boxturret · 6 months
One Tenth Scale Mata Nui
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Mata Nui is a cool place, but did you ever feel that it was a bit...big for what it was?
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The official maps put the island at 357 kio long, which if you take to be a stand in for kilometres¹, would make the island 357 kilometres long.
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This lines up roughly with what we can see in the concept art: they say that Mata Nui is around the size of Denmark, the real measurement being 368km, and it matches with what we see in the Mata Nui Rising cgi video.
So that's all well and good, Mata Nui is 357km long, the GSR itself is 3300km tall, all hunky-dory, as long as you ignore some guy named Greggory yelling about how the robot is actually much bigger, but its fine to ignore him.
But now, actually consider what this means. Denmark is by no means a small country, it has a population of 6 million and would take hours to drive across by car on modern roads. Now that isn't an issue really, but in most media depicting the island its shown to be a place that can be traversed by foot or on animal back in a reasonable time frame.
But now let us look at this earlier map:
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Initially the most interesting thing to me on this map was the 3rd measurement: the height of the Mangai volcano²
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Now on the one hand, this was cool, now I know how tall to make the volcano, on the other hand... 23km seems pretty big.
It is. 23km is higher than Olympus Mons, the largest known volcano in the solar system, standing at only 21.9km. So that's pretty big. This made me start thinking about how far various things are apart and how long it would actually take and using some very VERY generous numbers I started plotting out how long it would take to actually get from place to place.
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It wasn't very pretty. In the Mata Nui Online Game it would have taken Takua roughly 5 hours to walk from the beach to Ta-Koro, and another 18 to get to Onu-Koro using the highway. Now this would be fine in an epic like Lord of the Rings, but in Bionicle Mata Nui is consistently treated as a place people can pretty quickly get around on.
The Toa are running all over the place and bumping in to each other. Kopaka getting in to the Caldera at the top of the Mangai volcano isn't the equivalent of climbing 3 Mt Everests in a row, its just something he does [correction: It wasn't the caldera, but a lava pool half way up the mountain, so just 1.5 Mt Everests]. Takua travels all over the island in a pretty small amount of time, unless we're supposed to insert day long journeys in between every screen transition.
But then I noticed something. Something very interesting.
Now lets look at the two keys for the sizes on the released and the early map:
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Seems pretty consistent, the sizes of the island are the same, a Toa is 1.6 bio on both (incidentally a real Toa figure is approximately 16cm tall), everything seems to match.
But then I counted the zeroes.
The old map has a kio being not 1000 bio, but 100!
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You can even see it on the other version of the map.
Now this is incredibly interesting! This shrinks Mata Nui to 1/10th of its commonly accepted size! It goes from being the size of Denmark to being the size of the Isle of Man.
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Which....really works a lot better! This turns Takua's trip from the beach from a 5 hour hike to a short half hour walk. This turns the cable car to Mt Ihu from a massive 70km mega structure to something that's dwarfed by real world constructions.
I don't think this is a mistake either, looking at the details of the map.
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You have much finer details, such as these ice shelves collapsing in to small icebergs, whereas on the full sized map some of the larger chunks of ice are kilometres across.
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One of the major things it includes are the mesas that can bee seen in many of the promotional renders set in Le-Wahi which are nowhere to be seen on the final map. At this 1/10 scale the plateaus seen would match up well with the massive mesas seen in monument valley in terms of size, but with the final size they would be absolutely massive (10 times as big if you can believe it!)
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So suffice to say, I don't think this is just a case of a zero being dropped, it really seems to line up with the level of detail on this earlier map.
But what does this do to the GSR? I hear you cry, well it varies. Going by the earlier numbers it would simply be 1/10th the size, so 330km tall instead of 3300km, so still very large, but depending on the size relationship between the robot and the island it could be as "small" as 180km
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The island in this picture is roughly the same size as normal, just covers more of the GSR. The final GSR's head is so proportionately tiny compared to its body that the Mata Nui island had to be very small to cover it. But in any case, a robot "only" 180km tall standing up is still going to tower over anything, its many times higher than airplanes fly, its taller than most clouds, really it would be quite consistent with this render:
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So, in conclusion, an earlier concept of the island of Mata Nui has it being 1/10 of the size of the final, and that size seems to work better with what we see in various media from the time, and works better with the story.
Personally this is what I'll be going with in terms of the scale of the island going forward, as it really fits with my vision of the setting and works well with all the story and media from that time.
