This is such a cool comic series
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COMIC: ARC 1 - Boot(y)ing Up - 1 - 2 -  ARC 2 - The Spark - 1 - 2 - ARC 3 - Forgiveness - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - ARC 4 - Probing - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - ARC 5 - Distractions and Dilemmas - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 -
ANIMATICS: The Funny One Not Dead High Five
EXTRAS: Future Donnie Design Omega Design (SPOILER) No Love for You Processing Stupidity Peepaw Paradox Peepaw Paradise Peepaw Showdown 1 Peepaw Showdown 2 Peepaw Showdown 3 Peepaw Showdown 4 TMNT AU Competition 1 TMNT AU Competition 2 TMNT AU Competition 3 TMNT AU Competition 4 TMNT AU Competition 5 Feral Leo 1 Feral Leo 2 Cass and Replica Reunion 1 Cass and Replica Reunion 2 (not my art) Cass and Replica Reunion 3 (not my art) Cass and Replica Reunion 4 (not my art) Cass and Replica Reunion 5 Bootyyyshaker GIF Leo PUNCH Donnie’s Eyebrows Handsome Future Donnie
INFO: Donnie’s Scars
MERCH: Processing/Displaying Stupidity ROTTMNT General Upcoming
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For all the ones who want to join
#DID #system #dissociativeidentitydisorder #systemtok #didsystem #didsystem #alters #alter #alt #osdd #traumadisorder #traumadisorders #fyp
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Hiii, surprise im not dead /lh
Been a bit since i posted anything on here, a few things have been going on
- Vey
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Sooooooo a good week and a half ago i wrote about K and the party, Micah ended up not letting me tell her off and he now also regrets it, as at the party she was making a problem about a lot of things, even took an hour out of her time at the party to berade us with everything we did wrong as a party hoster, she got two other friends who were coming to the party to go to the store with her to get as she put it “actual decent dinner” and then got mad at us that she had to spend money on it (when we told her if she didnt like the food we could order pizza at the beginning of the party) and she got upset that some of said friends who came over are system’s aswell, got pissed off that we were making sure our partner system was okay on two occasions and then the day after the party was the last to leave, because the bus only went once every hour and she insisted she sleep on the couch till the time of the bus leaving (which she ended up fucking destroying one of the pillows because it no longer has a pillow shape and instead now has a constant fucking banana shape)
She’s no longer welcome to parties, and for the time being i believe its best if we dont see her for a while
- Vey
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Ive come to realize, i’m very bored, and i dont know what to do about it, if anyone has any idea’s let me know?
Also anyone feel up for making and playing on a Java minecraft server?
~ Vey
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We’d love to be mutuals and keep you company mate! Nice to meet you
~ Vey
Bruh I want mutuals. And just people to talk to. First time fronting for a while and I’m feeling talkative -Tubbo
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People with DID/OSDD: if you’re facing stressful times or life changes, then it’s not weird for your system’s “routine” to flip itself upside down. Certain dynamics might change, like who the main fronters are or how much communication & switching there is. I've had times where I went from some communication/switching to NONE, other times when I went from having hardly any to suddenly A LOT. If this has ever happened to you, you were not making it up. It's just something that dissociation can do!
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Please show our lovely partner system some love ♡
~ Vey 🖤
Hi everyone!! Welcome to our Tumblr blog :D this is a little pinned post to give you all some info about us!! Soooo…
-We’re the Divine Mercy Collective!
-C-DID system of 700+ alters, with a mask/observer who’s permanently frontlocked (Divinity/Faith)
-Bodily 17
-Diagnosed with autism, suspected ADHD & some kind of ED
-Born and raised in the Netherlands!
Our interests!!
-Our main interest right now is the Dream SMP pogtopia/manberg arc! We were there when it was originally streamed but it’s recently been reignited :)
-Markiplier egos
-Sanders Sides
-Project Sekai
Our main fronters!!!
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-Ghostbur (he/him) - host, soother, trauma holder, self loathing holder, hypersexuality holder
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-Amadeus/Ludovico (he/it) - gatekeeper, persecutor, protector
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-Divinity (she/they/holy) - observer, mask, old main host
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-Richie (he/they) - emergency co-host, ANP
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-Elohim (he/they) - persecutor, hatred holder
Thanks for reading!!
