unrvlybutch · 4 months
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Men are physically incapable of understanding that fuckability is not a complement to women and it does not, in fact, equal worth.
They can psyop themselves into having gay sex with other men all they want, sure. But they'll never be women.
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unrvlybutch · 5 months
IM SORRY FOR DISAPPEARING AGAIN! I plan to start posting again soon. I was busy.
I am so thankful for all the notes I've seen some of my posts here getting! And my new followers! Wtf you are all awesome I'm so glad the insanity I post gets some reach:)
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unrvlybutch · 6 months
Hey gang! That radfem discord I was working on is finally able to be made public!
This server is for radfem and rad-leaning women age 16 and up. If you're male, a trans activist, or under 16, you will be turned away.
I'm hoping to add more fun stuff in the future as we get more members, such as events like movie nights and game nights and stuff :D
Reblogs are greatly appreciated! Thank you <3
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unrvlybutch · 6 months
Ok I don't know how to reply to submissions but AWWW thank you!! I didn't see this for way too long. Sorry!
I appreciate this a lot though. Just letting you know I saw it.:)
I’m truly sorry about the messages you got, I hope you’re okay now! Sending a virtual hug 🫂
It’s okay to step back in order to feel safe and take a breather, you don’t always need to have tick skin and you shouldn’t apologize for being hurt.
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unrvlybutch · 6 months
I’m truly sorry about the messages you got, I hope you’re okay now! Sending a virtual hug 🫂
It’s okay to step back in order to feel safe and take a breather, you don’t always need to have tick skin and you shouldn’t apologize for being hurt.
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unrvlybutch · 6 months
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unrvlybutch · 6 months
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Happy boop day🥰
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unrvlybutch · 6 months
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unrvlybutch · 6 months
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Sigh. Let's see what we have here in this reddit thread.
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The "other women" are exploding you in their mind. If women tolerate this dude, their patience ought to be wearing thin.
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His reaction to women talking about their actual experience... y'know, as women: shut up and be glad you were born female!
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unrvlybutch · 6 months
I disappeared for a few days because I got an anon that kind of freaked me out after overthinking it too much 🫠it was just a TRA being gross though and I made connections that weren't there LOL.
I need to grow thicker skin on the Internet I think. I mean yeah the first time I ran a blog like this I got a few nasty ones from TiMs but usually they were just funny and harmless in a way like a yapping Chihuahua. did they manage to get grosser? idk
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unrvlybutch · 6 months
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Kill yourself expeditiously
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unrvlybutch · 6 months
In what world indeed?
Coddling, a sense of entitlement unlike any other, supercharged victim complex.
They're transitioning, sure, but this only makes them more undeniably male. 😉
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Girl, in what world???
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unrvlybutch · 6 months
We did it, TERFS, we created trans ideology!
I believe this to be especially true for TIFs, but I think a large part of thinking transitioning would save my life was due to a deep misunderstanding of what the trans community actually is.
The media portrayal is dissonant to the reality of how rife with depravity and sex-cultism it actually is. The preconceived idea going in is different than what you're going to see once you step foot into trans spaces..Mostly of course due to the TiM autogynophillic side of the equation, but also due to the high concentration of comorbid mental conditions that are frequently displayed and discussed within these circles.
There is a strong emotional aspect that many young women can connect to, that feeling of "you mean I can escape this?" And not having to face sex based oppression is something that resonated with me, the new unwanted male attention, the standards of what it means to become a woman, the performance we're expected not only to conform to but to enjoy. Seeing your friends who were boys change and become distant to you, like strangers. The change is isolating, jarring, and introduces prospects that children weren't made to comprehend. Add a crazy new mix of hormones and preteen angst into the equation and it's a perfect storm.
Trans ideology is such a dangerous thing to discover and the community will never be a safe place for children. It is harmful and self destructive by nature, it inhibits the path of true personal growth in development and masquerades as exactly what it is destructive towards.
I wish I had never learned about the vague concept of "transness." I believe dysphoria is real, I still experience it -- but it does not mean I am male, I am not trapped in my body, I do not have a male soul. I don't feel like a woman because there's no feeling associated with being your biological sex. You just are, it just is.
What I don't understand is how Dysphoria moved away from being a mental illness when it requires destructive, experimental surgeries, hormones, etc. to just get to the baseline of feeling contented in oneself.
But I understand also from firsthand that it is a beast that is never satisfied, I felt but a moment of peace when I got on testosterone and then all the worries about a mastectomy came into mind, but even if I got that...My body would still be so noticeably female...moving onto the next worry, body masculinization surgery -- is that even a thing? I hoped it was..and phalloplasty, and furthermore...but even then, it stands only as a barely passable approximation of what I wanted for myself. And the cost? Impossible.