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¹-I don't care about someone saying a bio is 4.375966487787¾ feet, feet aren't real and neither are you. ²-Mt Ihu is NOT the highest point on the island, the GSR isn't Pinocchio with a big pointy nose, this has never been reflected in any visual media.
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thank you for reading/have a nice day
Update: I have made a companion post with many renders of George visiting places on the island to hopefully better illustrate the scale.
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genius-of-women · 2 months
Hmmm robot girl who gets dumber the fuller she is because her processor is taken up by all the digestion tasks, like having too many chrome tabs open
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justpretendygood · 7 months
Now I've joined this party really, very, awfully late, so I'm sure this has been said before. But I need to say it nonetheless.
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Their outfirst are essentially made up of the same elements.
I mean, let's see.
• Jacket ✔️
• Waistcoat ✔️
• Shirt thingy ✔️
• Trousers ✔️
• A tie of some sort ✔️
• Belt ❌ – oh but wait. What is a belt maid for? To hold up trousers. So can suspenders be the equivalent of a belt? I think so ✔️
• AND while Azi is sporting a pocket watch, Crowley's got a wristwatch ✔️
Crowley's glasses should probably be mentioned. Other than hiding those serpentine eyes, they're also very good at hiding feelings, eh?
Well, here's Aziraphale's take on that:
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Again, somebody probably already posted about this before, or it might just be obvious. Wasn't obvious for me, so enjoy.
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midileduwang · 9 months
What is bullfrog’s height?
let’s find out shall we?
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So According to Fandom.com’s character profile wikia, Jade is 5’4” or roughly 165 CM.
if Bullfrog stands up to half her height then he’s about uh…idk 3 feet??? Idk I got something wrong with the calculator or what? I thought they were 4 foot something though.
Rayman is canonically something like 149 centimeters so 150-151 could fit here too.
& I didn’t pull that height out of my ass, Here’s a chart someone here made!
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Credit to @raygirlramblings for figuring out this out.
that means that if Bullfrog is canonically slightly taller than he’s about 5 foot sharp. Meaning whoever pulled 5 foot 4 for Jade was wrong? Idk.
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stunie · 10 days
this is for firefly since i can’t beat sam so i can’t tell if she’s still alive :[
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I have a hypothesis about ghosts and death. Our spirit leaves our body when we die because it needs the energy of the alive body to hold onto it. The small amount of electricity and the kinetic energy of the body is what I think the spirit might attach itself onto and feed of.
This would explain why so many claim to have experiences of spirits attaching themselves to their still alive bodies or drain their energy. There are many observations of spiritual activity increasing during paranormal investigations when people show strong emotions or move around a lot, which may be because it creates more energy for the spirits to feed of.
It might also explain why there are many claims of electronic devices being drained of battery around spiritual activity. Further, it would explain why many report lights flickering or devices acting strangely around spiritual activity.
One problem with this hypothesis is that it doesn't explain why there are so many reports of ghosts possessing non-living objects such as dolls, jewelry, paintings and more. Even objects such as an old chest that has no human-like characteristics or have been physically touched by someone for a long time, such as jewelry. There are however, claims that very loved or otherwise emotionally significant objects that may have been with a person for a long time, are the kind of objects that spirits attach themselves to. I believe this might be because the persons energy has somehow "rubbed off" on the object and lingers on it enough for spirits to attach themselves to it.
The second problem I've found with this hypnosis is that it's difficult to find a way to test, prove or disprove it. I will be thinking of ways you could do this somehow, but if anyone has any ideas of how to do this I would love to hear them.
I sound like a pretentious asshole and I'm aware of it and hate it.
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robynanthonystark · 1 month
Posts 400 word babble on Logan where he’s just making the reader feel better: gets 600 likes.
Posts 2500 word one shot on Logan and Wade with smut: gets 50 likes.
My Conclusion: Tumblr girls just wanna be held, consoled, and be loved by big men with amazing abs.
My advice: Keep reading but also maybe get help.
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sprites4ever · 3 months
Hypothesis on the Origin of Christianity
The name Jesus ends with 'us'. He was also not named 'Christ', but 'Christus'. That's a Latin name.
Joseph is a Jewish name, but his wife was named Maria, which is also a Latin name.
My hypothesis is, that Jesus was a real person, that Joseph was a Jew who married an already pregnant Maria, and later in his life, Jesus became a successful prophet because he had a ghostwriter, that being Matthew, who spread teachings about how Jesus, out of all the people in the Middle East at the time, who claimed to be the Messiah, was the true Messiah.
