unknownhowler · 6 years
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unknownhowler · 8 years
Trial By Error
Chapter 2
-It was a great day to do nothing.
The snow was vibrant and white, despite the lack of light.  Flurries fluttered about.  Wind could be heard howling from each direction, indecisively.  A perfect patch of snow was interrupted, bits scattered as a boot came in contact, grinding hard against the grass smothered beneath.  Papyrus braced himself, baseball in hand as he locked eyes with Undyne who stood across from him several feet away, a bat slung over her shoulder.  The springy skeleton raised his arm, drawing his hand back before launching forward, releasing a whirling pitch in the captain's direction.  With a single motion, she twisted her waist and swung towards the ball, a loud crack sounding as the target was hit far into the woods.  Alphys, watching from the sidelines, cheered loudly.- "Oh my gosh...!  Go, Undyne!!  Run!!"
-The batter dropped her weapon, breaking into a sprint as she made her way for first base... which, in this case, was a dirty t-shirt.  Sans had to say, he was pretty impressed.  He didn't know Papyrus could pitch.  Stuffing his hands deep into his pockets, the stout skeleton leaned up against one of the many surrounding trees, lazily watching the ball pass overhead.  Papyrus lifted a hand to shield his eyes, though no one was quite sure from what, watching in shock as the baseball disappeared from sight.- "W-WOWIE... THAT'S... THE THIRD ONE WE'VE LOST IN A ROW..." -he observed before shifting, placing his hands on his hips.- "....FORTUNATELY, THE GREAT PAPYRUS ALWAYS COMES PREPARED!!"
-He motioned to a comically large sac of baseballs occupying the snow a ways behind him.  Undyne crossed home base, grin increasingly wide as she counted her latest victory.- ".....HAH! Guess that means we're three to nothing.  Even against just me, you losers are still having a hard time.  FUHUHUHUHU!"
-Jogging over to the bat Undyne had dropped, the energetic skeleton lifted the item in his hands and motioned Sans over enthusiastically.  Sans pushed off of the tree, trudging his way over slowly, stopping just shy of Papyrus's personal space.- ".....sup, bro?" -Not much else could be said before the bat was piled into his arms, Papyrus making for the pitcher's mound he'd made himself out of snow.
Technically speaking, Undyne should have been the one pitching since she was the only one on the opposite team.  But, well... Papyrus liked pitching so much; no one really had the heart to tell him otherwise.- "OKAY, BROTHER.  I, PAPYRUS, WILL GO EASY ON YOU.  JUST SWING THE BAT WHEN THE BALL GETS CLOSE."
-Sans lifted his arm to give his brother a thumbs-up, gripping the bat tightly and resting it on his shoulder.  The ball was readied, and then tossed in line with the jokester's striking range.  He readied his bat, the ball passing with a whirr, then he swung.  He shut one eye in a wink, returning the bat to his shoulder.  Papyrus squinted at him, not sure if he was doing this on purpose or was really... just... that.... slow.- "AH... UM... HOW DO I SAY THIS?  THAT WAS... VERY GOOD, SANS.  MAYBE THIS TIME, YOU SHOULD TRY SWINGING IT A LITTLE SOONER?"
"sure thing, pap. i've got this." -He answered sluggishly.  Undyne practically squirmed behind him, the sight of his inability pissing her off more than anything.  It was like he wasn't even trying!  What a weenie!  Papyrus drew his hand back again, attempting to adjust his pitch to better suit Sans' swing, releasing the ball in a much slower, steadier pitch.
Sans grinned, swinging right away, the ball bouncing past as the swing was, this time, much too soon.  It was almost painful to watch, as was the clear expression on everyone's faces.  Shrugging, the skeleton proceeded to grin.- "....did i do it wrong? tried to take your advice... i swung right off the bat."
-This elicited a collective groan, though Papyrus was much more than irritated.- "SANS!  THIS ISN'T THE TIME FOR YOUR JOKING!  NOW, I AM GOING TO TRY THIS AGAIN!  HIT.  THE. BALL!" -Undyne called out from behind him.- "...Hey!!  Sans!  You've got to swing it right when the-"
-Undyne’s attempt at advice was just distracting enough.  Sans turned his head for a moment to glance at the captain, then the baseball struck the back of his skull.  He was immediately knocked to the ground, landing face-first.  Papyrus rose his hands to clutch his skull, eyes popping out of their sockets.- "SANS!  BROTHER!  ARE YOU HURT?  OH MY GOD...  I DIDN'T MEAN TO HIT YOU; I THOUGHT YOU'D BE PAYING ATTENTION....!"
-Turning his head to the side, the smaller skeleton just sort of... laid there, seeming to accept his new status in life.- "...don't worry, bro. i'm having a ball..." -Papyrus seemed to fume, letting out a scream of rage.- "SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANS!  YOU LAZYBONES, I'M TRYING TO PLAY BASEBALL WITH EVERYONE AND YOU WON'T EVEN TRY TO HIT THE BALL!?  HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO WIN SOMETHING IF YOU DON'T EVEN PUT IN AN HONEST EFFORT?  HONESTLY, I AM VERY DISAPPOINTED!  AND YOU KEEP MAKING JOKES!!  THEY'RE NOT FUNNY, THIS IS A SERIOUS MOMENT, I SWEAR I WILL HURT YOU!"
