#putting as many tags as I can cause this will probably help a lot of people
victorckk · 4 months
Advice for my fellow folks that are considering getting an autism/ADHD diagnosis whenever possible / self diagnosers who want to track their potential symptoms for whenever needed :
Put down any and all symptoms that you’ve noticed, that other people have noticed, etc.
Put down any childhood memories that could potentially have been symptoms, but were overlooked for whatever reason.
Color code that shit in any way you want. I personally color code by How Bad Said Thing Fucked Me Up -> How Bad Said Thing Caused Me To Mask Even More and so on.
Also add notes to different categories that you think might need some explaining (this could just be me overthinking things 9999 times worse than what I already do but it’s worth a shot). Highlight those things so they stand out from the questions.
Copy and paste Autism / ADHD assessment questions with the checkbox format and check off each one that fits you.
Put down how many you got out of total for each category.
Separate the pasted questions by Autism, ADHD, etc.
This way, you have proof that you can show your doctor, therapist, etc.
It also helps you understand yourself better along the way, and can also help you realize that a lot of things that you thought were normal kid things actually weren’t.
A few examples from my own Google Doc below (that took HOURS to make look less atrocious and clunky)
Feel free to make yours however you want, though!!! It’s entirely up to you as it’s YOUR Google Doc which also counts as a space just for you.
I just have a tendency to organize things in a way that aren’t messy or over decorated because it’s too much on my brain and eyes
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Created this post to distract myself from a massive migraine that’s been torturing me for the past few days,, ghggghdbfbfbsgdvfbfbfb
70 notes · View notes
gutsby · 11 months
Walker Bait
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Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Summary: An unforeseen foray into a sex shop leaves you and Daryl trapped between a plastic cock and a hard place as a herd of walkers closes in. Angry sex ensues.
Warnings: NSFW. Protected p-in-v. Oral (m!receiving). Hatefucking, facefucking, and lots of dirty talk, leaning heavy on the “enemies” in the enemies-to-lovers trope. Mentions of a variety of sex toys and other filthy materials, including a blueberry-flavored condom and a walker wearing nipple clamps. 6.5k words.
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“All ya gotta do is suck it.”
You were eye-level with the length of it now, all but staring down the barrel of the gun, so to speak. You wetted your lips, shifted uncomfortably on your knees. Then, almost reluctantly, you looked up at Daryl.
“What if it gets in my mouth?”
“It won’t.”
Daryl gripped the base of it with a sturdy hand and guided it closer to your mouth. You made a face as if to recoil, but Daryl was adamant. Insistent. One more false start and he’d probably just shove the thing down your throat. A man of many virtues he may have been, but patience was not among them.
“If I’d known you’d take this long I would’ve done it myself,” he scoffed.
You had just begun parting your lips to allow him entry, but on hearing this, you forced them shut, frowned, and opened them again just to retort:
“Why don’t you, then?! You wanna suck this shit so bad, be my guest.” You were already wobbling back onto your feet, wiping the dirt off your jeans and watching Daryl’s face turn even redder.
“‘Cause I’m teachin’ you, dipshit,” he snapped, “Can’t even tie yer fuckin’ shoes, but I figured ya maybe could siphon gas this once. My bad.”
And there it was: smug, shitstain Daryl ready to jump down your throat with another show of superiority. You couldn’t track, couldn’t forage, couldn’t hunt, couldn’t suck the gasoline out of a car or even put the hose in your mouth. You were useless in his eyes, and he was never shy to make sure you knew it. He looked you over once and hardly seemed to see you at all—just narrowed his eyes and flung the plastic tube in your direction.
Because Rick and all the rest of them were home, and you were here, scoping out the remnants of a seedy one stoplight town miles away, Daryl felt far more at liberty to act like a dick. He would’ve rather anyone been by his side but you, and he let you know as much, but somehow, in some sick and absurd twist of fate, you had been obliged to tag along. You sensed it was because you were the newest addition to Alexandria. And, quite frankly, because you sucked at every other task you’d been given, sucking gas out of cars was all that was left for you to do.
So easy a walker with a dislodged jaw could’ve done it. But you couldn’t. And Daryl despised you for it.
“Figure it out,” he muttered, turning on his heels to stalk off.
You weren’t sure if it was the irate glint in his eyes or the air of condescension in his tone, but you were floored. He’d made two, maybe three steps in the opposite direction when he felt something strike the black leather on his back. He turned again, dropped his gaze to the ground, and saw the plastic hose at his feet. When he looked back up, you were quick to trail behind, stomping past him without a second glance.
“Suck it yourself, asshole.” And you couldn’t help it; you gave him the finger over your shoulder.
You didn’t need eyes in the back of your head to see the rancid, sullen scowl plastered flat across Daryl’s face. Didn’t need ultrasonic hearing to catch him curse beneath his breath and kick something at his feet. You just kept walking in the other direction and hoped with everything you had he wouldn’t follow.
When you’d made it a ways down the street and Daryl hadn’t bothered to chase after you, you breathed a sigh of relief. Now he could raid the mini mart and loot canned foods to his heart’s content or prove himself useful in fifty other ways, and you could just explore.
From the looks of it, you were at the heart of this defunct podunk town and had virtually every amenity at your fingertips.
A barbershop on your right and a dive bar on your left, two boutiques with their windows all busted in, an unsightly patch of grass that once passed as a park, and one lone Texaco, almost treacherous in the light of day as it stood without a single car stationed at its pumps. “NO WAY OUT” emblazoned on a makeshift placard and half a dozen bodies littering the sidewalk before you.
Nothing quite like that small town Southern charm.
Against your better judgment, you went fishing in your back pocket for a few familiar friends to lift your spirits. First, the near-spent package of Virginia Slims, then the lighter, then your Walkman and headphones. An admittedly lethal combination for any would-be survivor of the apocalypse—limiting your hearing and crippling your lungs was no way to live in a world like this, Carol always warned before she snatched both culprits from your hands—but you didn’t care today. You were most of the way down the street and turning down a side avenue; if any walkers were in the vicinity, you figured you would’ve heard them moaning and groaning and dragging their boney asses behind you long before. By all appearances, you and Daryl were totally alone.
You thumbed one miniature flame into view and brought it close to the cigarette you had clamped between your teeth. Then you deposited the lighter back in your pocket, snapped your headset over your ears, and fiddled with the portable cassette player until the strains of some archaic Molly Hatchet tune went spiraling in your ears—“Bounty Hunter,” by the sounds of it.
You were walking at an easy pace now. Took a left off Main and strolled quietly onto Sheppard Street, careful to dodge every bottle, beer can, and rotting body you could. You took a drag and ogled some of the saddest storefronts you’d ever seen. Windows all blown to bits and insides looking like shit as every place appeared to be looted.
It wasn’t until you’d walked a little longer and made your way past the epicenter of the havoc that you saw any spot worth looking at. Where it seemed every other place for food, clothes, firearms, or frozen yogurt along this stretch of road was ransacked and dilapidated, you noticed one building that wasn’t.
In fact, it stopped you dead in your tracks and warranted a triple take to ensure you were seeing things properly the first time you saw it. Blinking with disbelief in the face of this scorching Georgia heat, came your first, unfathomable, ‘What the fuck?’
Juicy Peach Pleasure Shop—Take a bite inside!
There were some sick, twisted people in this world before the turn, that was for sure.
You made a beeline for the entrance.
Admittedly, you’d seen your fair share of funky ass sex shops in your day, but this one took the cake. All shuttered up and seemingly untouched since the world first went to shit—because who in their right mind was robbing a pocket pussy emporium in the midst of the apocalypse?—the store was in surprisingly pristine condition.
The inside was probably tiny and grimy and crawling with walkers—but it was also now your only hope to make yourself useful to the Alexandria community, you thought.
You quickly came to realize that this store would allow you to supply a truckload of sex toys and offer every adult back home the opportunity at a kinkier recreational outlet. With a stockpile of vibrators, ball gags, and anal beads alike, you could finally show them you were good for something. Maybe even worth keeping around, in spite of your subpar siphoning skills and the fact that you’d scared off nearly every animal Daryl attempted to hunt.
You’d be a Juicy Peach pioneer, and one that was likely to meet with tremendous success, if you could just…get the damn door open.
You gave the handle several violent shakes and thrust your body against the door, to no avail.
The sun’s rays were relentless on your back and already bringing a sheen of sweat to your skin, try as you might to keep your cool. You fooled around a few more seconds with the knob, found it hopelessly stuck in its position, and were about ready to abandon the task altogether when you felt the glass begin to give way. Instead of pushing the door, all you had to do was pull it open.
If you were around anyone else but yourself and the dead, you probably would’ve blushed. Would’ve taken a peek at your surroundings, perhaps lifted one half of your headset off your ears and tried to listen to see if anyone had heard. But no, you forged ahead, as careless and oblivious as you were engrossed in the present song’s guitar solo.
Should you have bothered to do either, you likely would’ve heard a set of feet sprinting in your direction and seen someone reaching for you in a hurry. Would’ve caught a glimpse of the stranger’s left hand before it clamped over your mouth or the right as it closed around your own on the door handle and yanked it back. The next thing you knew, you were being hauled inside and held tight against someone’s body, all but immobile in their grip and struggling to gasp for air.
Then a breath, hot on your ear as the person pulled you closer:
“Herd. Don’t move.”
You tensed in Daryl’s arms and watched the scene unfold before you. Just outside the store’s boarded windows, a super-sized group of geeks began to descend on the street where you’d just been standing. Seeing them shuffle, stumble, groan, and hiss their way down, you shuddered to think you hadn’t heard them at all—and would have been overrun in a minute if Daryl hadn’t intervened just then.
The man’s hand remained glued to your mouth, sensing you might shriek as you watched the horde grow in size.
Slowly, he backed you away from the door and started looking around.
“Daryl, I—” you began in a whisper, turning around to face him.
Before you could continue, a half-rotted corpse rose from the floor a few feet away and started toward you and Daryl. You fought your first inclination to scream, remembering your current predicament, and opted instead for a frantic, furious wave of your arm as you pointed behind Daryl.
The man leveled his crossbow in a blink and had a bolt lodged in the walker’s skull even faster. You watched the body crumple to the ground, just before another one of its companions came rounding the corner.
This time, Daryl slipped his dagger from the sheath on his belt and in a single, swift maneuver, drove the blade through the walker’s temple. You watched with widened, paralyzed eyes as this one, too, dropped fast to the floor. But when it did, you still couldn’t bring yourself to displace your gaze, for something bizarre had snagged your attention.
“What in the everliving fuck is tha’?” Daryl breathed, eyes stuck to the same sight as yours.
That rank, decayed biter had a pair of nipple clamps fastened to its chest.
Just as your mind raced to furnish the man with an answer, Daryl took a sweeping look around the place and scrunched his nose.
“Is this—”
“Daryl, I can explain—”
You watched the anger flare in his eyes as he turned.
“You got us trapped in a sex shop?” Daryl snarled.
Though neither of you were in a position to speak too far above a whisper with the walkers outside, it was painfully obvious that your partner was yearning to yell in your face. In an instant, he got within an inch of it and stood towering over you, seething between gritted teeth:
“Risked our lives for a fuckin’ vibrator?”
“How was I supposed to know?” you whispered back, gesturing wildly to the window behind you.
Daryl’s fingers curled into fists, and for a second it seemed like one was primed to strike the nearest surface, but he stopped. Unclenched his hands and simply glared down at you.
“Ain’t you a peach,” he muttered, low and slow, “Ain’t you a goddamn useless little peach, huh?”
He took off in the other direction, probably in search of a back exit.
You stood and silently scolded yourself for feeling even the slightest inkling of arousal at the last, sarcasm-soaked insult. What the hell was wrong with you?
You hung back another minute or so and weren’t surprised in the least when you heard Daryl groan out loud, coming to find the back door barricaded all the way to the ceiling.
Taking one, apprehensive look out the window, you observed the herd hadn’t budged. They were moving and milling about, to be sure, but the bulk of them hadn’t wavered from the shop’s front stoop, leaving you and Daryl prisoners within these four walls.
You flinched when one of the walkers bumped its near-fleshless head against the glass. Silently, warily, you backed away and hoped it wouldn’t stray any further.
At length, none of them did.
Nearly an hour had passed before you could tear yourself away from the window, watching each doe-eyed, groaning monster outside like your life depended on it. Then Daryl came staggering back, all but drenched in sweat and slashed every which way down his arms. He’d been prying whatever stuff he could get from the exit, only to find that the door itself had been boarded up and jammed shut. The herd hadn’t stirred.
Daryl had barely been able to look at you when he demanded you start looking—for batteries, rope, whatever the hell you could find in this “depraved place.” You’d gone searching without another word, and the pair of you had been radio silent ever since. Combing over aisles of porn flicks and cock pumps and pretending like this wasn’t the most uncomfortable thing either of you had ever had to do.
When the opportunity to slip somewhere else first presented itself, you took it.
Toward the back of the store, you found a set of changing rooms. All cluttered with boxes and other junk but nevertheless a potential treasure trove for supplies. You eased your way in.
To your relief, there were only two half-rotted walkers making their rounds amongst the wreckage. You knifed them both and went calmly about your business.
And for awhile, it was just that—business. You were ecstatic to find two pairs of boxcutters, a dozen rolls of tape, and more rope than you knew what to do with. You had loaded your arms chock-full of finds, were just about to step outside to show Daryl, when a clothes rack caught your eye.
You turned your head and stopped to take in the sight.
On a single, flimsy hanger at the center of the shelf, there dangled a baby pink lace lingerie set.
You hadn’t seen anything that tantalizing, lithe, and sheer in a long, long time. You were practically drawn to it, feeling your feet shuffle clumsily in its direction and your arms drop every last item they held. Surely, then, you embodied everything a Victoria’s Secret salesman could’ve dreamed—so singularly focused on that stupid piece of clothing that you were literally stepping over dead bodies to get there.
If Daryl could see you then, he’d probably slap you upside the head.
“This ain’t a fashion show, sweetheart, we got the dead beatin’ down our front door!” You could almost hear him now.
Almost. Any hypothetical harangue from your supply run partner and every other pressing concern, it seemed, was lost on you now. All you knew was lace embroidery and plunging necklines, satin fabrics and fuck-me mesh open gussets.
You were clothed in the garment quicker than you could say, ‘Bad idea.’ You did a spin in the mirror.
A thousand dumb ideas danced before your mind’s eye as you placed your hands on your hips, moved your shoulders in sync, gave your ass a little shake. It was ridiculous, but you just hadn’t thought of yourself that way in so long; it was like you were staring at a brand new reflection. Years in a noxious, nightmarish world like the one you currently inhabited would do that. Turn a person into a bloodless stoic, so focused on the means of survival that they couldn’t even say a simple—
“What the fuck?!”
Your heart leapt into your throat when you saw Daryl’s form appear in the corner of the mirror. You quickly covered your tits and turned back to look at him.
“I-I-I’m sorry, Daryl, I—”
“You off yer fuckin’ rocker or sumn’?” Daryl spat, striding right over to you, “We got a whole pack of walkers champin’ at the bit to get us outside, and yer in here playin’ dress up?!”
Daryl clenched his jaw and shoved the clothes rack to the side, sending it tumbling over the two dead walkers with a crash. You hugged your arms to your chest even tighter.
