unfeelingeyes · 10 years
"Hungry for toast." he frowned looking around the kitchen and still not making eye contact with the girl. He had yet to face her but for some reason that made it easier for him to speak.
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"Is there any bread?"
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unfeelingeyes · 10 years
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unfeelingeyes · 10 years
"Is there any bread?"
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unfeelingeyes · 10 years
"Yeah I've only ever smoked weed once or twice. It wasn't a regular thing. Shows were a lot funnier though, Walking Dead was fucked up." He chuckled to himself.
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"I haven’t seen that." he made a note to go check netfix for it at some point, he also made a note that Connor was probably here because he liked to get high. "Isn’t everything funnier though at that point?" he forced himself to keep the conversation going. He wasn’t caring about Connor or asking personal questions so it was easier.
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unfeelingeyes · 10 years
"It's as simple as, not caring. Save's a lot of trouble."
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Why don’t you get it?!
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unfeelingeyes · 10 years
Life's crazy right now- I just got back from the parks, I have so much to do, I'm going to try and be on tomorrow night but tomorrow is my last day to really hang out with my best friend and my childhood friends before I leave my home town ug feels I'm gonna choke myself now gods
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unfeelingeyes · 10 years
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unfeelingeyes · 10 years
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unfeelingeyes · 10 years
-facepalm- LOL ALECIA THE FUCK WAS THAT. You just like through all that at Edward and he might just have a heart attack LOL
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unfeelingeyes · 10 years
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unfeelingeyes · 10 years
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unfeelingeyes · 10 years
"I haven't seen that." he made a note to go check netfix for it at some point, he also made a note that Connor was probably here because he liked to get high. "Isn't everything funnier though at that point?" he forced himself to keep the conversation going. He wasn't caring about Connor or asking personal questions so it was easier.
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It was late at night so Edward doubted that but he grabbed it and clicked through channels anyway “Adult Swim might be on… If I can find the fucker.” he spoke more to himself. “Yeah, I keep over hearing people say the food’s good but I’ve yet to taste anything not shitty. Bingo- Robot Chicken. It’s hit or miss some days.” he didn’t ask if Connor liked it or not, he didn’t need to know.
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unfeelingeyes · 10 years
"I don't think Connor has books." Edward didn't like talking to people but he did notice things, usually because he wasn't making eye contact, he also never said more than he had to. So he stayed in the bed with the sheets pulled over his bare chest and watched where she was looking but kept from looking at her. "Doesn't matter." was his answer to her second question.
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It took Edward a little to get the nerve to respond at all, he held the comforter over himself as if it were a shield and she was an attacker “Why?” she had explained it perfectly well but Edward didn’t see the logic in her response.
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unfeelingeyes · 10 years
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unfeelingeyes · 10 years
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unfeelingeyes · 10 years
"I don't like talking... I-I won't if I don't have to." Edward half explained not looking the girl in the face, he was already uncomfortable around people, girls it was worse, not to mention he was shirtless and in bed which made talking harder for him. He kept the covers over him protectively.
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"No." he stammered "Get out."
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unfeelingeyes · 10 years
"No." he stammered "Get out."
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He shook his head no and looked down. “Didn’t ask.”
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