voidhater-blog · 7 years
@other anon: being POC does not excuse whitewashing just saying.
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voidhater-blog · 7 years
Concerning your last ask about @ignte: neither Gus nor the mun are white
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Thanks for letting me know that because honestly, didn’t know that about edi/the mun. i will change that appropriately, and apologize. but lemme take a minte to go in on IGNTE. Gus is WHITEWASHED, gus will never be whatever the fuck they say he is because mun CONSTANTLY uses white men for their face claim. There are PLENTY of POC that edi could have chosen from but they constnatly use white men with no history of anything other than that nasty ol’ anglo saxon ( aka MAYO ) in em. Sorry to say this THATS WHITE WASHING. and a nasty ass trash piece: NO MATTER WHAT COLOR THEY ARE using a thin title of POC on their character so they won’t get called out on DISGUSTING BEHAVIOR.
but they can come back to me with why they be using BIG BOSS ( WHITE MAN ) and BIGBY WOLF ( ding ding!! WHITE MAN!!! as their face claim ) like honestly just get back to me and explain this!
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voidhater-blog · 7 years
@oholiness care 2 comment?
concerning void/null/data/diavolo/outsider
so if you didn’t know, I’ve made something similar about void ONCE BEFORE, because in general, they’re was gross and a known abuser. they’s generally came back yet again and has accused me of shit yet again and i told them there would consequences to their actions if they didn’t make a public apology so here we go again on this road….. especially in claims that are up on this page ( archived ). more to be added and feel free to expand on this if needed
this post is about tumblr user leemte ( leemtea ) / voidleviathan / @saintpretense​ / floaras / shvbon / vcoalesce / nbgiornos / twobased /goethartig / goddessfavor / and others.
here are several other posts about this person: here, here, here, and the blog
tw for pedophilia accusations, sexually explicit talk from a minor, and death threats & suicide encouragement. 
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voidhater-blog · 7 years
:( why cant they just stay gone.
void ur not sneaky we all know its you lmao. its kinda funny how you ran away and remade under a new alias but didnt care to change your theme style or even the character you rp’d. 
also this part of your rules screams ‘pedophile!!!’ to me 
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i would consider two courses of action:
dont come back
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voidhater-blog · 7 years
RING RING !!! HELLO!!!! still relevant and you can now find void @ oholiness and a post is being written on racist nasty ass partner :^) i can’t wait to see these two little whities get snatched yall. 
concerning void/null/data/diavolo/outsider
so if you didn’t know, I’ve made something similar about void ONCE BEFORE, because in general, they’re was gross and a known abuser. they’s generally came back yet again and has accused me of shit yet again and i told them there would consequences to their actions if they didn’t make a public apology so here we go again on this road….. especially in claims that are up on this page ( archived ). more to be added and feel free to expand on this if needed
this post is about tumblr user leemte ( leemtea ) / voidleviathan / @saintpretense​ / floaras / shvbon / vcoalesce / nbgiornos / twobased /goethartig / goddessfavor / and others.
here are several other posts about this person: here, here, here, and the blog
tw for pedophilia accusations, sexually explicit talk from a minor, and death threats & suicide encouragement. 
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voidhater-blog · 7 years
can we give a shoutout @ignte who is close w/ void/nova/nul/asshole and also manipulative and petty themselves to the point that they think they somehow own the concept of 'paternity' and has gone so far as to falsely accuse other dad blogs of 'mimicking' the middle age emo that's gus?
EDIT: refer to this ask about gus and edi not being white. ( information not known because as said before, some muns stay away from void’s friendgroup and only know information second hand, sorry for the mistake ! )
LMFAO!!!!! please scalp them, GUS IS A JOKE!!! it’s a terrible oc, a terrible little white dad by a white person who think they can be everyone’s dad. sorry to bring this down onto your door step, edi, but your oc is gross. there’s no storyline, no basis. just a white man crying about every little thing while he tries to belittle poc ( and believe me i know this, being first hand to their gross infantalization of grown ass men ) men into being your white boy’s nasty little ‘sons’, god just youre a disgrace and thats to put it lightly, but dont get me started i want these RECIEPTS YALL !!! HIT ME!!!!!
STOP DEFENDING A FLIMSY EXCUSE OF AN OC. Just because edi may be POC doesn’t mean they can’t whitewash holy SHIT.