Just when you opened your mouth to speak again, to try and apologize once more, Daryl shoved a thick, angry finger in your face.
“If you go and get yer dumbass devoured by a dildo-wielding geek, tha’s on you. I ain’t fuckin’ comin’ ta save ya no more.”
Damn if the man didn’t have a way with words, even when he was fuming out the ears.
You glanced down and immediately wished you hadn’t. Or had, sooner. Your blue-eyed nemesis was currently sporting the largest hard-on you thought you’d ever seen.
Daryl looked down too and seemed only to grow in his anger, if that were even possible, as it appeared he was infuriated at the sight below him. Enraged with his own erection.
You almost would’ve found this predicament amusing if you weren’t still afraid Daryl might throw you over his shoulder and feed you to the herd outside. Deciding to play it safe, you kept your mouth shut and stood with your hands clasped in front of you. Eyed the outline of his dick only once. Okay, maybe twice.
When your eyes traveled back up to his face in a nervous gaze, you found that Daryl was glaring at you. A hand hovered uncertainly above his belt buckle.
“Fuck it.” You heard him say under his breath before suddenly reaching for you.
Your whole body tensed in his calloused hands as he shoved you toward the door, gripping your wrists behind your back and thrusting you ahead.
You dug your heels into the floor, uselessly, trying to stop your vicious path past the changing rooms and into the store. Your eyes widened as you saw an even larger horde amassed beyond the front door, and for several, fleeting seconds you seriously thought that Daryl might throw you out there.
“Daryl, please,” you wailed, thrashing against him, “I didn’t mean it, I was being stupid—you don’t have to do this!”
At the center of the store, Daryl stopped. Spun you around shortly to face him.
“Don’t feed me to the herd, please, I’m begging you.” Your stomach clenched with fear.
Daryl’s expression shifted almost imperceptibly. If you weren’t so goddamn terrified, you would’ve detected that tiny change was in fact amusement.
“‘M not gon’ feed you to the walkers, girl,” he grunted, all matter-of-fact. Then, just as calmly, “‘M gonna fuck you over this counter.”
It seemed your World War Z nightmare-fantasy had taken a pornographic turn. The meaning of his words hardly registered in your brain before he shuttled you off to the cashier’s counter at the front of the store. Before you knew it, you were lying flat on a cold, glass surface and staring straight out into a sea of undead faces a few yards ahead. You swallowed.
You flinched with another grating sensation, this time at your wrists.
You glanced over your shoulder and saw Daryl binding your hands together behind your back. Where he had obtained the black BDSM rope in the time it had taken him to bring you here was beyond you.
“Not to be a Debbie Downer here or anything, but isn’t this...kind of…dangerous?” you asked, jerking your head in the direction of the walkers outside the window.
“Don’t care.” Daryl pulled the rope even tighter.
“But they can hear us if they’re right outside.”
From your vantage point, it seemed Daryl was ready to yank your hair and pound you senseless. Instead, he smiled. Gave your ass a light pat.
“Then you’d be wise to keep tha’ pretty mouth of yours shut while I’m fuckin’ ya, sunshine.”
Daryl pressed one quick kiss on your shoulder before bounding off in the other direction. You shimmied helplessly against your restraints as you tried to flip yourself over.
“You’re sick, Dixon. You’re a sick son of a bitch, I hope you know that,” you whisper-shouted after him. You doubt he heard you but had a sneaking suspicion he’d already seen the soaked-through spot between your legs to disprove it even if he had. You pressed your head to the counter and cursed your primal instincts for turning your lower half into an uncomely mess every time a man twice your age said something mean to you.
You would’ve liked to have leaned back—or, rather, forward—and said a big ‘fuck you’ to Molly Hatchet as well for getting you into this bind in the first place, were it not for the sound of Daryl’s footsteps returning.
“Listen, I learned my lesson, Dar. If you could just untie me, we would be a lot better off figuring out a way to escape this place than—”
You yelped as something smacked your ass. It wasn’t Daryl’s hand.
“Ouch!” You strained against the rope once more, only succeeding in wiggling your ass before Daryl’s pleasantly occupied eyes.
“C’mon now, it ain’t tha’ bad, honey. Stuff’s meant to feel good,” he chided. Another strike on your ass check punctuated his words.
He was right; it didn’t really hurt. Just felt strange, all bent over and exposed before him like that. You glanced back and saw the crop in his hands, the smug look on his face, and for a second, you did feel a twinge of pleasure as you imagined him doing much more.
You whimpered when he spanked you again—this time, with the flattened palm of his hand.
“Better?” Daryl quipped, grinning.
The second you nodded your head, you heard the sound of the crop clatter to the floor behind you. Daryl swiftly took your ass in both hands and started kneading the skin. Really digging his fingers into the flesh and sending shockwaves trembling all through your body.
“Rick’s the only reason yer here, y’know,” Daryl said behind you. You yelped when he smacked your ass again, and you curled your toes into the linoleum below.
The man rubbed the spot as soon as he’d struck it, palming your skin like it was the softest, smoothest thing he’d ever felt.
“Thinks you’d be an asset.” Another slap on your rear.
“I told him he don’t know wha’ the fuck he’s talkin’ ‘bout. Said you were ‘bout as useful as a one-legged man in an ass-kickin’ contest.”
You fought back a chuckle. That was pretty good.
And when he spanked your ass another time, the sting didn’t hurt as much. You propped your chin on the surface beneath you, pursed your lips, and actually suppressed the threat of a moan.
“I said ya were a liability,” Daryl continued, “Didn’t know no fuckin’ manners neither.”
At that, you were tempted to speak, almost wanting to defend yourself against his baseless accusations. But Daryl stopped that from happening, as he grabbed a fistful of your hair and arched your back up to meet his face, half-standing.
“I think ya need me ta teach ya some manners, how ‘bout tha’?” he growled in your ear.
If the warmth pooling between your legs couldn’t answer for you, you decided words would have to do. You nodded and said, “Uh-huh.”
Daryl threw you back onto the counter and gave your ass another brutal smack.
“‘Uh-huh’ don’t sound too polite to me, sugar,” he said sharply, cruelly. He didn’t soothe your backside with the pulse of his fingers and stood back from you instead.
“Yes...y-yes sir,” you stammered out, legs trembling underneath you.
Your feet were slightly raised, all but standing on tip-toes to keep your body propped up against the counter, and you were suddenly aware that your cunt was plainly exposed. The open gusset in your lacy attire seemed to have spread even further, swelling with the size of your now-engorged folds and probably displaying yourself to Daryl in all the worst ways.
The man groaned behind you.
You sensed some fabric shuffle, the clink of a belt come undone, and finally a tongue—pressed flat against you and licking a stripe up your oozing heat.
You shuddered forward on the tabletop and let out a lewd-sounding squeal. Your eyes widened at the sight ahead of you as you swore you could’ve seen a walker turn their rotted head in your direction outside. Daryl clamped a hand over your mouth.
“Now tha’s— what we’re not gonna do,” he whispered through gritted teeth, “We’re not gonna make one fuckin’ sound so the geeks out there can stay right where they are. Ya hear me?”
Daryl’s hand moved to your throat and pinched it in a vicious grip when you didn’t answer him.
“Ya hear me?”
You managed one strangled ‘Yes sir’ and left your lips parted as Daryl placed a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss on them. He stepped back again.
You heard some other quiet stirrings behind you as Daryl fiddled with something above your back. Frankly, you were already too lust-struck and cum-hungry to care, breathing out in soft, gentle puffs of air as you tried to rein in your reeling mind. You watched the walkers for a minute, tried to ground yourself in the unsavory reality all around you—the precarious position you were currently standing in, as one stray stumble of one of those undead shitheads might veritably mean the end of you and Daryl’s lives as you knew it—and you sighed. Scanned your eyes across the sea of wretched, fleshy heads and wanted to hurl.
At present, Daryl stroked your lower back with the tips of his fingers.
“Y’know, it’s been real tough ta find anything useful here,” he mused aloud, running his touch over your skin and sending a flurry of goosebumps in its path, “Ain’t nothin’ worth keepin’ here, really—‘cept maybe some dirty magazines.”
You internally rolled your eyes. Good for you, Daryl.
Then he lifted his hand and dragged it down a little further, causing you to clench your legs and snag your bottom lip between your teeth.
“But I got curious, see…” Daryl’s forefinger followed the contour of your ass and slid down between your cheeks, traveling lazily ‘til he reached your aching core. He sank that same finger deep between your folds and circled around in your heat, eliciting a strained whimper above as he gathered your juices.
“Daryl—” you whined.
“Don’t interrupt,” Daryl growled, slapping your pussy.
You winced and let out the smallest of moans. Daryl smirked.
“I found some stuff,” he resumed, “Might actually make this little trip worthwhile.”
You panted in your current position, hardly hearing a word he said.
When he lifted something else to your heat, you did quickly sense that his wasn’t any part of his hand, or even his cock. You squirmed in place but didn’t speak.
“Found batteries,” Daryl declared, as though it were the grandest discovery he’d ever made.
“Ya know what batteries are good for, darlin’?” You could almost hear the grin in his voice.
Before you could answer, you felt a fierce pulse at your center. A tremor, a throb, an artificial oscillation.
A vibration.
You moaned.
Daryl twirled the tip of a pink vibrator against your clit and pressed.
So overcome with that raw, potent jolt, you couldn’t help it when you cried, “Fuck, Daryl!”
Daryl didn’t cover your mouth, but he did withdraw the device from your slit for a moment, just to whisper in your ear to shut. the fuck. up. The two of you ogled the swarm of walkers once more and stood in muted suspense. Waiting for one to turn toward the glass.
Not a single set of eyes drifted in your direction.
Bent over you with a buzzing vibrator at your core, Daryl couldn’t deny the rush was...addictive. He pushed the thing a little deeper and smiled when you stifled a moan.
“Ya might’ve been right comin’ all the way out here after all,” Daryl teased, “This shit’s way more fun than suckin’ gas, don’t ya think?”
You buried your face in the glass and wanted to scream when Daryl’s fingers started sliding in and out of your hole.
You were being so good, not making a sound, eyes all but welled up with tears at the pleasure that was coursing through your body. Daryl rubbed your back with his other hand and seemed to be treating you a little gentler now.
“Aw, tha’s my girl,” he said, words ripe with condescension. He traced his palm up the length of your spine and kept fingering you quietly. You barely even noticed that the vibrator was designed to hook inside you, still punishing your clit as it quivered away at the sensitive spot within your walls.
“Who woulda thought all it would take ta shake that disobedience away was a couple’a fingers in yer cunt and a stupid little toy.”
You were far too close to your release to give a shit about his patronizing speech; you bucked your hips against his hand, his front, and gritted your teeth as a tender bubble of pleasure grew deep within your belly. Then, to your surprise, you felt Daryl clasp your fingers while they were still knotted with rope behind you and squeezed them.
“Tha’s a good girl. Cum all over me, make tha’ pussy feel nice f’me, c’mon.”
You followed his command in short order and released all over his hand, humping his fingers and humming through a muffled shriek as you came.
Daryl beamed with pride and hardly had it in him to look away, notwithstanding the growing throng of walkers close ahead of you. He uncurled his fingers, slid them out, and took a nice, long taste of his hand while he watched you writhe underneath him.
“Take it out!” you hissed, thrashing against the vibrator still buzzing within you, “Take it out, take it out, take it out!”
In truth, you’d never felt so fucking good in your life. You surprised yourself when you stood there another couple seconds and came again, clenching repeatedly over the tiny pink toy and groaning into the condensation-dampened glass.
“FUCK!” you screamed, this time with no hint of restraint.
Daryl’s eyes bulged out of his head, and he yanked the thing out of you. Gaze darting to the window in a petrified look.
One walker paused in place and craned its neck with the slowest of motions. It stared blankly at the window before it but didn’t move. Daryl saw its mouth open and close, wheezing something violent, and stared another few seconds before shuffling back to its previous path. Daryl closed his eyes.
“What did I say about—” he started to whisper down to you, but you cut him short,
“We need a safe word or something, Daryl. This is too fuckin’ risky.”
You were right about that. Daryl straightened up and tucked the vibrator in his pocket, before wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.
“Yeah? How ‘bout ‘Walker Bait’?” he muttered, rubbing his face.
Then he was fumbling with the rope around your wrists and loosening it up. His heart was still thudding in his chest, scared half to death with the narrow miss you’d just had, though he didn’t want you to see it. He turned around as soon as you’d gotten free.
“Fine by me,” you grumbled back.
You watched Daryl disappear down a random aisle and felt obliged to cross your arms over your chest, pivoting back to the walkers with a wary gaze.
And, just when you started to wander back into the recesses of your mind, watching the swarm grow thicker and thicker and starting to doubt you’d ever escape this nightmare, you felt Daryl’s hands on you again. Squeezing your hips and turning you to face him.
“Jump,” he ordered.
You did as he said and locked your legs around his waist, welcomed by the familiar feeling of the counter behind you as Daryl pressed your bodies into it. He half-braced you against it, half-held you in his arms as he fingered something small and delicate beneath you.
Your smile widened at the sight of a condom wrapper being torn in two, and grew even bigger when you caught a glimpse of the rubber itself.
It was bright blue and littered with ridges. You laughed.
“The hell is that, Dixon?” you asked, bringing a hand to your mouth to muffle your amusement.
Daryl gingerly dragged the cobalt-colored condom over his length and made a face.
“Ain’t a single damn rubber here for normal people,” he grunted, “This one’s fuckin’ blueberry flavored.”
At the last, neither of you could contain your laughter as you both stared down at the bizarre blue condom stretching over Daryl’s cock. You scooted forward just a little.
“Never a dull moment with you, is there, Dar?” you said as you pushed his chest lightly. Telling him to step back so you could hop down and sink to the floor in front of him.
Daryl sucked in a breath as you took his shaft in your hands. He slapped a hand on the countertop and squeezed when your tongue darted past your lips.
Surely he couldn’t get a fruit-flavored condom and not expect you to give it a taste.
With the base of his cock between your fingers, you licked a long, wide line up his dick and moaned.
“Doesn’t taste much like blueberries,” you hummed, feigning disappointment as you gazed up at Daryl. He gripped the counter even harder and gritted his teeth to suppress a groan.
Regardless of the unsavory artificial flavor, you took the head of his cock between your lips and sucked. Bobbed your head up and down over his length as though trying to get a real mouthful of those so-called berry juices. You found yourself sorely dissatisfied with the taste but more than compensated for this loss in the form of Daryl’s throaty moans above you. It seemed he was letting loose on the restraints to keep quiet and finally gripping your hair, rutting into your mouth.
“Ah, honey, tha’s’it. Tha’s a good little slut,” he panted as he pushed you further down on his cock.
You tried not to gag when he grazed the back of your throat but couldn’t control the reflex. Daryl groaned even louder above you.
In a second, you were plucked off his bright blue boner and taken back into his arms, then shoved on the surface behind you.
“I ain’ fuckin’ waitin’ no more. Ya done achin’ for daddy’s cock?”
You nodded that you were. You readily accepted Daryl’s lips on your own and his tongue pushed deep in your mouth as he showered you with a string of sloppy kisses. Shifted you in his arms almost viciously, frantically, before bringing you down on his cock.
