#muse: 4th division commander thatch
us-smash-archive · 2 years
@Marco when are you going to nut up and finally ask Freya to be your lady? @Thatch if those two weren't together could you see having Freya as your girlfriend?
Thatch: already answered here! X
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"I don't know when are you going to show your face and ask the questions face to face?"
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solar-pxwered · 2 years
(Muse: 4th division commander thatch) (Worry not Sanji fellow chef here is here to help!) "oh my lord who in their right mind did this to your spices man?! what kind of monster just dumps them all into one big bottle like this? We got to fix this here and now, first things first we find the one that did this atrocity and them push them overboard and say it was an accident. Then we go and try to get more of the lost spices."
Sanji glance up from his giant bottle of invaluable spices, thrown together so haphazardly and forever ruined....at least he could get the Alabasta spices easily if he sent a message to Vivi but the rest? Ugh, the salt from Water 7? That was priceless!
For once, he wouldn't even feel bad about tossing someone overboard into the sea, this was an unforgiveable act. Scraping pans? Unpleasant. Bastardizing pasta? He could deal with that. But this? Pure evil.
He sat up straight and gave Ace's chef friend a pained smile in greeting.
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"For once, I'd agree. Something like this is deserving of a keel hauling."
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
@Ace and Thatch so of either of your weren't with Deuce or Adelaide would you consider taking Freya on as your partner?
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"Probably not, she's a good person and all but I like her more like a good friend or even a sister."
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"Same here, Freya's a sweet woman and she deserves the best but that doesn't mean i wouldn't be a wingman for her to find that special someone."
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
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  The life of a pirate was always unpredictable but one thing to be expected was there would be surprise attacks on the ship, even if those attacks were rare ones. There were still some people that thought that trying to take on the moby dick was a good idea though Ace himself didn’t have much room to judge there considering how he was when he first joined the crew. However, there was much more to worry about with a small child like Aiko on board when there was a surprise attack. That’s why Aiko had been put into his arms while everyone else was fighting off the crew, the fire user taking a backseat approach to this as he only used his devil fruit when other pirates got too close to him and Aiko. Not using his full power of course but just enough to blow them back and into the water, Keeping Aiko firmly in his grip to silently reassure her that it would be alright.  What happened afterwards is what got Ace more mad, watching Aiko biting both Thatch and Marco when they tried to take her back from him and he had to carefully pry her little teeth off of them, hearing the small growls coming from her. Normally he would think that she was just startled from this being the first fight that she had been exposed to but considering that she bit both Marco and Thatch there was only one other explanation as to why she had this reaction.  “Neither of you slowly exposed Aiko to your devil fruits did you?”
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us-smash-archive · 3 years
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 Things just didn’t add up to the former 4th division commander with what had happened in the last year. If Ace really had died in that war on marineford then the marines and world government both would have been putting that out in the papers and news for the world to see yet there was no body recovered. That was the first hint that something was off about this whole thing of them saying that Portgas D Ace was dead.  The second thing being that if Ace really was dead then his devil fruit the mera mera no mi fruit would’ve surely regrown and have been back out into the world by this point. With nothing covering that devil fruit in the news either that was more concrete proof to the man that Ace wasn’t dead like people were saying. He was hiding somewhere, and Thatch needed to find him before anyone else found out about his survival.    So that’s why he was currently standing before the chief of staff for the revolutionary army to ask for his help. It may sound like an odd choice out of context but to Thatch it made the most sense. Ace mentioned having another brother named Sabo before but saying that he had passed away yet the chief of staff’s name was sabo and was matching how Ace described his brother looking like. If he couldn’t find the younger brother strawhat luffy then asking the other one to help with the search was the most logical thing to do next.    “You’re the chief of staff Sabo correct? I think I may have something you would want to know about and would require your assistance, if you’ll listen to what I have to say that is.”
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
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 Here is a man that is plotting to sneak into top hero school of japan just to smack a kid in the head for his crimes against food.
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
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  Somehow in all of the chaos that had been swirling around like an angry storm Marco had managed to get the seastone off and when he saw the Akainu going for Ace and his brother his body moved before he had a chance to think about what he was doing. Blue flames erupting everywhere on his body and the surrounding area before searing hot pain was bursting through his body. Even with his blue flames going full blast Marco could feel the pain from the magma fist going through his body, blue eyes seeing the shock and horror on Ace’s face when seeing what had just happened when turning to see what had happened.   The first division commander wasn’t even sure what happened next if he was being completely honest due to putting all his energy into his devil fruit to keep him alive. The blonde man could faintly recall hearing his own voice screaming at Ace to get out of there which was soon followed up with all of the crew members nearby rushing past to swarm the admiral. To buy Ace the precious time needed to grab Marco and run as his devil fruit wouldn’t be able to stall such a grave injury from taking hold of him forever. Marco was barely able to make out what was happening around him now, but he was still able to distinguish the panic and pleading tone that Ace’s voice had for him to stay awake. To keep fighting but everything was so blurry, and he was so tired just let him rest his eyes for a moment, the blue flames that had been burning their brightest to save his life beginning to flicker out as consciousness was slipping away. The last thing he recalls before everything going dark was hearing Ace screaming his name.
