villainwithinme · 2 months
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villainwithinme · 2 years
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Yes do it 💕✨
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villainwithinme · 2 years
you are not always going to understand why you feel the way you do
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villainwithinme · 2 years
Cute Hairstyles to try out for Long Hair
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Hairstyles is an important factor that puts our look together. What we are going for and can show are feminine side. I do recommend getting hair accessories that you love and actually want to wear. Accessories can be used as a guide on what type of hairstyle you will like to try out. Never be afraid to experiment as this will show what looks best on you and how you feel wearing it. Tip- Take a picture of yourself with a new hairstyle and don't look at it until a few days later. This will make you see if you actually like how it look on you.
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All pictures are from Pinterest
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villainwithinme · 2 years
how romanticizing everything changed my life
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- i started to feel beautiful every day. i fell in love with my features and stopped having desires to make changes such as surgery, extensions etc.
- my personality improved drastically. i’m a fun loving girl that enjoys making people laugh and feel good about themselves, and people gravitate towards me for it
- my limiting beliefs decreased immensely. gone were the days of thinking someone else was better suited for the thing i wanted to do, i’m the perfect girl for the job
- i stopped letting what people could *possibly* think about me, hinder me. i can’t read minds. i don’t know what anyone truly thinks….so i’m not going to attempt to
- i finally cultivated a personal style that makes me feel gorgeous. i wear what makes me feel most comfortable and cute!
- i became better at prioritizing rest and relaxation. getting my brows threaded, getting pedicures, watching movies, taking naps. i feel guilt free doing all of those things. i love putting in work, but i need my body to be a well oiled machine in order to really get it all done.
- i let go of the idea that i needed to *act* a certain way be feminine. yes i love pink. do i NEED to wear pink to be feminine? of course not. the things i wear are just outward expressions of my innate femininity. they are not the source of it.
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villainwithinme · 2 years
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femme fatale 💋
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villainwithinme · 2 years
meditating every day
icing your face
12k+ steps/day
establishing a healthy workout routine
consistently being fit
journaling every night
feeling academically motivated
surrounding yourself with only positive energies
putting yourself first
eating healthy and whole foods whenever you can
maintaining a good balance
establishing an in-depth and effective skincare routine (am/pm!)
looking at these changes as a long term beneficial lifestyle change, not just some trend you're following for fun
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villainwithinme · 2 years
Morning routine ideas
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Creating a proper morning routine can be so much fun, especially now that so many people are starting summer break; it's the perfect time to get used to a new routine! <3
Open your curtains + Window. Fresh air and sunshine are always good for you.
Read something, waking up the brain, haha.
Say good morning to your pets and/or plants. It's something cute.
Wash your face and brush your teeth. Best feeling in the morning.
Drink a glass of water and take your vitamins. I like taking my vitamins on an empty stomach, so a bit before breakfast.
Make yourself breakfast; I never understood how people can go without breakfast. I would be dead by noon, lol.
Try eating breakfast outside; literally so relaxing.
Exercise, go for a walk, try some yoga or pilates.
Journal, Paint, blog. Do something creative that makes you feel good and inspired; I obviously write blog posts, hahah.
Brew a fresh cup of coffee or tea. Slay.
Connect with your friends or family. A simple good morning text is enough and might make their day a bit better :)
Choose an outfit. Whatever you feel comfortable with, your clothes should always empower you!
Put on your favorite perfume; I like 'Thank U Next' by Ariana grande, 'Black Opium' by YSL, or Victoria's Secret body spray.
Make your bed and maybe tidy up your room a bit.
List three things you want to do today. You can also write down more but don't push yourself too much.
Do your makeup and/or hair, I'm currently trying more simple makeup for summer, and I'm loving it!!
Listen to your favorite song, my fav atm is Cry Baby by The Neighbourhood, lol.
Please feel free to add more suggestions in the comments! <3
✩‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧✩
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villainwithinme · 2 years
habits that bring you closer to your best version 🤍
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stop living in the past focus on what you have now and what you want to achieve tomorrow
stop reacting to the negative ignore the negative, that which you do not like and which causes you discomfort, and replace all this with positive thoughts even if the situation seems complicated
recognize your achievements day by day they don't have to be only past achievements, every day we achieve something new even if we don't realize it, learn to see the positive in your days, there is always something small to be grateful for
take responsibility for what you think and feel be aware of your thoughts and emotions, nothing has meaning until you give it meaning, so try to always focus on the positive
speak nicely to yourself stop judging yourself or feeling guilty, change your negative internal dialogue, and talk to yourself the way you would like to be talked to
give power to the positive even in the most difficult moments, there is something to be thankful for, focus on the good in your life and make this habit a daily routine, always be thankful for something
be patient everything will come at the right time, so it is not worth losing faith
do different things every day do at least something different every day that helps you to connect with the best version of yourself, it can be a morning walk
be aware of your qualities and express them you can write down what are your qualities to be more aware of them and start to be more conscious of them in your day-to-day life, sure you have a lot of them and that makes you unique and beautiful
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villainwithinme · 2 years
The older you get, the more you start to realize you really don’t need unnecessary company.