I also assume that Christianity was a rather small group before Constantine legalized Christianity in the Roman Empire, and gathered a bunch of Abrahamic stories, including the Gospel according to Matthew, putting them in a book called The Bible.
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dougielombax · 18 days
Maybe the Totoro could be a distant relative of the Moomin.
Like very distant.
But still close enough to be recognised as such.
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fincherly · 3 months
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boxturret · 5 months
George's 1/10th scale Mata Nui Tour
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This is a follow up to my previous post about a piece of concept art that depicts the island of Mata Nui as being 1/10th size it is officially listed as in most later maps.
I must first say that I was blown away with the positive reception that post received! I did see some concern that it was now too small, but I believe that's mainly down to how absolutely MASSIVE the final size is. A 90% reduction in size by no means makes Mata Nui small.
But I know not everyone has spent as much time obsessing over the size of Mata Nui as I have, so I decided to enlist everyone's favourite Ta-Koronan George to help illustrate how large this "small" Mata Nui really is.
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I scaled the image of Mata Nui so that it matches the measurements on the side, so it is roughly 35km long and 17km wide. I also made a simple height map to get the Mangai volcano the appropriate 2km high.
I started out with just some simple pegs at the locations of the villages to first illustrate the basic distances.
George here starts out at the location of the iconic beach from MNOG and the end of QFTT
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The beach is actually shockingly equidistant from most of the villages, Ta-Koro is closest at 2km, Ga-Koro is second closest at 6km, but the other 4 are all between 11 and 13km from the beach!
Here's a little animation to show the size of the pins, they're by no means small.
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They had to be this big to be visible at all, which just goes to show how large the island still is even at 1/10th scale.
I did several shots of George standing on the edge of the Mangai's caldera. I extracted the villages from Bionicle the Legend of Mata Nui and scaled them accordingly, placing each of them where the village should be. See if you can spot them!
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From the top of Mangai its 20km to the tiny islands at the very tip of Po-Wahi.
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And 13km to the end of the chain of islands in southern Le-Wahi
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The view of the Mangai volcano is quite impressive from the villages too. Even at this 2km height its still around 2/3rds the height of Mt Fuji or half the height of Mt Kilimanjaro.
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My heightmap could use more work, the Ihu mountain range isn't really apparent, I was mainly focused on getting the Mangai at the right height.
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Here's what it would look like if Onu-Koro wasn't underground.
I hope these visuals helped to show the size of the 1/10th scale Mata Nui. I really do feel it is more in line with what we see from most media and fits well with the story.
Even with this size there's one thing to remember: Raw size isn't everything. Terrain matters a lot. Its easy enough for someone now to walk a kilometre or two over straight paved roads, but considering that Mata Nui is a lush volcanic island, half the place is covered in a jungle full of massive trees and swamps, much of it is very hilly and steep, this isn't an easy place to get around in.
I'll leave you with two things: first is an old animation I made of a zoom out from Tahu on top of the full final scale Mata Nui:
This is the most I can really do with an island that scale, blender doesn't appreciate having a view distance in the hundreds of kilometres while also rendering something human scaled.
Second is a comparison between the island I've just shown you overlaid on top of the full scale.
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The whole island itself has a footprint roughly the same as the full scale Mangai volcano!
Hope you all enjoyed George's vacation photos. Good night and/or happy May :^)
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Slight addendum: A while ago I made this little sketch of what a view from the top of Ihu might look like, looking at all the regions. Just wanted to include it. good night
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oakley-silva · 10 months
Kinda spoilery
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Now that all the normies are gone...
So you know at the end of bugsnax when filbo says something along the lines of "these bugsnax will take a long while to wear off" before he offers to stay with you... So i wonder..
What about liz and egg? Do you think the bugsnax will wear off on them? What would happen if they did? Bugsnax 2?????? Idk really just a thought
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cl0ckworkqueerness · 2 months
ok so new gender hypothesis is cooking in my brain. i cant go too into detail or conduct proper research right now because 1 i have work in like two hours and 2 i am doing university bullshit. but Basically i am hypothesizing that there is something known as gender involvement, or in layman's terms, how much one Gives A Damn about their gender.