  Everything was aching and so bright when Marco finally was regaining consciousness. When he tried to sit up it made a gasp of pain leave the older blonde and grit his teeth, ok definitely not trying that again for a while. Finally recognizing where he was as the medical ward of the Moby Dick after blinking his eyes for a short while to allow his eyes time to adjust to the light in the room.  The biggest question Marco had now was how long had he been out of it?Feeling a hand grabbing onto his and squeezing it Marco slowly turned his head to see Thatch smiling down at him with tears of relief in his eyes. “Thatch?”    “Hey there buddy, glad to see you’re finally awake. We were starting to think that you might not ever wake up. Been six months since the war at marineford.” The cook felt a weight had been lifted off his shoulders now that Marco had finally woken up, the last six months being the tensest months for everyone on board. Waiting for any signs of their first commander condition changing, for better or for worse. Of course, this didn’t mean Marco was out of the woods yet but he was awake and that means that the first division commander had a long road of recovery ahead of him.   “I’ve been out for six months? What about everyone else? Did Ace-?” Thatch holding up a hand to stop Marco so that he didn’t waste too much energy right now. “Yes there were several casualties but pops, all the commanders and Ace made it out ok so everyone here on the Moby Dick is alive and well for the most part. Let me get Ace so he can see you man i’m sure he’s going to want to see you first.” Letting go of Marco’s hand to leave and search for ace. Once he had found the guy Thatch put a hand on his shoulder to pull his attention away from what he was doing. “Ace? Marco finally woke up.” The brunette didn’t believe he needed to elaborate further for Ace to do what he wished to do next.
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
YOUR MOST BEAUTIFUL FEATURE Thatch's most beautiful feature is their charisma.
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“Well all the good looks in the world won’t do any good if you aren’t beautiful on the inside too!” Portgas D Ace's most beautiful feature is their teeth.
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“ I guess having a good smile isn’t a bad feature to have.”   Sabo's most beautiful feature is their evil aura.
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 “Oh so apparently me having that look on my face when talking about being able to crush a skull like an egg makes me have an evil aura ok I see how it is.” Marco's most beautiful feature is their kindness.
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 “I would consider it being having a lot of patience to go through what I do on a daily basis but being seen as a kind person isn’t a bad thing.” Deuce's most beautiful feature is their huge butt.
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 “I do not have a huge butt I demand a do-over of this right now!”
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us-smash-archive · 3 years
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  Even now thinking back on the chaos that was the battle of marineford had Thatch in a daze. Pops was dead and it looked like the whitebeard pirates were meeting their end too but at least he was alive, despite the world saying or thinking otherwise Thatch had the truth in his arms right here. Portgas D Ace was still alive in his arms, badly wounded but breathing and that was something. The poor guy’s entire upper body was covered in bandages, and it still scared him at times with how still Ace would be. It was hard to tell if he was still drawing breath at times because of it but he could still feel that heart beating and knew Ace was fighting for his life. Fighting to get better so that he would come back to his family out of spite for what the world had done to him and for his brothers.   That’s why he had traveled all this way here with Ace in his arms, He mentioned having a brother named Sabo a few times before and he had heard that the chief of staff of the revolutionary army was named Sabo. If anywhere in the world would be safe to have Ace recover it would be where they were, thankful there wasn’t anyone around right now as he rushed up to the blonde man and tapped his shoulder in a rather rough fashion. 
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  “Apologies for the rather rough introduction but you’re Sabo right? Chief of staff for the revolutionary army? I’m thatch, former 4th division commander of the whitebeard pirates. I’m sorry for this being so sudden but I need help, I don’t care what happens to me. Whatever I need to do I’ll do it but please, Please help me save Ace!” His voice cracking as he fought back the tears that wanted to come running down his face, holding the unconscious man in question close like if he let up for even a second he would vanish into thin air.
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
@Ace, Sabo, Marco & Thatch What’s your favourite place to be kissed?
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 “I think I would prefer neck kisses the most if I had to choose a favorite spot.”
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  “I would prefer right on the lips because that means I can also use my tongue in the kissing.”
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  “Same as Marco I like neck kisses the most!”
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  “I guess a kiss on the lips would be nice... when I do kiss someone...”
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
HC: Thatch please and thank you!
