noticed his face was covered in scars and staples. That’s when you realized this was Dabi the notorious villain. Carefully, you stepped closer to see if he was even alive. After confirming he was breathing you noticed his body was trapped under some debris from the explosion. Grunting, you lifted the heavy block of concrete away from his body and quickly rolled it aside with the other rubble.
Dusting off your hands you looked back at Dabi. His breathing was less labored now that the weight was off him and he looked almost peaceful. Still having your guard up, you crawled closer to him over the rubble. Ever so slowly you reached behind you to grab your quirk suppressing rope. You were finally going to bring Dabi in for questioning on the League of Villains. He would no longer be able to terrorize the students at UA. As the thought crossed your mind your hands started shaking. This was too important, you couldn’t mess this up.
Taking a deep breath to ease your nerves, you looked at him again. Nothing could go wrong, he was passed out. Slowly you grabbed his right hand to bring it closer to his left so you could tie him up. As you were moving him his hand suddenly grasped your wrist. Heat flared up on your wrist burning you and you gave a cry at the sudden pain.
Looking up your eyes met cerulean blue eyes.
You could never forget those eyes.
“No, it can’t be” you breathed out as if saying it any louder would make it true.
You shook your head as though trying to clear it before your (e/c) eyes met blue again.
“You’re alive,” you said as tears started pouring down your cheeks.
“Don’t get emotional on me now sweetheart. It’s gonna take more than rubble to kill me,” he said
He didn’t recognize you. Suddenly you began to doubt yourself. This wasn’t him. He’d know you instantly, even if it had been a few years and he hadn’t seen you in your hero outfit...he just had to remember you. Right?
Looking at him, you slowly reached your unburnt hand forward to his scarred face. “What happened to you?” you asked
“You’ve already got one burned hand do you want to wind up as scarred as me?” he asked agitation clear on his face while his grip tightened on your already burned wrist.
“You really don’t know me?” you asked desperation starting to show in your voice.
“Look, sweetheart, I’m sure you’re some big-time hero or whatever. You’re pretty, alright, but I don’t exactly go for the hero type. Now if you just let me go, I won’t have to burn you anymore.”
“You always were so confident you would win” you huffed out a small laugh.
“I’ve missed you Touya.” You added
His face deadpanned before turning into a snarl. One second you were crouched down and hovering over him, the next you were laid on your back, rubble digging into your exposed flesh and Dabi hovering over you holding his blue flame close enough that you could feel the heat.
“Who the hell are you?” he asked through gritted teeth.
Your eyes flicked from his fire to his face. “You really forgot me then? Look at me Touya. Please?”
“Don’t call me that!” he seethed, but his eyes met yours and as he looked at you his blue eyes softened. The flame in his hand flickered out. He gently brushed a stray strand of hair away from your face.
Before either of you could say anything, voices of other pro heroes could be heard snapping Dabi out of his trance.
“I saw (y/n) head over here, but no one’s seen her for a while.” the familiar voice of Miruka said.
Without warning, Dabi grabbed your quirk suppression rope and tied your hands together before holding his hand over your mouth.
“Don’t make a sound,” He threatened.
He quickly picked you up and threw you over his shoulder running through the debris.
Finally arriving at a rundown motel. He dropped you into a chair and re-tied your hands to the armrests.
“Talk” he demanded
You let out a low laugh. “About what?”
“Who are you?”
“You know who I am” you replied matter of factly.
Dabi suddenly started pacing around the room before stopping in front of you. His hand shot out grabbing your chin and forcing you to look up at him.
“(y/n)?” he asked hope laced into his voice as he began rubbing his thumb over your cheek.
You shuddered at the contact and he quickly pulled away.
“Touya’s dead,” he stated
“No, you’re not. I thought you were. Everyone tried telling me you were never coming back but I--” you choked on a sob. “I never stopped looking for you.” You looked up at him tears brimming in your eyes
“Touya is dead. He died a long time ago in a fire,” He said while looking away from you.
“No.,” you said your voice unwavering.
Dabi looked at you, the determination clear in your voice.
“Its Dabi now,” he said as he leaned against the dresser.
“What happened to you?” You asked again.
“I’m going out. I don’t need to babysit you. I’ll be back later.” he said just before throwing the TV on. “Keep yourself enterta--” he was cut off by the news showing both of your pictures.
“Pro hero (y/n) has been taken hostage by the League of Villains member known as Dabi…” the sound of helicopters overhead caught both of your attention.
“Shit,” Dabi muttered as the news droned on in the background
“So I guess you’re not getting out of this anymore,” you said a smirk on your face.
“Damn it!” he yelled before slamming his hand down on the dresser and splintering the wood.
“Touya--” you were cut off by a glare from him. Rolling your eyes, you continued, “Dabi, what. Happened. Why did you leave? Who gave you your scars? Was it Endeavor? I swear I’ll--”
“You’ll what? You’ll take on the newly ranked #1 hero?” he let out a low chuckle. “He didn’t do this to me anyways. My body couldn’t handle my own quirk. This was all me,” he said while looking at his burnt arms.
“Why did you leave everyone? Why did you leave me?” your voice broke on the last word.
Dabi turned away from your crying form again.
“Look at me dammit!” You yelled.
Slowly, Dabi turned back around tears running down his own face. “I didn’t want to leave you. But I couldn’t take you with me. I couldn’t ask you to run away with me. Besides, you turned out just fine. Look at you becoming a pro-hero.” he sneered.
“You don’t get to make that decision for me, Touya.” as he scowled you glared at him “oh come off it Touya. I loved you. I st--I still love you” you said resigned. “I would’ve gone with you.”
“No, you wouldn’t have. You’re a pro hero, remember? He said flicking your head.
“You tried to slap his hands away but you couldn’t move due to the restraints. “Get me out of these,” you demanded.
“Why? So you can try and capture me again?” he asked coyly.
You sighed in exasperation. “I only became a pro-hero to continue my search for you.”
His lips were suddenly pressed against yours and pushing you back in the chair. You would’ve fallen over if he hadn’t caught you. He set the chair back on the ground before resting his forehead against yours.
“Touya” when you noticed his shudder you tried again “Dabi, please. Untie me.”
His hands were shaking as he slowly untied your wrists. Once they were free you rubbed the soreness away. Looking at him you ran your hand along his cheek tracing his staples before gently tugging on his black hair. “I preferred it red” you muttered. Dabi just laughed.
He lifted you out of the chair and carried you over to the bed where he gently put you down. Crawling beside you, his warmth quickly engulfed you as you cuddled up next to him.
Turning to face him, he pulled you close again burying his face in your neck and breathing you in. His breath tickling you, you teased “I guess this is your goth phase, huh?” he let out a husky chuckle as you began to run your fingers through his untamed hair. “Does this mean I have to go back to black eyeliner, chokers, and thigh high fishnets?” You added when suddenly his mouth was attacking your neck and his hand roughly grabbed your ass.
“Now it does” was all he responded. He hooked his finger under your hero costume and quickly snapped it against your skin bringing a soft yelp from your lips.
“I really missed all the fun with you, didn’t I? At least I’m the only one who’s had you. Right?” he asked with a hint of aggression entering his voice and his hand tightening on your hip again.
“You,”  you flicked his forehead, “don’t get to ask that.” you paused. “So are you going to tell me what happened?”
As Dabi started explaining all the events that led up to him running away and his life after, you listened intently, never interrupting him. You found out he checked up on you once but seeing you be heartbroken over him was too much so he never did again. By the time it was dark out, he finished his story and you had made your decision.
“Dabi, I’m coming with you,” you stated.
“(y/n), you--”
“Don’t you dare tell me that I can’t. You left me once, and it --it broke me, Dabi. I’m not losing you again. Not after I just found you.”
“So what you’ll just quit being a hero and join the League?” he mocked.
“If that’s what it takes.”  Dabi looked at you and noticed how serious you were.
Sighing he said, “we don’t have to figure it out now. Let’s just...go to bed and get some sleep.”
