sonorous-strings · 2 years
That moment when you go through a blog semi-overhaul and find out just how much you were embarrassing yourself with nsfw posts
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somanyskills · 4 months
I now know this thing exists so now you have to too ... lol
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About your AI art worries
Twitter, (and unfortunately rule 34) have already managed to make my fears leave. Through terrible, icky, nasty things.
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ladyshinga · 11 days
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messaged a friend on FB last night after seeing an ad 😫 listen, i cannot be blamed for this, this isn't on me, i have SEEN the fanart
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My DC fic, which got deleted on Ao3.
Deadinside&outside @Schrödingersbastard
I’m going to see if I can do the tide pod challenge
Dildo @OhGodWHY
Deadinside&outside @Schrödingersbastard
Jason maybe.
Damian Wayne-Al Ghul @DamianWAG
Todd, do not do this (Do it, do it, do it).
Deadinside&outside @Schrödingersbastard
Jason yes!
Bruce Wayne @BWayneOffical
Deadinside&outside @Schödingersbastard
CEO Wayne Enterprises @TimothyDrake
You do realise that trend was, like 2 years ago? Do something original, but in a controlled environment, A.k.a, don’t do it Jason.
Deadinside&outside @Schrödingersbastard
Good point, I will instead hit up @PHDClown for some toxin
Harlsey @PHDClown
I got some for ya!
Caffine @keyboardsmash
Didn't Jason Todd die, like, twenty years ago?
sToPiTgEtSoMeHeLp @stephthemeth
I got us matching friendship bracelets, and you say I don't care about our relationship.
CEO Wayne Enterprises @TimothyDrake
These are handcuffs.
sToPiTgEtSoMeHeLp @stephthemeth
Yeah, 'cause we're partners in crime!
CEO Wayne Enterprises @TimothyDrake
I fucking love you
Deadinside&outside @Schödingersbastard
*accidentally does something well* Ah shit I’ve given them standards now.
Will kill dudes @Cassassain
I am 80% speed, 50% hero and 70% legend.
sToPiTgEtSoMeHeLp @stephthemeth
That's 200%.
Will kill dudes @Cassassain
I'm twice the Huntress you'll ever be.
Duke of Puns @Imtiredok?
My Chocolate milk is bitter, what's wrong with this chocolate milk?
Barbara Gordon @BabsGordon
Dark milk isn't chocolate milk. This is raw cow's milk. The bitterness of the chocolate brings out the sourness in the milk.
Duke of Puns @Imtiredok?
That's the worst part of both of those things!
Duke of Puns @Imtiredok?
Hey, do you know how long it takes until you start hallucinating from sleep deprivation?
Barbara Gordon @BabsGordon
I’ll check.
CEO Wayne Enterprises @TimothyDrake
Seventy-two hours.
Barbara Gordon @BabsGordon
...How do you?
CEO Wayne Enterprises @TimothyDrake
There's a vampire behind Bruce and he's making fun of me
CEO Wayne Enterprises @TimothyDrake
You didn't happen to bring any coffee, did you?
Damian Wayne-Al Ghul @DamianWAG
Milk and sugar.
CEO Wayne Enterprises @TimothyDrake
Oh, awesome. You're a lifesaver.
CEO Wayne Enterprises @TimothyDrake
Wait, is this just milk and sugar?
Damian Wayne-Al Ghul @DamianWAG
That's what I said.
CEO Wayne Enterprises @TimothyDrake
I have a complicated relationship with sleep. By which I mean if I ever meet its god I can and will make them fear me so much they never come near me again.
Damian Wayne-Al Ghul @DamianWAG
Wow, this parking is as straight as I am.
[ID: Image of Bruce’s newest car, park half on the curb, half on the road. Bruce very tiredly getting out of the driver’s seat and getting scolded by Alfred.]
Bruce Wayne @BWayneOffical
I know I should be focused on the fact that you just came out, but HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY PARKING!