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voidhater-blog · 7 years
Not sure if someone informed you of this yet, but I want you to know that void's gf is just as gross, problematic and disgusting as she is as well. If you need receipts on some foul shit that she's doing to a good friend of mine, just say the word. Both of these assholes need to be taken down and taken off tumblr and leave them to go scissor each other behind a dumpster.
please get me !!!! them reciepts yall!!! i will call out tumblr user ignte before they can snatch on that wig lmfao. 
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voidhater-blog · 7 years
void is @ oholiness, now. their new alias is nova. i don't know anyone but them who plays a dfab outsider.
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was just checking up on this blog to update the callout post with their url. @oholiness IS their new url and nova their new name. the theme is the same, the pop ups are the same. all the did was change the background and literally thought they was about to get away with it. they aren’t that slick its disgusting. so please watch out for them and remember, they’re a habitual abuser, a liar, and a thief. :/ kinda sad that they keep showing their ass like this even though they’ve been called out twice on it.
hey void ( or is it nova now, helen ? ), when are you gonna apologize or take leemtea down or show actual receipts of you being abused or address the fact that you want two pocs to kill themselves violently, or the fact that you frequently use racist slurs against poc, and the fact that you use poc and mental illnesses and gimmicks to further your nasty bald white agenda you spineless little coward. 
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voidhater-blog · 7 years
for some credible proof void is trying to log onto their old  skype all pull reciepts from before 2015, when the people they are no doubt gonna try to call out didn’t know them that well or know their age that well either way posting for clarity, take their new “”reciepts “”” as literally shit seeing how they trying to drift back 2 years ago :/
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voidhater-blog · 7 years
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YET ANNNOTHER set of caps that shows that void didn’t care about us calling them out and only cared about people blocking them. i understand that it’s sad to lose friends but honestly honey, you could have been making apologies. but then again mod fenris is petty as heck, right?
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voidhater-blog · 7 years
concerning void/null/data/diavolo/outsider
so if you didn’t know, I’ve made something similar about void ONCE BEFORE, because in general, they’re was gross and a known abuser. they’s generally came back yet again and has accused me of shit yet again and i told them there would consequences to their actions if they didn’t make a public apology so here we go again on this road….. especially in claims that are up on this page ( archived ). more to be added and feel free to expand on this if needed
this post is about tumblr user leemte ( leemtea ) / voidleviathan / @saintpretense​ / floaras / shvbon / vcoalesce / nbgiornos / twobased /goethartig / goddessfavor / and others.
here are several other posts about this person: here, here, here, and the blog
tw for pedophilia accusations, sexually explicit talk from a minor, and death threats & suicide encouragement. 
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voidhater-blog · 7 years
hey :)
hi everyone. my name is void / nul / data / diavolo etc. and i’m going to address something terribly distressing to me (thus details will be missing).
tws for #incest, #csa,  #pedophilia, #abuse, #suicide, #self harm.
as everyone probably knows i used to be a part of bust a nust - a small jojo group of tight friends, buuut that fell apart. today i’m going to expose the fact that a big part of this group consists of pedophiles.
the definition of pedophilia is   “Broadly, child sexual abuse (CSA) is using children (under age 18) for sexual gratification.”   x. 
i’m going to address these individually as they all have done different things to me and others. some have receipts, some don’t,  as these logs are 4+ months old and spread across various skype accounts.  also, forewarning: i am very, very forgetful. details may be added.
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voidhater-blog · 7 years
Just a little tidbit - the money that I spent on Void and their lies was my financial aid refund. I CANT AFFORD COLLEGE THIS SEMESTER BC MY GPA ISNT GIGH ENOUGH ANYMORE LOLOLO L ITS A FUCKING LOAN I HAVE TO PAY BACK
Went to the hospital July 2016, tried to jump back into school in September, didn’t fucking work bc my ass was too fucked up for structured education
Also I had to use my hospital visit as a plea bargain for the school to even let me in again in September cause i was UCKING WORKING!!! THE ENTIRE FIRST HALF OF 2016 !! AND COULDNT FOCUS ON MY STUDIES !! CAUSE VOID HAD ME BELIEVING THEY WERE IN AN ABUSIVE HOUSEHOLD AND I COULD GET THE MEANS TO HELP THEM MOVE OUT LOLOL
I got played hard as fuck by this white racist shitstain but if yall wanna continue to get played too then be my guest, they’re damn good at what they do (that sweet, sweet manipulation)
As for the future of this blog, I plan on returning. Im doing a JoJo rewatch (since u know i have all the time in the world now bc i dont have a job or school – thanks again shitstain ) so I will probably tweak my theme and rules a little in the next couple of days.