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villainwithinme · 2 years
Movies That Left Me Empty But Taught Me Something Part II
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Part two of movies that made me feel and taught me something. Also, trigger ⚠️ movie topics include suicide, violence, and blood. Enjoy:)
1. Water Lilies - Don't throw away your friends for some complicated relationship that you know it will end bad.
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2. The Virgin Suicides- People only see what they want to see. Also, even if you never interacted with someone or barley know them they can still leave a massive impact in your life.
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3. Moriyamachu Driving School- Letting go of a friend can hurt just as much as letting go of a relationship.
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4. Little Miss Sunshine - What we really want in life sometimes isn't meant for us.
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villainwithinme · 2 years
Beauty In Knowledge
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Chapter three of "The Villain Beauty Series". I will be talking about how knowledge is needed and it can be SEXY AF like my girl Velma here. As always I will be giving tips on different ways to expand your knowledge and why it is important.
Knowledge is so powerful and not many talk about how good it is for you. Now I know how fucking annoying it is to hear. But it's true having knowledge is such an important thing to have. It is a tool we need to survive the society we live in. It is important as it help us solving problems faster and allows are brain to works more smoothly. It also help your brain to take up new information and process it faster than before. You also look out for yourself in situations and help you understand yourself better. Anyways let's begin on how to gain Knowledge.
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Find time to read. Ik you heard about this shit before but listen if you can't get motivated to reading a book, here is a tip. Do you remember those reading logs that teachers used to make us, you know read for an hour and have your parent sign it. I want you to do that but for yourself, I like to use notion to organize different habit trackers there. Look thru it every week and see improvements. Also, you don't have to read a full hour. You can start with 5 or 10 minutes, what we're trying to have is progress and let it become a habit naturally.
First thing find books, hell it doesn't even have to be a 300 page book. You can also start with comics, children books, articles anything with words that require you to read will help you get started on your new reading habits. Anything that entertain you and doesn't make you reach for your phone. I like to read fiction and comic books like
Fahrenheit 451
The Outsiders
But I actually started by reading comics like
Calvin and Hobbies
Nancy Drew, and so on
You can also go back to your childhood and recall what were some of your favorite books that once gave you a thrill. That nostalgia will help you build this habit.
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We all have heard about this one but listen it works. Personally I like to get stickers, tape, gel pens anything that gets me excited to journal. Also, your handwriting will improve and your spelling as well.
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You might be confused about this one so let me explain. Some studies have been proven that games can keep your mind alert and fresh and some show that your IQ can increase. It can be a physical or mental game. So play some
Poker (not influsing gambling just the game)
Playing an instrument
Do a sports
Anything that keep your brain going and that alllow your cognitive skills going
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Observe & Listen
This one is self explanation and sounds a bit weird but it helps with knowledge. When conversating with someone don't just focus on yourself. Ask questions about the other person, observe their body language, facial expressions, listen to the way they speak, tone, etc. Also, when in public pay attention to your surroundings. Personally I like to observe people in public and make assumptions about the person based on how they behave . I ask myself questions like, Are they speaking soft or loud to the cashier, why does she look irritated, how many kids does he have to be buying so many caprisuns or is he having a kids party, etc. Observing people will help you find context clues in people and that can benefit you in the future. Listen to what others say, their opinions, how they believe certain things should go about. This can be an in person conversation or online like Ted talks, educational podcast, YouTube videos, etc. Tip for my people that have low self esteem don't do the conversion one just yet you might find yourself agreeing with someone opinion only because majority might think like that. Listen to podcast and YouTube videos first and ask yourself if you agree with what their saying, why or why not. Remember we are trying to expand our own knowledge and have our own opinions about the topic not follow others.
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You can either take this one of leave it because what I am going to suggest you may be to lazy to do it. And I don't blame you I do this once in a while because it takes up time. But for anyone that still want to do it and in a short amount of time I got you. Research can expand your knowledge and educate you on stuff you never learned in school. A tip I used to is treat this as a school project, you can either write a report, an essay, or make a PowerPoint about anything you want to know about. I used to treat it as a school project, and in the beginning of the month I would put a due date for the end of the month I had to get it done. And if I got it done instead of a grade I used to buy myself something I been wanting for a while. So I would write conclusion paragraphs about what I have learned. For those that want to do this in a short amount of time read a bunch of articles, then open your notes and bullet points the most important points you learned.
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The things we do reflect us as people. That can be based on physical or mental. Start small when creating new habits and don't hate yourself when you don't see the results quickly. It's about trying, moving forward and wanting to do better for yourself. Remember this is for you and it will be tough but if you hang on for a bit, you won't lose. Keep a habit tracker and do one positive habit at a time so you won't get overwhelmed.
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Well that is it. I been really busy lately so I might not post in a while. But take care you guys and remember take a break once in a while and don't push yourself so hard. You got time and I believe in you all. See you later. 🍊
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villainwithinme · 2 years
@astro-sirena I hope one day you find the courage to do so. I know people can be assholes but I believe you can be an amazing influencer.
I want to be an influencer so badly but I don’t have the courage to post after I got online bullied by locals…sigh
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villainwithinme · 2 years
Happy pride month to all of yall but especially to asexuals, aromantics, straight trans people, and everyone who's in the closet
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villainwithinme · 2 years
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villainwithinme · 2 years
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villainwithinme · 2 years
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