undertaletrivia · 4 years
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Sans and Papyrus use a lot of the same attacks. ;_; The first two are even the first ones Sans uses after his initial barrage.
Additional trivia: As Lost Souls, Papyrus is the only one who attacks you. But he uses the attacks they both share. Further trivia: I think Papyrus does that first attack after he says “My brother, well… he won’t change very much.”
(interestingly there is one thing Papyrus does that Sans never does, which is make the bones move up and down while sliding horizontally
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maybe it’s his special technique, haha. can you imagine how gd hard this would’ve made sans’s battle)
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undertaletrivia · 4 years
A sense of humour analysis? *grabby hands*
Ahhh oh my goodness you have NO idea how excited I am to have the opportunity to talk about this in depth!
I’m going to be talking about the main Undertale characters’ humor types from two angles:
How the humor is conveyed. Basically, this is how the humor is expressed or enacted - through puns, knock knock jokes, pranks, irony, or something else. So this is the “medium” of humor.
How the humor is used. Humor can be used for a variety of purposes and effects - whether it’s trolling someone else for mischief’s sake, making self-deprecating comments, or trying to appeal to an audience. Each of the characters in Undertale use humor for a different intent. So this is the “purpose” of the humor.
It’s also hard to categorize humor, but I attempted to make some categorizations for humor types:
Prank A joke that involves committing an act to surprise another individual. It is a practical joke and mischievous act. Note that I do separate pranking from trolling.
Pun A joke that centers on word play. Especially, a word is used with two simultaneous meanings, or a word is changed slightly to provide the two meanings. One of the simultaneous meanings is natural to the sentence, while another might hark at a relevant theme. I am going to collapse the idea of puns and other word plays into one category, so something like Sans saying, “I’ll keep an eyesocket out for ya” I will still call a pun for the sake of giving a few concrete humor categories.
Other Miscellaneous categories are helpful. Anything that does not fall into the categories I mark as “other.”
Quip Quips are witty remarks. I’m using this word to try to catch a type of humor I see in Undertale where the individual is making a silly comment that is not teasing a person nearby, but still making a joking remark about a circumstance. Some quips in this game have a sense of irony to them, or might have an unexpected turn of events at the end of the phrase from expected.
Teasing Directly commenting on someone else’s actions in a way that humorously points out something odd they did. 
Trolling Screwing around with another individual in an attempt to confound and especially frustrate them. Trolling, unlike pranking, can be and usually is verbal instead of action-oriented.
Looking at the characters in Undertale, I summarize their humor tendencies in the following way:
Alphys: Social media interactions and irony / Deprecation0% Prank, 0% Pun, 100% Other, 0% Quip, 0% Teasing, 0% Trolling.
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The end game of Alphys’ humor is usually to take a shot at herself, or, a little less frequently, shots at others. We see this in ways like her taking a photograph of a garbage can and saying it’s herself. When others make jokes, she sometimes expects that they’re making light of themselves - she doesn’t think Papyrus is serious when he edits biceps on his selfie, for instance. Alphys’ humor expression fits into my “Other” category - she’ll use particular internet phraseology and expressions to get her point across. The way she capitalizes and expresses herself is what we would see on social media, but isn’t an obvious quip or play on words.
Sans: Puns and pranks (trolling) –> All for the purpose of trollingPrank 9%, Pun 25%, Other 2%, Quip 21%, Teasing 25%, Trolling (alone) 19%
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Sans is a troll. Sans is SUCH a troll. He’s not the game’s punster, but the TROLL. What he enjoys more than anything is screwing around with others and jokingly getting them frustrated or surprised. Sans expresses his trollish humor through a wide variety of humor styles, but the jokes usually have the same end goal: to screw with someone and catch them off guard. This includes teasing Papyrus, intentionally annoying Papyrus with bad puns, and pranking the people of Snowdin. He’s got a quip for almost everything, and there’s often a sense of irony or turn of expectations to how he finishes his comments. He’s all about catching people off-guard. Sans is definitely a troll first and foremost, but yes, he does enjoy bad jokes, puns, and toilet humor, too.
Asgore: Puns and teasing / Affection0% Prank, 100% Pun, 0% Other, 0% Quip, 0% Teasing, 0% Trolling.