The second you were fully impaled on him, the two of you groaned. You bucked your hips and he rutted his, bouncing you up and down again and again with no time at all to adjust to his size.
All that could be heard in the deserted store was the sounds of your skin slapping against one another, punctuated every now and then with strangled moans and stifled whimpers. You steadied your hands on either one of his shoulders and stared, deeply, in Daryl’s half-hooded eyes. He panted out a breathy sigh as you clenched around him.
“Tha’s right, girl, fuckin’ take it. Take this fuckin’ cock like it’s yours,” he growled.
“It is mine, Daryl,” you bit back, grinding even harder, “Tell me it’s mine.”
Daryl’s jaw seemed to slacken just a bit, evidently aroused by the sound of you talking so dirty to him. In a blink, he was digging his nails in your sides and saying,
“It’s yours, baby. All fuckin’ yours.”
If someone had told you at the start of the day that this was how your dreaded supply run with Daryl would go, you wouldn’t have believed them. As your once-despised partner drilled you even deeper and caught your lips in a frenzied kiss, you still almost couldn’t comprehend it now. You bounced, and you writhed, and you rolled your desperate hips against him, but how in the fuck did this happen?
The moment Daryl dropped his thumb to your clit, you decided you didn’t care.
Your walls hugged him even tighter as he drew loose circles all over your swollen nub, and your head fell back. Daryl held you even tighter.
“Gonna cum again f’me? Gonna cum all over this cock?” he goaded you as your heels dug deep in his lower back.
All you could do was nod again—bring your lazy, fucked-out gaze back to Daryl and murmur in what hardly felt like words to you at all:
“Y-yes, daddy, yes.”
Daryl smiled at the sound of that word on your lips and thrusted his hips even harder, fucking you fast to build the friction on your sensitive, trembling walls.
That, paired with the flick of his thumb on your clit and the narrowing eyes holding you tight to his gaze—wordlessly coaxing you to cum for him now, make daddy proud—sent your senses spiraling into ecstasy. You released all over Daryl’s fat, throbbing cock and gripped him harder than you ever had before.
Before another scream could escape your lips, Daryl yanked you closer for a kiss and attempted to swallow every sound as his own orgasm surged inside him. You felt the man move both hands to your sides, seize them, and all but crush the bones beneath his fingers as he fucked you hard against the counter. He shot his load in the condom and groaned against your mouth.
Two former enemies, fucked out like a couple of crazed fools, stayed glued in place and blinked back at one other like you hardly understood what had just happened. Grinning nonetheless.
As Daryl leaned in for one last kiss, the pair of you froze—something rapped against the window.
The two of you turned and almost swore you could’ve felt your stomachs fall to the floor.
The herd of walkers outside, seemingly doubled in size, now stood at full attention at the storefront. Every undead, rotted head turned straight to face you.
They looked real fucking hungry.
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 4 months
Hermitcraft / Life Series Fic Recs
Because I love so many of them...
I'll split the fics into completed and updating fics, and try to only recommend currently updating fics (i.e., not abandoned). I'm going to write a little about why I like each fic and what the general vibes are - so this is also a kind of review I guess?
I've tried to @ the authors if they have a public tumblr. Sorry to anyone who didn't want to be tagged, I can remove any @ if you ask (or if I have embarrassingly tagged the wrong person). Anyway, enjoy, and I appreciate reblogs because I want as many people to see these fics as possible!!
This ended up being incredibly long so I'm putting a divider here. Click to keep reading!!! Also, fair warning: shipping ahead! Some fics will have mild sexual content, please read the tags if you are unsure <3
Updating Fics
I have already recommended Help Me To Breathe, lost in the dark (he's got a heavy heart), and There Are Monsters Nearby in this post, so I won't explain why I like them a second time, but definitely check them out!!
Death's A Good Gig by @mawofthemagnetar is probably going to be finished by the time this post gets to you, reader, but I'm putting it here anyway. It's short and sweet, one of my favourite representations of Zedaph (or, Zedeath) I've read, and just a joy to experience. If you like grim reapers and discussions of unions, this one is for you. Also I need more Zedaph in my life.
Look, I'm Sorry, Please Stop Scaring Everyone by @cat-in-the-desert reminds me a lot of a particular TV drama I liked when I was younger, which followed a similar premise. This fic follows Mumbo (vampire) and Grian (ghost) as they get up to various housemate shenanigans and meet their local magic-expert and salesman Scar. This fic is fun, but still includes a nice amount of Feelings and hinted-at Angst which I really love. It's lighthearted, but never boring.
It Hurts To Hope by Inquillitory is my favourite of the "Grian crash lands into Hermitcraft and causes problems for everyone" genre. Seeing how many fics there are with that premise, I think that says a lot. It handles Grian's weird Watcher stuff really well. Honestly, I just want to know what happens next!
killing the boy in the tv by @raspberrystruck is like a sickfic on steroids. If you want Grian with so much past trauma he forgets how to function in society, this is basically the fic for you. I really love how hybrid traits affect the characters' interactions in this fic, and how everyone is kind of messed up because of the imbalance Grian brings. It is wonderfully descriptive in all the right places!
Love Me Like I'm Dead by @daniofcrows is such a gem. You know how hard it is to find good Xisuma whump? It's impossible. I absolutely love how Xisuma and Evil X are characterised in this, and I am obsessed with the unique take on hanahaki disease which I have never seen handled in this way before. The balance between flashbacks and present day is maintained wonderfully and I cannot wait to continue reading this one. Wow.
Oh, you wanted me to do a verse? by @bugbbear is... kind of indescribable. It's horror. It's comedy. It's the apocalypse. It's boatem. Scar eats someone. One of the most interesting and unique apocalypse stories I have read. Slowly updating but worth the wait, in my opinion. This one NEEDS more attention.
So Much For Stardust by @a-plethora-of-peters is basically one of my all-time favourites. Which is a damn good achievement seeing as I don't usually read ZITS fics. Like, ever. In this fic, Skizz is a human abducted and hurt badly by aliens, now recovering in the care of good aliens who don't know how 'sentient' he is. Every update of this one makes me smile, it is wonderful. I love how the characters are written and how the different perspectives are shown. It is just great.
Solar Waltz by @raspberrystruck and aroundtheclock is a brilliant and very very sad regression fic. I love fluffy regression fics as much as the next guy, but this one just... hits different. The hurt/comfort levels are off the charts. Grian is so damn cute the whole time, while also being harrowingly complicated and sad. I am so ready for whatever comes next.
Tango's Castle of Cards by @evilrat-sabre is the one where Tango is a BUG. He's just a little guy (horror). This one is so beautifully written, with poetry-type interludes and perspective changes that really make everything feel so much more impactful. Finding out your buddy is a murder bug isn't the easiest thing in the world. I love this so much.
Traveling Thieves {Dark Fantasy AU} (series) by @amethystfairy1 is basically one of the series of all time. I know I keep saying that but it really really is. I love a good fantasy au, and I love an au with hybrids even more. In this world, hybrids are treated like slaves, but it isn't all doom and gloom for the main characters of each installment. There is a lot of hurt/comfort and the different stories feed into each other in really interesting ways. I try to read as much as I can, though I've missed a few because my emails are buggy. Definitely worth reading these fics, especially since now they're all starting to come together!
Completed Fics
Solving Counting Sheep by @theminecraftbee might have rearranged my brain chemistry a little. Another strong contender for 'fics that inspire me to kill Grian', this time with a more concrete notion of "replacement". Three is my favourite fucked up living weapon. It's so rare to find Evo fics in this day and age, too. This fic had me immediately clicking on every update as soon as I got the emails.
Rescue Fire by @imaginethat0327 is one of the most unique takes on a fictionalised life series game that I have ever read. The whole concept is explained in a realistic and easy-to-follow way, as we learn what's happening with the characters. There are several brilliant storylines happening in this one, but my particular favourites are Jimmy & Tango, Joel, and of course Scar & Grian. This fic is full of whump and, well, read the tags, it isn't always pleasant, but those are my favourite things ever. Definitely worth checking out this fic and its currently updating sequel.
don't you know about me? by takenbadgering is a wonderful comedy of errors with just the right amount of angst for a realistic setting type of fic. If you enjoy polyamory miscommunications, rave aesthetics, kandi, school teacher dynamics, and a lovely blend between grumbo, cubscar, and mumscar, this is the one.
Eventually the Birds Must Land by @milo-hypno follows a polyam ship I would have never thought of, and I cannot believe how much I loved it. This married-as-friends fic premise is wonderful, and captures the main trio (Grian, Mumbo, Impulse)'s personalities so well, while balancing them with the incredibly terrifying descriptions of the Watchers and their power. There's a lot of angst here, but it is ultimately hurt/comfort to the maximum degree. I loved reading it as it updated. Yay for gay marriage!
From The Archives (series) by @sixteenth-days was the absolute inspiration for my own Comms AU, and I will never forget its influence on me. As someone basically unfamiliar with TMA, I thought this series might be hard to follow, but it was not! I read all 57 parts in the span of two days, and I think it altered my brain chemistry. Please read it, even if (especially if) you don't know anything about TMA. The Cleo and Grian storyline lives in my head rent free. I mean it. This is horror at its finest. Also there's an audio series of this fic being released rn, which is very cool.
SUPERCRITICAL by @masque-of-plague hits different. It is such a wonderful take on the superhero/HotGuy trope, and it gets so super dark at some points! This one really takes swings at it's fictional government, which of course I love, while at the same time building this brilliantly emotional relationship between Scar and Grian. I do enjoy a bit of enemies to lovers, but the actual plot mixed into the story makes this one extra special. It is thrilling, with action that I don't get to see too often! Great work.
I am weary with contending! is one of the mumscarian fics of all time. From 'this house has people in it'-type horror, to magic gone wrong, to childhood trauma, to attempted assassination, to gender fuckery, this fic has it all. Usually I don't go for convex siblings, but this one is good enough to get a pass from me. Amazingly detailed worldbuilding alongside a brilliantly creative story.
It Spreads by @foxxology may not count as a fic, actually. It's a comic. But it's posted on ao3 so it counts. I was obsessed with this one as it was updating, honestly. It rocked me to my core. The art is phenomenal. The writing is brilliant. I love sculk.
Luck of the sea by Sleepy_Duck is a lovely take on mermaid and human interactions, with Grian as a marine life conservator and Scar as a very neglected mer. This one takes us emotionally in all sorts of directions, and offers lots of hope for the future of the characters. I heavily enjoyed this fic - if you like mermaids and marine biology, check it out.
there are many downsides to being a marine biologist by donnerstag is another mermaid fic but with a pretty different vibe. First of all, it follows what I would consider a rarepair Doc/Martyn. Second of all, reading this as it updated was a thrilling experience that nearly made me cry at certain points. I love how the relationship builds in this fic. It is honestly amazing. The whole idea of experimenting on a sentient sea creature, learning that he can communicate, then losing funding and having to save him from being dissected?!?! It's crazy. I love it.
Thus concludes my fic recommendations. I hope you enjoy at least some of these, and consider reblogging to spread these wonderful fics around <3
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cigarett3wif3 · 5 days
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Rockstar Leon S. Kennedy x model reader | AO3 18+ MDNI. smut, female reader, drugs and alcohol addiction implied, Leon is scumbag i guess, blowjob, use of coke, deepthroat i guess, dirty talk. tags: @ivmp words: 2,934
notes: so.... dont do drugs/alcohol and idk i feel like i need to clarify, some stuff here i heard in real life directly from insufferable men, so don't interract with such kind of people for ur own good.
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Leon loves ladies, he was always the kind of man who loved every woman, if she was attractive enough to his taste of course. Also, he considered himself a nice guy, but a lot of girls didn’t get him. It got a lot worse when he cheated on his ex-girlfriend, after that nasty breakup and a slap he received, it felt like she had put a curse on him. Maybe he is cursed, it would explain why his attempts to form established relationships always failed. At least the passion for music was always with him, no matter how hard it was for him and it has helped indeed him in many areas; gaining more ego and becoming finally a rockstar, which certainly has helped him find lovers to warm his bed.
In his mind, he has already created his own list of preferences, models were always a big ‘no’ cause pretty dolls in the majority were the most annoying ones in his honest and ‘humble’ opinion. A lot of them are anorectic, and Leon doesn’t need a girl whose only hard thing in her mouth would have been his dick. Also, pretty women are usually really intimidating and have high standards, he doesn’t want to risk a possible denial. Cool guys don’t get hurt.
But that list didn’t help him at all, it didn’t prevent him from getting involved with you so quickly. A model and you looked sick for his tastes, dark circles under your eyes and lack of any vivid light in them too. He put two and two together, probably you did often drugs and he didn’t know which ones, he never asked. Your first appearance was at one of the events where his band performed and you were bored to death, gaze leaped around the surroundings, trying to find something more interesting to linger on than whatever this place is. Your pupils were dilated as hell and your jaw was tensed, making those useless movements and biting inside of your cheeks. He didn’t give much thought and he was drunk already while your fingertips were tracing his jaw and a sparkle in your eyes was enough for him. And after all, you agreed to come with him. His expectations weren’t high, another quick one-night stand he would forget about, but after stepping into his apartment you got sick. Vomiting in his toilet until it became quiet and he decided to check, after all, he is a good guy, really. And he doesn’t need a corpse in his flat. Pulling your hair to tilt your face towards him and witness your exhausted expression; your lips parted with saliva glistening on them and circles under your half-lidded eyes got more evident and darker. All this combined led to him having the hardest boner he has ever had.
Your presence in his life only gave him a boner and a headache, also an urge to strangle and shake you like a doll, but he never had enough strength to leave you behind and forget everything related to you. He tried, his mind would fill with thoughts about you, leading to jerk off a lot when he is sober and not recording music. His drunk ass would always crawl back to you, after feeling your eyes on him everywhere even when he was smoking out of a bar. Those billboards with your face, promoting some products and looking ethereal, without sickness all over your face, feeling your gaze as if it was only directed towards him. Those photos were the reasons his legs always lead him to your place, finding you already hammered as much as he is, if not worse, more than happy to let him spill his load in your mouth or pussy. After all, Leon is a simple man, not a romantic one, romanticism has died within him after that ‘undeserved’ slap.
Needles were a big ‘no’ for you, explaining they can leave marks and they are scary, also those are used by drug-addicted people which you believed you aren’t. After all, you like them thanks to your dear and generous friend who shares them with you. While Leon was an old-fashioned man, he has always preferred booze, even after finding himself in weird situations without any memories, only with pain pulsing in his head and hangover. You didn’t understand that at all, it has never brought you any good sensations, also alcohol has a distinct smell you have always hated and there is nothing sexy about it. That’s why Leon was always simple in your eyes, a rockstar with little to no existent layers in his personality; one hand with the bottle and the other one on his dick. In the end, both can destroy many lives.
Of course, whatever you both had going on gave you the possibility to visit his concerts without spending a penny. Leon has never asked if you like his music though, but still, he believes it is good, after all, there wouldn’t be a big female fanbase over anything? So there was never a thought behind his eyes to consider your tastes. Besides, you didn’t attend often, always brushing off your runway shows to which he was never invited. Not like he needed to be there, but still it made him feel a little bit bitter. Other reasons were similar to ‘I don’t want to’ and if to be honest, this isn’t a valid reason for his calls to be ignored.