-Ghostbur 💙
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Sooo seems Warrior or i might take over as host for the time being. I have been kind of front stuck for the last few days and we just heard last night that our Grandpa has passed away. So Micah (our current host) is not okay
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So i found out how to enable the ask box thing, if anyone has any questions for me, go ahead and ask. If they’re questions about the system i’ll try to answer them too (depending on what kinds of questions they are and what im allowed to talk about according to the current gatekeepers luring over my goddamn shoulder-)
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“Oh thank goodness I don’t have THIS kind of trauma :)”
Trauma holder/gatekeeper:
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(Ps. I hope nobody has done this before)
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The amount of times this has happened is not even funny- this was literally me 2 days ago when it came to K
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I- this is a mood
host as a kid: Oh man, it's really easy for me to slip into character and become a whole different person! I even get lost in the character and truly believe I'm them. I even lose track of how long I've been pretending to be a character. This must mean I'm a gonna be a great actor when I grow up :)
host as an adult: why can't i remember my childhood
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Aaaaalright i feel like this would probably be perfect for r/amitheasshole but i couldnt be bothered to put it on reddit. But I’ll formulate it like i would if i posted it there (EDIT: tried to post it to r/AITA but it wouldnt let me cuz its over 3000 characters)
Am i the asshole for wanting to tell a birthday party guest to not come anymore
This weekend March 11th 2023 the body will be 19 years old, to celebrate this we’re having our first actual birthday party with friends. We’ve invited 5 friends and all of them are coming some of them also sleep over as they come from far. Including the person id love to tell that they arent welcome anymore, we’ll call this person K.
As i said before this is the first time we ever thrown a party, so we are understandably stressed to get everything perfect. We don’t ask for help of the guest because we want to get it all ready ourselves (which as of now we have succeeded in and almost have everything ready).
K from day one started complaining about everything and anything. First it was about alcohol. About if we had vodka, and if we had different vodka than a certain brand because they only like that kind of stuff. Then it was about food, constantly making a problem about the snacks ans foods we were getting, i would share screenshots but i cant for privacy reasons so i’ll put it down as a list
- will there be enough food?
Yes there will be enough food
- will it be cold or warm, we only like to have warm food for dinner
We will make sure there will be cold and warm foods and foods you can eat both cold and warm
- yea but will there be enough
Yes there will be enough
- snacks dont sound like food to me
We call it snacks because we’re going to get tapas like dishes, meaning many different kinds of food
- will there be enough??
Yes K there will be enough
- i just dont have a right feeling about this
About what? The party or the food?
- the food at the party, i have a bad gut feeling about this
She then also started getting upset about the people we invited to our birthday party and the fact some of them are system’s like us (she is fully aware we are a system) saying that she thinks it’s going to be too much to handle, which i can get, i just don’t understand why she didnt tell us up front and said she wasnt going to come instead of getting angry at us for it.
She then said it would be a rollercoaster of emotions for her, and wanted to have a moment where she could just talk to our host privately about her emotional baggage at our host’s birthday party, and ofcourse like the good friend our host is, he agreed to play therapist because he’s afraid she’ll leave and bitch about him to others.
We made a playlist for music for the party, inviting everyone that will come to add music so theres a bit of everyone’s music tastes, we asked if everyone could add party vibe music and asked to not add music sorts that are triggering to us or others coming to the party (we specified what triggers us and asked everyone to specify if they have any music that can be negatively triggering)
Full knowing this, K asked us if she can add Reggae and added a few too, knowing full well that this is one of the things that is highly triggering to our host as one of the big ab*sers in our life only ever listened to that stuff, they got upset when we told them rather not and then our host said “okay but not too many, 1 or 2” to satisfy her, knowing it would most likely cause flashbacks of some sort. She then said “you know what its your party” and deleted it from thw playlist under the condition that she gets to have moments at the party where she can listen to her own music, which fine by us ig.
She then said she wasnt sure if she was going to come after all because of all the things she spoke about before that made her feel uncomfortable and feel it might be too much for her weren’t fixed. So we said alright.
Then she said she knew it would be too much for her and said she was going to come later.
I really want to tell her in a polite manner that she needs to fuck off and isnt welcome anymore at the party, she single handedly made the pressure and stress so high and blames us for it when we told her we were handling it and it was stressing us out.
After which she also said “im sorry, i feel like im too much in our business”
So are we (am i personally) the asshole for wanting to tell her she no longer is welcome?
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Sooo, next weekend (March 11th) is the body’s birthday. This year will be our first birthday party, and i for one am very excited!!
Our partner system is one of the people who will come and i’ll get to see my precious boyfriends! They make me so happy.
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I love my boys ♡ ~ Vey
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Some boyfriend appreciation ♡ @darkest-shade-of-light Jonah + Ghostbur 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 ~ Vey
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