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There isn’t much evidence for Asgore’s sense of humor; we only see him make one joke with Toriel in the old video tape. That one joke is a pun that he uses to show teasing affection to his wife.
Toriel: Puns / Social interaction0% Prank, 72% Pun, 7% Other, 0% Quip, 22% Teasing, 0% Trolling.
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Toriel loves puns and jokes - especially bad jokes. They don’t have to be particularly clever wordplays (”chairiel?”), but she’ll find amusement with them regardless. Sans says that Toriel laughs incredibly hard at his self-admitted bad jokes, and she gives her own bad jokes. Toriel often uses puns and bad jokes as a means of social interaction and creating bonds. It’s how she and Sans become friends, and it’s how she interacted lovingly with Asgore back in the days of their marriage.
Mettaton: Puns / Entertainment0% Prank, 100% Pun, 0% Other, 0% Quip, 0% Teasing, 0% Trolling.
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I did not go through Mettaton’s humorous instances as in depth as the other characters on this list. I could have collected more instances of Mettaton making comments, so this graph is incomplete and could be a little misleading. However, it is very clear that Mettaton uses a lot of puns to sound like the word-savvy showman. He uses word play as a means of providing entertainment to his audience.
Papyrus: Puns (yes, you read that right) / Social interaction7% Prank, 72% Pun, 7% Other, 7% Quip, 7% Teasing, 0% Trolling.
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It is challenging to tell what Papyrus is thinking and whether or not his comments are meant to be serious or silly. It means it’s hard to pin what should be counted as humor for this skeleton. What is his humor? Actually hard to say. I even vacillate about whether or not I should count his enthusiasm to give the human japes (NYEH HEH HEH!!!) as humor.
In the midst of being uncertain about many of his words and thoughts, though, it is clear that Papyrus finds puns fun. Yes, Papyrus. Puns. Fun. When we can tell Papyrus is being humorous and lighthearted, it’s usually with a pun. He even tells Undyne that she enriched his life with her “coolshed” pun. It’s true that he gets irritated with Toriel and Sans - probably because their jokes are genuinely BAD, Sans has always trolled his brother, and Papyrus has gotten very tired of his brothers’ poor humor expressions repeated year after year.
I realize I didn’t get through everyone, including Undyne and Flowey, in part because they’re complicated, and in part because I didn’t want to dally any more posting this. Also please note that these graphs are NOT comprehensive of all the jokes all the characters make in the game. For instance, I didn’t get to Sans and Toriel’s texting at the end of the game, so those jokes aren’t included in the graphs. But I hope that what I collected was representative enough of the characters.
Below the Read More, I have more in-depth analysis/commentary of each of these characters’ humor tendencies.
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undertaletrivia · 4 years
Undertale characters ranked by number of lines of text
My source for this was this wonderful spreadsheet, which takes every string in the game’s text dump and matches it to a character.  I’m including the original categories of the spreadsheet in the raw data, so there are separate listings for “Papyrus” and “Papyrus (call)”, but they’re combined in the graph.  I’m only including characters who have more than 100 lines in the raw data / 500 lines in the graph, but if people are curious I can add more.
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undertaletrivia · 4 years
Yeah, he’s not really the one you expect to see nihilistic humor from
Papyrus Ramble V
So I was thinking about something, and I decided to find some examples of a particular occurrence… 
Some examples of Papyrus being protective of his privacy:
Checking the shed:
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His mailbox:
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About witnessing a particular awkward moment:
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(I’ll see if I can find more instances later)
Actually… That smile he has every time he politely tries to get us to mind our own business. He has that same expression on his face often when he talks about things that seem to be upsetting to him:
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It does make me question how real that smile is in any other given situation as a result, now that I think about it…
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undertaletrivia · 4 years
Papyrus Ramble VII
The Annoying Dog and Paps:
During his battle, when the dog steals his attack:
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Then when the dog “helps” Paps out during then normal attack:
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Then afterwards on the date/hangout, when the dog gets into Papyrus’ bones again:
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On the abandoned genocide route, when the dog makes off with Paps Special Attack, and then Paps expands a bit on his interactions with the dog on the hangout. 