This time you didn’t have other options, nor Leon would let you skip his performance. Soon understanding it was a mistake, you shouldn’t be here, cause during the entire concert his attention was drifting in between his music and you, trying to find you among many women. Every time he notices you not listening to the sound the instruments create, it fills him with bitterness and annoyance. Time passed slowly, finally finishing performance and emptying his flask quickly. He was tempted to leave you alone, to not give any warning, and get another girl from the crowd, but also this would be risky for a lot of reasons; first, he doesn’t have any condoms, and second, groupies are annoying and he doesn’t want to deal with them for a quick fuck today. The only solution he came across was to leave this place earlier and push you into his car.
The ride is okay, the only noise is some music coming from the car stereo. He twitched a little bit with the switch before, but he didn’t really listen to whatever was on until he recognized his own song. A nice touch. “Your music sucks” you say, breaking the silence which was only filled with his voice coming from the radio. This is new for you, music is his job, and what does a model know about it? His face turns to look at you for a brief moment, he is driving and he doesn’t want to get himself killed cause of you. “It doesn’t.” Leon protests quickly, but your voice interrupts him again, making him groan and want to stop the car. To strangle you. People love him! His groupies would be green with envy if they ever got to know about you. “It does” you say, resting your chin on the palm of your hand and looking through the window before rolling it down and letting fresh air coming in. The wind noise is ear beating, enough to give him a headache, nor does it help with his mood right now. Bashing noise to his ears, but you don’t care. Your voice fills the room, too bad it is loud enough to catch on and it is not mixed with the sound of the wind. The road is dark, and it is already hard to drive after consuming alcohol, but your voice makes this worse. “Your music never changes, mundane, same melody. Boring even, and generic. I don’t like it”
Then you stay silent, Leon’s mind is buzzing with only two thoughts in it: what a bitch you are, how he wants to shut you up with his dick and he needs to calm down, to let off steam. That’s three or four though. Math wasn’t his forte.
He pulled over his car, almost stumbling over from it as the chilly night breeze hit his face, filling his lungs. Refreshing and sobering in some way. It is dark, he didn’t even notice how he moved to your side and opened the door, looking down at your face with a blank stare, while his slow mind keeps processing your words. You shift on the seat of the car to face him with a raised eyebrow, looking so annoyed and confused by his attitude. Leon isn’t sure why he was hurt by your words, but this look was not new for him; every time a sentence would leave his mouth, your face would express an annoyance as if he just said the dumbest thing possible. You are probably just trying to mess with him and this always made him hornier, his cock would start stiffening in his jeans and even this isn’t an exception, like one of Pavlov’s dogs he is. Or this is just alcohol talking.
The inside of the car enlightens your features and it is maybe the only thing so bright in such a dark spot right now of the road. His index finger brushes over your lower lip, tracing the contour of soft flesh beneath his thickened skin after years of playing guitar. He can’t help but stare at your mouth, admiring the lipstick on it, looking clean and emphasizing the shape of your lips. Too bad his digit smeared the color a little bit over the form. You don’t notice that thank God, cause he doesn’t need another comment from you. Silence makes you much prettier. Your hand reaches for his thigh, brushing over the inner part and the annoyance in your gaze quickly changes to interest as it slowly travels down to the bulge which started to form already. Leon doesn’t know what magic you use on him, cause it is much easier to get even half-hard dick with you, while the majority of girls would waste his time and then cry about not being able to turn him on. He blamed this trouble on them, not on his best friend (booze). To not waste much time, you tuck out his cock from his pants.
Your fingers envelop his half-hard length, before stroking, spitting a mouthful of your saliva down on it. Spreading over the hardened skin with a quick and easy motion of your hand, your touch lingers on the spot below its tip which makes him groan lowly. His fingers tangle in your strands, pulling your face closer to his cock as a silent plea to sink your mouth down around him.
“Don’t play, come on,” Leon says, not noticing how his voice got hoarse. “Give it a kiss, doll” In the past, you would be annoyed at his words, but tonight you don’t mind, enjoying how pretty he is when he wants to shove his dick down your throat. Your lips press against his tip and kiss around it, teasing him and licking away precum, finally bobbing your head down. The warm and wet heat of your mouth envelops his cock, your tongue flicks along the shaft. Leon can feel himself getting harder and his hips buck back in response, letting quiet groans. But the bliss didn’t last a lot, you pop out his cock and slap it against your tongue, rubbing against your lips while keeping eye contact with his eyes. The sight is dirty, lipstick leaves its color on his wet and throbbing dick, intensifying the moment.
Until he noticed there was something under your silver sequin top, that caught his gaze only now. But also he doesn’t know what it may be, wondering silently and fixating on your chest. Or he is just seeing things, until your hand slightly lowers the edge of fabric to take the bag with white powder, satisfying his curiosity. The timing made him frown, almost convincing himself you could read his mind. But also, what should he have expected? Boobs would be nice, actually.
He isn’t going to deny a pleasure to see them. That’s why his hands reach for the edge of the fabric, pulling down to expose your breasts, nipples get harder at the contact with the cold air of the night. His fingers knead soft flesh, thumb and index pinch nipples to evoke your moans out, observing your face change even for a brief moment because of him until you slap away his hands. It was nice while it lasted. He watches how you make a thin white line on his cock, almost dripping some on your skirt, and letting a curse fall from your lips. If to be honest, this is his first time seeing you doing drugs in front of him. Also, there are too many ways to consume Coke, he heard about how some women shove it in their vagina, but he isn’t sure if this is true. You lean down and snort it away with an ‘ah’ leaving your lips, while rubbing your nose and blinking messily, trying to shake off some tears forming on your waterline. He was tempted to try, but you don’t share.
“Fuck, that was hot” Leon comments, letting a low whistle. Your hand pumps his cock in a steady rhythm.
The little pause was over, with a giggle and lightened expression on your face, coke does wonders. Your mouth starts giving kisses, before sucking on the tip more eagerly than before, and your tongue swirls in a circular motion around it. For a brief moment, you shift to the underside too by flicking over that sensitive spot, making his hips buck, pushing your head deeper to sink you down along the length. You can feel more saliva pooling in your mouth, slobbering over his cock now, and spit drips down onto his balls. The Coke has its visible influence now, dilated pupils are directed into his blue eyes, keeping eye contact. He knows that state of yours, being happy and confident to do anything, clinging and not letting him go away until powder’s effects don’t start to weaken. Your heart is beating loudly in your ears, not hearing those loud suction noises your mouth does which he adores. Leon’s fingers tighten his grip on your hair, tugging and pushing your head deeper, his tip kissing your throat and he groans, while your nose rubs against his happy trail. Your jaw is more relaxed, taking him deeply and you try to swallow the excess of saliva and his precum, so your throat tightens around his cock, he can feel you choking on his now twitching arousal. It is useless, you can feel saliva dripping not only on his sac now, but also from the corners of your mouth down to your collarbone. Leon pulls your head away before slamming with quick motion his hips against your face again. His cock is slick with your saliva, sloppily moving out and back into your mouth, constant stimulation of your tongue flicking against his head and at the base made his balls tighten signaling that his orgasm is approaching. Initially, his own moans are breathless, slowly starting to increase in volume, as he took more control in his own hands. His movements are erratic, the sight of your teary expensive mascara and lipstick ruined by him and leaving marks on his cock is one of many reasons to be alive, he thinks.
“Do you see yourself right now, huh?” He moans, shaking his head with disbelief, as you keep sucking him off sloppily, making more wet sounds that intensify and fill the air between you both. His voice is at the edge of quiet whine, needy moans reach your ears. “Yeah, that’s it, all you have to do is let my cock just slide in and out of your pretty mouth, doll”
He slams his hips for the last time burying his cock deep into your throat, the head grinds before twitching for a last time spurting out a load of cum. His fingers grip tighter, almost painfully, not letting you pull away and spit it out, swallowing the bitterness that fills your senses, making you gag more. The booze diet isn’t the best one. He lets you pull away, your tongue for the last time brushed his tip and he stands still, his breathing is unsteady and chaotic, while you wipe away the remaining saliva from your skin.
“So….” Leon interrupts the silence between them, he is speaking without giving too much thought, and he quickly pauses for a second, trying to organize a decent sentence. “What about… something formal? Between us I mean” Your eyes don’t even linger on his face after his question, the so-known-annoyance returns to your face and you pull down the sun visor to fix your makeup. “Ew, no” your voice expresses disgust at the thought of being more than just a quick hookup, you roll your eyes as your thumb cleans the smear of your lipstick. Your nose twitches still, even if the effect of the drug starts to lessen. “I don’t like you like that” “It was a joke,” he brushes off quickly, feeling his own body recovering from orgasm and wanting to get away from you, so the bitterness and disappointment would not irk him so much. “For God’s sake, smile at least.”
Story of his life, nothing new.
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judasofsuburbia · 1 year
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So you’re looking to write some smut but feeling stuck, uninspired, or unsure where to start. Smut writing comes easily to some and not others, and that’s okay! Here are some tips I’ve gathered over my few years of writing smut to take with a grain of salt! It's my opinion; you can always do what you want!! <333
It’s fiction writing at the end of the day. So, it’s okay if you haven’t experienced what you’re writing about or maybe you have experienced it but you find it difficult to put it into words. I’ve never fought a creature from the Upside Down but I’ve written about it because that’s what fiction writing IS!! You’re creating a story from your own experiences/thoughts/emotions and applying it to a made-up scenario. So don’t feel discouraged by your own personal journey, anyone can write smut!!
When in doubt, plan it out. When I’m really stuck, just simply grabbing a piece of notebook paper and writing out each event in a sequence, even in the most basic terms, can make things so much easier. For example: making out, blow job, hand job, prep, fuck. Write down positions (sometimes limbs can get lost in the sauce and it is so hard to figure out how they’re actually doing it lmao). Write down settings. Write down if one person is leading it more than the other or if they switch off. Write down desperation levels (personally, I think it’s more fun when desperation is very high but casual fluffy smut is fun too!!) This will help the writing process feel a lot less daunting. 
More specifically, remember that prep is important. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been taken out of a smutty fic because they get to the main act (penetration, typically) way before someone should be ready to. Fingers, mouths, and lube (actual lube or something that can be safely used as lube. Blood is not lube. Blood is not lube as it is a liquid that dries quickly and offers no moisture so it will not help you penetrate anything, as hot as it would be.) Foreplay and prep can be a really good tool to establish a sexy dynamic between your characters and get the reader ramped up to read through to the end! 
If you feel like the action part is getting too technical, this is where you can add in thoughts and emotions that will give your smut some personality. It can feel very silly to write, for instance, your character A thinking “Wow character B is so hot” but it’s a thought that would probably cross their mind!! Write out any nerves the characters are feeling or maybe even the confidence they’re feeling. Write out what sensations they pay attention to. Write out what they like and dislike. Write out what actions cause an immediate response from them (moaning, bucking their hips, groaning, eyes rolling, etc.) Write out how your character would verbally respond (Are they dirty talking? Are they praising? Are they degrading? Are they stuttering through their words? Are they incoherent because the sex is so good?) It’s important that your characters still feel natural and not like sex robots. Unless your story is about sex robots, then go off!!!
The thesaurus is your fucking FRIEND!! Smut can feel ridiculously repetitive, especially if you’ve written it before. I say every time I write a blow job scene that “god blow job scene is blow job scene is blow job scene” because that’s how it FEELS! Use your resources like the thesaurus or there are a million posts with other ways to say “said”, ways to describe a kiss, etc. Just be careful that you don’t fall into using words that seem unnatural to the flow of the story (for example, a lot of synonyms for cock are simply…unsettling and can take your reader out of the story). Find ways to creatively tell the same action again and again which leads to tip #5…
Go read some smut. The tag “porn what plot” is so unbelievably helpful. Even if the writing isn’t exactly your style or your preference, sometimes reading someone else’s descriptions of sexual acts can be helpful if you’re lost! I have a few faves that I go back to read to get inspiration and I have notes about what it is specifically I enjoyed about their work. While you’re at it, if a fic inspires you and you feel comfortable doing so, leave a comment! It’ll make the author’s day, I promise. 
TAKE THIS TIP WITH AN ABSOLUTE GRAIN OF SALT but…go watch it. Or my personal preference, go listen to it. If I’m really lost, I’ll seek out audio porn that follows the same ~vibe~ of whatever I’m writing. There are many websites for this but Soundgasm is my go-to (it’s a free upload site so there are THOUSANDS of sounds and varying quality levels so it might take a second to find what you’re looking for)! Even a sexy playlist on Spotify can put you into a good headspace for writing. Just make sure you’re being safe and looking out for your own comfort levels. Never put yourself in a situation to experience something triggering for the sake of writing a good story. 
All of this to say, it is so different to write smut than it is to write a regular plot. It can feel incredibly daunting to go about it and find the perfect balance between technical actions and thoughts/feelings/dialogue and then make it all cohesive in the end. It’s hard to do but it’s not impossible! 
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atimeofyourlife · 10 months
A group thing?
written for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt: no upside down au | rated: t | wc: 944 | tags: no upside down au, pre-steddie, steve x corroded coffin Steve gets a job in a record store in Chicago, and a familiar group of guys come in looking for a place for their band to play. Who knows where it could go
Getting out of Hawkins was the best thing that had ever happened to Steve. The plan had been cemented between him and Robin when they started working at Family Video after the freak fire at Starcourt, the result of an electrical fault caused by the cut corners and corrupt construction. They were both going to work as many hours as possible at Family Video, so they could save up ready to move away after Robin graduated high school, with Steve planning to follow her to wherever she went to college.
The plan led them to Chicago, with Robin getting accepted to study linguistics at the University of Chicago. They found a small, relatively affordable two bed apartment, and did everything they could to make it theirs. While Robin worked on her degree, Steve found work at an independent record store. Even though it was still retail, he found it much better than working at Family Video and Scoops Ahoy had been. There was no uniform, the manager was pretty chill, and employees could choose anything from stock to play over the store's sound system. Steve did tend to play a lot of Queen when it was his turn to pick, but he was learning a lot about other genres from his coworkers' tastes in music.
But Steve's favorite part of the job was the live music. There was a small stage area that local bands could book and come in and play for free, in a chance to get more experience playing. Some of them weren't the best, but some of them were amazing. It was something that made it feel less like work. Some bands were pretty regular, and Steve was starting to form a real friendship with some of them.
"Hi, how can I help?" Steve asked as he came back to the counter from the stock room where he'd been processing a delivery with his coworker. There were a group of guys all waiting around, so he assumed that they were a band wanting to get a play spot. There was something familiar about them, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what.
"Er, hi. We've just moved to the area, and a buddy of ours told us you let bands play here for free." The guy at the front with long hair said, seeming to be the leader.
"Yeah, we do that. Just give me a moment." Steve ducked down to grab the folder from under the counter. "So the boss is the one who makes the final decisions on all the bands, so I'll just need to take your details, and she'll call you back to arrange everything. And I can give you the information sheet with everything you need to know."
The band took the sheet, and murmured a little amongst themselves.
"Okay, so if I can start with the band name?" Steve asked, pulling out a sign up sheet.
"Corroded Coffin." One of them replied.