After showering, Dabi gave you one of his t-shirts so you wouldn’t have to sleep in your hero costume. You cuddled up to him in bed finally comfortable as he rubbed soothing circles into your hand. Looking at your burnt wrist he began to apologize. “I’m sorry” he murmured as he pressed his lips to the burn.
“We match now” you replied as you brought your lips up to his. You playfully bit his lower lip and he granted you access as you began to explore his mouth lazily with your tongue. Pulling away you whispered a soft “goodnight”.
His hands were lazily tracing your body before he asked, “so who were the others?”
“Hmm?” you asked confused, blinking your eyes open.
“Who else have you been with?” he said pinching your side.
“Ow. no, you don’t get to know that. They didn’t mean anything I was just lonely since you left me.” you poked him in the cheek. “Now, get some sleep”
You closed your eyes again before he asked “how many?” your eyes shot open. “To--Dabi!” Looking at him you realized he was still stubborn as ever and wouldn’t drop this.
“ Fine. I’ll tell you how many if you tell me yours.”
“Deal. None.”
“None. You’re lying.”
“Nope. Turns out having scars all over your body isn’t exactly the biggest turn on for most people. Shocking I know. Now, your turn.”
“But that’s not fair” you pouted.
“Your. Turn.”
“Ugh. Just...promise you won’t be mad?”
When he just glared at you, you sighed.
“Fine, five”. When his grip on you tightened you grabbed his hands. “They meant nothing. I was just...going through a lot”.
“Because I left”
“But you’re back now,” you said kissing his nose. “And I’m not letting you go so easily again.”
“Well at least now we’re even,” Dabi sighed. When you just looked at him confused he added, “I was your first, but you know I had been with other girls before you.”
“They don’t matter though. I have you and I’m never letting you go” you said pressing a kiss to his lips. 
Dabi grinned pulling you closer to him. “As if I’d ever let you go again.”
The next morning you were woken up by someone knocking on the door. Bolting upright you tried grabbing Dabi as he walked to answer it. “Dabi, they’re still looking for you” you hissed.
“It’s fine,” he said as he laughed.
Opening the door a blonde girl wearing a high school uniform was there. Pushing her way in, Dabi rolled his eyes at her. “Make yourself at home, Toga”.
“What were you thinking grabbing that her--” she stopped mid-sentence as she noticed you. As she took you in her eyes raked down you noticing where you were and what you were wearing
“Toga, this is (y/n), (y/n) this is Toga, we work together,” Dabi explained.
“Ya I know,” you responded warily.
“You slept with her?” Toga asked gesturing to the bed
As you blushed bright red Dabi just chuckled. “No, not like that anyways. Yet,” he added with a wink. You responded by throwing a pillow at him.
Damn him and his ego you thought to yourself.
Getting out of bed you felt completely exposed. Pressing your body into Dabi’s side, he quickly threw his arm around you.
“She’s on our side so play nice. Don’t worry, princess,” he reassured Toga. “I’m bringing her to meet everyone else later.”
“She’s cute… too cute for you anyways” she huffed.
At that you laughed and looked at Toga. “oh, we’re gonna get along great.”
Dabi just smacked your ass, earning a yelp of surprise from you.
“Oh, we’re going to be best friends” Toga smiled reaching towards you.
“Watch it princess” he threatened to Toga while pushing you behind him. She simply pulled out a knife and started cleaning her nails. “As for you, don’t start getting sassy with me.” he pinched your side.
“Getting sassy? It really has been too long. I’ve always been this way.”
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uncomposed-witing · 5 years
Oh Brother pt 4
I’m back! (kind of) I’m still finishing up some things and job hunting but I finally have more time and less stress in my life so I can focus on my writing again. I also think I might start doing drabbles and one-shots soon. If there’s something you want me to write either leave a comment or message me! :) Also I decided to read ahead in the manga so some spoilers might be coming up in later chapters but I will tag it for spoilers
When class ended he walked to the back of the room before turning to Todoroki. “(y/n) doesn’t need a place to stay tonight, thanks for being willing to though.” Being dismissed Todoroki just nodded to Hawks before shooting a look at (y/n) before leaving out the door.
“I thought you had a friend staying over tonight?” She asked while pulling her stuff together. 
“Ehh, I told her to get lost. I have another girl in my life that needs my attention right now.”
He paused looking over the bruises and cuts that weren’t fully healed by Recovery Girl before saying “I’m so sorry (y/n). I don’t know what I was thinking. It went way too far. I--”
She cut him off by wrapping him in a hug. “You have your reasoning I’m sure. I forgive you and more importantly I trust you. I know who you are Hawks.”  she said staring straight into his golden eyes. “Besides it was just a bit of sibling rivalry right?” She joked.
“Right” he laughed, some tension releasing from his shoulders. As they walked together he plucked her bag from her.
“I got it.”  Hawks replied before lifting the bag up and down weighing it. “Geez, how much homework are they assigning you anyways? What are you supposed to do? Bore the villains into surrendering?”
“Birdbrain, I can carry my stuff. Recovery Girl healed me. I’m okay.”
“I’m not questioning your strength. I’m trying to be nice” Hawk jokingly glared at (y/n). “Not that you would appreciate it apparently. I gotta work on your manners.” 
“You need to be in town to try and parent me, birdbrain”
“You really know how to hurt me, chicken wing,” Hawks said as he dramatically threw his hand over his heart. 
Letting out a huff (y/n) just shook her head and laughed it off.
“Ugh all I want to do is go home and shower.” wings were dragging behind her picking up more dust, but the muscles in her back wouldn’t let her lift them up.
“Ya you need it chicken wing,” He said while pretending to fan in front of his face and scrunching up his face, but his eyes showed his concern while they lingered on her wings. Once white, they now were caked in blood and dirt, the feathers matted.
Lightly pushing him away, she opened the door to her apartment and immediately went to the bathroom, the sound of running water filled the apartment. A half hour later the door creaked open and steam poured out into the hallway. Hawks laughed thinking to himself “This is why the utilities bill is so expensive.”
“Hey, Birdbrain.” (y/n)’s quiet voice interrupted his thoughts. Doing a quick scan,  he noticed the dirt and blood had been wiped away but bruises and cuts still littered her body.
“That’s my name. What’s up?” he asked concern filling his voice.
“I need some help” she said before walking into the hallway and spreading her wings out a little bit more. While the rest of her had been thoroughly scrubbed clean, blood and dirt still clung to her feathers, making them a muddy brick color.
A look of shame flashed across his face looking at what he did before her laugh jolted him.
“I get that you have a thing with birds at the agency and such,” she said making fun of the fact that all of his sidekicks had some bird feature, “but there are easier ways for me to look like your actual sister. Next time could we try a box of red dye or something first?” she continued before she was engulfed in a hug by Hawks.
“I’m so so sorry (y/n)” he whispered
She flicked him on the forehead. “I already told you I forgive you. Just… just help me clean my feathers alright? And then maybe you can tell me what happened today, and why you’re in town?” she finished sending him a questioning look.
Pulling an extra chair into the bathroom she started to fill the bathtub with warm water and pulled down a washcloth handing it to Hawks. Sitting on the edge of the tub she let him have the chair and spread her wings out towards him. As he slowly worked the washcloth over the feathers he began, “there was an accident recently…  a sidekick from another agency… she was hurt in a fight. She was hurt but she could still fight so I left her to take care of some civilians. I was told a villain came and she didn’t even engage him. He still took her out just to hurt heroes in general. He could’ve escaped, but he took the time to kill her and was captured because of it. She never even fought back--” his voice choked off as a sob wracked through him. “She just gave up and she died. I --I could’ve helped her but--”
“Stop.” (y/n) cut in turning to face him. “She knew what she signed up for. We all do it's how we’re trained. I know you know that so please stop beating yourself up. Her death is no one’s fault except for the one who killed her. Ok?”
Getting a nod from Hawks she turned back around as he continued to work on her wings. He hit a sensitive spot causing her feathers to puff up a bit.
“Chicken wing” he laughed to himself under his breath.
“If you want my approval to become a hero, you gotta get stronger” he joked, poking her sides. “I can’t have anything happen to you and you need to promise me...Promise me you’ll never give up?”
