death-is-my-calling · 2 months
I have been meaning to ask this, and I really am too lazy to look it up, but did Sachiko Yagami actually die in the anime? If so, how? Who is the caretaker of Sayu at the end that I see? It looked like the mom -
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daught3rofyahweh · 3 months
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Hi, does anyone have any tips on telling your parents that you are religious?
My parents are confused on why I'd want to take religious studies in college. My mom said it'd be a waste of money if I never have done research at home and haven't read a bible. But thing is, my parents don't know that I actually do do that. I have no idea how to tell them that I believe in God and what makes it worse, is that my religion is ancient and before judaism and christianity, let alone I'm a witch. They've never noticed my Yahweh altar and I always hide my tanakh from them when I'm reading it. My parents aren't exactly religion nuts but my mom is used to catholicism from her childhood and so is my dad. I just never was religious when I was younger so it'd be very new and shocking information.
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monorose1 · 5 months
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I have stayed up the past few nights reading Manacled until 5-6 am because I did not realise how long it actually was until I saw a physical book that someone book bound (speaking of which, if anyone knows how to do that then please give me the best know how because I NEED A PHYSICAL COPY) but I finished it at 6:30am and it's actually INCREDIBLE and I'm going to re-read it right now but I actually still can't process how good it is so if anyone else wants to scream about it with me then please do
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nikki-tine · 6 months
Oh wonderful, my favorite tickle trope’s haunting me again!!
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clstldrmr83 · 21 days
LOST 08/29/2024: Bubba
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katkit14 · 1 year
Yo, any Hellenic pagans wanna help a girl out?
No seriously I can't find any good sources explaining what anything. just taking about the myths and not the modern practices. Any recommendations on books, videos, blogs, cites? Just with information? Or like information you have yourself?
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strimpybastard · 10 months
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spencerdaze · 1 year
Red noses in Party Clowns can FALL OFF ????
Just like you read it. I found Honk Honk's red nose on the floor. Initially i thought it was just one of his juggling balls but it was, in fact, his red nose, now a little less saturated. He has a tinier one now, more red, like it's growing. Is this normal like ???? Is it similar to your teeth falling off ???? HELP PLEASE I CALLED THE CIRCUS DOCTOR AND I CAN'T EVEN TALK WELL
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absolutelyzoned · 16 days
ddoes any1 wanna help find out what i might be sick with.. i have no insurance (cant go to doctor 👎👎💔) and zero at home tests for covid n whatnot ❗❓🙏
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puresunshyne · 4 months
Single Mom Things
I've been on a long hiatus from this blog.
Lately, though, Tumblr keeps popping up into my conscious thoughts. I've been working my tail off and keeping my nose to the grindstone since my car broke down last October.
It's been a grueling eight months since. I've spent literal thousands of dollars on rides back and forth to work. I've had people offer to help without me asking them to and then leave me in a worse place than I was in.
Blowing up my phone while I'm at work to tell me that they KNOW I've gotten my tax return back (I actually didn't even file because I haven't been able to afford $50 for an Uber there and back), that they've looked up my tax information (he of course, changed that story when I pressed him about it and acted like I was crazy for questioning him about how he would access something like that (of course during dinner rush at work) and how their grandmother questioned why they would support me by REQUESTING a handmade crocheted scarf as her Christmas present when he could have gotten the same thing off of Amazon for $10. Why on Earth he would think that was a message he should pass along to me, I'll never know. This is in between messages from him telling me how he's hoping to get fired from various jobs and having ex and current girlfriends pay his rent and bills. Meanwhile, I'm the bad guy for not sending him money that I don't even have to feed myself with.
On the other hand, I have someone constantly telling me not to call Ubers because it's so expensive who stands me up multiple times per week after agreeing to pick me up at a certain time (individual days/times, not weekly). That in turn means that I'm forced to call an Uber or Lyft because I actually can't find a ride within an hour of me needing to be at work. Then he gaslights me about how it's not his responsibility to pick me up (after him contacting me to offer) and calls me a bitch for getting upset.
And then there are the ever present men who constantly want details about how I'm struggling so they can pretend to care and try to use those empty messages as a segue into scoring a date with me. Sending me creepy messages about how they would TOTALLY help me, I just need to ASK THEM SPECIFICALLY. Homie, if you wanted to help, you would offer to help. Not tell women that if they jump JUST A LITTLE HIGHER and do this EXACT TRICK JUST RIGHT, then you'll help them. That's incel behavior and makes you seem like you're liable to take advantage of women in any form you can.
Let's not forget the guy who kept telling my daughter and I that he was going to cosign on a house to rent as a roommate situation and then turned around and made a scene in the Chili's parking lot about how he couldn't understand why I don't want to date anyone or why I'm not interested in dating him, WHY won't I explain it to him and WHY won't I give him a chance.
So yesterday, I finally gave up trying to do it by myself (with or without creepy, predatory men trying to put me in terrible situations) and created a Go Fund Me to try and pull together some of the money that I need to get my Jeep fixed.
If you can spare even a dollar or two, I'd be ridiculously grateful. I don't think any of us were meant to do this alone.
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eremitaerebus · 1 year
My brain is a Bitch
Because whenever I try to write my dumbass brain sits there and says...
No, you motherfucker<3
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deadly-espresso · 1 year
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I tried to log onto discord today only to find I had been blocked before I woke up this morning. No, I wasn't just blocked from a specific server, I was just blocked from Discord entirey
I don't even know what I did to make this happen, it was just like this when I arrived on the website this morning. Reloading the page doesn't help either. I swear I haven't been acting mean on the website because if I were being mean on the website, I likely wouldn't be making this kind of post
All that it tells me is that I should have cookies enabled (they are) and also it tells me to "email the site owner to let them know you were blocked" even though discord isn't owned by a single person??? and also if I can't access discord how tf am I supposed to contact anybody who runs discord?
edit: im now not blocked anymore for some reason
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My best friend always has tumblr beef with people and I enjoy listening to it but I really feel sorry that she has to screenshot everything so i juat want to be involved first hand
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fledgedragonfox · 4 months
Please help if you can.
I had to increase the goal amount thanks to medical bills, phone bill, and medications. Please share the link to the gofundme around if you can and thank you again to those who have donated. I am nearly out of food.
I also still have my commissions open.
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maddangoo · 4 months
this is my first tumblr post i’m scared and confused
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