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voidhater-blog · 7 years
concerning void/null/data/diavolo/outsider
so if you didn’t know, I’ve made something similar about void ONCE BEFORE, because in general, they’re was gross and a known abuser. they’s generally came back yet again and has accused me of shit yet again and i told them there would consequences to their actions if they didn’t make a public apology so here we go again on this road..... especially in claims that are up on this page ( archived ). more to be added and feel free to expand on this if needed
this post is about tumblr user leemte ( leemtea ) / voidleviathan / @saintpretense​ / floaras / shvbon / vcoalesce / nbgiornos / twobased /goethartig / goddessfavor / @oholiness and others.
here are several other posts about this person: here, here, here, and the blog
tw for pedophilia accusations, sexually explicit talk from a minor, and death threats & suicide encouragement. 
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YES THIS IS ME!!!! What do you expect, literally you have suicide baited your way into making your friends say ( noah in question, bunny in question ) saying they wanted to shoot me. their reasoning after i confronted them about it ( you never apologized hmm ). BUT LETS NOT FORGET THAT YOU WANTED US DEAD AS WELL.
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remember how you said i wanted you to kill yourself without any proof but you turned around and said this in the same chat that you conveniently cropped out of your cute little chat!!! sorry that we wanted to stop being friends with you so you called us pedophiles and ERASED OUR MENTAL ILLNESSES YET AGAIN!!!
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but yeah okay!!! so lets talk about this conversation [ Part One & Part 2 ] in question, when i found out that void was saying i fetishized my own abuse and erased my status as a CSA Survivor and A Incest Survivor ( Note they’ve removed this from the callout post after I told them i was gonna out them for the disgusting being they are but :) ) which i admitted to on a public twitter.
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( proof this exists via my original reblog of the post calling them out on it before they edited it, which the admitted to removing in the logs )
anyway i apologized to them for my lack of ‘civility’ for this whole thing as you can see in the logs, but here are some caps just incase yall need more.
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anyway i can’t believe i have to snatch their wig yet again but heres some more shit of them lying about being poor. so first things first. lets talk about where they live and about how they are a habitual liar. so first off, they sent themselves doxxing anons, so that they could garner symapthy from myself and my significant others and tried to blame it on me. im the only person who knows they were @ leemte & leemte. i don’t know their address but they sent me this.
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HMMM YOU PLAYED YOUR SELF BITCH!!! Heres the cap they showed me upclose and personal. so the discussion of where they live, they’re many times have said to the people they rp with that they live in a predominantly brown and poor community. nijmegen is not a predominantly brown and poor community, according to someone that lives around the way ( a mere train ride away at that ), said that it was and i quote ‘ white and rich ’
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hmmm??? void what is the truth void??? what is the truth!!! you can find some testimonials from the black working person in question here.
in other news, in regards to that page they have up. here is peaches who they stayed with for 1 month, who is significant others with PERSON A ( who will now be refered to as person a, as they have said they didn’t want to be involved with void anymore or felt comfortable with void anymore, it’s taken them 6 months to speak out about void’s abuse and now void is PURPOSELY drawing them into this even though they know THIS ) Sibling’s ( Named Gem ) Girlfriend who they stayed with for a while ( they are Aegis of Man and Gem is sparrowhearted )
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( links one / two / three for readability )
not only do i have recorded testimony of void throwing hissy fits (which i can give out if needed) but also the fact that void purposely did not shower or put on deodorant during their stay. so this SMELLY BALD PIMPLE FACED LITTLE RAT sexually pressed person a and disparaged them for coming out as masculine and would not use masculine pronouns for them. heres you yet again being shitty to trans boys you transphobic piece of trash
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and lets not forget you being openly sexual at 16 with people who didn’t want to, there are multiple receipts buddy of shit like this where people would try to get you off their back about your disgusting rape fantasies but helen, wait theres more: here is you yet again admitting that youre a fucking liar
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remember these:
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void accuses noah of giving no reciepts but yet they dont give any that are of realness, i didn’t even have void on skype anymore but their name still pops up as the display name as it does last time i talked to them. case in point:
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im not friends with sage but their skype name still comes up this way ( IN GROUP CHATS )  and on mobile you’d be able to see the skype or live usename and ims one on one ( on the COMPUTER ) will still have an icon / show their profile picture even if yall aint friends no more, but void the reciepts you have have no username and no icon. STOP SAYING THAT PEOPLE CAN’T SHOW CREDIABLE PROOF IF YOU CAN’T! you literally cannot sit there and say that noah won’t give proof when you don’t give proof for all your claims. if you shell out some credible proof then i’ll apologize but other than that, we all know YOU’RE GROSS and there’s NO PROBABLE cause to believe you cause you’ve lied in the past. PLEASE DO NOT DICTACT R*PE SURVIVORS BECAUSE YOU GOT YOUR FEFES HURT YOU SMELLY ASSHOLE.