“Birdbrain, I’ll never back down from a challenge”
“That’s not what I mean,” he said concern and irritation fighting within his voice.
“Next time I’ll make sure I’m the one carrying Bakugou to the nurse’s office bridal style.” she huffed out. “By the way, you still haven’t told me why you’re back in town. Does Endeavor have some event soon or something?”
“Uhh no not quite that. I didn’t exactly handle the sidekick’s death too well at the agency. I pushed all of my sidekicks almost to their breaking points so they may have sent me on mandatory vacation. Also, the agency is gearing up for something, but they won’t tell me what it is yet.”
“Wait! So you’re not here for work?” She asked excitement clearly in her voice.
“I just told you I went psychotic and you’re happy?” he asked bemused.
“Are you kidding me? I feel like I never see you anymore and when I do you kick my ass in front of my class. Of course I’m happy you’re here. We can go to the beach, and I can probably ask Todoroki to invite us over for a family dinner so you can annoy Endeavor some and-- Wait! You can train me!”
“You want me to train you after today?” Hawks asked gently tugging on (y/n)’s wing.
“Of course. I need to get Bakugou back after today.”
“I’ve been meaning to ask you what’s going on with you two?” He asked while tossing  the washcloth in the laundry
Looking at the tub, (y/n) saw the brown and red water in the tub and quickly unplugged the tub “Birdbrain what are you talking about?”
“Do I need to have a chat with him?”
Y/n stared at him incredulously. “With Bakugou? You think...no! No, we literally just became friends today.” she started, walking out to the balcony.
“Hmm, what about you and Shouto?”
She just laughed. “Would you stop trying to become a part of that family by marrying me off? Shouto and I are just friends. You know Endeavor doesn’t like me so it's not like he’d let me anyway.”
“But you want to?” Hawks asked filled with hope.
She shook the water out of her feathers before returning inside and giving a stern look at Hawks. “No Hawks.”
Walking past him to her room she changed out of the towel and pulled on a tank top and sweats. Stepping back into the living room she noticed a smirk on Hawks’ face.
Before she could even ask him what he was smirking at he asked: “What about that kid from the coffee shop?”
(Y/n)’s brain short-circuited. How did Hawks know about Shindou? Had she ever introduced them? No, no she kept the fact that she was related to Hawks pretty secret.
“I only ask because you both seemed pretty into each other on your way to school. That is until that Eijirou kid showed up.”
As the dots finally connected she glared at him. “You followed me this morning? And you didn’t even bother to say hi until class?! Ugh, Birdbrain, I am going to rip all of your feathers out one of these days I swear.”
Barking out a laugh he looked at (y/n). “You still haven’t answered my question.” His gold eyes sparked with mischief. “But I think your bright red face is answer enough.”
“Hawks, please don’t do anything. We just flirt, there’s no harm to it really. Anyways it's not like I’m bringing home a different person every week.” She added quirking an eyebrow up at him. Feeling satisfied that she had won this argument she grabbed her phone and began to read through her texts. Noticing multiple classmates had texted her about hanging out at her house, (y/n) put everything together when Mina straight up asked her how long Hawks would be in town for. Deciding to add to class 1A’s group chat she sent out a text suggesting a beach day in 2 days.
“Hey Hawks, some friends and I are going to the beach in 2 days. Wanna come?”
“Are these friends perhaps fans of mine?” he asked smugly.
“Please, who isn’t a fan of you? And it's just my classmates from today. So are you in? You are supposed to be on vacation after all.”
Before even getting a response from him she sent out another text telling her class Hawks would be coming too.
Immediately the group chat blew up with people texting here they would be coming.
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uncomposed-witing · 5 years
What Makes a Hero pt 4
Finally got around to getting this next chapter done. Finals have been killing me so sorry for the delay. (y/n) finally gets a small interaction with UA! leave some comments in the notes if you want the story to head in a certain direction! Enjoy! :) The next morning (y/n) woke up to the soft clicks of handcuffs tightening before the cold metal kissed her skin. Eyes flashing open she yanked her hands towards herself pulling Kurogiri next to her face.
“What are you doing?” she seethed through clenched teeth.
“We’re about to head out. I’ve been asked to move you to the other room,” he explained calmly.
“And what are these for then?” she asked shaking her wrists to add emphasis, the chains clanking against each other.
“Shigaraki said to put them on as an extra precaution.”
“So not only am I still injured and barely able to move,” she said indicating her broken rib and ankle. “I’m also going to be locked into my personal torture chamber and be handcuffed?”
“I know its not ideal--”
“Not ideal!” (y/n) yelled. “I swear when I get my hands on him---”
“You’ll what?” Shigaraki stepped into the room. “You can’t do anything to me. But I can do whatever I want.” Looking her over he added “Maybe we should get a muzzle for her as well… she’s looking a bit rabid”.
(Y/n) lunged for him but was stopped by Kurogiri holding onto her handcuffs. Sighing he opened a warp gate and she was immediately locked into the light room. As the light invaded every sense and blinded her with pain, she could vaguely make out the sound of people walking past until she was surrounded by silence. The light quickly drained her of all her strength and instead of fighting she curled into a ball on the floor and closed her eyes.
After a little bit the light didn’t hurt as much. Blinking open her eyes, she noticed the lights in the room were off. People were muttering outside her door.
“It’s out in every room.” a voice said.
“It must be that warp guy’s quirk. It’ll probably come back as soon as they’re back and the gate closes.” a second voice responded.
“Should we be worried about (y/n)? Now that the lights are off?”
“Nah, she’s fine. That room keeps her pretty comatose plus she’s injured and chained up. She might as well be dead in there.”
Grunting they both walked down the hallway. Slowly, (y/n) sat up, hissing at the pain throughout her body. Crawling over to the door she couldn’t believe her eyes. The door was unlocked. Shigaraki forgot to lock the door since she was warped in, and no one else bothered to check. She shakily rose to her feet, gripping the doorknob to support her weight. This was her chance. Turning the knob she froze. ‘What if it didn’t work? What if she was caught trying to escape again?’ She shuddered before steeling her nerves. She was done being a prisoner. She would escape or die trying.
Easing the door open she looked out the hallway. No one was there. She walked down the hallway until she was in the bar. The warp was still open! Hobbling over towards the gate she stopped when she heard the voices from before.
“How’d you get out?!” it was the same villain who challenged her in front of all the recruits that day.
“You’re really annoying, you know. What’s your name anyway?” she asked turning around to face him.
“Kai, Shigaraki’s going to kill us if he finds out she got out.” said the other henchman
“Ah, Kai. Well, I really don’t have time for you…”
“Where do you think you’re going?” Kai laughed while forming a whip of boiling hot water at her. It wrapped around her torso.
Screaming in pain, she quickly formed a wall of darkness and flung it out towards them slamming them into the wall. Turning around she stepped into the warp gate just as a knife lodged into her shoulder. The strange feeling of being warped washed over her until she stood in a domed building. Fighting was happening all around her. Her attention was snapped to All Might and Nomu except Nomu was...losing. He was rapidly taking hit after hit and having no time to regenerate. Suddenly he was hit with a punch that threw him straight out of the building.
No one had noticed her yet until a teenager with red hair said, “Not another one”. Suddenly everyone’s attention was on her including Shigaraki. (Y/n) just starting laughing doubling over as his eyes narrowed at her and he bagan furiously scratching at his neck.
“How?!” He screamed.
Before she could respond her attention was grabbed by a blond student. “Tch. Just another dumbass for me to blow away.”
Turning away from him she smirked as she heard him yelling at her for turning her back to him. She faced Shigaraki as she yanked the knife out of her shoulder blood dripping down it and splattering on the ground. The blonde suddenly stopped yelling looking at the scene in front of him. She tossed it at his feet. She took a step forward but her broken leg gave out making her collapse.
Shigaraki was suddenly in front of her with his hand about to wrap around her arm and turn it to dust. She braced herself for pain that never came. Instead, he staggered back falling to the ground. She looked back and saw the pro heroes had arrived.