Namely; that it sleeps in his bed with him (cute):
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Poff zone phonecall:
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The Dogroom:
Where Papyrus can sense the dogs existence in the room (the dogs, ah, residue. If I may phase it as such). And while he calls it annoying, he also voices affection. Similar to him letting it sleep in his bed.
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Elevator l2 in Hotland:
Where he expands once more on things the dog takes without asking. First his bones, then his lasagna! But he also then gives the cute image of the dog sleeping (in a Garfield reference).
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  Around the Hotel, with Undyne:
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Undyne: Oh? No pets allowed, huh? 
Undyne: What’s the problem? 
Undyne: What’s wrong with dogs!? 
Undyne: What’s WRONG with it!? 
Conclusion: Anomalous characters just really like Papyrus… Flowey, Frisk, Sans, the Dog…
Other reality breakers all treat Papyrus as unique, and the arguable “god” of Undertale itself spends the majority of its time with him and getting Papyrus to focus on it. 
I just kinda think that’s important to note tbh.
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undertaletrivia · 4 years
A list of things that stop or interrupt the music at the end: (possibly incomplete, I might have forgotten something… I’ve spent two hours walking around by now.)
-Interacting with Greater Dog or Endogeny
-One of Bratty&Catty’s dialogues
-Looking through the telescope in the Wishing Room makes the music quieter
-Entering Sans’s room for the first time; the music starts up after Papyrus leaves, and keeps playing after that
-Papyrus’s room
Also, yes, Papyrus will come all the way back from The End to turn the light on for you.
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undertaletrivia · 4 years
Frisk the Flirt?
(undertale spoilers)
The child protagonist of Undertale is widely known for flirting with many monsters. But just how many monsters does Frisk actually flirt with? There are a few, but maybe not as much as their reputation leads people to believe.
Flirt by Phone
The first monster Frisk can flirt with is Toriel, though the option is not available in her battle. After acquiring the cellphone from Toriel, Frisk can use it to flirt with the boss monster.
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Flirt in Battle
It may come as a surprise to some, but Frisk has the option to flirt with only four monsters in battle. Given that there are fifty-four monsters Frisk can battle in the game (not including alternate forms like Mettaton Ex or Undyne the Undying), that’s actually not many.
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If Frisk flirts with Papyrus, Papyrus assumes that he is obligated to take Frisk out on a date. Frisk is able to accept this date offer.
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Flirt in Hangout
While not an explicit ACT, Frisk is able to flirt with Undyne during their hangout. After Undyne instructs Frisk to “point to what you want,” Frisk can point to Undyne for the following reaction.
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Flirt during Roleplay
In the pacifist route, Frisk delivers a letter to Alphys from Undyne. However, Alphys mistakenly assumes the letter is from Frisk. Frisk plays along with this assumption and goes on a date with Alphys. Once it is revealed that Alphys actually likes Undyne, Frisk is able to help Alphys out with roleplay. Whether Frisk roleplays as Alphys or Undyne, they have the option to flirt.
Roleplaying as Undyne
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Roleplaying as Alphys
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Frisk can flirt with seven of the fifty-four monsters they can battle. To put it another way, they have a 13% potential flirt rate. There is no denying that Frisk’s flirts are memorable, but perhaps Frisk isn’t quite flirty as some may believe.
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undertaletrivia · 4 years
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Isn’t this the letter you deliver to Alphys? It’s not in the trash before that.
I was searching for something in the game and couldn’t find it, found this instead.
EDIT: I realize that this note might have been left at the Lab during the date, or even passed to Alphys during the date that made her leave-
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undertaletrivia · 4 years
Compilation of Mysterious Papyrus Things
Random Strange Facts:
Papyrus is the only character to speak without an asterisk
Papyrus’s dialogue shakes on a consistent basis when no one else’s does
Papyrus is described as “forgettable,” something only mentioned elsewhere in context with Goner Kid and Gaster
Papyrus seems to be able to see what the player is looking at when he calls them (”THAT BAG OF DOG FOOD LOOKS FAMILIAR…”)
Papyrus seems to know that MTT has eyes before MTT becomes MTT Ex
Papyrus has a total of 2184 lines in the game—more than any other character, and almost as much as the narrator of the game, which is at 2418 lines. The next closest character is Undyne, with 1268 total lines.