Steve wrote it down, and tried to make conversation as he did. "You said you guys just moved here? Where'd you come from?"
"This shitty, small town in Indiana. You've probably never heard of it."
"Uh huh. And a phone number we can contact you on?"
The number got rattled off for Steve to note down.
"That sounds a lot like where I'm from. You wouldn't be from Hawkins, would you?"
"Yeah, we are."
"I thought you guys seemed familiar. We probably went to high school together." Steve said. "And your names?"
Each said their names as Steve wrote them down. The last one, who had seemed to be the leader, "Eddie Munson."
Steve looked down at the sheet, before looking up at Eddie. "You used to sell, right? At a picnic bench in the woods behind the school."
"You used to buy? Then do we get your name, big boy." Eddie asked, leaning on the counter.
"Steve. Harrington." Steve replied, watching hesitantly as they all seemed surprised.
"King Steve, what brings you to working in a place like this?"
"Trying to make rent. My parents cut me off after I graduated, and I'm pretty sure it would be a total disownment if they knew half the shit I got up to now. So me and my best friend moved up here after she graduated. She's in college and I'm making sure we can afford our shitty two bedroom apartment."
"Now I want to know what you get up to." One of the others said, Steve was pretty sure he'd said his name was Gareth.
"Let's just say I know what the bandanna in Munson's back pocket stands for." Steve winked as he said it, and couldn't help laughing as they all spluttered slightly. "I've got all the information I need, and I'll make sure to put in a good word with the boss for you."
Steve was working when Corroded Coffin were playing at the store for the first time. He was on hand to help them get set up and make sure everything went smoothly.
"I think that's everything, you guys can start playing when you're ready, and I'll let you know when your time is nearly up. Do you need anything else?"
"How about a kiss for good luck?" Eddie asked.
Steve smiled before pulling Eddie in by the shirt and kissing him deeply.
"Hey, what about the rest of us?" Gareth called from behind his drum kit.
Steve just shrugged, before going around and kissing each of them softly on the lips.
He made his way back behind the counter, looking forward to what could come between him and the band. Friendship, or maybe even something more.
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stealingyourbones · 3 months
Question! I have been getting into DC comics cuz of dpxdc, and I saw your tags on frank Miller on a recent post. One of my irl friends told me to read the dark knight returns and while it was occasionally hard to follow I assumed that was a result of when it was written rather than who wrote it? But I did overall enjoy it.
I guess what I'm asking is why you say frank Miller is a bad writer when it seems like the dark knight returns was so acclaimed?
(I saw the nazi thing too but that's something I can google so while it's news to me it's not my main question)
ok so. A lot of this is my personal opinion and I'm not too equipped to say shit about this because I'm not very political but I'm going to give it my best shot. Put under a cut so folks who don't want to hear about comic ranting can simply scroll past
I’m just gonna write a quick thing for the Nazi stuff, He isn't exactly a Nazi but boy oh boY does he set off many warning flags. Frank Miller is also the writer of the comic 300, if that sounds familiar that's because the movie you're probably thinking of is indeed based off these comics. The Spartan's ideology helped create the baselines of Fascism. Fascism is a pretty leading cause of commentary in Frank Millers work. In Batman: The Dark Knight he is a fascist. In Hard Boiled there's swastikas in the background every so often. (I even went back to reread it just to make sure and yep. they definitely were there) In 300 there's a shitton of Fascism... I could go on but still. His comics are incredibly gorey, have a discussion about a world gone wrong that can only be changed using force and weaponry (the whole Dark Knight "I am a surgeon" monologue for example), and the fact that he has Fascism as the main point of nearly all of the comics he's written... it doesn't sit right with me and it's a consistent pattern.
Now, onto the bad writing. I must firstly preface that these are my own opinions and that I didn't grow up reading Frank Miller's work. I think he was a good writer but isn't one anymore. His writing did incredible things for DC and you can see his influence in Batman even today. Works I've read and enjoyed of his are: Daredevil, Batman Year One, and Dark Knight. Nowadays you'll see many folks like myself talk about how Frank Miller has fallen off the deep end. A vast majority of Frank Miller's comics have reoccurring themes: politics, fascism, extreme violence, and so so much weaponry. Politics is in every comic book. There is no unpolitical comic, there ARE comics that are batshit wild with their politics and that's what I'm talking about. I'll get back to this later. He wrote many good comics, ones that first come to mind are Daredevil , Wolverine, Batman: Dark Knight, Batman: Year One, Sin City, Ronin, and 300. All of these comics are still credited by folks as amazing comics and hell, I recommend folks to read them go and check them out. Then 9/11 happened. That along with rampant alcoholism. Those reoccurring themes I mentioned? They become exponentially more blatant in his works. Especially on the political angle. You can see the difference between his works from pre and post 9/11. If you read Dark Knight and Dark Knight 2 back to back. It's night and day. He even made a comic during the post 9/11 panic called Holy Terror. The comic's title was originally pitched as Holy Terror, Batman! with the Gotham hero himself as the main character but it swiftly denied by DC, denied being published by DC, and changed to what it is now. The basic plot of this comic: A Vigilante named The Fixer fights Al-Qaeda after attacking Empire City. He doesn't even mention the word Al-Qaeda until 80 pages into a 150 page comic. The comic is some INCREDIBLY blatant post 9/11 propaganda that's ridiculously Islamophobic and anti-muslim. That isn't even my opinion, Frank Miller has said that's what this comic was. It is scattered with a ridiculous amount of hate speech written by a hate fueled man in 2007. Now onto comics that you'd more likely read. All Star Batman and Robin (2005). Oh boy. Let's compare shall we? Batman Dark Knight Returns (1986)
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All Star Batman & Robin, The Boy Wonder #1 (2005)
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mind you this is as Dick is being driven to GCPD for questioning RIGHT AFTER HIS PARENTS DIED. He gets kidnapped by Bruce out of the police car. Not calmed in his arms after the murder and brought to the manor. Kidnapped. All Star Batman & Robin, The Boy Wonder #2 (2005)
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( a brief intermission of this sickass pose of a shirtless Alfred Pennyworth comforting Vicky Vale)
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now back to the kidnapping:
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[Skipping Bruce getting chased by the GCPD, Jumping the Batmobile ONTOP of a GCPD car, and laughing and talking to his car all the while Dick is absolutely terrified. They then use boosters that propel the Batmobile into the sky.]
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Smashcut to #4 where they actually enter the Batcave.
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I don't even think I need to explain myself. This is Spider-Man: One More Day levels of mischaracterization. Like seriously. Bruce kidnapping Dick after his parents were killed? Calling him a retard and hitting him during the aftermath (we can go on about how in 2005, the r slur was used commonly but this was just out of pocket), Leaving him in the cold batcave and told to eat rats? Frank Miller used to write some incredible works. Nowadays his writing is as decent as Rob Liefeld's art.
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inactiveobeymeblog · 5 months
Could I request the brothers + side characters reaction when mc turns into a goose? I was thinking something like mc turned into a goose due to Solomon messing up again, and they act like the goose from Untitled Goose Game, but cuddlier. Like they are still a little menace, but also want to be pet and cuddled.
If you don’t want to do this request I completely understand as it is a bit odd. I hope you have a great day/night!
A/N: Sorry that I’m so late!! I was just caught up in a lot of things and forgot this was in my drafts oof. I also changed a few things up just to be a little silly (and also bc I didn’t want to write the personality of duck MC here). Anyway, I decided to divide this into two parts; one for the brothers and the other for the side characters. Enjoy!
The Brother’s Reactions to Duck!MC
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor
Rating: SFW, fluff
Warnings: GN!MC, no pronouns used for MC, no gender specified for MC, interactions based on the brothers (not MC), personality not specified for MC
Tags: Fluff, the brothers love duck!MC, cuddling, preening, etc.
Part I (This Is Where You Currently Are), Part II (Coming Soon!)
How the hell did this happen?
“Will you stop taking my things, please? You’re making my life even more difficult than it is already.”
At first, he’d have fun with it, teasing you by picking you up randomly when in private
Even going so far as to sit in his lap while he pets you
But then he’d look for a way to fix it
And eventually he does, much to everyone’s protests
He’ll miss the times when he sets you in his lap and feeds you your favourites, but if you can be more helpful to him in your human form, he’d prefer that
He’d like to see your face instead of that of a duck
Oh lord
Is he ever about to get in trouble
He’s no doubt teaming up with you to steal money
I mean
A duck?
In the Devildom?
Now THAT is about to attract a lot of money
He’d probably set up an attraction where lots of demons and demon-kin alike get to meet and pet a real goose
I feel like at the end of it all, even if Mammon did get a lot of money, you’d be exhausted
Because you already know you were out there for hours getting pet by so many
You need to recharge a bit
And that includes a lot of pets from Mammon
And a lot of cuddles
You know he’s going to be so happy to oblige
Unlike Mammon, he’s not going outside of the house
So you don’t have to worry about that
He’ll set you in his lap while he’s playing video games and he’ll let you time to time between bosses
Hell, he’ll even give you a controller to play with him if he’s feeling extra bored
And it baffles him how you win every time
Because a duck? Beating him? That’s impossible!
But he loves it
He’d lose to you again and again if it meant holding you in his lap like this
Team Prank Lucifer: Duck Addition
No but seriously, he’s getting into mischievous trouble with you in tow
He’d probably start by making cursed illusions of you but they all have different personalities
For instance, one could be kind and gentle while another could blow up the house
But while your illusions are causing havoc, the real you is resting in his lap as he reads a good book
He’s running his fingers through your goose feathers, practically preening you
He finds it relaxing how he can just pet you and sit back
If he’s honest, he hasn’t been reading his book for the past half an hour
He’s too busy adoring the way you shake your feathers in response to his pets
He finds you irresistibly adorable
You already know he’s going to put you in cute little outfits
Doesn’t matter how much you hiss at him, he’ll find a way to put some sort of sweater on you
Once he does, he squeals and gets out his phone, taking a selfie with your very-not-amused-goose-face
This is not the first outfit he’s putting you in though, he’s putting you in sparkling pink and blue dresses and cute little tuxedos
He’s also putting some big, fluff coats on you
You’re not getting out of his sight no matter how hard you try
You just have to hope he gets bored
But let’s be honest here
That’s not happening
Beel is pretty chill when he sees you all snuggled up beside his pillow, minding your own business
At first, he didn’t know it was you so he just kinda left you alone, thinking that you were another one of his brother’s crazy pets
Only when you had followed him out to the kitchen did he start to catch on
And once he does know it’s you, he’s carrying you everywhere with him
To the kitchen, the common room, the gym, RAD, or even the Demon Lord’s Castle
It doesn’t matter
As long as you’re in his arms, he’s happy
And if you want, he’d give you a few snacks as well
He doesn’t mind
And honestly? He’d get a bit sad when you return to normal
He got used to carrying you around :(
You can get he’s not moving unless he has to
So you’re his napping buddy until he’s forced to get up
He’d hold you in his arms and cuddling you as he sleep talks
Sometimes, if you’re lucky, you can escape his grasp and sit on either his back or his stomach
When he wakes up, he’s so confused bc his sleepy brain is thinking-
“Why is there a duck on me?”
And then he remembers that it’s you and he bundles you up in his arms again
He looks away when your duck wings flap in his face but he starts petting you when you settle
He’ll stay awake to pet you despite the pull of his sin that makes his eyes flutter closed every now and then
But he enjoys it
And when you return to normal, he’s in your arms fast asleep
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affableramen · 5 months
Very h*rny headcanons on Genshin chars Prt 2
Tags: 18+ pleeeeease, reader gender not specified, (well, only in the end abt pregnancy)
Chars: Dr. Snek 🐍
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• Baizhu can’t take you rough. He just can’t. You need to assist him in that. In fact, he loves when you guide him, wrapping your legs around his waist and teasingly rubbing your crotch against his. You love seeing him lose control, but to get there you gotta put lots, lots of effort. Baizhu won’t take you roughly until he is filled with horniness to the brim. He needs to be extra hot in order to fulfill this naughty wish of yours. To help him out and encourage him, you might rub him from behind while he sits at his desk, or you might go to the length of sucking him beneath it. Baizhu is quite sensitive to oral, so if you want him to really punish you, start from making a mess out of him instead. You will get what you deserve.
• Doctor likes to be ridden. Missionary is his number one, but oh, archons— the way your hips grind against him drives him insane. He can experience dry orgasm just by you humping him, and both of you will be satisfied.
• He is very embarrassed by this little whim of his, however he likes when you hand him during work. He makes sure Qiqi doesn’t guess a thing. But the way you’d hide beneath his desk and “play” with his pantysnake brings him so much satisfaction that his face goes red. He will probably never let you know, but he dreams of being touched by you during his working hours even if it is so inappropriate. Well, rules are made to be broken.
• Unlike Pantalone who doesn’t trust anyone to the fullest, even his s/o, Baizhu is ready to shift control into your hands. He adores to be taken by you, cause he knows you will impress his ass. He will guide and comment but mostly what you’ll hear from him are soft sighs, quiet whimpers and lots of “…Yes, right there… you’re so good at this.”
• Sometimes Baizhu has an “evil” side and something about you makes him tick. Naturally, he is in for kinky stuff. He will quietly chuckle “…Let it be a secret, darling. Don’t ruin my masterpiece” while he is tying you up thoroughly. He goes to his cupboard and grabs a bottle of finest warming lube, to provide you with unforgettable 40 minutes fingering / handjob, edging and keeping you in place as you squirm and cream. And when you say “What about you? I want to please you too”, he will tell you he already had three dry orgasms but never showed you.
• Baizhu is a silent moaner but mostly because he doesn’t want Qiqi or herbalist Gui to witness your personal bed fights. Sometimes not sure if he enjoyed it you will ask him whether or not he is satisfied with whichever you were doing. He will caress your cheek in deep surprise and reply “Of course I did! How could I not?”
• He loves quickies. He is a busy man so quick fuck is a life-saver. But even a quick orgasm becomes very pleasurable in the hands of this pharmacist. He is just too good for this world.
• Aphrodisiac !? - Baizhu prefers to not use this, however moods are fluctuating. You don’t mind a bit and he is happy to serve. One day he was too exhausted and mistook the capacity, so it became so stimulating to him he freaked out seeing himself overflowing with come. You were delighted, though!You lost count how many times he shot that day. And it was one of rare moments when he was actually loud. The next morning after a very passionate long-lasting night, to tell the truth, both of you could barely feel your legs and Baizhu was so clumsy he couldn’t find his eyeglasses.
• Protection! Everywhere and always. Baizhu likes taking precautions and not only it is hygienic and cleaner, he doesn’t want you to worry over pregnancy. After both of you haven’t seen each other due to business at work and Baizhu certainly wanted to pump every last drop for you to see how he wanted you, you can witness used condoms all over the room as evidence of your longing.
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apollothesunrat · 3 months
I'm back with more PJO/Riordanverse headcanons! Some of these are also just ways I would have done things after seeing then in new perspectives. This'll probably be a long post so I'll put this all under the cut.
Imma start with the headcanons!
Malcolm and Jake were actually dating for a while but only told everyone after Nico and Will both came out.
Adding on to my Genderfluid Percy headcanon from before, Percabeth are both bi so Annabeth doesn't mind.