“Grab her!” Shigaraki shrieked, but as Kurogiri moved to grab her, she turned herself to shadow. Shigaraki was shot 2 more times before Kurogiri left (y/n) and grabbed him warping them back to their hideout.
Her body flickered back leaving her curled up on the floor. She looked down at her ankle and saw it hanging at an odd angle again. Her eyes fluttered closed. She was finally free.
Her eyes shot back open as she heard footsteps approaching. It was the blonde from before and a guy with red and white hair. Both were on guard.
“Back off. I’m really not in the mood to beat anyone else up right now.” She groaned
“Not in the mood?! You couldn’t hurt anyone in the state you’re in.” the blonde snarled.
“Bakugo…” the red and white hair boy warned.
Laughing (y/n) sat up before she spat out some blood. Ugh, she hated the metallic tang lingering in her mouth. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand she looked to the 2 boys. “Bakugo is it? Why don’t you be a good lap dog and just leave me the fuck alone? I’ve had a long day.” 
He took a step forward small explosions coming off his hands but was stopped by the pro heroes telling the students to go outside while they dealt with the injured.
Laying back down she closed her eyes until she heard a female’s voice asking if she was dead.
“Well she’s not one of our students.” stated another voice.
Opening one eye she looked at the heroes surrounding her and sighed before closing her eyes again.
“I’m not dead. I’m not a threat. I just want some damn sleep.”
“Midnight…” a voice said
Suddenly a pleasant smell filled (Y/n)’s senses and her head became foggy.
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uncomposed-witing · 5 years
Oh Brother pt 3
So this chapter is a bit longer and there’s a lot of action here. There’s mentions of violence and some cussing so if you don’t like that, please keep scrolling. 
As Hawks broke everyone into groups (y/n) kept thinking over his response. She was the last to go and would be facing against Bakugou since Hawks thought they “had good energy” after Bakugou laughed at Hawks’ nickname for her. The other fights went on, everyone showing more strength and determination after the attack on USJ, until (y/n) stood in the ring with Bakugou across from her. Stretching her wings out behind her (y/n) looked ethereal in her hero costume, her wings catching the light. Like Hawks, her wings didn’t just give her the ability of flight. The feathers were entwined with silver, making them incredibly strong and powerful. She smiled to herself as nothing woke her up like a good fight.
“What are you smiling at?”Bakugou barked.
“Hm? Oh, I’m just imagining your face when I win. It really helps put me in a good mood.”
“Tch. Only in your dreams, dumbass. Or should I call you chicken wing?” he said smirking.
“You wish you were in my dreams” (y/n) winked at him, laughing, and wiping the smirk off his face.
Thoroughly mad now, Bakugou launched himself forward using his explosions to propel himself until he aimed an explosion straight at (y/n). Snapping her wings in front of her she shielded herself before shooting into the air, when she suddenly had a sharp pain in her soft spot in between her shoulders. Looking behind her she saw a red feather protruding and a small trickle of blood dripping down her back. Focusing on the ground she made eye contact with Hawks as he shook his finger at her “ah, ah, ah, chicken wing. You’re grounded for this fight.” Pulling her wings in, (y/n) dove for the ground before snapping her wings out to slow her descent, wincing at the feather still lodged in her back. Grabbing one of her knives she reached back and slashed the feather cutting it down at the base.
Bakugou was suddenly yelling “What the hell!? I can fight her in the air and still win!”
“Yes, I’m sure you can but this is training and this is what you call a handicap. This training is also for her and to see how she does if she’s disadvantaged.”
“Birdbrain, are there any other ‘handicaps’ you’d like to tell me?” she said through clenched teeth. Oh, she was mad Hawks noted. Good.
“No, not yet. Continue your fight” he replied casually.
With Bakugou still distracted by the interruption, (y/n) shot herself forward landing a punch to Bakugou’s ribs and hearing a satisfying crunch. She spun around shooting her foot out to connect with his other side but was stopped by his arm coming down and trapping her leg to his side. Setting off an explosion to her face, she had just enough time to shield herself with her wings. (Y/N) tried to pull her leg away but his grip tightened on her pulling her closer to him and causing her to lose balance. Before she could fully stumble, she jumped up wrapping both legs around his waist, and using her wings to propel her weight forward, she trapped him underneath her. As she reached up to pin his hands her weight shifted slightly. Bakugou immediately flipped her over so she was underneath him, her wings screaming in protest as the bones splintered underneath his and her weight. “I yield! I yield! Just get off! You overweight prick!”
As Bakugou rolled off her, (y/n) sat up to get as much weight off her wings as fast as she could. Suddenly another red feather pierced through her shoulder.
“What the hell Hawks! The match is over. I lost.” (y/n) cried out
“You’re not done until I say so. You can’t just give up because you’re uncomfortable. If he was a villain you don’t just get to give up. If you give up, you die.  Now...Get. Up.” Hawks commanded. Standing up, (y/n) yanked the second feather out of her shoulder blood dripping down her arm, Bakugou started walking back towards the ring but halted at Hawks words. “You’re finished with your training for today. The next challenge is between (y/n) and me.”
“Hawks what are you--” she stopped mid-sentence as Hawks stepped into the ring. “Hawks, my match is over.”
(y/n) looked at him in the eye and saw his determination and… anger? Was he really that mad at her for yielding? Noticing his focus she realized she would never be able to win against him. She wasn’t an idiot; he was the #3 pro hero after all. She immediately took off in the air only to have 2 feathers hit her. One in her back again and another in her leg.
“You still aren’t allowed to fly away from this match!”
“Birdbrain! I know I can’t win against you. What do you want from me?” she pleaded
“I want you to fight chicken wing!”
Class 1A stood by and watched in silence as the pair were brutally engaged. (y/n) trying to escape Hawks, and him repeatedly sending feathers to attack her covering her in trails of blood.
“Enough Hawks! You want me to fight? Fine!” she yelled while half sobbing, exhaustion and humiliation battling for control of her emotions. Reaching down she pulled her twin blades from their holsters on her legs the familiar feel of them in her hands giving her some confidence. Getting into a fighting stance she faltered as Hawks pulled 2 very large and sharp feathers from his wings.
“Its one of his signature moves! Those feathers are particularly strong and ----”
“Shut up Deku! I know what they’re capable of.” A slight tremor of fear danced within her voice.
Resuming her stance she slowly inhaled before running forward, and as Hawks brought the feathers down, she snapped her wings forward to take the hit. Hawks beat down repeatedly looking for any weak spots in her defense, landing hits here and there. Noticing his pacing (y/n) took hit after hit until she saw an opening and quickly drove both blades up into….nothing. Hawks wasn’t where he was a moment before moving too fast for her. White-Hot pain seared into her back and she collapsed to her knees as her vision turned red. Feeling wetness dripping down her back she looked down to see her once white wings now heavily coated in blood. With tears running down her face she looked to Hawks. “I’m done,” she stated quietly.
“No, you’re done when--”
“I’m DONE Hawks! If you were a villain I’d let you kill me because I can’t take anymore.” She choked out a sob. “I can’t even feel anything anymore.” she whispered. Regaining her voice she looked at him with ice in her eyes. “Beat me until I’m unconscious, but I’m done fighting a battle I’ll know I’ll lose.”
Taking a look at her, Hawks finally saw all the cuts and bruises littering her skin, but what got to him were her wings. Once white and beautiful were now covered in dirt and blood. She didn’t even have the energy to keep them up instead, letting them drag on the floor and at an unnatural angle.
“Chicken wing…”
“She needs to see Recovery Girl”. (Y/n) had never been more relieved to hear the level voice of Todoroki.
“I can’t walk” she mumbled weakly. She yelped as she was suddenly picked up. Looking up she hadn’t expected Bakugou to be the one who held her.
“I’ll take her up to Recovery Girl while you finish the class.” he offered to Hawks who simply nodded.
“Wa-wait my wings” (y/n) protested noticing them dragging on the floor.
“Huh! What’s wrong does this hurt them?” he asked.