Similar wording is used to describe Papyrus as it is to describe Gaster. (It’s rude to talk about someone who’s listening)
Papyrus’s theme, “Nyeh heh heh/Bonetrousle,” is used in all of the trailers of the game
Papyrus and Sans break the 4th wall in the stream greenlight trailer, which shocks Toriel
Papyrus flies/breaks the laws of physics casually and seemingly on a regular basis
Papyrus is one of the few characters that refers to gameplay mechanics (“PRESS [C] ON THE KEYBOARD FOR DATING HUD!” “HOLD UP LONGER TO JUMP HIGHER, JEEZ!”)
Papyrus says himself that he knows nothing about his hands because he always keeps his gloves on.
There is nothing, nothing known about his past before his showing up to Snowdin. By the end of the game and after some research, you can basically know more about Gaster and Sans than you do about Papyrus, despite him having the most dialogue in the game besides the narrator.
Papyrus has such control over his magic in his fight, that he can make his attacks do zero damage because he refuses to kill the human.
You are healed to full HP right before the Papyrus fight, as well as immediately after if you are captured.
Papyrus doesn’t seem to realize that Frisk is a kid, despite Frisk wearing a striped shirt, which is a common indicator for childhood in monster society. (is he unfamiliar with common monster culture, for some reason?)
Sans reads Papyrus bed time stories on a regular basis, but Papyrus himself never seems to sleep
The Undertale Q&A that Toby Fox did for Undertale’s anniversary revolves around Papyrus
His defense raises in the spare phase of his fight, unlike every other monster. He seems to be able to manipulate his own stats.
The two 4th wall breaking characters (Flowey and the Annoying Dog) seem to have a special interest in Papyrus
Annoying Dog:
Steals bone attacks on two separate occasions (Papyrus fight and aborted Genocide hangout, in which the “special attack” is hinted to be Gaster Blasters)
Steals bones in general on two occasions (Under Papyrus’s sink and during the hangout with Undyne)
Eats Papyrus’s lasagna
Snuggles with Papyrus
Says Papyrus started a “Flowey Fan Club”
Says Papyrus took a long time to get boring on his repeated runs
Asks Papyrus to call Frisk before the True lab, gather everyone together before the True Ending, and probably leave a note in Alphys’ trash can
Flowey is the only one who knows Papyrus’s favorite food, which is dinosaur oatmeal (no, it’s not spaghetti. Papyrus has never eaten it.)
When Flowey attacks the group during the True Pacifist fight, he binds everyone with two vines, except Papyrus–who he binds with four.
Sans (overlooking the bounteous brotherly goodness of the two):
Papyrus lies to him on a consistent basis
This is to probably humor Sans about his level of knowledge?
Papyrus still expects Sans to know more about Papyrus than Papyrus does himself?
Papyrus acts negatively towards Sans’s puns, but then turns around and makes the most (and arguably best) puns in the game out of anyone
Doesn’t outwardly acknowledge criticism
According to Sans, he is trash-talked a lot
May have self-worth issues
Extremely blasé about his own death
Doesn’t seem to have friends, despite working very hard to get them
He phrases things in really strange ways. (”UNMANDATE IT SAFER”)
Papyrus staunchly refuses to really hurt people, despite it being very likely that he could be just as hard or harder of a fight than Sans
He has a strong and unshakeable belief that people can change (does he know this from personal experience?)
He hates Grillby’s and Hotland
He is an amazing artist
He considers himself a great chef, even if he doesn’t necessarily eat what he cooks
[when dying] “ALAS, POOR PAPYRUS. [this is quoting Shakespeare while he’s dying] WELL, AT LEAST I HAVE MY HEAD!”
Undyne: “Papyrus… doesn’t know how to sleep??”
“IT’S MY LEAST FAVORITE NIGHTMARE!” – referring to Hotland lasers and conveyors
“A MYSTERIOUS SCIENCE HOUSE. […] LABORADOR-Y?” When talking about Alphys’s lab with Sans present.