The dream of transition is not, on a biological scientific and social scale, enough to satisfy dysphoria
I see my dysphoria now as something that exists parasitically alongside myself, it lives in the same space in my mind as my anorexia did -- both of those two things are something I fear I will never be free from in thought, but I strive everyday to put them away in order to live a healthy life. The difference in my treatment between those two mental illnesses was drastic. One landed me several times inpatient against my will, one was coddled and affirmed by every therapist I've ever had. I do not have to make the discernment of which one that was. They did not give me appetite suppressants for my anorexia, they did not give me weight loss surgery, they did not say that being emaciated and ill was really just who I was always meant to be. But, both impact my quality of life equally. Both have lead me to self destruct, self hate, ruminate on my insecurities and become obsessive over the parts of myself that I really could not change.
I don't know. These are just some thoughts I've been having.
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unrvlybutch · 6 months
I believe this to be especially true for TIFs, but I think a large part of thinking transitioning would save my life was due to a deep misunderstanding of what the trans community actually is.
The media portrayal is dissonant to the reality of how rife with depravity and sex-cultism it actually is. The preconceived idea going in is different than what you're going to see once you step foot into trans spaces..Mostly of course due to the TiM autogynophillic side of the equation, but also due to the high concentration of comorbid mental conditions that are frequently displayed and discussed within these circles.
There is a strong emotional aspect that many young women can connect to, that feeling of "you mean I can escape this?" And not having to face sex based oppression is something that resonated with me, the new unwanted male attention, the standards of what it means to become a woman, the performance we're expected not only to conform to but to enjoy. Seeing your friends who were boys change and become distant to you, like strangers. The change is isolating, jarring, and introduces prospects that children weren't made to comprehend. Add a crazy new mix of hormones and preteen angst into the equation and it's a perfect storm.
Trans ideology is such a dangerous thing to discover and the community will never be a safe place for children. It is harmful and self destructive by nature, it inhibits the path of true personal growth in development and masquerades as exactly what it is destructive towards.
I wish I had never learned about the vague concept of "transness." I believe dysphoria is real, I still experience it -- but it does not mean I am male, I am not trapped in my body, I do not have a male soul. I don't feel like a woman because there's no feeling associated with being your biological sex. You just are, it just is.
What I don't understand is how Dysphoria moved away from being a mental illness when it requires destructive, experimental surgeries, hormones, etc. to just get to the baseline of feeling contented in oneself.
But I understand also from firsthand that it is a beast that is never satisfied, I felt but a moment of peace when I got on testosterone and then all the worries about a mastectomy came into mind, but even if I got that...My body would still be so noticeably female...moving onto the next worry, body masculinization surgery -- is that even a thing? I hoped it was..and phalloplasty, and furthermore...but even then, it stands only as a barely passable approximation of what I wanted for myself. And the cost? Impossible.
The dream of transition is not, on a biological scientific and social scale, enough to satisfy dysphoria
I see my dysphoria now as something that exists parasitically alongside myself, it lives in the same space in my mind as my anorexia did -- both of those two things are something I fear I will never be free from in thought, but I strive everyday to put them away in order to live a healthy life. The difference in my treatment between those two mental illnesses was drastic. One landed me several times inpatient against my will, one was coddled and affirmed by every therapist I've ever had. I do not have to make the discernment of which one that was. They did not give me appetite suppressants for my anorexia, they did not give me weight loss surgery, they did not say that being emaciated and ill was really just who I was always meant to be. But, both impact my quality of life equally. Both have lead me to self destruct, self hate, ruminate on my insecurities and become obsessive over the parts of myself that I really could not change.
I don't know. These are just some thoughts I've been having.
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unrvlybutch · 6 months
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I think this is a big reason why TRAs are so desperate to shut down detransitioners. Seeing public detransitioners can cause people who are currently trans identified people to start to question the ideology. And this whole ideology is such a house of cards that once you start to think about it critically it's only a matter of time until it falls apart.
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unrvlybutch · 6 months
male adolescence: haha if i could stop the time i would rape every single female in my class
female adolescence: i should kill myself for not having a thigh gap
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unrvlybutch · 6 months
my dear mutual: just got a nice cold beverage!
lostelvenqueen: yeah so you're a fucking lying bigot. no because. the fucking facts are right there. youre proven to be a fucking bigot and bigot and proven and lying. the say we can when we are meant by the we
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