“No its just they’ll get--”
“What? They’ll get dirty? Tch! They’re already filthy no one will be able to notice.” He cut in.
Sighing in defeat she relaxed in Bakugo’s arms as he carried her back inside. The class turned to look at Hawks. Todoroki was the first to break the silence.
“What was that about?” he asked.
Hawks just looked at him then back down. “Nevermind that.” Turning to address the class he claimed: “Class is over for now until after lunch.”
(y/n) looked up into crimson irises. “Thank you.”
“I said thank you.” She said a little louder. “You didn’t have to carry me.”
Bakugou looked down at her doing a quick scan of her body. “Tch. You really think you would’ve been able to walk like this? Of course I had to carry you.”
“I’m just saying it didn’t have to be you, Bakugou.”
“What’s that supposed to mean!” He yelled his grip tightening on her. Noticing her flinch he immediately let up. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“Well that’s at least one person today.” she whispered. “Anyways I just meant… y’know… we’re not exactly...friends? Not that I would mind being friends with you it's just you don’t ever really want anything to do with me usually.” (y/n) explained.
“I don’t like being around people who give up. Today you fought back against a pro hero so you’re not entirely useless.”
“Gee thanks” she rolled her eyes.
“Why did he go after you like that today? I mean every match ended in someone yielding, but you were the only one, he went off on. I think everyone else who yielded is terrified of him right now. Mineta nearly passed out.” Bakugou laughed remembering the perverted boy staring at Hawks and bawling his eyes out.
“I don’t know. He’s my brother so he can be pretty protective of me. He clearly didn’t want me to just give up but I don’t know why. He has his reasons though and I trust him. He’s never let me down but this was the most painful lesson I’ve received from him.” she said letting out a light laugh.
Walking into the nurse's room, Bakugou sat (y/n) down on the table while recovery girl healed her. While (y/n) rested Recovery Girl also healed Bakugou’s broken rib that (y/n) gave him during their round. When they were done all she wanted was a shower to clean herself up, but they had to get back to class since most of the day was gone. 
Walking into the classroom everyone started asking her how she was doing since she was still covered in blood and dirt. Reassuring everyone that she was fine she stopped Bakugou before he turned away for his desk.
“So… are we friends now?” she asked. “Or do I have to fight another pro hero?” she joked
“Tch. Whatever dumbass.” 
Kirishima suddenly whooped at another member being added to the Bakusquad as he called it while Mina was just happy to finally have another girl in the group. 
The rest of class went by normally with Hawks shooting concerned looks at (y/n) as she was still covered in dirt and blood.
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uncomposed-witing · 5 years
What Makes a Hero pt 3
warnings of violence in this chapter everyone! Sorry this took me so long to get around to posting but here it is. Hope you enjoy!
It had been a few weeks since that first night of villain training. Ever since Shigaraki kept changing the situation to get (y/n) used to taking lives. Every night he would growl at her to, "never show mercy". The more comfortable she got, the more he progressed her until she was in the ring sparring and taking lives in an actual fight. She eventually stopped looking at the files not wanting to know their names or anything about them.  Eventually, she became numb to what she was doing only feeling remorse in her dreams.
One day training was canceled and a meeting was called in the bar. The plan to attack and kill All Might was being set into motion. Shigaraki would infiltrate UA and use the media as a distraction to find out when the best time to attack would be. The media was all riled up and wanting to get access so it would be easy to cover any evidence that he was ever there.
The next morning Shigaraki left for his mission and (y/n) was to test out the new villain that was supposedly their 'secret weapon'. His name was Nomu Kurogiri told her.  Stepping into the training ring (y/n) grimaced as she looked her opponent up and down. What had happened to this guy? He didn't even acknowledge her presence as she moved to her spot. Kurogiri stepped up to her. "Now remember Sensei doesn't want you to hold back. Unleash everything you have to fully test his power." Nodding (y/n) turned back to Nomu. She had never gone all out. Were they asking her to give in to that darkness that lurked just below the surface? Shaking this off she looked at him annoyed. He still was staring off in space as though he didn't notice where he was.
"Hello? C'mon let's get this over with already."
Nomu refused to move. Walking towards him (y/n) was growing steadily more agitated. "I'm not gonna wait all day for you. So you either fight me, or I'll wipe this floor with you."
No response.
" Alright, you asked for it!"
Forming her favorite twin blades (y/n) slammed them both into his chest with no hesitation. Looking up at him (y/n) noticed he didn't even flinch as blood dripped down his chest. "Jeez, what are you?" At that Nomu looked down at where the blades were. They vanished into smoke before (y/n)'s eyes. Jumping back (y/n) gasped. The muscles were regrowing themselves where her blades had been not even leaving a scar. "uhh Kurogiri, any advice on how to take him down? Weak points? What his quirk is?" (y/n) asks.
"I already told you. Give in to your full power."
"You cannot be serious! You know what happens when I use that power. I lose all control of who I am!" She yells turning towards her teacher.
In that split moment, Nomu, who had been across the ring from her was suddenly in front of her. He picked her up and threw her into a wall, cracking the concrete. Coughing (y/n) sits up. They were going to kill her. Either by having Nomu beat her to death or have her own power consume her.
Getting up (y/n) threw up a plume of darkness to be able to hide. Sneaking behind Nomu she climbed up some gear and threw herself into the air forming knives as she went to embed them in his back. Her momentum was stopped as she was midair. Clearing some of the darkness, she saw Nomu had turned around and the knives were embedded into his arm. The Nomu threw his arm back sending (y/n) sliding across the room. With a sickening crunch, she was stopped by slamming into a support beam. Groaning she sat up, but before her eyes could focus she was being lifted up by her right leg and thrown into the floor.
As her body hit the floor face-first, (y/n) used her quirk and turned herself into the shadows. Moving to the rafters she finally reappeared and looked down at her hands. All this use of her quirk was beginning to show. Blackness covered her hands and was quickly spreading up her arms. She knew she only had a few more minutes until the darkness took over entirely. Doing a quick scan of her body revealed that she had broken a few ribs and her nose. Her eye was starting to swell and her right arm was in enough pain that meant it was probably broken. She grimaced at her ankle but refused to look down and acknowledge that it was broken as well.
"Shit. How am I supposed to get out of this" she muttered to herself. Suddenly Kurogiri's words came back to her. "They really want me to lose control right now?"
Leaving her no time to think through her options Nomu was suddenly jumping into the rafters towards her. Abandoning all control (y/n) dove into the power within herself. Rising to her skin,  darkness, similar to Kurogiri's body, engulfed her body and her (e/c) eyes had turned into blazing (e/c) orbs of fire. Jumping from the rafters (y/n) flipped and landed on the floor below just as the Nomu reached the rafters. She yelled, her hands directed towards Nomu as ice-cold darkness swept out of her aiming straight for Nomu.
With a satisfying thud, (y/n) turned towards Kurogiri with her arm still outstretched only to be stopped by the sound of debris being moved. Looking back, (y/n) stared as Nomu climbed out of the wreckage. The whole ceiling and back wall were disintegrated and yet here he was standing! The only sign that she had done anything to him was all the dust that covered him. From the TV (y/n) heard the words "he's ready for All Might" in Sensei's voice. Shrieking in outrage (y/n) turned back to the Nomu determined to have this victory no matter what. She wasn't just any villain. She was darkness itself and she was not going to let this thing make a fool out of her.
Running towards Nomu the last thing she heard was "that's enough from her, Kurogiri. Clean this up". The next thing (y/n) knew a warp gate had opened in front of her. She slammed into the familiar white room and screamed as that tortuous light infiltrated every space in the room. The light stripped away her darkness and it disappeared like smoke into the air. The last thing to leave was her glowing eyes. She cried out as her broken body was now stripped of its protections and the pain that was masked by her quirk slammed back into her bringing tears to her eyes.  As (y/n) crawled across the floor her vision tunneled and the fire in her eyes left leaving her unconscious on the floor.
They left her there for 6 hours. She came back to consciousness once in that time but quickly passed out again due to the amount of pain she was in. When she awoke again she was lying on the couch in the living room. Shigaraki was there and scoffed at her.