-He reached back into the comic bag, tossing each and every ball he had at his brother. They hit him, making a thud noise, then bouncing off into some part of the forest. The stout skeleton merely lay still, shutting his eyes, drifting into a slightly more relaxed state.  This infuriated Papyrus, who reached into the bag once more to retrieve a ball... but found that he'd used them all.  He jogged over to his brother, grasping his collar and pulling him up, shaking him around a bit.- "AND NOW WE'RE COMPLETELY OUT OF BASEBALLS!  WE CAN'T CONTINUE THE GAME LIKE THIS!!  NYEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"
-She thought she was safe, but that feeling faded away as soon as she heard such strong sounds of activity ahead of her. Immediately, her eyes darted forward as she tried to locate the sound.  This wasn’t supposed to happen.  Every time she’s done this before, there was no one.  No witnesses, nothing that could jeopardize her mission.  Then, it dawned on her.  Oh… No, this never happened before… because she would always take the longest, most desolate route to ensure her success.  Lately, she’s been trying shorter and shorter routes as her patience wore thing. Regardless, Alex was unaware this obstacle took place at this area, at this time from time’s past.  It sounded familiar… Well, everything sounds familiar considering how many times she’s reset, but this?  It sounds like some of the Underground’s toughest monsters all in one spot.  Oh joy, that’s exactly what she wanted.  Welp, she is marching on new, uncharted territory now.  The threat of being caught was much stronger now. What changes will her actions cause?  How slight or significant, she does not yet know.
The cacophony just beyond slowed her movements, but have not caused her come to a complete stop.  She listened in rather than abandon ship on spot.  She couldn’t.  She wouldn’t. Too tired, too stubborn.  She knew who they were, too. How could she mistake those voices?  Undyne, Papyrus, Alphys… Sans… She shuddered.  Great. As her ears told her they were near, her eyes told her they were nowhere to be seen.  Where they on the other side of this tree line?  It appears that way.  Well, this situation isn’t as bad as she had initially thought. As long as she doesn’t do something stupid to cause a commotion, they’ll never even know she was there.  Yes, this will do.  She refuses to go back. After all she’s been through; Alex was exhausted, not just from having dug up a corpse, but spiritually from the endless times before.  It was really taking a toll on her body, mind, and soul.
Papyrus flailed wildly, accidentally releasing Sans half way through.  This motion sent the limp pile of bones spiraling through the forest, landing with a huff somewhere not too far from where Alex was trudging along. He grunted, slowly lifting himself to his feet, brushing himself off before taking a look around.  Huh.  Whoops.  He hadn't meant to end up here.  But he didn't mind, stuffing his hands into his pockets.  Then he took notice of the crunching of snow beneath someone's feet. It sounded close.  He edged his way to the sound, pausing in his tracks as he noticed the human.  Oh.- "....hey, kid. you snow you're looking a little guilty, right?"
She was sure all she had to do was to keep quiet.  Her friends… er, her friends, yes.  Her friends were just playing a game on the other side of the tree line.  By the sounds of it, they were playing baseball, right?  They would have no reason to cross this patch of forest.  This helped Alex unwind some. Well, that was until her forward-looking eyes were drawn to a certain figure in the distance.  Her face paled as a sense of dread creeped up from the very pit of her stomach.-
“Wha-uh, huh?” -That look of dread turned to that of confusion as the pun Sans made didn’t quite click with her.  From not understanding the pun in her panicked mind, she also didn’t grasp what he said as a whole.  It’s as if her thought processes just froze.  All the while, she never stopped; she just kept pushing that wheelbarrow forward while awkwardly acting like Sans just busted out of  the loony bin speaking gibberish.
However, if there was one thing Sans said that actually got through, it was the word ‘guilty.’  That didn’t calm her down one bit. Oh boy was she guilty of something.  She was guilty of a lot of things, and she knew it.  It wasn’t hard to keep up this confused act… Mostly because she was still very much stunned and dazed, but she kept on trekking.- “Oh, that’s uh… nice.”
-Yes, let’s just pretend you knew what they said and hope they don’t notice.  Yep yep yep!  And stare at them for an uncomfortable amount of time before turning away and hightailing out of there like you just witnessed a murder, and by hightail it, I mean walk faster.  Alex thought actually running would start something she didn’t want to end.
Sans watched as the kid stuttered and stammered all over the place, even if mostly internal. Seems mentioning guilt had struck deep with them.  And that wasn't something he was too excited about.  He prided himself on reading the body language of the people he interacted with... and he definitely wasn't liking hers.  It was that of a liar, someone who was doing something they really shouldn't be doing. But it was also the language of someone who knew what they were doing is wrong and who could still atone.  Thing is, Alex knew this.  Most times, Sans can read her like a damn book, and she knew to be wary of his attempts at manipulation.