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1. Thatch’s eye color used to be green before eating the Yami Yami no mi changed them to a glowing red! 2. Thatch’s favorite fruit is peaches with watermelons being a close second 3. if you think you can make this man feel shame then think again he has no shame at all 4. his armament haki is better than his observation haki  5. Thatch will typically call his significant other ‘sugar cookie’ or a different nickname that is food themed
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us-smash-archive · 3 years
   Even now it wasn’t known how it happened in all the chaos, but Marco had managed to get the seastone off of him and when he saw the admiral going for Ace and his brother his body moved before he had a chance to think about what he was doing, blue flames erupting everywhere on his body and the surrounding area and then pain bursting through his body. Even with his blue flames going full blast Marco could feel the searing hot pain from the magma fist going through his body, blue eyes seeing the shock and horror on Ace’s face when seeing what had just happened.    He’s not even sure what happened next in all honesty due to that being when he was putting all his energy into his devil fruit to keep him alive. Marco thought he heard his own voice screaming for them to get out of there now. Many voices yelling and bodies rushing past him to swarm the admiral to buy Ace the precious time needed to grab Marco and run. Barely even conscious enough to make out what was happening around him clearly by then. However, he could at least still distinguish the panic and pleading tone that Ace’s voice had for him to stay awake. To keep fighting but everything was so blurry, and he was so tired just let him rest his eyes for a moment. The last thing he recalls before everything going dark was hearing Ace screaming his name.
Eyes slowly began to open and everything looked so bright right now. Everything was aching and when he tried to sit up it made a gasp of pain leave the older blonde and grit his teeth. Ok definitely not trying that again, finally recognizing this as the medical ward of the Moby Dick after blinking his eyes for a short while to allow his eyes time to adjust. He was hooked up to a heart monitor and lot of Ivs it seemed but how long had he been out of it? Feeling a hand grabbing onto his and squeezing it Marco slowly turned his head to see Thatch smiling down at him with tears of relief in his eyes. “Thatch?” “Hey there buddy, glad to see you’re finally awake. Starting to think you weren’t going to, been six months since the war at marineford.” The cook squeezing Marco’s hand tighter like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Of course this didn’t mean Marco was out of the woods just yet but he was awake and that means that the first division commander had a long road of recovery ahead of him. “I’ve been out for six months? What about everyone else? Did Ace-?” Thatch holding up a hand to stop Marco so that he didn’t waste too much energy right now. “Yes there were several casualties but pops, all the commanders and Ace made it out ok so everyone here on the Moby Dick is alive and well for the most part. Let me get Ace so he can see you man i’m sure he’s going to want to see you first.” Letting go of Marco’s hand to leave the medical ward and search for ace. Once he had found the guy Thatch put a hand on his shoulder to pull his attention away from what he was doing.  “Ace? Marco finally woke up.” The brunette didn’t believe he needed to elaborate further for Ace to do what he wished to do next. 
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
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  “I understand that unyielding rage you’re feeling right now, I myself am feeling it too Ace. Nearly being stabbed to death by someone you thought was family for a devil fruit with no intent to eat it yet was forced to anyways just so they didn’t get it. Yet he thinks that he can just walk away from this and be ok? Literally stabbing me in the back and making fools out of all of us?!” The last sentence changing from that calm tone the fourth commander managed to maintain into a roar that one could feel the rage oozing off of the brunette. Black smoke beginning to leak off of Thatch’s shoulders as his jaw clenched, his hands shaking while his breath deepened to calm his nerves so that he could continue to speak his mind on the matter.    Thatch was no fool however, he knew that if he tried to go after Teach now it wouldn’t end in his favor. Both because he was in no condition to fight and he didn’t even know how to control this devil fruit he was now saddled with. So once he was healed up enough for travel and at the very least had a decent enough grip on the control of the Yami Yami no mi then he would set out to find Teach and make him answer for what he had done. This was a problem that needed to be nipped in the bud before it became a bigger one and Ace didn’t sound like he had any disagreements about wanting to go after the man as well.    “I know what you’re thinking, you want to go after him don’t you? If that’s what you’re minds set on then we will go after him together. Once I have healed up enough for travel were going after him, the two of us. He may be a part of your division but I’m the one that brought that fruit on board, I brought this problem upon us and have to live with the consequences of my mistake. So if you’re willing to wait long enough for me to heal up for travel then we can take Teach on together.” 
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
@Marco, thatch, ace & deuce have any of you ever mistook izou for a women? and if any of your did, did he play along or screw with any of you?
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 “I haven’t mistaken Izou for a woman but thatch and Deuce have before.”
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 “I won���t deny it I did think Izou was a girl until I saw him go into the mens bath. he didn’t get the chance to do it to me but he definitely messed with Deuce a little there.”
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 “Like Marco I didn’t mistake Izou for a girl but it was fun to watch Izou messing with Deuce by giving him kisses on the check in bright red lipstick or something else to throw him off.”
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 “And these three just let it happen, like they stood there laughing at me and let me believe he was a girl for two weeks!”
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
@thatch: @ wut age didja smoke ?
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 “I picked up the smoking habit when i was 18 but started to roll my own smokes at 21 because those are better to me than what you can buy already rolled. takes a little longer yes but it is worth it to have better taste in my opinion.”
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