uttara-sriya · 7 years
The City of Dawn, Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India
The City of Dawn, Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India
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Have you ever wondered if everyone in this world lives without money, without any crimes, without any insecurities ? If so, how exactly would we survive ? Also can it be safest ? If such place actually exists…. Let us look at a  universal township with a population of up to 50,000 people from around the world, the city (ville) of dawn (aurore), Auroville. This town from one of the union…
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uttara-sriya · 7 years
Antrim’s Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland
Antrim’s Giant’s Causeway, Northern Ireland
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The Giant’s causeway is one of the most magnificent coastlines with its stepped up natural rock formations which stand as a natural rampart against the unbridled aggression of the Atlantic storms. The rugged symmetry of the columns never fails to intrigue and inspire our visitors. To stroll on the Giant’s Causeway is to voyage back in time. So lets get into how the Giant’s causeway came into…
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uttara-sriya · 7 years
Beyond Life, Varanasi, UttarPradesh, India!
Beyond Life, Varanasi, UttarPradesh, India!
https://vimeo.com/216306429   One of the best things in life: It lets you experience many stepping stones for a grander future. One such place is Varanasi. It’s beyond life. Every year, each day, many people from different places gather to worship here and it is said that many people who are really into spirituality, definitely visit Varanasi once in their life time. Because it definitely is…
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uttara-sriya · 7 years
Discover Japan Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. --Henry Ford, American industrialist, the founder of the Ford Motor Company
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uttara-sriya · 7 years
A walk in the Woods, Yosemite Valley, California A goal without a plan is just a wish.
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uttara-sriya · 7 years
A Voice from Hokkaido, Japan Persistence. Perfection. Patience. Power. Prioritize your passion. It keeps you sane. ― Criss Jami, Killosophy
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uttara-sriya · 7 years
Lost In Kyrgyzstan,Central Asia You didn’t get the quest you wanted, you got the one you could do. 
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uttara-sriya · 7 years
The Phillipines It is the possibility of having a dream come true, that makes life interesting!
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uttara-sriya · 7 years
Invisible Oregon, Portland Art is not in some far-off place. A work of Art is the expression of a man’s whole personality, sensibility and ability. ---Shinichi Suzuki
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uttara-sriya · 7 years
National Parks of Utah, USA
National Parks of Utah, USA
Picture this: A trip to five National parks in Utah Your walking, the ground rises, the ground drops, the ground becomes water, next thing your riding a mule under giant orange strips castle Take a scenic route. Take a path you’ve never taken, somethings are worth sunrise for the horizon lines around the corner. This is life elevated! :) Here are the Mighty five national parks of Utah! Zion…
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uttara-sriya · 7 years
Being Alive! There is  no mysterious essence we can call a 'Place'. Place is change. It is motion killed by the mind, and preserved in the amber of memory --J.A. Baker
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uttara-sriya · 7 years
Country of Clouds Source: Nitin Das Luck is in catching the wave, but then you have to ride it!
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uttara-sriya · 7 years
Bordering Colombia to the north and Peru to the south, with a Pacific coast on the west, Ecuador has captured rarest beauty of nature.
One such beauty is Cotopaxi Volcano National Park and vast Limpiopungo Lake. Cotopaxi Volcano National Park also referred to as ‘Neck of the Moon’.
Main attraction of this place is its still active volatile volcano which is about 5,900 meters above the sea level surrounded with beautiful valleys rivers and lagoons.
Most rewarding point for the tourists here is not just climbing the volcano, but also camping on its flanks and hiking. Surrounding the volcano are the fantastic views of the snow capped crater in its peak seasons.
Being one of the best places to camp and hike over 13,700 feet, its surely a very cold place!
Occasionally the climate changes with light rain to freezing cold and sometimes surrounded with rainbows and covered with fall colors at that altitude, it is definitely a great place to travel!
Leaving this place also gives you lots of stunning views of  massive landscapes, lakes, waterfalls and snow capped volcano’s.
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At night this place turns to a planetary show with lots of stars, and best shots of lava from the volcano. A delightful and colorful treat to eyes.
The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.
      Cotopoxi National Park, Ecuador, South America Bordering Colombia to the north and Peru to the south, with a Pacific coast on the west, Ecuador has captured rarest beauty of nature.
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uttara-sriya · 7 years
Healing Nature.. As human life, nature does have different phases of life.. Sometimes it provides entertainment, sometimes a way of living, sometimes an enlightenment, sometimes a worry of brief living, sometimes a realization of self and sometimes a way to heal itself and its surroundings.
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uttara-sriya · 7 years
Tucson Timelapse The time is always right to do what is right ---Martin Luther King Jr
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uttara-sriya · 7 years
Where tradition meets future! Japan A view from above... for welcoming the new lunar year! The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don't tell you what to see. --Alexandra K. Trenfor
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uttara-sriya · 7 years
Land of Life, Serbia "Attract what you expect, reflect what you desire, become what you respect, mirror what you admire, that's how you feel successful."
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