uselessthief · 11 years
Turning the lights off
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Might be my last post. It's been fun.
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uselessthief · 11 years
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Jenivere probably steals things from the Clocktower all the time.
This must make Garrett annoyed.
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uselessthief · 11 years
I'm 21 now. I drank a hard and wine like cider, and too much rootbeer, and got a free tshirt.
I am also now a Rogue Nation Citizen. woot.
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Also. wtf.
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When you end a day with a friend eating 2 dollar subs, it's been a good day.
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uselessthief · 11 years
Beligerent Garrett
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Someone made a Thief confession awhile back about how he would pick fights and raise a ruckus in Thief: Deadly Shadows. This is the spawn of that mental image.
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uselessthief · 11 years
The sleeper has awakened
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Snow and deep fog. The two weather patterns that will always get me out of bed.
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uselessthief · 11 years
Not much left
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Finals have ended, looks like have about a weeks worth of images scanned on my flash drive. Fun enough project, but seems I may need to end it before a full year.
Guess I'll paint miniatures or something. Now if only I had someone to play ANIMA Tactics with.
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uselessthief · 11 years
Be the change you wish to see in the world
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Maybe if I ignore my finals hard enough, they will go away.
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uselessthief · 11 years
Tweet tweet chirp
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When the weather dipped below freezing, a huge flock of sparrows, finches, and chickadees took to my backyard. There was even a robin with them and the occasional scrub jay. Every hour or so, I boiled a pot full of water and defrosted the ghetto birdbath. Even saw a few neighborhood cats and squirrels drinking from it.
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uselessthief · 11 years
To battle
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So in Welsh mythology, Corgis are the battle-steeds of faeries. According to Wikipedia, corgis are first noted in a "11th-century manuscript".
Now let's talk about the Vallhund. It's the herding dog of the vikings, first noted around the 8-9thCN. And you know what? Looks PRETTY CLOSE to a corgi. An AWFUL LOT LIKE A CORGI.
Therefor, I hypothesis that Corgis are the decedents of Vallhunds brought by the Vikings to the English Island. You know what also comes from Scandinavia? Elves.
Elves are an invasive specie, unknowingly brought by the Vikings. The elves later evolved into the fae to fit in with their new ecological system.
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uselessthief · 11 years
Finally finals
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Where I draw the guy in front of me and ask the real questions
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uselessthief · 11 years
Ain't no party like a Communist Party.
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That 1MB limit is a killer, eh?
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uselessthief · 11 years
Try and stop me
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*Guzzles kvas* 
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uselessthief · 11 years
Birds with a thing
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Some doodles as I attempt to figure out how birds work.
Unrelated Fact: My butt was so cold from riding my bike in below-freezing that the toilet seat felt comfortable.
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uselessthief · 11 years
Goddamn shit.
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This is the first gif I've made since Elementary School.
Free understands the annoyance of spending the whole day writing a five page paper when you only needed to write a two page one.
Bonus: The topic of my paper was false memories.
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uselessthief · 11 years
It's after Thanksgiving but I have no leftovers
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Elite Gaming Club? Without a PC? And why is MTG there?
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uselessthief · 11 years
Too full to care
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Why can't I handle all this pie?
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uselessthief · 11 years
My fingers are cold
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My new computer arrives so very soon. Right now I have everything -except- the case.
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