"Did you get enough beauty rest. You're so lazy".
"Excuse me?!" (y/n) snapped back 
"Mmm... I don't think I will" he laughed at (y/n).
Bolting up (y/n) was quickly doubled over in pain. "Ah. ah. ah. We only patched you up only enough to make sure there would be no permanent damage for my future wife. Anything more and it'd look like I was playing favorites."
Grinding her teeth (y/n) slowly looked up at him and sat back sinking into the couch cushions.
"How'd the mission go, dear?" she sneered out the last word.
"Well, it went perfectly as planned because I was in charge. We have the information we need and well... you already know Nomu's ability," he said with a pointed look at her bandaged body.
Nomu. So that was how they were going to kill All Might. (y/n) never thought they were going to be able to pull it off, but after fighting Nomu herself she had to admit... he could kill All Might.
"So what's the plan then. Take Nomu into UA and set him loose until he finds All Might."
"No, you idiot." Shigaraki spat at (y/n). "It sure is a good thing you're powerful and pretty because you are so incredibly stupid. We're going to attack when All Might takes his class to a training facility for rescues. We have our henchmen to divide his students and end them while Kurogiri and I will be taking care of any other teachers, leaving Nomu with the sole task of ending All Might."
"And what about me?"
"What about you? You think we trust you after that stunt you pulled a while ago. Besides you'd probably slip up somehow and ruin this whole thing for us. No, you're going to stay in your room and stay out of our way."
Leaning forward (y/n) looked at him incredulously. "What do you mean I can't fight?! Do you expect me to stay home and play wife!?"
"Oh no, you misunderstand. You won't be in your bedroom. You'll be safe and sound in the white room to make sure you don't do anything...reckless".
"Shigaraki, you bastard I swea..."
Shigaraki cut (y/n)off by encircling her wrist in his hand leaving just one finger off.
"ah. ah. ah. That's no way to talk to your beloved. Is it? No. Now you'll be a good, obedient little fiancee and will sit in that room without any complaints won't you?"
Refusing to answer, (y/n) just glared back at Shigaraki until he laughed and looked away. Readjusting on the couch she looked to him.
"So... when is this happening anyways?"
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uncomposed-witing · 5 years
Slightly busy
Hi everyone, I know I haven't updated lately I've just been swamped with papers and now final exams coming up. I'm gonna try to update soon. I also have some new scenario ideas I'm working on. I'm leaving my ask box open and I will get to writing them they just won't be immediate. Thanks everyone for the support :)
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uncomposed-witing · 5 years
Oh Brother Pt 2
With just enough time, (y/n) ran into her favorite coffee shop. She could never make it in time before school since she usually slept in but would frequent it on the weekends and do homework there. Seeing her favorite Barista clocking out (y/n) waved him down.
“Hey Shindou” she greeted the black haired boy. He turned around a smile immediately overtaking his face.
“(y/n)! I never see you on the weekdays.”
“Ya I usually sleep in and then head straight to school,” she said indicating her uniform. “Do you really go to work before school?” she asked in astonishment indicating his own school uniform.
“Not every day, but ya sometimes when I need the extra money,” he said scratching the back of his neck.
“Remind me to leave you a bigger tip next time, just for being able to get up early” she joked making him laugh.
With her steaming cup in hand, they walked out the door together. “Will you be coming back on Saturday?” he asked.
“Hmm, I don’t know yet. My brother’s supposed to be in town soon but I have no idea what his schedule looks like. Otherwise, you’ll find me in my favorite chair studying for my upcoming midterms”
Suddenly a familiar shock of red hair was in (y/n)’s line of vision. “Hey Kirishima!” she called out.
Shindou turned his attention from (y/n)’s face to look at the red-haired boy wearing a matching uniform. When he greeted Kirishima his smile didn’t reach his eyes.
“Well, I gotta go (y/n). Let me know about this weekend, ok?”
“Oh, ya of course! Glad I got to see you today even if you did have to wake up at an ungodly hour” she waved at his retreating form.
“Is that your boyfriend or something?” Kirishima joked causing (y/n) to punch him in the shoulder. “What?”  he asked while trying to hold in his laughter at her flushed face and her puffed up wings.
“Shut up. It's too early for that,” she said her blush fading and bringing up her drink to hide the slight smile on her lips.
“You’re starting to sound like Aizawa,” he stated causing (y/n) to fully laugh.
“I’m not THAT bad.” she pouted. Walking into class they found their seats just before Aizawa walked in.
“I won’t be teaching your class today” he stated. “ but we have a special guest so please be on your best behavior.” As he said this he made eye contact with everyone before sighing and walking back out of the classroom.
“I wonder what that’s about,” Uraraka murmured.
Suddenly the class was filled with conversations as everyone tried to figure out who would be teaching them that day.
“It probably isn’t a UA teacher otherwise Mr. Aizawa wouldn’t have made a special announcement like that,” Momo suggested.
“It will probably be another pro hero outside of the school then” Midoriya claimed excitement clear in his voice as he began muttering to himself about all the possible heroes.
Iida then piped up “Whoever it is, everyone needs to make sure they show the utmost respect to them and be on good behavior as we represent UA.”
The class door slid open and everyone immediately leaned forward in anticipation.
(Y/N)’s eyes widened as the familiar frame of Hawks strutted into class his red wings behind him.
“What the hell are you doing here?” she yelled.
The class whipped their heads to look at your outburst. Midoriya was slightly shaking as he muttered out facts about Hawks’ quirk while Iida began to scold (y/n) for her “indecent outburst”.
A devilish smirk flashed across Hawks’ face “ I’ve missed you too!” he said then, turning his attention to Todoroki he asked,  “How’s dad doing?” Causing him to slightly flinch but Hawks didn’t notice this as he looked over the rest of class 1A. While the class was staring at (y/n) for her reaction to Hawks, she sent Todoroki a concerned look before getting up and walking to the front of the class.
Iida was yelling something at her but she wasn’t paying attention as Hawks opened his arms to her. The class gaped at their interaction before (y/n) shot her hand out delivering a quick jab to his unprotected stomach.  With a satisfying “oof” (y/n) quickly pulled him into a hug.
“What are you doing?!” Midoriya practically shrieked at her from the back of the classroom.
“They don’t know?” Hawks looked at her accusingly causing a slight blush to cover her face.
Turning back to the class, “I guess my secret is out huh?” she said sheepishly while scratching the back of her neck. “Everyone, meet my brother Hawks,” she introduced as he put his arm over her shoulder and resting his hand on top of her head.
The class just stared blankly between the two of them before Todoroki’s voice broke the ever-thickening silence “Good to see you back in town Hawks. Am I to assume you’ll be visiting my father soon?”
“Now that you mention it, I should. Thanks, Shouto!” he said cheerily while Todoroki frowned. Turning his attention back to (y/n) he pouted, “Chicken Wing, you didn’t tell your classmates about me?”
Shoving his arm off of her she turned to him to respond but was cut off by the sound of Bakugo’s snickering turning into laughter.
“You got a problem Bakugou?” she asked glaring at him for interrupting.
“Chicken Wing?” he asked looking her over “It's somehow fitting”
“You wanna eat those words?” She asked taking a step forward only to be stopped by Hawks grabbing her, that stupid grin still on his face. Her attention back on Hawks she fully turned to face him “And you… ‘soon’!? I thought you meant a few days, not a few hours. What are you even doing here?”
“Oh yeah! Facing the class Hawks announced “I’m your teacher for today while Aizawa has some meetings to attend to.
“Please tell me your kidding” (y/n) groaned. “Who had the bright idea to put you in charge of teaching,  Birdbrain?” she asked using her name for him.
“(Y/N)! You can’t call our teacher for today any names!” Iida shouted
Hawks replied “Its fine! She’s been calling me that since she was 12.”
Returning to her seat, Hawks addressed the class. “I’m going to work on combat training with all of you. I know you all just dealt with those villains at USJ and you had a strong showing at the Sports Tournament, so the school thought it was time to work on one on one fighting some more, but also focusing on defense. Go get changed into your hero clothes and meet me on the training field.”