“A LAB?? MY BROTHER WOULD LOVE THAT!” –when talking about Alphys’s lab without Sans present.
“ICE CREAM? THANKS, BUT I LIVE IN SNOWDIN! THERE’S ICE CREAM ALL OVER THE GROUND!” –when talking about ice cream when Sans is present.
“I TRIED TO CAPTURE YOU… WHERE’S MY ICE CREAM.” –when talking about ice cream without Sans present.
“WELL, IF YOU WANT TO GET SOMEONE TO OPEN UP, YOU SHOULD ENGAGE THEM IN COMBAT! HUM HUM HUM…” – before the Shyren encounter. This is one of the few times where Papyrus actually gives you something helpful, but how does he know?
Links for additional reading/theories(most links to @batter-sempai, @papyrus-knows, and @queenofdragons6 posts and reblogs): Optimism does not make Papyrus naive Papyrus casually breaking laws of physics  Strange music (or lack of) in Papyrus’s room Brutal kind of guy screenshots Some disturbing connections Some suspicious screenshots Part 3 of a sans theory where the writer realizes Papyrus is ridiculously mysterious Chara and Papyrus similarities–they’re always smiling! Phone call and 4th wall suspicions Papyrus surprising cynicism Sans and Papyrus dynamic speculation Vague Gaster and Papyrus connection Papyrus’s skewed views on what is safe for kids… possible backstory connection? Another compilation of sketchy Papyrus-y things Insomnia and nightmares More on music and rooms Papyrus creeped out by echo flowers Papyrus and Annoying Dog interactions (there are a surprising amount) Sans and Papyrus dynamic speculation 2 Papyrus: treated like a child Papyrus: nasty words with a huge grin The fodder for many an amnesiac theory Papyrus is literally the skeleton in the closet Papyrus battle mechanics and minor Flowey connections The dude is lonely Theory: is Papyrus Gaster? More Papyrus fighting skill plus reality breaking phone call He’s a gentleman Papyrus doesn’t sleep Undertale Q&A/Papyrus’s favorite food Reference–How many lines each character has in the game Debunking Stupid Papyrus 1 – he knows what death is Debunking Stupid Papyrus 2 – the sink height. Strange, but workable Debunking Stupid Papyrus 3 – “solving” the horoscope Debunking Stupid Papyrus 4 – the lab Debunking Stupid Papyrus 5 – pet rock Debunking Stupid Papyrus 6 – spaghetti
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undertaletrivia · 4 years
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Dog Residue Description.
Fills your inventory with more Dog Residue.
Found in the Legendary Artifact Room in Waterfall, Free.
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undertaletrivia · 4 years
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Talking to Papyrus right after seeing him talk to Undyne.
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undertaletrivia · 4 years
W.D. Gaster Masterpost
(undertale spoilers)
Doctor W.D. Gaster is an enigma shrouded in mystery, with very little known about him. Despite the scarce amount of information, this character is a popular topic for many fans who are desperate to know who he is. After the January 2016 patch, more “fun” events became available in regular gameplay, driving more people to look for answers as to who Gaster is.
The following is a breakdown of facts, circumstantial evidence, and unconfirmed theories on Gaster. All technical information mentioned below is based on v1.001 of the game.
Before Gaster is discussed, three important characters should be considered – the followers.
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Facts about the followers:
There are three followers.
Their sprite names are spr_g_follower_1, spr_g_follower_2, and spr_g_follower_3.
Their object names in the code are obj_gaster_follower_b,  obj_gaster_follower_a, and obj_gaster_follower_c.
Each follower has a very low chance of appearing.
Follower_1: fun value 62 and 50% chance = 0.5% chance
Follower_2: fun value 61 and 20% chance = 0.2% chance
Follower_3: fun value 63 and 50% chance = 0.5% chance
These are the only monsters that ever mention Gaster by name.
They share a monochrome gray color theme.
Two of them use the words “they say” in reference to what they know.
Frisk’s phone does not turn on in their presence.
Follower_2 disappears after speaking.
Since the followers are the only characters that mention Gaster by name, what is known as canon about Gaster is derived from their dialogue. However, because the followers speak in such a hearsay manner (e.g. “They say he created the Core.”), it’s hard to be sure how accurate this information is. With little else to go on, this information will be taken at face value. 