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ignore the dogshit graph, but basically i hypothesize that all people exist on a spectrum of gender involvement, most likely distributed in a normal fashion (bell curve). in the middle lies most of the population, where their gender means Something to them but it is not an all-encompassing part of their life or anything. they kinda care about it, but not an excessive amount
then on the left is the category of gender hypoinvolvement, which would contain the preexisting label of gender apathetic. basically, it's people who don't care about their gender more than the average person, people who don't care what you call them, basically the "I'm probably nonbinary but i got a job so idc about that rn" post
and on the right is something a little harder to describe: gender hyperinvolvement. (that's the category where i'd be, if you're curious.) basically, this group consists of people who care about their gender way more than the average person. they might have a very specific style they always try to adhere to, they might be very sensitive to their gender presentation, they might be so committed to "the bit" that their entire room is decorated very specifically to match their gender, etc. these people most likely take a lot of pride in their gender as well
and it is a side hypothesis of mine that neurodivergent people, autistic people specifically, may tend towards either of these extremes.
Again, this is a Hypothesis. This is a pre-hypothesis, in fact. i did no research whatsoever prior to making this post for full transparency, this is essentially me just saying "hey, maybe we should think and talk about this some more". if this concept already exists then that's my bad for not checking and full support goes to that existing theory. but for now i think this is neat
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undercooked-icicle · 5 months
Humans have thumbs and invented Sherlock fan fiction. Chimps have thumbs and have not invented Sherlock fan fiction. Thus, it's not the thumbs that cause Sherlock fan fiction. The search continues.
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lawfulevilmain · 8 months
The Interpretation of Shadows Theory: Tom's Shadow.
Once again, before I get started link to the comic and one to the webtoon too.
So we haven't seen Tom's shadow yet in the story, and we may never see a shadow of Tom. Right?
Wrong. I'm going to propose that we saw Tom's shadow in "The Hour Earlier" parts 2 & 3, and it isn't even a shadow.
It's light, for some reason, Tom's shadow is a halo-like light.
And I think its unique structure will give it immunity to all other shadows, so if anyone else comes into the comic with a shadow-based ability, Tom will be immune to them too.
However, it could be that Daph's ability doesn't work on Tom because Tom just doesn't have a shadow, giving him immunity to abilities that interact with a person's shadow.
The final possibility is that it's because of Tom and Daph's past or relationship.
I know, I know, I've just listed all possible options, but my guess is the first theory that I suggested.
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Okay guys. Horrific thought: it’s October, the Lovejoy tour is almost over. Wilbur is should be coming back to the QSMP soon. And Tallulah is still gone. But he doesn’t know that.
Imagine with me for a moment, Wilbur returning to the treehouse to look for Tallulah and there she is!! Which her maracas that’s she’s shaking about and her signs that say “Welcome home Papa.”
Now imagine Phil logs on. He sees Wilbur’s online and he goes cold. Tallulah is still gone. She’s been missing for weeks. Wilbur trusted him to take care of his daughter and he lost her. Not once but twice, and she’s not home yet. He has to break it to Wil that she’s gone. But there’s hope, she spoke to him once a few weeks ago. With that in mind he goes to find Wil.
He sees them, running across the wall to go try the parkour course. Them. Wilbur and Tallulah. But Tallulah is gone. He feels a flutter of hope in his heart, maybe Chayanne is back. He approaches them, calling out to the two of them. Laughs as Wil fails the glass neo, and stops dead in his tracks when Tallulah demonstrates how to do it properly for her Papa.
Now Phil doesn’t want to diminish her accomplishments. But Tallulah has asthma, she can’t do that. He watches her bounce around without trouble where she normally stumbles.
That’s not Tallulah. That’s code. Wilbur is in danger.
He questions it. If he’s seeing what he’s seeing, but he knows his eggs. Tallulah isn’t here.
He pulls out his sword and goes for the kill.
Now let’s go back to Wil. He doesn’t know about the code. The only person he’s seen since coming back is Phil, and little Tallulah of course. Yet here Phil is trying to murder his daughter for no reason.
He shouts. He screams. He puts himself between Phil and his daughter. He could try to stop him but Wilbur doesn’t have a sword on him, and he could never beat Phil in a fight anyways.
Phil is shouting at him to move out of the way, but Wilbur can’t hear beyond the pounding in his ears. Why is Phil, the man he trusted to take care of his daughter, trying to kill her?
And Phil is dying inside. He doesn’t want to hurt Wilbur he really doesn’t. But that’s not Tallulah, he’s sure of it now. Wilbur is still screaming at him.
How can he explain that this isn’t his daughter and that the daughter he trusted him to take care of is lost and has been for weeks?
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