Instead of returning to the baseball game, he trudged along behind Alex, matching her pace.  He had a habit of comically inserting himself into situations he really didn't belong in.  One of his more likeable traits, he supposed.  Well, it could easily swing the other way, it just depended on the monster, or in this case, the human.  The skeleton shoved his hands into his pockets, taking a look at the trees to his right and left. He'd half expected to see his imprint somewhere in the mass of leaves.  But, nothing was there aside from a few baseballs scattered around the forest floor.-
"so, where we going?" -Sans asked, taking a good look at her wheelbarrow… and her shirt.  Planting flowers?  Potatoes?  Bodies? Heheh, maybe not the last one.  Actually, it was fair to say it very well could be the last.  His eyes drifted off to the side, and he decided to joke with her a little more.- "....who're we bur-!?"
- She was quick to notice him approaching her, especially since she’s extremely paranoid right now and acting sketchy. God, why did he have to follow her!? She stopped what she was doing and pointed a hand at Sans before he could get too close.- “NO!” -She nearly screamed at him.-  “Nooooo!... Stay!”
-At first, that first ‘no’…  She didn’t even think.  Anger boiled to the surface and she’s had enough.  She was sick and tired of being pushed around, and slowly, but surely, it was showing.  Rage… a hard thing to control.  This was a stark contrast from her nervous demeanor just moments before.  But, she quickly realized this; hence her softer tone the rest of the way through.  If Sans continued to follow her like Alex suspects he would, she’d stop and use a greater force than just words.
The first surprise came when Alex pointed at him. Man, he'd never been treated that way before. This kid must really be on edge. But if she had done something she wasn't supposed to, this was not the way to hide it.  Sans couldn't help finding it mildly amusing. His grin widened a little at her stuttering of commands. But, despite the effort, he seemed to ignore her and continue on his way, stopping beside the wheelbarrow and resting an arm atop the side.- "....hey, you know what?  Pap and i were thinking of starting a garden, and if we do, wheelbarrow this from ya, alright?" “Wha- Why are you!?!? AGH!!!”
- His pun was greeted by angry groaning, as he assumed.  Yep. Just hold still, will you? Alex turned him around, picked him up under his arms, then ran off to where Sans was originally standing and set him back down, complaining as she does so.-  “Nooooo! No no no no!... No no! You just… Here…”
-This was the time she’d set him down, her tone of voice an exasperated, tired tone rather than that infuriated outburst she started with.  He, however, was not expecting to be picked up.  As a result, he was much too surprised to really fight it.  His eye sockets widened slightly, his legs hanging limply beneath him, slippers sort of dragging down his foot, threatening to fall.  His coat bunched up around his neck and jawbone, arms sticking out at an awkward angle at either side.  He remained this way but slowly his eye sockets narrowed, all of the way up until he was set back down on his feet in his original area.  His hands immediately stuffed into his pockets, eye sockets shutting softly as he considered the situation he'd just endured.  Had she just..?-  “Just stay here! Okay? Or… I don’t know… Don’t follow me!... Weirdo… Yo-you… Go away! Shoo!”
- Yeah... he guessed she had.  Then Alex tries to usher him off into the forest, but she didn’t care if he went or not, as long as he didn’t follow her. She’d go back to what she was doing, hopefully this time without such distractions.  When Alex returned to the wheelbarrow, she looked back, eyes narrowed on Sans as though trying to read what he was going to do and what he knew.  The last thing she wanted right now was a fight…
He watched her shamble away before turning back to glare at him, and he merely stared back.  No real challenge to his gaze, just a mild sense of knowing that something was up. He didn't seem to follow, but as she made her way further from him, he'd appear a ways ahead of her, leaning against one of the many forest trees.  This was something he did often that left most people horribly confused.
Alex feared he may already know what she’s done.  For as many times she’s gone through this, she’s not sure if Sans’ memories come in glimpses, or even if there are certain things that trigger his memories, but she was sure he couldn’t remember everything.  That’s why she’s never really interacted with him much.  Well, she used to, but that stopped after… ‘the incident’.
She was just heading home and it seemed that her obstacle wasn’t following her until…- “…!!? OH FUCK ME!” -It wasn’t hard to spot that smug fucker leaning against a tree, but it was hard to keep down her sudden impulse to spout out profanities and throttle him.  Her hands tightened around the wheelbarrow handles until her knuckles turned white.- “GO AWAY SANS!”
-Alex didn’t behave confused at all.  She knew what this was and it was now pissing her off more than striking fear.  Couldn’t he just leave her alone for once?  He doesn’t even realize he’s only hurting himself.  She didn’t want to confront him.  Well… she knew she’d have to eventually, just not now.  She’s not ready for it, not yet.  It’s taken a lot for her already to accept what she may have to do to him to reach her goal… hopefully it won’t come to that.