Bruce Wayne @BWayneOffical
you ever see something that changes your life and you're just like "huh.."
Clark Kent @DailyPlanetMan
i saw you.
Bruce Wayne @BWayneOffical
honestly that's so cute and sweet but it kinda makes this awkward because i was gonna show you a picture of Alfred the cat in a turkey costume
Slade @bladesfordays
I can't decide if I need 50 cups of coffee or a month's worth of sleep.
Dildo @OhGodWHY
How about a hug? :D
Slade @bladesfordays
Slade @bladesfordays
Dildo @OhGodWHY
Hello? @BWayneOfficial , where on earth are you?
Bruce Wayne @BWayneOffical
I waved to a man because I thought he was waving at me. Apparently, he was waving to the guy behind me. So to get out of the awkward situation, I kept my hand up so a taxi pulled over and drove me to the port. I am now in Kazimierz, investigating a new case. I should be home by Thursday.
Dildo @OhGodWHY
Wait, wha-
CEO Wayne Enterprises @TimothyDrake
Understandable, have a nice day.
*Five Gays*
Jaybitch (9 hours ago)
Jason it's 4am
it better be important
stfu timmy I'm going through something
is the mansion haunted???
I was half asleep and then?? A big shadow was towering over me??
and don't tell me it was a dream bc I heard the door closing
Devil spawn
It was father
oh yeah, he does that sometimes
excuse me what
why is the old bat watching me sleep???
he wasn't, it's winter
he probably wasn't able to sleep, so he was making sure we're all warm so we don't catch a cold
Devil spawn
He just left my room
damn, the older he gets the crazier...
Dildo (5 hours ago)
what the heck
so the winter fairy isn't real :c??
Running On Jellybeans @JonKent
Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life.
Damian Wayne-Al Ghul @DamianWAG
It would be nice to get my sense of purpose back.
Will kill dudes @Cassassain
Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this.
sToPiTgEtSoMeHeLp @stephthemeth
My will to live! I haven't seen this in 10 years!
Deadinside&outside @Schödingersbastard
I knew I lost that potential somewhere!
Dildo @OhGodWHY
Mental stability, my old friend!
Running On Jellybeans @JonKent
Guys, could you lighten up a little?
Dildo @OhGodWHY
QUICK! I need $10000 because I have ADHD and am bisexual!
Damian Wayne-Al Ghul @DamianWAG
When I was 7 I had a crush on a guy in my class & didn’t know how to deal w it so I wrote him a letter that just said “get out of my school”
Damian Wayne-Al Ghul @DamianWAG
We are now dating.
Running On Jellybeans @JonKent
I had a dream last night that I was being chased by Freddy Kruger throught out my house, but when he ran by my dog he stopped to pet him, looked at me and went, “what? It’s not his nightmare. He’s a good boy.”
Running On Jellybeans @JonKent
and that’s why I’m not sure if taking NyQuil is a good idea.
Dildo @OhGodWHY
For anyone thinking, without a doubt that my father is Batman, no, he’s not.
CEO Wayne Enterprises @TimothyDrake
He cries during every Disney film and forgets where every bathroom is in the manor.
Damian Wayne-Al Ghul @DamianWAG
For context, we have quite a few, over fifty if I remember correctly.
Harlsey @PHDClown
For anyone wondering, I’m not with the Joker anymore, I am in a loving relationship with @veganbiby and we’re getting married in three months.
Harlsey @PHDClown
AND! @BWayneOfficial is coming as my best man! :D
Daily Planet @DPOfficial
Congrats, but why Bruce Wayne? – Clark
Harlsey @PHDClown
Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy?
Gay asf @homopromo
Holy Shit, Harley Quinn knows vines???!!
Harlsey @PHDClown
My wonderful gf is made of vines
Gay asf @homopromo
You bi?
Harlsey @PHDClown
Duke of Puns @Imtiredok?