Facts and hearsays about Gaster:
He was the previous Royal Scientist, before Alphys.
His brilliance was “irreplaceable”, which is why Asgore took so long to replace him.
He created the CORE.
His life was cut short.
He fell into his creation.
His experiments went wrong. (Yes, experiments is plural here).
He vanished without a trace.
He shattered across time and space.
A piece of him exists with Follower_2.
He is still listening.
Outside of what the followers share, there are a few more things known by special events in the game and by examining the code and assets.
From the game’s code, assets, etc:
Entering Gaster’s name in the character name screen causes the game to restart – and it only happens with Gaster’s name.
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The Sound Test Room in Snowdin has a 50% chance of being accessible at fun value 65 (after defeating Papyrus and before defeating Asriel in the pacifist route), and Gaster’s Theme can be played in this room. Once the song starts playing, the music cannot be changed. Eventually, the song ends and then Frisk is automatically returned to the room with the fishing rod.
Despite not having a battle, Gaster’s monster type identifier in the code is 666, and his stats are composed using only 6. (ex. HP of 666666)
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Sans’ attacks, which bear resemblance to animal skulls, use six sprites called spr_gasterblaster.
An unused NPC field sprite called spr_gb_npc looks like the spr_gasterblaster sprites, but without a face.
The gasterblasters are used in the code’s obj_gasterblaster, which is used in the code’s obj_gasterbl_gen.
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By editing the game’s save files, ENTRY NUMBER SEVENTEEN can be found in an unused room. The code for this room is called obj_gaster_room, confirming that the entry belongs to Gaster. The identifier for the text type is 666, and the game quits after the last line of the entry.
Circumstantial Evidence
The following is a list of reasonable deductions based on clues provided in the game. Unlike the facts listed above, these theories are not confirmed directly. However, they have enough circumstantial evidence to make a strong case.
Gaster is the original creator of the DT Extraction Machine.
Alphys specifically mentioned “using the blueprints” in her lab entry 5.
Since Alphys used these rather than created them, it’s presumed to be from the previous Royal Scientist.
W.D. Gaster refers to Wingdings and Aster (two fonts). 
Wingdings shares Gaster’s initials, W.D.
Because the room with ENTRY NUMBER SEVENTEEN is coded as obj_gaster_room, Gaster has a connection to Wingdings.
If the W.D. refers to Wingdings, the name Gaster may refer to Aster. However, there is no Aster in the game.
Gaster is a skeleton.
Because Sans and Papyrus are named after fonts and are skeletons, Gaster is assumed to be a skeleton.
The Core was built before New Home.
Considering New Home is built above the CORE, it’s reasonable to assume Gaster built the CORE before the Royal Family moved to New Home.
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Gaster may have a connection to the monster that appears in a room behind a gray door in Waterfall – Mystery Man.
The sprites are called spr_mysteryman.
The object name in the code is obj_mysteryman.
At fun value 66, there is a 10% chance of this door appearing. That means there is a mere 0.1% chance of finding this door without hacking or cheating.
Frisk cannot collide with Mystery Man; they walk right through.
When interacted with, Mystery Man disappears, and the sound effect snd_mysterygo plays. It is the same one that plays for the disappearing Follower_2, who claims to be holding a piece of Gaster.
Unlike with the followers, the phone can be used, but there is no response.
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Gaster may have a connection to the monster in an inaccessible room in Waterfall – Redacted A.
Its sprite is called spr_redacted_a_0.
Its object name in the code is obj_redacted_a.
The room can be accessed by editing the game’s save files, but only after disabling dogcheck.
The monster is solid and cannot be walked through. 
It disappears if Frisk moves away from it, and reappears if Frisk moves towards it.
This is the only monster that speaks in Wingdings, specifically all lowercase. Its only dialogue is “* [redacted]”.
The text sound used for Redacted A’s dialogue is the same one used for ENTRY NUMBER SEVENTEEN.
Sans has a connection to Gaster
Sans uses gasterblasters in his battle.