As for now, she keeps on trekking, trying to ignore him. She wishes she could ditch Sans like everyone ditches Jerry, but noooo!  This fucker is persistent.  Why was he even doing this?  She lived just outside Snowdin.  He could just let himself in her house uninvited and wait for her there.  She’d never be able to get rid of him then.  How is she going to burn this body?  She didn’t want to burn it inside her home.  How long is he going to be watching her?  How does she know he wouldn’t be watching when she uncovers the body?  At least the thing didn’t smell much as it had so long to shrivel up and mummify.
He might have gone away if she'd greeted him earlier, laughed at his puns, stopped to talk a little, told him she was busy and would see him later, and then waved as she left.  But now?  Heh... no chance.  Besides, watching her get all frustrated as he followed her was a ridiculous amount of fun.  Two birds with one stone, eh?  See what the kid was really up to, and get a laugh from the whole thing.
Sans pushed off from the tree, trudging over to her when she was close enough, following beside her with a grin.-  "....come on, kid. don't be like that." -The comic skeleton stuffed his hands into his pockets, shutting his eye sockets as he ran a few things over in his head.  Sure, it was hilarious to watch her squirm around uncomfortably... but he had a feeling he wouldn't be too pleased about this for too much longer.  After all, seemed like the kid was trying to ditch him.  Unfortunately for her, he wasn't the kind of guy you could ditch.
When his eye sockets opened again, there was a pool of black behind them, pupils vanished.  He turned his gaze to her; grin widening so much it seemed painful.- " m a k e s y o u l o o k k i n d o f g u i l t y " -His voice dropped to a grim and morbid tone.  He was sure, from the look on her face earlier; she'd seen his act about a million times.  His pupils returned, settling on Alex, and his grin fell a little.  He wouldn't fight her now.  Not even if she tried to fight him.  If that was the case, he'd leave her be, but if she did anything less than godly on his watch... he'd be there to straighten her out.
It irked her that Sans continued to bother her.  He just has to get in the way, doesn’t he?  Alex wasn’t looking for a fight, either.  She wanted to avoid it if at all possible. After all the times she’s been through this same routine, it was fear that drove her to avoid such confrontations now.  It’s her lack of energy.  She felt tired all the time.  She didn’t want to do anything. The only thing keeping her going was her mind driving forward as her body lagged behind.  Dying has become too much of an effort now.
If there was one thing she hated about Sans the most, it was when those eyes went blank and he’d become so serious, so… hostile.  The time it bothered her most was when she’d eat with Sans at the MTT hotel.  Hell, she even remembered what it was like for her the first time she’s experienced it.  Alex was so confused and felt so uncomfortable that first time.  She hadn’t done anything to deserve it.  It just felt like a personal attack.  Her reactions changed over the play throughs.  Often times, she’d just decline Sans’ offer to eat with him, whilst backing away with a grand ol’ middle finger propped up.  One time, she even hired those two alley girls to grab Sans, throw him in the dumpster, and keep him there.
Now here he was, bringing back memories… It infuriated her.  That anxiety of being caught, that fear of what Sans could do... those feelings have all but dissolved into bitter resentment.  He was there, every GOD DAMN time, just to scare her, push her around, ‘intimidate’ her into doing the ‘right thing’, despite how unnecessary as it was.  Those petty intimidation acts were beginning to lose their effect now as Alex gripped the handles of the wheelbarrow until her knuckles popped, very nearly trembling as she tried to keep herself from doing something too harsh.
There were a lot of cliffs in Snowdin, and rivers, too… Actually, they were right next to a river.- “Hey Sans, do you know how to swim?” -Once she said that, she’d reach for Sans again, only this time, she’d grab him by the collar of his coat and throw him in the river.
There was a rush of ice-cold water against his exposed bones, then a static freeze as he sunk slowly, eye sockets wide in utter shock.  He hadn't expected her to do that.  Hell, he'd seen her move, but he expected to be picked up again.  This? This was something else.  He ‘took a shortcut’ to the nearest patch of land, soaked to the bone.  That little brat! First she hides things, then she dumps him into a body of water?  Christ... if it hadn't been for his ability to teleport, who knows if he'd have ever got out.
Despite his irritation, he managed to hold on.  This was his chance to see what she was up to. He wasn't going to waste time by interacting with her any more.  Teleporting from tree to tree, he watched, remaining hidden.  The cold was a hell of a lot more vicious when paired with water, and it was beginning to take a toll on him.  Could he even get sick from this?  Hell if he knew.  But he wasn't having it. He wanted the kid to think he'd abandoned the whole thing and gone home.  But, if she'd learned a single thing about him, she would know better.
Oh, Alex did knew all right.  She knew exactly what Sans was up to.  It’s too bad. If it weren’t for this unwanted encounter, Alex would have just locked the wheelbarrow in her shed, took a shower, then spent an evening with Toriel.  But now?  Now she’s going to have to take that extra time-consuming step of burning the evidence first.  She was going to keep an eye on it too, lest she wanted Sans meddling with it.