As someone who has joined the Wayne’s in the most recent months, Bruce literally doesn’t know what’s happening, like, half of the time.
Duke of Puns @Imtiredok?
He thinks that the Joker is just a party city clown.
Barbara Gordon @BabsGordon
I mean, he’s not wrong
Batman(the real one) @BatManOffical
I have had to rescue him so many times
Slade @bladesfordays
I genuinely don’t know how he raised ten kids.
Slade @bladesfordays
But they are all gay and mentally ill, so I blame Bruce.
Slade @bladesfordays
My husband is the only reason I’m not dead yet.
Harlsey @PHDClown
You literally have accelerated healing.
Slade @bladesfordays
He is still the only reason I am not dead.
Slade @bladesfordays
Have you seen those thighs?
Harlsey @PHDClown
🥴 Good point.
The professor ain’t dead @lattehawtte
Okay, but I’ve been off Twitter for five days and I come back and found out that
The professor ain’t dead @lattehawtte
a) SLADE WILSON the MERCENARY is married to one of Bruce Wayne’s kids.
The professor ain’t dead @lattehawtte
b) Jason Todd is being impersonated
The professor ain’t dead @lattehawtte
c) Harley Quinn knows what vine is, is dating Poison Ivy (I luv them), and used to date one of the Wayne kids (the one who is married to Slade)
The professor ain’t dead @lattehawtte
d) all the kids are queer icons, and Bruce is a tired dad who can’t survive by himself and may or may not be dating Batman.
Hermit the frog @darwars
Wait, why would he date Batman???
The professor ain’t dead @lattehawtte
Haven’t you seen how Superman and Batman look at each other?
Hermit the frog @darwars
Wait, so Superman is Bruce?
The professor ain’t dead @lattehawtte
Yeah, and Batman is that Daily Planet reporter, Clark Kent.
Clark Kent @DailyPlanetMan
Wow, I’m Batman!!
World peace baby! @JLeagueWW
Everyone at the JL, knowing Batman & Superman’s identities:
Gif: Micheal Jackson eating popcorn
The professor ain’t dead @lattehawtte
World peace baby! @JLeagueWW
We have movie nights and have rooms up in the space station. – Green Lantern
Hermit the frog @darwars
World peace baby! @JLeagueWW
Sure! – Green Lantern
Hermit the frog @darwars
Okay, but GL genuinely came to my place, picked me up, and took me to space. It was awesome.
Caffeine @keyboardsmash
Hey @PHDClown , why are you bestie with himbo BW??? Like, lemme know, pls.
Harlsey @PHDClown
Oh, that’s hard to explain, but I’ll let you in on a secret. *Get closer*
Caffeine @keyboardsmash
*Scootches closer*
Harlsey @PHDClown
Every time he and his hoard of children have a movie night, I get to go. It is utter chaos and I thrive in there.
Harlsey @PHDClown
My lovely Fiancé would like me to add that she thinks it’s basically a playdate for me.
Damian Wayne-Al Ghul @DamianWAG
She’s also my Godmother.
The professor ain’t dead @lattehawtte
Can I just ask, where do all the Gotham vigilantes live?? The kid I babysit for is very effing concerned about y’all not having houses.
Free Wifi @Signalboost
I live in a dorm with five other bats
Nanananana @BATGIRL!
Batman(therealone) @BatManOffical
In my cave, or with Bruce Wayne
Robin @RobinOfficial
With Batman, or my mum, they’re divorced.
SPOILERS! @nahjustkidding
With Oracle.
Bi, Bi, Bi! @Biwing
With the Teen Titans. And also a mass murderer.
I’mnotthatredrobin @RedRobbinyou
With my sugar baby.
| |
No @Redh00d
With my sugar daddy.
I can see your future @Oraclin
With spoiler, or my dad. Also, my partners.
The professor ain’t dead @lattehawtte
She is still concerned. But are you guys ok?