Sans has blueprints with unreadable symbols in his secret lab. The narration remarks that it may be just the handwriting that makes it illegible, perhaps implying it belongs to Alphys who’s handwriting is described as illegible chicken-scratch. However, unreadable symbols could also mean Wingdings.
During his battle, when Sans sleeps, he snores in an unidentified serif font. This font was originally thought to be Aster, but further examination has proven this is not the case.
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Popular but Unconfirmed Theories
With how little information there is and how hard it is to find, it’s easy for “fanon” to become so popular that it is misrepresented as canon. The list below is made of popular theories that are commonly misquoted as fact. This was not written to diminish the theories in any way; in fact, the reason these ideas are so popular is that they make a lot of sense and are not directly contradicted by evidence in the game. However, it’s important to know fact from fun.
“Mystery Man is Gaster.”
Because the followers, the Sound Room, and Gaster’s stats all share a pattern of 6′s, Mystery Man has an association with Gaster.
However, Gaster was said to have shattered. If this is the case, it doesn’t seem right for him to still be intact as the Mystery Man.
It is more plausible that Mystery Man is a “piece” of Gaster.
Redacted A is the only monster in the game to speak in Wingdings, which makes it another candidate to being a piece of Gaster.
Dogbomber’s interpretation of Gaster was removed from the official tarot card merchandise, keeping his true identity a secret.
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“Goner Kid is a follower of Gaster’s.” 
Goner Kid is the gray monster kid that can be found in Waterfall.
Their sprites are called spr_mkid_goner – it does not include the word “follower.”
Their object name in the code is obj_mkid_goner.
They have a gray color scheme like the followers.
However, Goner Kid appears if the fun value is above 90 – not in the 60′s. This means there is a 10% chance of running into them.
Unlike the followers, the phone can be used in the room with Goner Kid to call Papyrus.
Goner Kid never mentions Gaster.
“Gaster was forgotten by everyone.”
Based on the idea that Gaster shattered across space and time somehow causes his existence to be forgotten. There is no mention of this, however.
There is also speculation that Gaster is talking through Goner Kid about how the world can be the same “except you don’t exist.” However, Goner Kid has no confirmed association with Gaster.
The word “forgotten” is never used to describe Gaster.
His followers remember him.
Nothing indicates that Asgore forgot him, especially considering he took so long looking for a replacement since Gaster’s genius was “irreplaceable.”
“Gaster is in the void.”
There is no mention of a void in the game, other than what Mettaton says at the end of his battle: “IF I LEFT… THE UNDERGROUND WOULD LOSE ITS SPARK. I’D LEAVE AN ACHING VOID THAT CAN NEVER BE FILLED.“ This is not a literal void.
The followers only ever mention that he “shattered across time and space,” “fell into his creation,” and “his life… was cut short.”
Gaster is not stuck in any void.
“Gaster wrote the true lab entries.”
Other than the ENTRY NUMBER SEVENTEEN that is written in Wingdings, there is no evidence that Gaster wrote any of the entries found in the true lab.
Alphys explains to Frisk the experiment she carried out on the fallen monsters, which the true lab entries document.
Based on supporting evidence in the game, Alphys wrote all the true lab entries.
“The followers are Gaster’s assistants.”
Nothing indicates they ever worked with Gaster.
They mention information about Gaster, but in a hearsay manner.
The “follower” name makes them seem more like fans or cult members.
Sans has a photo album filled with photos of people Frisk does not recognize, which people believe is Gaster and the followers. However, Frisk can meet any one of them, even if the chances are extremely slim.
“Sans was Gaster’s assistant.”
Sans says “you’ll never see them again” in the Lost Souls battle as if speaking from experience.
ENTRY NUMBER SEVENTEEN addresses two people at the end, but nothing confirms who these people are.
Sans speaks about “our reports” and has a scientific background, but evidence supports that Sans may have worked with Alphys instead of Gaster.
“Gaster is Sans’ and Papyrus’ father.”
Gaster is speculated to be a skeleton, so it’s commonly assumed he would be their father. However, Sans and Papyrus make no mention of family outside of each other.
A poorly drawn picture of three people smiling can be found in Sans’ photo album under the right circumstances, but there is nothing to say who these three people are.
