Fear consumes us when we treat what we perceive to be the stimulus of fear and its threat as real.
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The more you open yourself spiritually, the more attuned you become, and the more profound your experiences can be.
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We are simply meant to know when we simply know.
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You can’t heal without love.
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You know you are where you are supposed to be when your life couldn’t be any better, finding yourself in places you longed to be in.
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Pure non-attachment is to not even be identified as the identifier.
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I thought I knew peace until I knew peace.
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Nirvana is the absence of suffering, disconnected from the experience of suffering. It is subjectless bliss, and is therefore unconditioned. It is the extinguishing of the cause of all our suffering and the conditions creating the cause, having traced them back to their source.
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It is only through our experience as the subject, and everything else as the object, that the idea of separateness exists. Remove either distinction, and the whole framework disappears. Nothing but peace ensues.
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With non-attachment, comes peace in any situation. This is because the mind’s existence is no longer dependent on subject and object distinctions. It has been traced back to its source.
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Non-attachment is the result of the cessation of the experience of the mind as the subject, defined in relation to its experience of everything else as the object.
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Non-attachment is a state of being where we are attached to no thing, remaining unmoved and peaceful regardless of the situation.
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It is not that there is some intangible thing called karma we are all subject to; it is the self-identification as the actor who has actions which creates karma.
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Every day, it is sunny. Every day, it rains.
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Love keeps us growing.
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Being humbled is a blessing.
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When we see something as beautiful we see life in it.
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