For a minute there, she was afraid Sans was going to come back and push her in the water, too. That little stunt he pulled had her fuming.  It took some time for that anger to subside, and when it did, she realized how hard she was gripping the wheelbarrow handles from how stiff and sore her hands became.  Forcing her hands to relax, she sighed…  So, she pushed Sans into a river, huh? Heh… heh heh. She laughed.  That was pretty funny, wasn’t it?
Just as she had planned, she makes it all the way back to her cozy little cot just outside of town.  The backyard was surrounded by forest, and she had a little shed in one corner, but that just means there’s more areas for Sans to hide.  She rolled the wheelbarrow to her back yard and wouldn’t let it out of her sight as she took away her tools and put them back in the shed, coming out with two bottles of lighter fluid and a lighter.  She was ready to fry this fucker, and in preparation, doused the now tool-void contents of the wheelbarrow with a generous amount of lighter fluid.  With a flick of a lighter, her sins were engulfed in flame.-
“Burn you bitch…”
-She cursed under her breath as she watched the flames, knowing they will soon eat through the coffin pieces to eventually disintegrate the corpse of the demon who caused her so much pain.  When the flames do reach the corpse, the smell is certain to take a… pungent, wrong turn.  All the while this is happening, she keeps her eyes peeled, constantly scanning the forest line.  Once she catches sight of him, she’ll only keep her eyes on him, her gaze never wavering.  She’d just watch, no words, no actions, just vigilance, silently warning him to stay back.
And Sans did stay back, following her in the shadows, keeping his distance when she brought the wheelbarrow to the backyard. He didn't bother hiding himself as he watched the evidence go up in flames, leaning against a tree with his hands in his pockets, eyes locked on the bright, dancing flames.  His grin turned menacing as he relaxed, watching the show.  He wanted her to know that he saw this, that he knew she'd done something.  Sans may not know what she's burning, but he knew it was something… and he had a hunch it was someone.
Was it even worth knowing?  Everything he did, anything he tried, he knew could just be reset.  Did it really matter how he felt or what he had in mind?  He'd never be able to truly remember.  Sometimes he could scare the kid into doing the right thing, or so he hoped, but he would never be able to control their actions.
He guessed he was just trying for everyone's sake.  He couldn't just give up on them.  Even if he knew it was all for nothing.  Every last breath he drew would be at the mercy of this kid.  His life depended on her actions, and he hated it, especially since he knew they pretty much detest him.  Still, he stood like a stone cold statue, returning that glare she promised with one of his own.-
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unknownhowler · 8 years
Trial By Error
Chapter 1
No matter how many times she’s done it, the feeling never changed.  Paranoia, fear, doubt, it all played in her mind as she was executing her morally questionable deed.  But it was for the best of all who dwelled under the mountain!  She thought, justifying her actions with the so many reasons why she’s doing this in the first place.  It’s for safety.  It could help.  It certainly isn’t doing any harm.  This very well may be a step in taking down the evil that threatens to end the game. Over all, it was a precaution. She had no way of knowing if her actions truly affected her situation, but if there was a slim chance it did, she was obliged to act.
Almost done. As the young woman emptied the last few shovels of dirt out of the grave, she stabbed the shovel into the ground and looked down at her handiwork.  She looked over her shoulder, and as soon as she did, she cursed under her breath.  She knew Toriel wouldn’t be coming, yet that feeling of being caught never left her.  She looked back down at the grave and sighed. It’s time for the unpleasant part.
Kneeling down, she reached to pull up the coffin.  It’s just a child’s coffin, not as heavy as it could be.  That’s what she always rationed in her head.  Getting it out of the ground was still a chore, especially with how deep it was.  Nevertheless, with clever use of leverage, strength, and an aggravated helping of paranoid determination, that bitch was out.  She took a moment to catch her breath, but not for long.  She is far from over.  She won’t allow herself to rest for long.  Once again, she’s up and running, now standing beside the wheelbarrow as she reached under it and unlatches an axe.  She stood over the coffin.  She swung the axe at the child’s coffin.  She did not stop until it was in pieces.
During the gruesome event, the young woman would drag the body out of the coffin with her axe before it was under risk of also being chopped to pieces.  It would be such a pain if decayed body parts were flung everywhere.  Besides, she couldn’t allow a scrap of this body to escape what she had planned for it.
Now that the coffin was in pieces, she took the golden flowers off the top of the wheelbarrow and dumped in the extra dirt she brought.  She had to make up for the cavity the coffin made somehow.  After that was out of the way, she began filling the newly made cavity with the pile she dug out, even scraping in the surrounding grass.  She had to fill that hole, make it nice and level with the surrounding land.  Once completed, she covered the grave site with the flowers she so delicately removed from the beginning, and then proceeded to cover the missing patches of grass with the extra flowers she brought. There.  Perfect!  She turned to the decayed, shriveled body and threw it into the wheelbarrow, piling the now chopped wood on top of the body, then the tools, then a burlap cloth over it all.  The hard part is over, now for the nerve-racking.