Super Man @SoupmanOffical
As someone who knows all of them, their birthdays, and their identities. No, most of their expenses are therapy bills.
Boogara @SeceretLesbian
Okay, thread incoming about the Wayne family/Batfamily(1/?)
Boogara @SeceretLesbian
First, Jason Todd is alive again? The Wayne’s were talking to a Jason, and they called him Todd? Like how did he come back to life? (2/?)
Boogara @SeceretLesbian
Secondly, Bruce has been seen with Daily Planet reporter Clark Kent, who is allegedly Batman, which means if he lives occasionally with Bruce, they’re a couple. (3/?)
Boogara @SeceretLesbian
Robin also mentioned he lives with his dad who is Batman, and that his mum and dad are divorced, and Clark Kent is divorced and had a kid from his marriage. (4/?)
Boogara @SeceretLesbian
Additionally, Red Hood and Red Robin are dating? Or are at least having sex with benefits. (5/?)
Boogara @SeceretLesbian
ALSO, IN TERMS OF RELATIONSHIPS, WHY WHEN HOW DID DICK, HIMBO DICK GRAYSON MARRY AN ASSAIN?? Like, the man’s hot, but the amount of blood on his hands? Insane. (6/?)
Boogara @SeceretLesbian
Honourable mention, @PHDClown is besties with BW and the Godmother to one of his kids. Like, I am so happy this is the more popular clown, she is worth it. (7/?)
Boogara @SeceretLesbian
Unrelated, but I also made a table on how many times Ryan should’ve won PH.
Shane Madej @shanemadej
Ryan never should’ve won, he wasn’t a seadog, he was never a beefboy.
Boogara @SeceretLesbian
Shane Madej @shanemadej
Also, he made a deal with the devil, he should’ve known what would come.
Ryan Bergara @ryansbergara
@SeceretLesbian please DM me the list.
Boogara @SeceretLesbian
One question for @PHDClown , are you the wine aunt or the vodka aunt?
Harlsey @PHDClown
I’m the vodka aunt and Ives is the whiskey hidden in a subtle flask aunt.
Boogara @SeceretLesbian
Thank you, can I come to the wedding?
Harlsey @PHDClown
Fuck yeah!
Boogara @SeceretLesbian
I would die for you
Harlsey @PHDClown
Please don’t, I’m still your therapist.
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madwickedawesome · 1 year
turning 16 in a week and a half #ohgodwhy
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paperninja · 2 years
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Thought I’d go all simple on the droid tree this year since I’m leaving close to New Years to go do Dopey (ohgodwhy)…..
…. When I decided all the droids near the tree needed santa hats. So I made them all hats….
…. And next year the other droids need santa hats.
instagram post with more pictures
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volasaurus · 2 years
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You know, I think they actually became MORE intimidating.
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gedenke-mein · 4 years
Hey Oscar Protection Squad?
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How are we sooo bad at our job?
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1bullet2head · 3 years
so arthur is enfp right?
i have news besties..
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second.. i feel like im gonna shart myself... please you have to be so unlucky to have the same personality type as your killer- /@&*!
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badendfriends · 4 years
So basically Bill is collecting people who are powerfull and have bad ends because...? I mean who am I kidding he dosen't need a reason to cause chaos but still
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*sideways glances at spoilery asks*
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78tries · 4 years
exams sukc up hight tm thing boom
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silvernsteel · 5 years
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Welp that took me long enough x_x got super sidetracked by life and all-around lack of hours in the day...but I can finally put this grind to bed! -muffled whispers with face in the dirt- woooorth iiiitttttt...I can now get back to gposing and making garbage content for the void.  Now, pardon me, as I go and stare into the sun for a while and think about my life choices. 
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rosesarered1812 · 5 years
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It changed again... Tomorrow is thursday.
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missrufaro · 5 years
So I’ve just started playing Lioden again after a long ass time...
Holy fuck I’ve missed a LOT.
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roryeehaw · 5 years
Lobster uwu
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