Mitchell came around during the Sea of Monsters quest and Lacy came at the same time as Drew due their mortal parents living in the same area since they go to the same school
Clovis has actually been at the camp nearly the same amount of time as Annabeth due to his sleep powers hindering his mortal mothers life, she left on the hill.
Thalia and Grover set up small hidden demigod camps for quests since it's common for monsters to destory your supplies. They are able to do this because they travel a lot.
Percy, and Annabeth often invite Will and Nico over so they can help eachother with eachothers Tartarus experiences.
Percy and Annabeth consider Nico a little brother and let him stay over at anypoint once they have their own home.
Every year Percy has three birthday parties. One at camp courtesy of his fellow campers, one at his home with his closest friends, and his family, and one with his cousins where they go out. Often the one from hosted by Sally and Paul is the only one actually on his birthday. The other two often happen the next day.
After Jason's death Leo and Piper decided to start meeting up at least once durung the school year, to check up on eachother. They are sometimes joined by others.
Percy knows how to cook, on the other hand Annabeth is not the best at cooking.
Clarisse and Percy spar together for fun when either of them need a break from everything else in life.
Clarisse often treats Will like a little brother because of how young he was when he became head medic and how many times he healed her despite her rude words at first.
Magnus and Annabeth have meetups almost every month, occasionally Percy and/or Alex will tag along. Annabeth and Percy have yet to tell Camp.
Percy and Annabeth also often meet up with Carter and Sadie for food. They like to check up on the younger kids. Percaveth had yet to tell Camp about these two as well.
When Sally and Paul want a date amnight and Percy and Annabeth aren't available the rest of the seven or Nico and Will are open to babysitting Estelle so the two can still go out. Everyone loves Estelle.
Now for the changed storylines.
I would have had Percy and Annabth stand up for Nico more during the deabte to go save him from the jar as they have know him since he was ten and it just makes sense.
Caleo but platonic. I've seen many points made by others where it shows Caleo isn't the best and honestly it is a bit strange to resolve Leo's arc by giving him a romantic relationship with an immortal much older than him. So instead of having them date, I'd have them bond over them both having bad luck with relationships and give them a sibling relationship.
I would have Drew be mentioned much earlier, give her a big relationship with Silena. She's always with her sister, looking up to her. She was always kinda of a mean girl but she masks her sorrow about Silena with more hate.
Talk about Jason's missing memories more. He never fully got his back, have him ask Reyna about his life, and Thalia about their mother.
I would make Ares just... Less the way Rick made him. He respects girls in his myths, he supports the Amazons. Yet he abuses his daughter? Have him be a supportive father that just hates other demigods cause they think of him as mindless war disrespect his children.
Similarly I would change Hera. Yes, it makes sense for her to dislike Thalia and maybe other big three children because of the myths. But not any other demigods. She, along with being the goddess of marriage and childbirth, is also the goddess of family and women. So many demigods have horrible families, let her support them discreetly by allowing her cabin to be the cabin for unclaimed campers, or perhaps by leading young demigods to Artemis so she can help them get to camp.
More seafam shit. Percy and Triton bonding, Percy meeting his other godly siblings other than Kym, Amphitrite getting to know Percy and acting like a stepmother, etc, etc. I need more of this.
That's all I have for now! I may post an au ideas post soon. I have many aus, some inspired by fics and some are completely made up of my own dumb thoughts.
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slayfics · 1 year
Hiii I really love your writing so much it brings me a lot of comfort 🥹💖 Can I request Muichiro Tsuguko spoon feeding him? (Probably when he’s sick or something a-)
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You tend to Muichiro when he’s badly injured.
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You walked into the Butterfly Mansion to check on how Muichiro was doing.
"Oh hi there!" Shinobu greeted you, "I'm glad you arrived were a little short-handed as of now. Do you mind tending to Tokito for a moment while I check on some others?" She asked with her usual smile.
"Of course not Miss Kocho," You responded, bowing your head.
"I'll be back in a bit," She said as she hurried out of the room.
You walked over to the bed Muichiro was in and noticed Shinobu had just dropped him off some food.
"Feeling any better today?" You asked him, trying to keep the worried tone out of your voice.
"Yes, much better thank you," He responded while grabbing his chopsticks to eat. Muichiro attempted to grab some rice but his injuries weren't completely healed which caused his hands to shake. Muichiro tried multiple times but each time the shakiness of his hand caused the rice to fall out from his chopsticks before he could get it into his mouth.
"Do you want some help, Tokito?" You offered smiling sweetly at him.
"Umm... yes I do believe that would be helpful," he stated feeling slightly embarrassed.
You sat on the edge of the bed crossed leg facing Muichiro as you gently grabbed the chopsticks from his hand. You couldn't help but notice the dispirited look on his face.
"Hey, don't even think twice about it ok. You work so hard as a Hashira to keep everyone safe, banging yourself up in the process all the time. It's the least I can do to show my appreciation while you're healing," You said grabbing some rice between the chopsticks and bringing it up to his mouth.
"Thank you," He took a bite and chewed slowly. "That does put my mind at ease a bit," he swallowed.
You grabbed some rice for him, "Just a bit? Hmm... guess my pep talk wasn't so good," You laughed feeding him another bite.
"Well... while what you said was true it is still embarrassing being so hopeless I can't even feed myself," he responded, finishing another bite you fed him.
"I understand, but it's not forever and you overworked your hands so much in that last fight. Plus... It's kind of an honor to feed you," You said blushing slightly as you grabbed more food for him.
"Oh?" He exclaimed, eyes lighting up just a bit.
"Yeah, I admire you a lot, you know. You've helped me so many times, so... feeling like I can repay you at all is an amazing feeling. Also, you look so cute when you eat," You laughed nervously.
Muichiro's cheeks reddened a bit, "Well I suppose it isn't such a nuisance being fed by someone as beautiful as you," he responded.
Your face turned completely red at Muichiro's compliment. Your own hands began to shake now as you fed him more food.
"Hello, what are you two talking about?" Shinobu asked, appearing out of nowhere causing you and Muichiro to jump.
"Nothing!" You both said hastily as the rice fell from between the chopsticks once more.
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Thank you for another cute request little gold fish! I hope you enjoy it~
@aeolia18 @yandere-kou @sakurasunkiss @hashiroses @plvuii @snowmist-hashira
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90s-2000s-barbie · 6 months
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I wanted to post my more in-depth thrift tips.
I had an ask a while ago asking for my advice on tips. And I’ve had this in my drafts for a while just to make sure I really added everything I wanted to. So I’ve been going to thrift stores and garage sales my whole life but really picked it and collecting up as a hobby in 2009. Starting with basics. When I personally thrift, I go to local flea markets, thrift stores, garage sales, church sales, goodwills, any place near by that re sells used items. It’s cheaper in person than looking online. 100%.
My Main Rules:
Never pay full price. This stuff is USED and older for that matter. I don’t care if people think it’s rare, it’s used. Some things are on their last legs of life. I can’t tell you how many times I bought a vintage item or even clothes and they break, tear ex as soon as u get home, test it out, wear it then it breaks! It happens!) always keep that in mind. I also like to keep E6000 clear glue around just in case it’s something I can fix. (If u also try E6000, make sure to follow instructions on bottle exact and it will hold up forever. I glued heavy glass and it’s still together years later)
Only possibly think of spending a little more if the item is in a box and old stock or if it’s super meaningful to you. BUT if u use my tips, u can find old stock in boxes cheap even or decent priced when thrifting. I only pay little more or seek something out if it’s meaningful to me or extremely sentimental. (Old favorite toy or I got rid of and want back, something I always wanted and can now cause I’m 30! Ex….) 😂 otherwise, I don’t buy if the price isn’t right.
If you aren’t sure if it’s actually vintage, look for the year on the item, tag ex, or if u have a phone, look it up, look up the brand! Some super old stuff don’t have years on them too so keep that in mind, helps to use google.
I feel like if u go thrifting enough, u will find whatever you are looking for eventually so if the price isn’t right, don’t buy! You will probably see it again eventually and if you also do this as a hobby, u have a lifetime to come upon it again. lol
Go when u can afford it or really want to. I use to go WEEKLY, I would find things every week cause they constantly have different stuff. lol but now I have bills now and things are expensive, so it’s just not realistic for me anymore. I go once or maybe twice a month if I’m lucky. BUT I will admit, u will find a lot of items if u go weekly and can get first dibs but it can get pricey as it all adds up of course.
Leave no stones unturned. So when I go to the thrifting, I look EVERYWHERE. I spend HOURS. lol Sometimes u find the best stuff in the weirdest spots! I found a ADULT Powerpuff girls sweater from 2000 in the kids xl section! I’ve found vintage bedding on random clothing wracks. Sometimes things get moved, you will be surprised on what u will find.
So this use to be one of my rules when I had a better phone plan lol but if I feel like I’m questioning a price on an item, I use to look it up on eBay or google. (If you use eBay, their is settings they show what items actually sell for and not just what they r listed as. THIS HELPS. Sometimes people put insane prices but they definitely aren’t selling for that much! Helps to see the actual value if u need to.)
If u go to garage sales or flea markets, don’t be scared to ask for prices or make offers. If u like it, ask! If the price isn’t right, just say thanks and go on ur merry way. Key is always be nice and respectful if they don’t budge on price. You’ll probably see it again. lol. Least u asked! I use to be too shy to ask and I’d regret it! Also I’d go home empty sometimes cause of it. But now, I seem to really connect with people and try to be nice, talk to them like a potential friend! Sometimes the interaction makes my day and I can get a laugh out of some people. Even sometimes being nice and funny person can go a long way with others. One time I went to a small town and it was the last day of garage sale weekend and people just seemed so nice and liked me, they gave me stuff for free it kept happening throughout the day! lol Sometimes people won’t budge on prices though and that’s fine. And other times, people just want stock or items gone! lol They want money, they don’t wanna take the junk back inside their home and I get it! lol for example, one place gave me stuff for free cause she was trying to get rid of kids toys, her kids had so much she gave me stuff for free, some powerpuff girl plushies for 25 cents! One time, I had a guy tell me a doll I was looking at was worth $200. (Which He was right they sold for that much in box, I looked it up when I got home) he said was worth $200 but he was asking $20 cause he wanted it sold. He had no attachment and needed extra cash as he kept buying to resell but hasn’t sold much. I told him she’s cute but idk. I kept looking at his other items. Finally when I walked away, he shouted $10! I bought her up! lol One day, I bought a giant box of McDonald’s toys, (second photo from top right above the TMNT bag) for $2 for the entire Box!! Completely full! Was a family at the flea market that was just having a garage sale so to speak, they were moving so they didn’t want anything! lol Also an example too of the opposite scenario, an older lady was selling all spice girls dolls in box for $80 dollars all together (at the time the whole lot was cheaper on eBay, they were $45 for the lot and this stuff wasn’t popular so it just wasn’t selling at the time.) I asked price of baby spice alone and she wouldn’t split the band. I said ok thanks and went on my merry way! I later in life got 3 of the girls for $10 to $6 a piece in box. lol
HAVE FUN. This is my hobby. I’ve been doing this as a hobby since 2009! Of course it takes a while to get as much as I have. But I really only recommend thrifting if u REALLY enjoy it and collecting. You really have to enjoy it and to keep going! It’s like a treasure hunt to me! I do it as a collector cause it’s a blast. I‘ve met such interesting people, I’ve seen such cool things even if I didn’t bring it home and couldn’t afford the item. It’s fun! It’s so exciting to find something on a shelf u haven’t seen in years. Also fun to find things u forgot existed or just speak to u personally! I literally buy anything that just feels like it belongs with me anymore. I fall in love with the moment I look at it. I use to think, oh people will think I’m weird? and I still remember those items I passed up YEARS later and say why did I leave that behind? lol 😂 It’s such a cool hobby. I can tell u what I paid for just about everything! 😂 I remember it all cause I really do love it and I LOVE deals.
Also, all the pictures above are mine and things I thrifted, do not steal! If u have any questions about how much I paid for some of these items, or have any questions in general, don’t be afraid to ask. If u wanna know tips about thrifting on toys, clothes, ex, please ask! I will try to help to the best of my knowledge. The 2nd photo, 6th, 7th, 9th and 10th photo are perfect examples cause it’s everything I got at ONE flea market or thrift store, just one stop. Sometimes I find full collections! Each photo are from different days but are definitely good examples. Also if I forget anything I feel is super important to add, I’ll probably post another part 2 or something. ❤️ hope this helps someone.
I think it it would be cool, if any followers decided to thrift or if you use any of my tips and find some cool stuff, to make a post and tag me! Show me ur cool finds, what tips helped the you the best if u feel like adding that.
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rhetoric-86 · 1 year
The Reluctant Chaperone
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(Credit to whoever made this lovely gif cause it isn’t mine❤️)
There isn’t nearly enough love for Argyle on this app so, I took matters into my own hands.
When Nancy bails on accompanying Mike to California, the middle Wheeler child is reluctantly sent in her place. Maybe the trip will still be worth her while.
Pairing: Argyle X Female Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, smut, oral (male and female receiving), graphic descriptions of sexual content, drug use (marijuana)
The plane started its descent, the change in pressure causing your sense of fight or flight to kick in. White knuckle gripping the seat your eyes are drawn down to where your brother keeps bumping into your leg as he nervously taps his foot.
"Knock it off Mike!" you say through gritted teeth and he mumbles an apology.
You're unsure if his nerves come from the landing or from the fact that he's about to see El for the first time in months. You want to cut him some slack but you're already so angry you have to be here in the first place. In your mind you have better things to do back in Hawkins than chaperoning your brother on a weeklong date.
A Thump as the wheels hit the runway and another pressure shift as the speed decreases. You're done for now, thank God.
Passengers get up, busily go about grabbing their bags from the overhead and you and Mike are moving before long.
As you exit the terminal you hear a shout of Mike's name and El is excitedly approaching, he greets her with flowers in hand and you look back to the rest of your welcome party.
Jonathan stands near Will and beside him is someone you don't recognize. Tall, attractive, well dressed...Jonathan must have made a new friend here.
The new guy has his eyes locked on you and elbows Jonathan who looks up hopefully and immediately frowns. Ah. New guy thought you were Nancy. You suddenly feel very awkward in your own skin. That is, until you approach the group and the new guy immediately checks the tag on Mike's shirt and informs him hes wearing a "knock off" and you can't help but laugh.
Jonathan greets you with a half hearted, one armed hug and you return the favor.
"Hey, Jonathan."
"Hey...didn't expect to see you here."
"Well...Nance is busy and mom wouldn't let Mike go alone." you shrug. Will greets you with a large hug and you almost lift him off the floor, ruffling his hair as you put him back. Even though he's now grown taller than you, he will always be your little brother in your eyes. He and Mike used to be a real package deal, after all.
You glance over at Jonathan's friend and find him already looking at you with a goofy smile.
"Whose this?" you ask.
Before anyone can answer he embraces you in a hug as if he had known you and been expecting you. He was so much larger than you in stature, the hug was consuming and yet so comforting, you couldn't help but relax into it and embrace him back.
"This is Argyle." Jonathan shrugs.
"Hey!" Argyle nods at you. "I've heard a lot about your sister but Jonathan never told me there was another Wheeler babe."