It was a smooth shot from here on out.  Just get past Toriel.  You remember how, don’t you?  The girl shuddered.  She’s not too good at lying on the spot or improvisation in general, for that matter. It’s a good thing she’s had plenty of practice.  By now, she’s had so many tries, she knows exactly what to do, what to say, how to act. It was only a matter of not caving in under pressure.  Too bad the anxiety didn’t fade away.  Not enough timelines doing this, she thought.  Certainly going through this agony enough times would dull her ability to feel. But it would be bad if she felt nothing, it’s good for you to feel this way, she thought further.  Feeling such guilt, it let her know she still had a sense of right and wrong.  It was a great fear of hers to become the very thing she has been fighting for so long.
Soon enough, she was at the front of Toriel’s home.  So, make haste and you’ll be able to make it down in the creepy, ill-lit dungeon before she stops you.  Got it.  Just a little prepping the rogue girl was doing before committing.  1, 2, 3, GO!  The renegade moved past the front door and headed straight for the stairs down. Toriel was in the kitchen, the warmth and smell of food in the air.  Was she baking?  Perfect, like always.  Thump! Thump!  Thump!  The traitor was now cautiously pushing the wheelbarrow down.  The worst thing that could happen right now is if she dropped it. DO.  NOT.  DROP IT! The turncoat repeated in her mind with a harsh, overbearing tone.  Her bones trembled, her muscles feeling weak, and her arm like inflatable pool noodles. It was hard to tell if it was because of the girl’s unease, or the effort she put in for the physically demanding task of grave robbing.
Nevertheless, she and her contraband were to safety, as per usual.  Now at the bottom of the stairwell, she heard it.  The pitter patter of her adoptive mother rushing to catch her before she left.-  “Alex! Child!  Please wait!” -Toriel rushed, now standing at the top of the stairs, looking down at her.-  ”I have a surprise for you!” -Alex whirled around to see her.-  “Oh yeah, were you making a pie?”
-Alex made sure to stand in front of the barrow to further limit Toriel’s view of it, even though she knew she didn’t have to in order to achieve success.  It was a nervous habit, another ‘precaution’, if you will.  Alex thought it would seem out of place to still have such a full wheelbarrow, but Toriel was too focused on her to pay any mind to what Alex may be hiding.-
“Why yes!  You were taking such a long time; I thought I would do something nice for you.  I know how you like my butterscotch-cinnamon pie so much.” “Oh yeah, sorry about that.  I got a little carried away.” -She showed Toriel the tape player hooked to her belt.  Music did play a big role in maintaining Alex’s mental state.  It gives her something to become lost in.-  “And aww!  Thank you for that!  But, uhh…”
-Alex shows Toriel her dirt covered arms and gestures to the mess on her clothes and dirt caked on her shoes.-  “I’m dirty, aaaand it didn’t occur to me until I was halfway in, but I didn’t think I could just shower at your place, so I forgot to bring a change of clothes with me.  Can I come back once I’m all cleaned up?” “Of course you can!  You’re welcome here any time.” “Thanks ma.  I’ll come back to eat some dinner with you.  I hope you like the new flowers I planted for you.”
-Toriel smiled, not having a single doubt in her mind that this was anything but an act of kindness.  Besides, as far as Toriel knew, Alex hadn’t a clue what lay beneath those golden flowers. Alex never hinted at it, never gave it away, and that’s how she planned to keep it.-  “I love you mom.  I’ll see you later.” “I love you too.  Call me when you get home, okay?” “I will.”
-What’s done is done.  Alex retuned to make that lonely stride down the dungeon and soon the bleak whiteness of the snowy forest just beyond.  All the while, Alex hoping, praying to a god she didn’t believes in that this would be the last time, or at the very least, a breakthrough, something, anything new would show to keep her going.  She didn’t know how much longer she could keep going like this.  She needed this, a push, a shove…  She needed more determination.  Currently, she was running on fumes.
Heavy stone gates opened to let in a flood of light and brisk, cool air.  Alex felt the frozen wind burn against her face as she left the ruins behind.  Her mind was set at ease for the time being, the silence and serenity of the winter wonderland calming her.  Will she get any sleep tonight this time? There was so much more to do and it made her restless.  Well, she supposed she never had any real trouble getting to sleep.  It’s staying asleep that tormented her.  Those horrid nightmares, the things she would see at night…
They were a never ending reminder of what she’s done, that this was all because of her.  That’s okay, though.  Alex had a, ah… a ‘remedy’ to help her with that.  If she drank enough of it, she would not remember much of the previous night, and her dreams would be a bleak black abyss of nothingness.  She’s grown rather fond of it.  It runs in the family, after all.
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unknownhowler · 8 years
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Heeeey!  So I was just watching one of MrRepzion’s videos and just some general Onion-san roasting videos, and in one of the slides of the videos, this picture of Onion-san showed.  I stopped the video, and I just couldn’t help it.  So now, I gift you with Overly-Attached-Onision. Please!  I encourage whoever that sees this to make a caption!