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Shrouded in mystery and darkness, Gaster’s identity and story continue to elude the community. Filling the gaps with speculation is part of what makes Gaster theories so much fun. Hopefully, this comprehensive master post will aid with the guidance, testing, and formulation of fan theories. While conjecture and assumptions breed compelling speculation, it is always important to distinguish fanon from canon.
» view more: album of Gaster related content
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undertaletrivia · 4 years
Sans’ “Zs” are not in Aster
(undertale spoilers)
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It is a common misconception that during the Sans battle, Sans snores in the font “Aster.” It is so common, in fact, that Aster was included in our W.D. Gaster master post that went up earlier this week. Since Aster shares most of its letters with the name “Gaster,” Sans snoring in this font appears to directly link him with the mysterious doctor. However, upon closer inspection, the font Aster is, in fact, never in the game Undertale. Special thanks goes to user @the-henatiel-nest who pointed us to Putnam’s video, which busts this myth. As theorists, we decided to independently compare the font ourselves and run the font through font identifying tools.
Below is a comparison of the Z from Sans’ snoring and the Z from Aster.
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They appear similar at first, both having pointed serifs and thick and thin strokes. However, once anti-aliasing is turned off, the differences become very clear.
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First, the crossbars of the letters have very different thicknesses. Sans’ Z has a thin crossbar, while Aster is much thicker. The two are also at different angles.
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The arms of the Zs have very different weights.
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Perhaps most puzzling are the serifs. Aster has the standard serifs that angle out, but Sans’ Zs have serifs pointing in.
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Lastly, Sans’ Zs are squared off, while Aster Zs come to points at the tips.
Of course, this begs the question, if it’s not Aster, what font is it? After using many font identifying applications and searching numerous type families, it seems as though this Z does not come from a font at all. The weights of the strokes, the reversed serifs, and the squared off points make this Z very unusual, and more than likely is custom made. It’s possible that this Z was purposefully designed not to look like any well-known font. After all, if this font was clearly something like Times New Roman, theorists would suspect there was another skeleton character yet to be revealed.
Unlike Comic Sans, Papyrus, and Wingdings, Aster is not a system font or even a well-known font. Most people have never heard of it or will never use it. It does not make sense for Toby to add in such an obscure font, especially when the other three are infamous for being overused and tacky. Additionally, the word “aster” does not exist anywhere in the game code. Perhaps “Gaster” comes from the word “ghastly,” a word meaning “shockingly frightful or dreadful.” After all, the circumstances and mystery surrounding the doctor can be terrifying.
There is no use of Aster in Undertale, and instead, Sans snores in a custom made Z with serifs. Why Sans uses a serif font for his snoring Zs is never explained, and continues to be one of Undertale’s many mysteries. 
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undertaletrivia · 4 years
What happen if you called Papyrus while go in Gaster's room in Water falls? Sorry, if my English is bad
(undertale spoilers)
If you try to call Papyrus in Mystery Man’s room, there is simply no response.
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There’s also no response in Redacted’s room.
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On the other hand, if you try to call Papyrus when one of Gaster’s followers is present, the phone does not turn on.
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It is unknown why this happens or what this means for the relationship between Mystery Man, Redacted, and Gaster’s followers.
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undertaletrivia · 4 years
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Papyrus walks you passed the last camera when you hang out with him :D
It only hit me yesterday, I always thought the cameras were setup to keep an eye out for humans, but there’s not many in later areas.. 
so maybe it’s to keep an eye on Flowey
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undertaletrivia · 4 years
Flowey (if you’ve already LOADed)
*Hee hee hee...
*Why’d you make me introduce myself?
*It’s rude to act like you don’t know who I am.
*Someone ought to teach you proper manners.
*I guess little old me will have to do.
*Here we go!
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undertaletrivia · 4 years
tumblr user suzyundertale makes a post about Suzy from Undertale
Suzy masterpost, because people need to pay more attention to Suzy. This is not a theory post, but more of a collection of information on what we currently know about the Undertale character Suzy. Of course, due to the nature of Suzy as a very mysterious character, there will be slight speculation, but hopefully it’s clear what is canon and what isn’t.
Keep reading
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