While in the changing rooms, the girls began to gush over Hawks and him being their instructor that day. A few of them even asked (y/n) if she could introduce them to him. Feeling uncomfortable she gave vague answers as she put on her bodysuit, leaving the back unzipped. Walking out the door carrying the rest of her costume she hopped into her skirt and walked out to the field barefoot. Seeing Todoroki was the only other person there she put her stuff down and walked over to him.
“Help me?” she asked turning around motioning to the undone zipper. He walked over to her and zipped her up, the zipper stopping just below her wings. His right hand brushed between her wings sending a shiver throughout her body and causing her wings to puff up.
“Sorry about that” he apologized. “Why did you run out here half dressed though? Couldn’t the girls help?”
“You know how it can be. They only wanted to talk about Hawks. That’s partly why I didn’t really tell anyone he’s my brother.” she shrugged. She started strapping her twin knives to her thighs and then laced up her boots. “Anyways… thank you,” she said meeting his heterochromatic eyes. “It helps having someone else who understands.”  Warmth engulfed her right hand and she looked down to see Hawks holding her hand and rubbing soothing circles into her skin.
“Aw look at the lovebirds” Hawks cooed. Todoroki dropped her hand and as the rest of the class joined them again Hawks addressed him.” Shouto, I meant to ask you, could (y/n) stay with you, for tonight at least?” Before Todoroki had a chance to respond (y/n) cut in.
“You’re kicking me out tonight?”
His gold eyes met her (e/c) ones with a mischievous glint in them. “Well you complained about the noise last time, and I can’t promise my new friend will be any quieter”.
Throwing a disgusted look at your brother Shouto responded, “I don’t think Endeavor will like it, but of course.” She could barely keep the small smile off her face knowing that Todoroki would love to do anything Endeavor wouldn’t like.
“Only for tonight Hawks! Then she’s gone, got it?”
“Sure, sure,” he said waving her off.
“Oh, also I didn’t get a chance to clean up on such short notice so you might want to do that if you’re trying to impress her” (y/n) admitted.
“Oh I know,” he said a bit of irritation showing through his laid back demeanor.
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uncomposed-witing · 5 years
What Makes a Hero Pt 2
After an hour of being locked up in the blinding cell, Shigaraki finally lets (y/n) out. Stumbling out of the room she forces herself to look up at him and gives him a grin.
"Is that it for today?" (y/n) asks innocently.
Irritated, Shigaraki looks away saying "Sensei, decided you needed some more practice not just to be sitting in this room sulking. You still have so much to learn."
Upon arriving at the training room, (y/n) sees multiple lower class villains milling around.  "You didn't actually manage to pull together some henchmen now did you?" she taunts. Hearing this a few of the thugs surrounding her start to show their agitation.
"Who do you think you're calling 'henchmen'? You're nothing but a child" the villain in front of (y/n) declared.
"(Y/n)" Kurogiri warned.
Shigaraki turned to  Kurogiri his hand up. "No let her go on, let's see what she has to say."
Turning back to the villain she called out before she explained, "well, I wasn't referring to just you. Let me guess though you're a low-level thief who steals purses from old ladies. You've probably never been in an actual fight either. You just run away as soon as you get caught."
"Why you little...!!" Suddenly the 4 nearest villains begin stalking towards you anger apparent on their faces.
Not even bothering to look up from cleaning the dirt under her nails, (y/n) smirked. "4 big bad guys against... what did you call me? Oh! that's right. A Child. Yes, this definitely will prove that you are an actual villain and not just some thug."
2 of them stopped at her words. "Oh don't be shy. Come on now. If you're actually good you'll be able to spar with me and not hurt me at all. Besides I'm here to be trained. So get to it."
The first villain, riled up by (y/n)'s antagonizing words let out a roar as he charged towards her. Using his quirk boiling water shot out at her. Sidestepping the water, (y/n) stepped forward to meet him. Just as he was about to connect his fist with her face she bent back and maneuvered so she was behind him with a black knife digging into his back.
"You didn't even last 2 minutes against this child, so if you think you're good enough to even be here, you are dead wrong" (y/n) emphasized this by pushing him forward so he'd stumble. "Does anyone else want to face this useless kid?!" (y/n) yelled, turning to the rest of the room. "Then come get me."
At her words, 8 villains suddenly charged towards her. Ducking and swirling around them, (y/n) cut each of them on their right shoulder to leave a small mark. She finished without a single scratch on her. Turning to the others in the room, (y/n) arched her eyebrow.
"Well... what are you waiting for. Prove yourselves to be useful or get out of my sight"
At that, the rest of the room looked at each other before circling around (y/n).
As they all rushed towards her a wave of pitch black darkness rose up and engulfed everything in the room except for (y/n), Shigaraki, and Kurogiri. Shrieks of terror rose up from under the black smoke that radiated from their surroundings. (y/n) furrowed her eyebrows in focus as the darkness tightened and more smoke rolled off the darkness. As the darkness lowered itself lower and lower to the ground, (y/n) suddenly released the darkness back to normal. Light flooded the training room floor that was littered with the villains lying down flattened by the weight of the darkness.
Huffing, Shigaraki turned away from (y/n).
"How's that for a child, huh?" (y/n) said before turning back to see Shigaraki walking away from her and Kurogiri staring at her hands. Looking down, (y/n) noticed the tips of her fingers were blackened and it didn't stop until it was reaching over her knuckles. "Huh. I guess I overdid it, but at least I proved my point, right?" she asked looking up to Kurgogiri.
Sighing he turned to Shigaraki. "(y/n) can't do any more quirk training for a few hours, she overdid it"
"She... she overdid it?! Why do I have to keep this stupid girl around? She's a waste of time and doesn't listen to a thing I say. If I had my way, why I'd... I'd wrap this hand around that little neck of yours until you were just a pile of dust at my feet."
"Ya, but you don't always get your way do you?" (y/n) threw back at him.
"Stop it." The voice emitted from the TV and the room suddenly became quiet. "(Y/n) is incredibly powerful. We will continue to train her and when the time is right your children will be strong enough to wipe out every hero in existence. You will still train (y/n) without her quirk working on her physicality instead. After that Kurogiri will lecture her on strategy and basic education."
(Y/n) looked down at her feet before addressing the TV "Yes, Sensei." which was followed by two more "yes Sensei"'s from the two males standing in front of her.
After 3 grueling hours in the training room, (y/n) was exhausted and lying on the floor. She trained with knives and staffs managing to avoid being hit before she was told to go against the others without any weapons. This resulted in her arms and legs being covered in black and purple splotches and surface cuts covering them. After that, she was forced to work on her acrobatics until her legs and arms would no longer support her body weight. While collapsed on the floor Kurogiri walked up to (y/n).
"Your physical training is done, its time for you to learn strategy and basic education."
"I would rather hold a handstand until my wrists broke, thanks for the offer though."
Sighing, Kurogiri created a warp gate and the next thing (y/n) knew she was falling onto a couch.
"You need to at least have the same level of education as people who you will be going against. No matter how much you hate it" Kurogiri added, noticing (y/n) rolling her eyes and throwing herself back into the couch.
A few hours later (y/n) walked back to her room and threw herself on her bed not even bothering to change out of her clothes or shower due to utter exhaustion. Waking up, (y/n) blinked through her sleep filled eyes. It was now dark out but she didn't think she had slept that long. Feeling disoriented (y/n) went to roll over to look at her clock to notice that every muscle in her body ached. Groaning she slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Water. Water would help her wake up.
Padding back down the hallway towards the kitchen she grabbed some water before going to the bar to watch the news.
"Where do you think you're going?" That annoying voice questioned her.
"Well, I was going to go watch the news and see what's happening outside of this hideout since I finished all my training, Shigaraki. Why?"
"You're training isn't finished yet."
"How could my training not be finished yet? I can barely move and I have a pounding headache from all the information I just learned." (y/n) snapped back.