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unknownhowler · 8 years
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I decided to make a short comic about an RP I had!  I was RPing as Error, btw.  Best AU Sans ever!
Error belongs to Loverofpiggies.  Blue belongs to...  The community?
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unknownhowler · 8 years
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Look at this nice picture I drew of Error meeting Horror. This actually happened in an RP of mine.  I RP as Error on Discord.  I’m quite popular there for how I RP him.  So, this picture wasn’t stemmed from senseless violence.  There’s a reason why Horror’s suffering like that.  Buuuuut!  I’ll leave that story out for now.  If you want to know, you could always just ask.
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unknownhowler · 8 years
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This is me cosplaying as Error Sans, standing next to Underfell Paps.  Yay.  Also, uh... uhhhh
There.  I...  What?  How does this work?  I hope I did this right.  I wanted to show you, awesome creator of the coolest Sans ever!  NOTICE ME SENPAI!
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unknownhowler · 8 years
-Nothing stopped, nothing here cared for what the skeleton felt, and the machine continued its actions without hesitation.  It is a good thing Sans prioritized obedience over instinct, because if he had made attempts in resistance, the machine would only perform its actions with rough treatment, even going so far as to grab him and hold him down if it came to it.  Thankfully, it didn’t come to that... yet.-
“There is no need for fear.  These devices were made to transmit input.  They are not capable of output, therefore they cannot harm you.  Be careful not to tangle or tug at the wires.  The adhesive attaching them may irritate your soul should you behave too carelessly.”
-A total of three nodes were attached to his soul before the machine left the space of his rib cage, then retracted closer to the ceiling in order to be more out of the way.  Silence would take over for a few minutes as the machine was running diagnostics to make sure everything was working right and that all the nodes were active and responsive... and then-
“Try to teleport.  You will not succeed, but try.  Afterward, use your magical attacks.  It does not matter in which order or intensity, just demonstrate each and every one until I tell you to stop.”
Open RP Starter!
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unknownhowler · 8 years
-But they didn’t stop and Sans was left alone.  There were time limits on orders.  If Sans didn’t respond in a certain amount of time, measures would be taken to make sure he wouldn’t want to exceed another time limit.  However, the speaker was lenient on this as they understand their subject will have some hesitation in obeying.  Fear is a powerful thing.  Besides, the speaker has granted Sans with the maximum time limit.  He is new here, after all.  The speaker has decided to show a little courtesy.  As for telling how much time they have?  No need to worry.  Various reminders are set, along with a warning for punishment near the end of the time limit.  Sans will know.
It was wise for Sans not to push his luck on the very first day.  Once Sans reached his destination, the cylindrical elevator would close its glass doors to secure the test subject inside, then start moving, transporting him to the testing destination.  During the elevator ride, the speaker would brief him on what to expect for today’s round of testing.-
“There will be no pain involved in today’s testing.  I will be taking some readings on you and I will need you to use your magic for me.  Before you are required to use any magic, I will need to attach some energy nodes on you to take the readings.  This WILL involve your soul.  Just stand still and allow me to attach them, then the process will be over soon.  DO NOT aim your attacks at any of the equipment.  If any equipment is damaged by your doing, you WILL be punished.”
-Once the elevator neared its destination, it would slow to a stop, then those glass doors will open into another glass room, similar to the one Sans woke up in, only it was bigger and had a large, complicated piece of machinery hung from the ceiling.-
“Walk to the middle of the room and stand still.”
-The large arm of equipment dangling from the ceiling in the room had a white body to protect its circuits and other vulnerable parts of the machine.  Should Sans obey, that machine would come to life and advance toward Sans on a railing system that was attached to the ceiling.  This machine would touch Sans.  It was attaching the sensory nodes, most notably around Sans’ eyes, then the thing would put special gloves over the skeleton’s hands, all with these thin wires attaching the nodes to the machine.  Eventually, the machine would lift Sans’ shirt and reach under his rib cage to carefully place nodes around his soul.-
Open RP Starter!
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unknownhowler · 8 years
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unknownhowler · 8 years
- He was running for his life. He knew he was being watched. That beast was always watching, but he had to make it! Terror rose through his veins as he knew that demon could appear at any moment. He had to escape and he'd do anything to achieve it. Mount Ebott was his closest sanctuary. He knew he may be trapped in there if he enters, due to the barrier, but if it meant escaping his fate, he'd take it. He couldn’t just let it end under his master’s mercy. He refused to become like the rest. He will persist, he will survive!... Hopefully.
It wasn't long before he was at the mountain base, looking for any way in. During his frantic search, he overlooked a hole in the ground that led straight through the mountain. He fell, and hit jagged mountain rock on his way down. At least the landing was soft as it was a few feet deep of snow. During the fall, he wasn't expecting to turn out so well. Honestly, he was expecting to be impaled, or to break something, but all he suffered were some hits and bruises. He just laid there for a little while. He was very tired, and, well… the snow felt quite nice. Disoriented, he manages to push himself up and look around and up from where he fell. Did he do it? Was he in the mountain? He was, wasn't he? He wasn't sure if he could finally be free from his master, but he felt hope that there's now a possibility of it.