You smirk at this. "He probably never noticed I was even there...he was too busy trying to weasel Nancy away from the most popular guy in our school."
"No shit?" Argyle looked at Jonathan with an appreciative nod. "Didn't realize you were a legend, bro."
Jonathan's cheeks blushed immediately and he clapped his hands together.
"Alright, let's get out of here then, yeah?"
The ride back to the Byers home was full of awkward tension. Mike and El were cuddled in the back of the van as she gushed about how wonderful school had been and now many new friends she had made. You were seated next to Will, who kept staring out of his window as if he were plunged into the worst existential crisis of his young life. The air between him and Mike felt very off. Jonathan was in the front, looking at Argyle with glazed over eyes and asking why "Parkways are for driving but driveways are for parking. That's weird right?"
Argyle didn't seem to be listening, what he was doing though was glancing into his rearview mirror, looking at you.
You felt a blush creeping into your cheeks and averted your eyes.
The van, a flamboyantly colored pizza delivery truck, rolled to a stop in front of their house and Will immediately got out, leaving everyone behind as he entered the front door.
"What's up with him?" you asked but Jonathan just shook his head.
"He was fine this morning."
El had insisted on taking the boys to her "favorite place" , a roller rink in town.
You had the choice between joining Jonathan and Argyle for the evening, chaperoning the kids or locking yourself in the Byers guest room with a book. You honestly considered the book until you locked eyes with Argyle, again already watching you, and he insisted you let him show you around. There are worse ways to spend an evening than with a sweet, attentive stranger...and Jonathan. You agreed to go with them to drop the kids off.
However, once you had the van to yourselves, you considered whether you had made a mistake. Jonathan immediately began asking you a tangent of questions about Nancy. How many times could you dodge a real answer before you would ultimately have to relent that you felt like she didn't come for the simple reason that maybe she didn't want to?
As if he could sense your discomfort, Argyle pulled off onto a dusty road and brought the van to a stop.
"Jonathan, man, maybe we should do something else right? I know exactly what this evening needs, Senorita." he turned back to smile at you from the driver's seat, producing a pungent joint from his shirt pocket.
"A little purple palm tree delight will make you forget all about your long distance love, dude, and let us enjoy present company, yeah?"
He fixed Jonathan with a surprisingly serious look and Jonathan relented, taking the joint from Argyle's hand and sparking a light.
Before long you were all laughing in the hot boxed van.
Argyle and Jonathan climbed out and you all opened the back doors of the van, sitting with your legs hanging out, looking up at the setting sun. You were positioned between them, lightly pressed into the warmth of Argyle's arm, listening to him tell the story of how they had met and become friends. They both had detention and ended up smoking under the bleachers after.
"The rest was history..." Argyle concluded, turning his head and smiling down at the contact where your bodies touched.
"Me and Nancy are probably history." Jonathan added, immediately making you cringe.
"Yeah probably, man." Argyle nodded, completely oblivious to the fact that normally you would try to lie or comfort a friend in that situation. "Your loss is kinda my gain though, there's no way this isn't the cooler sister."
You had been mid hit at this point and immediately began laughing so hard you almost choked to death on the smoke in your lungs.
"Dude" Jonathan scoffed at him. "You're an idiot man."
Argyle was patting your back with an amused look on his face and you glanced back at him with watering eyes, suddenly very aware.
"Hey." you sputtered. "Weren't we supposed to pick up the kids?"
You reached the roller rink and found a sea of chaos. There wasn't any more sense of normalcy at the Byers home, either for that matter.
Upon entering you immediately found Murray Bauman in the kitchen cooking dinner. Joyce was acting scattered and sort of frantic. El was vacant, Mike was on edge, Will seemed annoyed. You, Jonathan and Argyle were far too blazed to try and act cool. The absurdity of the entire situation made you bite your lip until it hurt in order to avoid laughing out loud during the painfully odd dinner conversation. Finally, El slammed in her chair and departed, obviously fighting with Mike over whatever happened at the rink. You decided this was the perfect time to make an escape as well.
"Hey!" you turned to Argyle and he met you, glazed eyes and a mouth full of risotto but somehow, still adorable.
"You wanted to show me around right? Offer still stand?"
He gulped down the bite of food in his mouth and widely smiled.
"Hell yeah!"
"Are you kidding me?" Mike objected, glaring at you from across the table. "Does this honestly seem like a good time?"
"Seems like the best time, Mike." you stood, pushing in your chair. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do. Thanks for dinner Murray! Good luck in uh...Alaska...Joyce!"
You hastily retreated and Argyle almost tripped over his own chair trying to go after you.
The front door slammed shut and Jonathan hazily glanced up from his plate.
"Hey… where did they go?"
Even with a head start you still couldn’t reach the van before Argyle.
He was laughing as he wrenched the passenger door open and waved his arm with a flourish.
“Watch your step, hermosa!”
You flushed, dipping your head so he wouldn’t see the affect he had on you.
He closed the door after you and rushed to the driver’s side, bringing the engine to life.
“Couldn’t get the fuck out of there fast enough.” you sighed.
“That vibe was weird, man.” he agreed. “Where do you think Joyce is actually going?”
If you hadn’t already smoked you probably would have given that more thought, more concern considering the things you had all seen but at this point, you couldn’t find a single concern in your cloudy brain.
“Where do you want to go?” he asked. “We can grab a slice where I work, or like, I can take you to the quarry where Jonathan and I go to break stuff and let off steam, or…”
For whatever reason, you felt emboldened in that moment and instead replied, “I don’t know…where do you live? We could uh…we could go there…”
His eyes widened, grip on the wheel tightened, he gulped.
“Uh…yeah. Yeah we could do that, it’s not far. My parents are like, never home, dude.”
“Cool!” You smiled, meeting his eye for a moment before he returned his gaze to the road. You were surprised to arrive at a gated community, houses larger than most you’d find in Hawkins. You glanced back at Argyle, taking him in, studying his soft features. If he came from money he certainly didn’t act like the rich kids back home. Not a bit of arrogance about him. He pulled into a gorgeous home, brick face and a chandelier hanging in a large window above the front door.
“Wow. Look at you!” You raised your eyebrows and cracked a smile at him. “What are you the heir to Surfer Boy Pizza?”
He shrugged. “I guess? My parents own it.”
“Oh. I was joking, but that’s cool.” You suddenly hated yourself for bringing it up. What if you had made him feel uncomfortable?
“That’s why I’m always driving this thing!” He laughed and patted the wheel. “Come on, Bonita! Wanna grab some drinks and smoke by the pool?”
“Hell yeah!” You nodded and climbed out of his passenger seat. As you met him in front of the van he reached out and took you by the hand, effortlessly, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. The sudden contact made your senses buzz and you found yourself more aware of everything about him. The difference in height, how you needed to crane to meet his eye. His scent, a mix of sweet notes you struggled to identify, maybe vanilla? Accentuated by a note of spice and of course, the lingering scent of weed in his van and on his clothes. You thought maybe you could get used to California after all. You may need to be available any time Mike wanted to visit El…
Argyle led you through the front door, the foyer and into the kitchen where he released his hold on you only long enough to open his refrigerator and grab two bottles of beer. He went to a small drawer beside the fridge for a bottle opener and motioned toward the back sliding door.
The pool was large, beside it sat a hot tub large enough for two. Ample seating lined the patio. He lead you to an outdoor couch near the hot tub and placed the bottles down, patting the seat beside him.
As you took the bottle he opened for you and tentatively sipped you could feel him watching you again.
“Am I an asshole if I say I’m glad Nancy bailed?”
You smiled at him, “If you are than so am I because I’ve been thinking that all day!”
He beamed back at you.
“So what’s your deal?” You ask him, “you just hang out with Jonathan all of the time or is there a Surfer Girl that usually shares your pizza?”
He laughed and grinned at you. “Nah man! We wouldn’t be here if there was. Girls here are just…I don’t know man. They’re kind of all about themselves, you know?”
His response made you smile softly.
He pulled another joint from his pocket and held it outstretched, you leaned forward and he placed the filter to your lips, offering a light with his other hand. He studied your face, the way your cheeks hollowed, lips puckered when you took a pull and he bit his lower lip.
“I wouldn’t be opposed to finding an heiress to this pizza throne though, if you know anybody!”
You laughed, plucking the joint from your lips, and smoke billowing from your mouth and nose. He took the joint from you and inhaled deeply, reveling in the joy on your face.
“I might know someone!” you replied.
“Cool!” he nodded.
He leaned back and stretched his arm over the back of the couch, and he seemed so relaxed that you had to wonder if anything ever bothered him. He wasn’t trying to pressure you, he was content to just be there in the moment and you found that, found him to be so beautiful.
You took another hit and felt yourself relax back into the couch as well, turned to face him, back leaning against the arm of the couch and one leg up, resting over his knees. He delicately stroked his thumb over your exposed leg and the high made every touch feel like it vibrated through you, directly to your core.
His palm flattened on your calve and he risked running it up to your hip, watching your expression for any hesitation. When he found no resistance he scooted his body closer to yours and turned himself toward you, leaning in so close you could feel his breath fan across your skin. Anticipation killing you, you offered a small nod to let him know you were accepting whatever he had to offer and he didn’t hesitate to close the gap.
His full lips pressed softly to yours. His long hair gingerly fell, almost tickling you wherever it touched. You melted in to the kiss and parted your lips to accept his tongue. His body pressed you into the couch and you brought your hands to rest on his chest, slipping beneath the open button down shirt he wore and resting on his tshirt.
You could stay here forever. Wrapped in this sweet boy, warm California breeze kissing your skin beside this pool. You didn’t know if it had been five minutes or five hours, you were so lost in him, but eventually he broke the kiss to trail sweet pecks across your jaw. He nuzzled into your neck, licking and sucking from your clavicle to your earlobe. Your head was spinning, every sensation better than the last.
Hawkins boys were not like this.
He finally broke away and his deep brown eyes met yours, checking in.
“Holy shit.” he breathed.
“Holy shit.” you agreed.
You both giggled at that. You felt like a love sick mess. How did this happen in one day?
“You want to go swimming, Bonita?” he grinned.
“I don’t have a suit…”
“I can check if we have anything inside?” he offered, sitting up.
Whether it was the top tier weed or the desire to make the most out of the week you would have with Argyle you didn’t know but something made you lose whatever inhibitions you may have had. You scrambled out from under him and took a few steps backwards toward the pool. Holding his eye you grasped the bottom of your tshirt and lifted it over your head, throwing it at him.
His jaw went slack as he took in your figure, standing in your bra and undoing your jean shorts, shimmying them down your thick thighs. He could feel his mouth begin to water and quickly shook himself from his daze. He stood up and immediately followed suit, shrugging the button down from his shoulders and discarding his tshirt.
You beckoned him with your finger as you turned and ran the rest of the way to the pools edge.
He lost his jogger pants along the way and caught up with you, wrapping his strong arms around you and leaning down to capture your lips.
Lost in the feeling of his skin against yours you were defenseless to him as he scooped you into his arms and tossed you into the pool.
You sputtered coming up in the tepid water and scowled as he laughed at you.
“You’re gonna pay for that!” you shout.
“Oh? What are you going to do?” he jumped in, splashing you again in the process. He surfaced and you swam to him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders for support.
“You didn’t even know if I could swim.” You scowled. “You think we have a lot of water in Indiana?”
“Come on Bonita I would have saved you if you were in trouble!” he whispered. His gaze was adoring. You couldn’t remember the last time someone had looked at you this way. “I’d do anything for you!”
You flushed at that, unable to respond with anything but a kiss.
You wrapped your legs around him, taking the opportunity to feel him with no resistance. You could feel him starting to get hard beneath the thin fabric of his boxers and you moaned into his mouth as his hands found your ass, pulling you more flush against him.
You laced your fingers into his long locks and tugged, making him lift his chin and expose his neck to you. You latched on to his pulse point and began licking, sucking deep bruises into his gorgeous tanned skin.
He groaned into your ear, “eso se siente tan bien, nena.” and it filled you with confidence, you pulled him closer to you with your legs and ground your pussy against his hard bulge, reveling in the power you held over him.
His hands traveled from their place resting on your ass and caressed the expanse of your back. He stopped at the latch of your bra and asked “can I take this off?”
You stopped your ministrations on his neck long enough to choke out “yes”, your hands beginning to roam and explore him freely.
He guided your bra straps off of your arms and cupped your full breasts in his large hands, caressing and massaging your supple flesh. He pinched your perked nipple, eliciting a moan from you and then brought his hands up the side of your neck and into your hair, pulling your face from his neck and making you meet his gaze again.
“Do you want to take this to my room?”
You had been enjoying this time, weightless with him, exploring him, but ultimately you needed more. You nodded and he brought you closer to the wall of the pool, boosting you out. The two of you all but ran to his room, stopping a few times along the way to kiss, embrace, playfully chase each other.
When you got to his room you didn’t know what you had been expecting but this fit him. It was warm, inviting, slightly musky. You didn’t have time to fully take it in before he embraced you, lifting you by your ass and falling into his bed with you.
You tried to regain control but he could so easily overpower you if he wanted. He brought your wrists above your head and kissed you deeply before descending to your neck, sucking gently, kissing across your collarbone, nipping at the sensitive skin of your breast and then taking your peaked nipple into his mouth. He teased with his tongue and sucked harshly and you didn’t even know if the sounds coming from you were coherent. His name spilled from your lips as his large hand cupped your aching cunt through your panties and he softly rubbed you through the cotton.
You scratched at his back and shoulders and thrust yourself into his fingers.
He rutted into your thigh and released your breast, traveling further down your body and stopping just as he reached your panties. His hands slid down your sides and took the elastic between his fingers, shooting a hesitant look your way and only continuing when you nodded your approval. He slid your panties down your legs, lifting your right leg and pressing sweet kisses from your ankle, up to your knee, nipping and sucking at the soft flesh of your thigh.
Your heart raced in anticipation of him finally reaching the place you wanted him the most.
He let his finger glide over your folds, spreading your lips, already slick and waiting for him. He gathered your juices and traced them up to draw soft circles over your throbbing clit. You squirmed beneath him and grabbed a handful of his hair bringing him closer. His lips replaced his fingers and sucked your delicate bundle into his mouth. Light pressure, delicate laps of his wide tongue.
You were reeling. You felt as though your body could levitate off of his bed with the electricity he was generating in you. He continued his skilled assault on your clit and you felt his finger gliding through your folds again. He pressed it into your heat and you gasped at the sensation, the stretch. You gushed around him and he gasped into you, losing focus for a moment with the feel of you, warm, soft and so incredibly tight on his finger.
“Argyle” you pleaded and he looked up, smirking to see you propped up and staring back at him, fucked out and dazed. “Come here.” you beckoned.
He slipped his finger from you and leaned up, meeting your lips. You cupped his face delicately.
“Roll over.” you requested. He did as you asked and you climbed on top of him, grinding your wet, needy cunt into him and eliciting a soft moan of your name from his plush lips. You wasted no time grabbing his boxers and he lifted himself to help you get them off. His thick cock sprang out from its confines and you could feel your mouth water, overcome with the urge to taste him. You lowered yourself between his legs and looked up, holding his gaze as you delicately licked up the underside of his length, swirling your tongue over his head, through his slit and collecting the sweet, salty precum you found there. He cursed, and you braced yourself, focusing on your breathing as you tried to take more of him into your mouth. You bobbed your head, swirling your tongue over him again and then taking even more of his length as you descended down on him again. One hand held you up, digging in to the meat of his thigh and you brought the other up to gently fondle his balls as you took him in again, again, further, deeper.
