a-path-by-the-moon · 5 months
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random-xpressions · 3 months
A state of receptivity may sound absurd when you practise it at first because you're literally enacting stillness at your deepest core all the way out in your physical posture as well. To remain so motionless in your thought, word and deed that you would almost resemble a statue. But there's something greater happening in that moment of stillness. You're allowing the universe to flow into you. You're surrendering to your own destiny to arrive at your threshold. There's a period of such blissful waiting with all the certainty in your heart that some ancient promise made to you is coming close to its fulfilment. The time is nearing, the auspicious moment is close by. They call it silence before a storm but let's also practice this silence before the spring. You're soon to blossom but before that step into that emptiness within you, clear yourself completely, make way and make space for blessings to pour into you. Emptying of the vessel for the divine nectar to fill up to the brim...
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feminiel · 3 months
Purposes of divine feminine energy involved:
Helps you understand that you are love, who you are
Helps you awaken your spiritual self
Helps you connect with the divine within you
Growing and expanding your heart energy
Connects you with your soul, true nature, higher self
Nurtures you and others
Receives divine guidance and intuitive wisdom to help you navigate life and its challenges
Sensing energy and intuitive input
Connects you with your spirituality
Interconnected all beings, all existing energy
Generates creative energy to help you creates yourself and your reality
Receives support from the divine and others
Receives inspiration so your can connect to your core being
Restorer of balance and harmony
Ensures the cycle of life and rebirth
Generates abundance in all its forms
Develops our faith and trust in a higher power so we can built a belief system for our own personal divine alignment purpose
Makes us feel all that is possible to experience in this world
Helps your inner light shine brighter
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lowcountry-gothic · 11 months
…the things we most value and seek in this life—love, wisdom, insight, creativity, innovation, connection—all have one thing in common: each is something we receive rather than produce.
Susan Piver, The Buddhist Enneagram: Nine Paths to Warriorship
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self-motivationmedia · 3 months
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“Unspoken feelings are unforgettable.” ~ Andrei Tarkovsky
Inspiration 2nd Photos
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I just totally fell off my chair, I can't believe how wonderful this is!!! 😃🤩🥰
I have the Hallow-App on my phone and I'm trying to regularly listen to the minute-homilies by Father Mike. They're not always entirely my thing but his homilies are generally very good. So the minute-homilies go for maybe 5 minutes each time. And today was about receptivity. So I sat and listened and then I couldn't believe my ears, what a huge blessing! He spoke about Fred&Ginger to explain the concept of receptivity!!! 😄🥰💖 I cannot tell you how amazing that was, just everything about it! I love this!!! 💚 Father Mike is so great and apparently he has great taste too (and the message is on point)! Thank you so much!!!😄😊
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from Amy :: [Red Pine (translator) :: Bill Porter (author)]
* * * *
"It's really important to not force information in when you can't receive. To accept all the things in our history that we have not been able to absorb. And to, little by little, allow information in that we don't have to do anything about except to accept. And to sit with it. And to choose the easy path. Because as information comes in that caused great tension, if we get into the membrane we can re-experience it in a way that doesn't actually help us come through it, we just reenact it. But if we find the easy path and just go under the tone and say, "This bit I accept". But don't force anything in that causes more stress than you can process through sitting in the synapse." -- Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen
[alive on all channels]
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odettecarotte · 10 months
Receiving is inherently wonderful. If it's not wonderful, it's not because you're not a "good receiver." It's because it's not the thing you want.
Betty Martin with Robyn Dalzen, The Art of Receiving and Giving
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bouleversement-blog · 2 years
Encontré mi refugio, lo veo desde afuera, no he sabido que tan acogedor o desastroso puede ser por dentro. Me ha permitido verlo a través de una ventana no muy grande de hecho, está oscuro, frío, sin vida... Al parecer alguien ya estuvo allí y lo dejo desordenado, solitario, algo vacío y miserable, tan desagradable que nadie quisiera entrar allí. Pero yo sí... La oscuridad que transmite es hermosa, tan hermosa que puede volverse clara comparándose con la luz de la luna, el frío que desborda me haría acompañarlo con una taza de café caliente, lo vacío me haría querer llenarlo, lo miserable me haría ponerme más sentipensante, lo solitario más sensible con mis momentos de ocio, y lo desagradable me haría amarlo más... Pero no estoy adentro, sigo afuera con mi voluntad en la mano.
La puerta ahora está abierta de este refugio que es el corazón mío; es hora de entrar. ¿Tú estás en el tuyo? Anhelo que sí, porque cuando las personas de corazón roto que viven en el mundo se pongan de acuerdo habrá una respuesta, déjalo ser.
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gpstudios · 2 months
Embrace the Unexpected: Be Open and Receptive to Opportunities
Be open and receptive to opportunities that come your way. Embrace these chances with gratitude and trust that the universe has your best interests at heart. Discover how this mindset can lead to extraordinary outcomes.
Life is full of surprises, and often, the most significant opportunities come when we least expect them. Being open and receptive to these chances can lead to remarkable outcomes. This mindset requires us to embrace opportunities with gratitude and trust that the universe has our best interests at heart. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of being open and receptive, how to…
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surferofrowdybliss · 9 months
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©Deborah Coulter 2023
*Collage for week of December 10...a passion for rhythms in red and receptivity.
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a-path-by-the-moon · 5 months
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random-xpressions · 5 months
The one who denies his sensuality in his quest for spirituality is like someone closing all the doors and windows of his house and still expecting sunlight and air to enter. Your physical senses are like funnels leading to your inner core. These forces of nature are essential for your soul to ripen. Earth, water, fire, wind, ether is your most basic composition. Sight, hearing, touch, smell, hearing - all these are energy channels. Too less of it, you'll malfunction. Too much of it, you'll be oversaturated. The whole idea is to feel the life force running in us. It is all about energy retention. May you hit the perfect balance & equilibrium...
Random Xpressions
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feminiel · 2 months
Tuesday, 16 July, 2024
The ripple effect is this: when you share your light and loving energy with someone, they receive the benefits of it, but also the people who come in contact with this person, and so on, and so on for the following people. When you act with hurtful energy, it will spread the same way. I like the principle of it. I like to believe that when I’m acting with good and pure intentions, it will not only affect one person, but all those who follow. This is how powerful our energy is; energy is transferable, for better or for worse. When we are in the receiving end, we have to be mindful; either we will enjoy the energy we are receiving, or we will have to transmute the energy so we can put an end to a toxic cycle of pain. We have the power to transform and heal the energy each time that it challenges us to. Do it for yourself first, it will benefit you and more people than you think. ~ @feminiel
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lowcountry-gothic · 10 months
As I’ve tried to say throughout this work, transformation happens, not by working harder, but by allowing our minds to rest. It occurs via receptivity rather than effort.
Susan Piver, The Buddhist Enneagram: Nine Paths to Warriorship
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fefairys · 9 months
getting real fed up with my peers treating teenagers like shit. how did you forget so fucking quickly what it's like to be them. shame on you.
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