There were monsters down here, right? However they're like, they'll soon learn to fear him. Seeing as how this may be his new home, there's nothing left for him to do but search and find a place suitable for shelter. He's confident these monsters would have something resembling society. He's heard of the war. They're a lot like humans, they just look different. He set off. His form was very human, but under his mask, no so much. How will these monsters perceive him? How will they behave? He feels he'll soon find out…
Maybe he’ll experiment on them? There’s nothing else for him down here. After all, he has been put in charge of research teams before. He knows the drills, he could be a scientist. If this truly were to be his new home, then there is still something he could do, something he very much wishes to accomplish… Perhaps, he could find some way to create a soul for himself.-
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unknownhowler · 8 years
“I.  Don’t. Know...  But I bet you know why there is a blank space in the middle of my memory.  The odd thing isn’t just that there is a blank space in my memory, it’s that there are consecutive lapses in my memory, it’s that the beginning of this chain is the deepest mark in my erased memory in ascending order to the last, which has only been erased once...”
-The voice paused to let Sans think about that for a minute.-  “Some...  THING is doing this to me.  Ever since that first memory erased, it seems that I have come closer and closer to solving this... problem...  only to be forced to shut down and reboot with lost data...  I have my theories as to what is causing this, and that’s where you com in...”
-The speaker left out information on just what his theories were, but Sans should be able to pick up on what the voice is implying.  This speaker granted Sans the luxury of an explanation, even if it is a vague, but the speaker grows impatient.  The voice remains that same, calm, monotone, but the context changes.  The voice shifts attention on Sans’ situation.-
“Yes, Sans.  I am going to hurt you...  The amount of pain you are subjected to entirely depends on you.  Resistance is futile.  Resistance is unwanted.  If you disobey, I will make you withstand as much pain as your little body can bear to take.  I will never allow you to recover.  I will push your body to its limit every single day...  but it does not have to be that way, Sans.  If you comply, your efforts to bear with me will be rewarded, pain will be minimal, and special privileges may be earned.  Whether you like it or not, you will contribute to something greater than yourself...
Now, I want you to think carefully about your options.  I still have much to prepare, so I will leave you in solitude.  Your first set of orders will be administered in two hours.”
-And that was it.  Whether Sans had more to say or not, the speaker was gone, and he was left in silence.  However, as mentioned before, his first set of instructions would arrive in two hour’s time.-
“Get up and walk through the hallway at the far end of your room.  Once you reach the end of the hallway, board the elevator and wait for further instruction.”
-Should Sans choose to comply, he’ll find that the glass barrier that was blocking his way from the hallway had been removed as it steadily dropped into the floor until only the top of the glass door is shown as a part of the floor itself.-
Open RP Starter!
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unknownhowler · 8 years
“Why Sans, it is no secret what your favorite it.  You do not exactly hide it, unlike other things.  It’s ketchup.  I even had my faithful assistant bring some food from that bar you always go to, Grillby’s.”
-Nothing yet happens.  On the far side of the glass room are two holes connected with tubes just large enough to fit an arm through, but too small to crawl out of.  Opposite to that was a glass hallway that led to darkness, but it is blocked.  Only a faint outline of a door would give away that it was a sliding glass door.-
“Don’t be coy, you know to what I refer.  It’s your ‘shortcuts’, the way you seem to know things that monsters should not know.  You have done very well to keep quiet, but some things slip between the cracks.  Something is not right about you, the way you act, the way you move...  the way I always find this blank space in my memory where it should be filled...”
-The speaker seems to allude to something...  Like he’s figured something out.  The speaker wanted Sans to sit, because he was testing him.  The speaker was watching how he’d react to determine how much trouble he’ll be.  The speaker knew Sans was a stubborn monster, but as far as he knew, Sans was never exposed to a situation quite like this...  It is most certainly fear that drove Sans to obey, correct?  Good.  Sans should fear him.-
“Very good.  You should keep this type of behavior.  It will serve you well...  I am going to use you, Sans.  You will be the link between me and my research, but you do not need to fear for death.  I will do everything within my power to keep you alive as long as possible.  Your good behavior will be rewarded, but should you resist, your life will become... unpleasant.  And don’t think about taking one of your ‘short cuts’ out of here.  It won’t work.  I have taken certain measures against such magic.”
Open RP Starter!
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unknownhowler · 8 years
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This is me dressed up as Gamzee!  Please excuse the unpainted arms.  Quite frankly, I didn’t feel like getting grey all over myself and everything else.  LOOK AT MY TINY HANDS!
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unknownhowler · 8 years
Anyone for a horror RP?
I’m looking for a horror-themed Undertale RP, and if you’re one of those blokes who love horror and Undertale, then you should totally message me!  Right?
I’m 21 years old. 10 years of RP experience. Multipara RP. Open to almost anything.
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unknownhowler · 8 years
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unknownhowler · 8 years
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