He was reduced to a whimpering mess beneath you as you worked his throbbing cock. You knew he wouldn’t be long if you kept this up.
You leaned up, releasing his cock with a pop of suction and once more laced your fingers into his hair, tilting his head up for a searing kiss.
He brought his arms around you and pulled you flush to his chest. You relaxed your weight down on to him and could feel his cock press against your waiting cunt. You couldn’t wait any longer for him to fill you to the brim.
“Do you want to fuck me, Argyle?”
“Fuck…yes, yeah I do.” he panted through labored breaths.
“I’m on the pill.” you whispered, shifting slightly and causing him to slip through your folds and glide against your dripping cunt. “Is this ok?” you ask, grinding down and gasping as his tip breaches you.
He nods, cupping your jaw and cheek in one large hand and bringing you in to meet his lips as you sink down on his length.
You both moaned into each other’s mouths as he bottomed out. You had never felt so full in your life. After a moment to adjust you began to grind yourself into him, his thick shaft stretching you. You bounced on his gorgeous cock and quickly found a rhythm with him bucking up to meet you. Pressure built in your core with each movement. His greedy hands exploring your body.
“Fuck, look at you hermosa. Taking me so well, it’s like that pussy was made for me.”
You clench around him with every word that falls from his beautiful lips and you lean back, bracing yourself on his thighs while his hands find your breasts again.
You’re close, you’re so close and you know he is too. The pressure builds in you until you break, toppling over the edge. You seize around his cock in waves of blinding pleasure, which in turn send him reeling and each clench of your cunt milks him dry.
You collapse on top of him a sweaty, panting mess. Your combined release slowly dripping out of you as he slips out. He holds you to his body, wiping the hair from your face and tucking it gingerly behind your ear. His expression once again adoring as he strokes your cheek.
He rolls you off of him and gets up, disappearing into his bathroom and returning a moment later with a soft towel.
He cleans you up and goes to his dresser, taking out a tshirt for you to wear. As you’re sat on the bed trying to redress yourself he kneels between your legs and catches you in another soft kiss.
“I have to go get our stuff from the pool. Can I keep you tonight or will Joyce like, freak out if you aren’t back?”
“Joyce has to pack for Alaska, I doubt she will even notice.” you smile, delighted he doesn’t want to immediately drive you home after getting what he wanted.
As he was passing through his door he looked back once more and hit you with a goofy, lovestruck smile that knocked the air from your lungs.
Yeah, you thought. Maybe this wasn’t a waste of spring break.
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maochira · 1 year
hey!! i was wondering if you can do some headcanons for a reader who has a massive plushie collection with barou, rin, aryu, hiori, and niko(underrated king i need more content about him). they wouldn’t even guess that reader would be the type of person to collect that sort of stuff until they see that literally every corner of their room is filled with plushies (literally my dream). they can also tell that it must’ve cost a lotttt of money to gather that much. maybe they even recognize some of their favorite characters in the collection
can be platonic or romantic connections with the characters. i don’t mind either way! feel free to remove any character if it’s too much. thank youuuu <33
Adding two more characters cause <3 I love plushies so much (I also collect them)
Characters: Barou, Rin, Aryu, Hiori, Niko, Raichi, Tokimitsu
Requests open! - masterlist
Tags: gn!reader, can be seen as platonic or romantic
The first time Barou walks into your room, he's shocked at the sight of your plushies. Not because he thinks you're weird for collecting them (okay, maybe a little) but because he hates how unorganized they are. Why are some of them all over the floor? Why do they take up an unnecessarily big amount of space on your bed? Before he even says anything, Barou starts tidying up your plushy collection. He's sorting them by franchises and colours and also putting them in places where they look the best. Barou wants you to keep them this neatly because he thinks if they mean so much to you, you should treat your plushies with care like this.
Rin doesn't understand why you have so many plushies. And even less does he understand why you would spend so much money on them. He tries to not say anything judgy, but the look on his face while he observes your room says everything. And the longer Rin stays in your room, the more uncomfortable he gets. He feels watched by the many eyes of your plushies which creeps him out a little. This guy loves horror movies but gets creeped out by cute plushies? Apparently, yes. But you get to have fun teasing him about that. Although, over time he slowly gets used to your plushies. And after a few more weeks, he actually starts liking them.
Aryu absolutely adores every single one of your plushies ever since the first moment he got to see them. He buys a lot of clothes which are actually meant for baby dolls, but dresses your plushies in them instead. Each time he visits you, he's having the time of his life dressing up all the plushies together with you and taking photos of them. For some plushies, he doesn't find any fitting clothing, so Aryu starts sewing some on his own. They may be plushies, but he knows you love them, so they deserve to be stylish. They absolutely need to be stylish.
Seeing your plushies for the first time caught Hiori completely off guard. He didn't expect your room to look like that at all, but he quickly starts loving them. He's not vocal about it, but it's obvious how much he adores every single one of your plushies. His attention constantly drifts off and instead of looking at you, his gaze wanders to the shelf full of plushies right behind you. He hasn't thought about plushies in a very long time, but now he kind of wants to have one for himself. Luckily, before he leaves your place, you put a cute little blue bunny plush into his hands.
Niko doesn't seem to mind your plushies at first. He doesn't think anything of them and mostly ignores the fact that they are even there. But then he spots some plushies of anime characters on your desk. He knows most of the characters, but not all of them. So he obviously gets curious and starts asking questions about which animes they're from. Niko already owns a bunch of anime merch, but for some reason, he hasn't thought about buying plushies of his favourite characters until now when he got the idea because of you. He's already thinking about which ones he wants to get, but he'll probably need your help to decide. Of course your answer will be to buy all of them.
Raichi's first reaction to your plushies should have been predictable. But you're still startled for a moment when he walks over to one of the big plushies and punches it without hesitation. After asking why he did that, Raichi only laughs and says he thinks it's funny. Then he continues doing the same to other plushies, thinking you find it funny as well. Only when he looks back at you he realizes you don't think it's funny at all and you're getting upset instead. Raichi feels embarrassed and quickly apologizes, but he doesn't feel like that's enough, so he goes on and apologizes to every plushie he punched as well.
Tokimitsu treats your plushies extremely gently with a lot of care, almost as if they were real living beings. Every time he touches them he does it very carefully and whenever he pushes one to the side only by a little bit, he apologizes to the plushie. Tokimitsu knows how much every single plushie means to you. That's why he wants to treat them with as much care as he can, because that's how he knows you treat him. And of course, he treats you like that as well. It's always cute to watch whenever he interacts with your plushies and how he talks to them with genuine care.
Taglist (sign-up link): @kaineedstherapy12 @zyuuuu @luvcalico @remy-roll @truegoist @vanitasbrainrot @weichspuelertrinker @acacIa @kermitslefteyeball11 @futuristicxie @bluelock4life @https-archangel @userwithlotsoftime @nikokii @slowlyholypeanut @astruosie @gojosorrygeto @rienniey @kalinkavx @blueberrryui @keiidaydreams @sagejin @ririgards @depressed-bitchy-demon @kaiserkisser @chaosinanutshell @mang05 @wheresmysoulidk @rzu @orah-s @thedaisy78
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unlimitedhearts · 10 months
I’m dreading the third game of Spiderman might kill off Harry :/ either he’s goblin (solo or probably along with daddy-o) and dies a la Hero Sacrifice. Or kept comatose and in the end with grim results the decision is to pull the plug on him. idk I feel Harry’s fate is doom and gloom. But they could have killed Harry at the end of this sequel giving a strong motivation for Norman to be the Goblin and hatred for Spider-Man…yet they didn’t. idk rambling thoughts. What do you think?
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Personally i can see both options. I saw someone in the tags of my last headcanon post say that it wouldnt make sense to save him from death in this game only to kill him in the next. On some level i get that, why wait when you could do it now?
I have two worst case scenarios in my head:
Harry wakes up from his coma w amnesia a la the third Tobey Maguire movie. Hes unaware of Pete being Spider-Man and Peter, thinking hes protecting Harry, wont tell him. This may cause a rift in their friendship when Harry finds out - or if Norman ends up going goblin and dies - Spider-Man is to blame in Harrys eyes and he'll go after him then. To me this is a tired trope of Harry getting an intense hatred for Spidey and wanting to kill him over his father. It always felt out of character for me and i truly TRULY hope they dont go this route.
Harry becomes the Kobold. In the comics, Kobold is essentially Harrys way of making the Green Goblin a good guy. If he still wants to fight by Peters side, he'll find a way to do it. Kobold would make a lot of sense to me personally, as it kind of continues their dynamic from this game. Then at the end theres a heros sacrifice to be made and Harry goes for it despite Peters protests. This would be lazy to me too though because he essential already did the heros sacrifice in this game. Seems like theyd just want us to have more time with him to love him even more, just to make losing him hurt worse. I wouldn't put it past an intrepid writer to think they could make it work, but it just seems lazy to me.
Actual best case scenario for me though? Harry wakes up as the g-serum is being injected. Hes against being his dads experiment all over again so he runs and finds Peter. Hes not aware of his pseudo-retirement, he just goes straight to the place thats always been his safe haven; Peters home. He asks Peter to hide him from his dad. Tries to explain everything but hes exhausted and frantic. Peter agrees and they take him into hiding.
Norman, ever the expert deflector, doesnt see this as a failing on his part. Hes convinced spider-man had something to do with his son escaping so he puts out a hit on him. Hes ready, willing, and able to capture and kill at least one of the two spider-men it doesnt matter. We see him pardon Wilson Fisk for this job, and when Fisk cant do it, he has to. Normans going to go Goblin. I know it, i can feel it in my bones.
Miles asks Peter to get back in action and he does. Fisk, plus potentially Otto again, plus this brand new villain in town is too much for any one person to handle. Heres where i see Harry becoming a "Guy In The Chair" for Peter like Ganke is for Miles. Two Guys in the Chair helping the spider-men is definitely better than one. I could also see Harrys goblin powers start to emerge but he keeps pushing them down. Last time he gave into power it didnt end well for anyone.
In an effort to not write out the entire plot of the game as i see fit (because itd be long and there are so many moving pieces and characters and IDEK WHERE THEYRE GONNA PUT SILK IN-), i think if Harry does take on the cowl he'll be doing so against his father. I think i see Harry becoming Goblin/Kobold to fight against Norman and ultimately try to help Peter/Miles. This is where i see Harry either accidentally killing Norman or Norman killing his son (and of course, blaming Spider-Man)
There is also room, in my mind, to bring back Venom a la Lethal Protector/Agent Venom. But tbh if they do, i would much rather Venom go to Eddie Brock or Flash Thompson. But thats just the separate Venom Fangirl Entity within me.
Ultimately my hope of course is that Harry not die and they dont go down that all too tired and hackneyed trope of Harry growing to hate Peter dor whatever reason. I truly TRULY hope they dont go that route it is just SO tired and lazy. I want them to stay close and loving. Whatever route they go with will be SO MUCH MORE IMPACTFUL if Harry Osborn lives and doesnt make a full 180 on his best friend for no good reason.
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landthatplane-blog · 1 year
Another steam of consciousness on Mr Daniel Ricciardo and no sleep so apologies in advance if things are a bit scattered.
A little scared to post because tags have been intense.
Happy for Daniel. Everyone criticized him for taking a break last year (which he clearly needed) and not taking a Haas/Williams seat. People thought that he thought he was too good. Well, he's now taking a seat at the last place team, to rebuild and prove himself. He sees a pathway, but he's taking the step down in hopes for a long view move. He is a multiple race winner and probably could have retired but of course, unfinished business. Beauty of the sport. The comeback. He's allowed the chance to rebuild and is literally starting with a back marker team now and knows he has to prove himself. But now, people are pressed he is in a seat. Again, obviously Red Bull see something in him. If they weren't seeing some indication - based on Red Bull's history of being cutthroat - this wouldn't be a conversation. Even on that Simon Rennie/RB podcast, Simon mentioned not wanting to basically lie or hype Daniel up if the results weren't there. There's a trust there. Luckily, they saw something. They literally can't hire Daniel solely for markeing/PR. Does it help? Of course. Everyone has to find value wherever they can. There's only 20 seats people have to take their opportunities where they can.
Alpha Tauri is a junior team narrative. It was but they've obviously repeatedly put out there they're looking for a restructure with one experienced driver and one younger, and they're going to be using Red Bull parts. Two young drivers (unless you're a generational talent like MV) could very well result in little to no points and they're dead last right now. Haas had to bring back two experienced drivers to make up for the previous years of two young drivers. They need an injection of experience.
Pay Driver - He has not had a family member nor a huge corporation buy his way into the sport. He's built a career where people are interested in him - over 10 years - how can people find a way to penalize that? Again, he can't win. Just because he can pull in interest from huge sponsors - again, after years of building a career, that's just the business. If it was based on that person's definition alone - Lewis, Lando would also be pay drivers. But it isn't based on that factor alone. There's so many factors.
A lot of people deserve things, but this is a competitive sport, so nothing is ever guaranteed. Liam may very well deserve a spot on the grid, but you could also say he never would have had this opportunity if not for DR's accident. Also, if he’s as great as people think he is - I’m not too worried for him. People keep going back to Alex Albon's appendix causing the string of recent events but sometimes I think - this all wouldn't have happened if Daniel hadn't left Red Bull in first place lol. Maybe he'd still have his Red Bull seat now! I don't mean that in a he shouldn't have left, just that his leaving kind of caused a similar effect and gave all these other people opportunities lol. But again, that's not really how it works. They're making decisions based on today's circumstances. And now, he's come back but has to re-earn his spot. His leg up is Christian Horner supports him, but he still has to perform to get back. Just think it's funny people are acting like, there won't be hard work or there's no talent (again, drivers don't forget how to drive). It's complicated and impossible to identify who "deserves" a seat more or less. So many variables and impossible to be definitive (the way some people speak as if they know everything/must be right). Guess, we could argue forever which is what's entertaining. That said....
Professionalism/Kindness. While I think everyone knows that the way McLaren handled Daniel's exit was in poor taste, never once did Daniel complain or make excuses. He was professional and continues to be. The results weren't there. When he was fired (let go, released), he understood it. Acknowledged the results weren't there and this was part of the sport (I'll get into that NY Times article another time - but it was clearly not for a lack of trying). Daniel called Oscar Piastri to tell him no hard feelings. Wanted him to still have a positive start. Even Checo has been asked about Daniel "coming after his seat" and presumably under a lot of pressure for 2025 and his response was also professional and an understanding of the sport. He said Daniel's a friend and there are only 20 seats, there's no hard feelings. It's up to him (Checo) to perform. They all understand. Nobody inherently deserves or is guaranteed a seat. Wish some fans would understand. If the drivers aren't publically pressed about it themselves - maybe everyone just calm down. People are just so nasty, and without actually knowing all the information. Twitter/X is the worst. This should be fun, juicy, competitive but no need to bring hate or be nasty.
That's all for now🤷🏻‍♀️. As always, happy to discuss but please be kind (or funny).
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