" You know how to be a villain, but Sensei wants you to apply what you've learned. Come with me"
Seeing as she had no choice, (y/n) followed Shigaraki back towards the training room, rolling her shoulders to test their movement. Still too overused. Upon arriving she turned to Shigaraki. "I already know how to fight and to use my quirk against people. I really don't have the energy to go out right now and find other targets."
"Don't worry" he laughed. "Your target is already here."
Confused (y/n) continued into the room until she saw a single person tied up in a chair.
"What is this?"
"This is your next test."
As the dots connected in (y/n)'s head everything stopped. The sound of a glass breaking was the only sound. Looking down, (y/n) noticed the glass she had been holding was shattered around her feet, the remaining water spilled on the floor. "You can't be serious!"
"Of course I am" he smiled. "You are apart of the League of Villains. You are my fiancee. You are my little assassin. Assassins kill. Do I really need to spell this out for you?"
"But this is an execution!" (y/n) protested.
"If it helps this guy actually deserves it. His file is on the table."
Walking over to the table (y/n) picked up the file. Inside were case files and photos showing families slaughtered for no particular reason. Numbly (y/n) put the file down. "My quirk was overused today. I can't use it."
"That's fine. We want to ease you into this. You'll be doing this the old fashioned way. Besides he won't feel a thing. He's knocked out cold as you can see."
"What if I refuse?"
"You already know what happens then" Shigaraki responds, his voice tightening in frustration.
Slowly (y/n) walked over to the table where an array of weapons was laid out for her. Picking up her favorite pair of knives, she stood behind the man. Closing her eyes she slashed the knives over his throat while she breathed out the words "I'm sorry".
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uncomposed-witing · 5 years
Oh Brother! pt 1
Hawks x Fem Reader sister. Hawks is her overprotective and annoying older brother.
I still haven’t decided who she ends up with yet. I’m between Todoroki, Kacchan, and Shindou. Let me know what you think.
“Someone had better be dying” (y/n) thought as she woke to the sound of her phone ringing. Without opening her eyes, she reached a hand out until she touched the smooth surface of her vibrating phone.
“What?” she demanded her voice still rough with sleepiness.
“Oh c’mon, you aren’t seriously still asleep are you?” that familiar voice chirped at her.
“Ugh birdbrain, the sun isn’t even up yet, why the hell would I be?” she groaned. “Why are you calling anyways? You never call unless you need something,” she asked as she sat up in bed rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
“What your loving brother can’t just call you out of the blue?” Hawks questioned. Noticing your silence he continued, “ I’m gonna be in town soon so I just wanted to let you know to have my room ready for me. I do pay for everything so I should have a nice clean room to come home to.”
“What are you in town for? And you’d have a clean room if you weren’t such a slob when you visited.”
“I am not a slob!” an undignified huff came from the other line.
“Ya ya sure whatever. Just don’t bring home any ‘friends’ home ok? I need to get sleep after my training and can’t have you keeping me up all night.”
“Can’t wait to see you soon chicken wing! I gotta go”
“Hawks, promise me you wo--” the line went dead.
“UGH!  He is the worst.” (y/n) ground out to herself.
Deciding she wasn’t going to be able to sleep again, she got out of bed and stretched out her white wings and shook the stiffness out of them, rolling her shoulders. Hawks wasn’t technically her brother but he might as well be. He found her in an orphanage while he was still in school and seeing her wings, immediately befriended her. He visited her every day after hero training and promised that he would always be there for her. One day he went to the orphanage and she wasn’t at their usual meeting spot. Deciding to search for her he went through the orphanage until he found her in her bed, lying and facing the wall. When she rolled over she had tears staining her cheeks and bruise on her cheek. Seeing red Hawks demanded to know what happened. She quietly explained a few kids had bullied her, claiming that she would never be adopted and no one would ever love her. Hawks walked (y/n) down to the head of the orphanage and explained that he would be taking her into his custody. While they tried to argue, he persisted. He would be 18 soon and was the top of his class on his way to becoming a pro-hero. (y/n) still didn’t know how he convinced them, but that afternoon 12-year-old (y/n) walked out of the orphanage holding a small suitcase in one hand and holding Hawks’ hand in the other and hadn’t looked back since. He was all the family he ever needed.
Pulling herself out of her memories (y/n) walked over to the kitchen. As she walked, the tips of her feathers touched the cold floor sending goosebumps along her skin. Pulling her wings up she silently cursed Hawks for waking her up so early. Looking back down the hall towards his room she saw his clothes and bed sheets scattered everywhere. “I’ll clean up later,” she thought to herself. But for now, she was going to make an actual breakfast and go to her favorite coffee shop before heading to school.
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uncomposed-witing · 5 years
Yay i am so glad that there is another BNHA blog! So can i request headcanons about Hawks with a winged s/o? Thank you!
Yes of course! I love hawks and hope he’ll be put in the anime soon
💛hawks is definitely a morning person. His favorite thing is to wake up next to his s/o and watch as they sleep looking completely relaxed.
💛he’ll gently wake them up with feather light kisses and running his hands over their brown feathers sending shivers down their back.
💛 hawks looks to find (e/c) eyes glaring at him before they break into a smile. “There are worse ways to wake up I guess” they’ll say which just makes hawks laugh
💛 their favorite date is to fly out in the morning air before sunrise and just be completely alone while the rest of the world is still sleeping and the sun is just coming up over the horizon
💛 his s/o loves to be competitive and challenge him even though hawks is one of the fastest heroes.
💛 they’ll kiss him on the cheek before quickly flying out of his reach and use their smaller wingspan to their advantage making tight turns to just barely stay out of hawks grip
💛 when hawks does catch them he’ll fly directly above them syncing their wing beats until they land so he can get a proper kiss
💛 baths and showers are so intimate while they help each other clean the feathers that they wouldn’t be able to reach on their own
💛 after a long day of doing hero work his s/o will give him a massage knowing just where the muscles will be most sore from using his wings
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uncomposed-witing · 5 years
What Makes a Hero Pt 1
Bakugou and fem reader end game. I originally posted this on Wattpad but decided it’d be easier to just post everything here. Let me know what you think
Quirk: Darkness
Can control darkness. Was trained how to make weapons take focused forms of different weapons as an extension of her arms. Can turn herself into shadows Can pull darkness towards her or away from her, but if she uses it too much it consumes her and the darkness inside of her takes over
(Y/N) woke up to the sounds of someone yelling in a different room. Looking at her clock she saw that it was 6 in the morning. Grumbling she got out of bed and pulled her long (h/c) back into a bun. Padding down the hallway the voice got louder and became clearer. It was Shigaraki yelling as he watched the news. Walking into what they called the living room, which was actually just an old run down bar, she sighed, "do you even know what time it is?".
"What time it is?!" Shigaraki screeched. "What do I care about the time when HE is making the news again!"
Looking at his accusing finger (y/n) followed it to the TV where All Might was seen with that stupid grin plastered on his face. Apparently, he was going to be teaching at UA this year. But what did (y/n) care? She was still trapped here.
"Pfft... Whatever. It's not like that's going to change anything, is it? We're still waiting for the right moment...just like always" she muttered.
With that Shigaraki turned to her. "Still giving me attitude I see. You know that's no way to treat someone who holds your life in their hand is it my dear fiancee?" He practically spat the last word at (y/n). "Take her to punishment, " he threw over his shoulder to Kurogiri.
As that shadowed hand reached to grab (y/n)'s arm she quickly pulled away stating "I can lead myself there".
With a dejected sigh, Kurogiri followed (y/n) back down the hallway until they came to the room that was entirely white. Walking in (y/n) closed her eyes. " Let's get this over with. I have other things to be doing."
With that, the door was closed and light penetrated every place in the room. As Kurogiri walked away, silent tears rolled down  (y/n)'s cheeks shuddering at the blinding pain but refusing to make a sound.
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uncomposed-witing · 5 years
First Post
Hi everyone! I just created this blog as a place to share my work. I’m in love with My Hero Academia right now and am currently writing two stories for bnha x fem reader. I can’t wait to share what I have and continue to add to my work. I’ll be posting the first chapters soon
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