they emotionally manipulated their friends into saying shit about us because they ACCUSED us of being pedophiles & pedophile apologists. me & dallas & hades, have called them out before hand!!! literally cause we outted them for being a gross rat, they accused us of being pedophiles & apologists & fetishizers but here we are again, more of  void having the same rhetoric, being scared of being called out and pulling the SAME STUNTS: thinking that we’re not going to retaliate against them. 
but nah it’s not happening against that. either way: their mom aint no acholoic, they stole that from the kids they hang around. they treat their mom like crap, they masturbate on calls and fake moan on calls cause they’re gross little shits. this shit has been recorded but unless yall want me to upload this shit, i’m not listening to it again. they’re a gross habitual liar, a fucking thief and a faker.
they pretended to be jewish, poc, poor, and otherwise just so they could have a minority card. ( x ) ( x ) ( x ).
these are all reciepts from people that they wanted to live with, who have sent them money have have purchased places with the intention of getting void into their country to live with them because void convinced them they were POOR & ABUSED. they talk about all this shit but literally as i’ve said in the first callout post, they intiate this shit -- they cry abuse when you don’t date them and they harass when you admit that you’re asexual and too old for them. proof via creepy ass tweets ( x ) ( x ) ( x )
either way, lets not forget their cute little paypal statement, which was said by that time they were still in america. they didn’t show their balance, but they showed they got 100 MORE dollars out of no where ( not from commissions mind you ) and they did nothing ( while in america ) but spend 30 dollars at a time on kinguin limited ( WHICH IS FOR STEAM KEYS AND SHIT, LMFAO  WHAT AN IDIOT. ). yall they are trying to play us!!!!
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aaah this is funny because the formal charges are about you sexually pressuring someone that kept telling you NO NO NO. And getting 100S OF FUCKING DOLLARS ON CLAIMS OF BEING POOR.
but okay all of this shit is basically void calling themselves out again, like i aint even got time for it. this is my piece about me. theres more shit about you but its not my place to get into it, and you better be glade PERSON A doesn’t want to be bothered with you anymore or like i said, you’d BE FINISHED. ending point: bitch 6 months ago i left you with shreds of your nasty fucking blonde wig, and your naked mole rat looking ass COME BACK with this shit, but here i am again DESTROYING YOU. if you ever try this shit again believe me i just wont be dissecting your pitiful little post but i WILL be dropping that heavy shit nontheless.
anyway if you can take the time please report the page leemtea for slander / abuse / invasion of privacy.
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voidhater-blog · 7 years
hi, void has a new blog, mothrland
a bit late, as of now it seems that blog has been deactivated! :C thank you for the information though, anon. hope you have a lovely day.
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voidhater-blog · 8 years
Hey there, this is essentially a callout post for Void/Null (tumblr user @voidleviathan​​ / @divinerotten / @imperfectdroid / @thornplagued / @floaras / @shvbon / @twobased / @deathrot and twitter user outsvders). I will be writing about my experience with Void and how they both emotionally and generally manipulated me. I also want to make it known that although me and Void have both apologized for the things that were said, I wanted to make this as a warning to anyone who intends on becoming either friends or datefriends with them. because despite the fact that we made up, they continue to do these things with others and neither I or their other victims see that they have any intention of owning up to their actions any time soon. 
Lastly, here’s a link if i you want to read more about the things Void has done to others, 
edit 1: with the exception of deathrot, which is their outsider rp blog, void has archieved and left all of their blogs and twitter behind.
tw for manipulation; and mentions of suicide, self-harm, and animal abuse.
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voidhater-blog · 8 years
Mod doppio adding in the fact that they are hoping that bibi, and a lot of other people involved in calling them out wished they died even though they constantly accused , as mentioned before with a link to one relavent post, but don’t forget they’ve also said it on twitter multiple times.  (taken from here)
generally the whole discourse is that void is nasty, gross and manipulative. they’ve been called out on it but then it has dissolved into an age issue where we aren’t allowed to be older than them because then we’re bullying them, suddenly we’re not allowed to be mentally ill too because we don’t agree with them. This is gross disgusting behavior, it’s rude and it’s nasty, and they’ve even claimed we want them to kill themselves multiple times. I don’t want anyone to kill themselves, I’m mentally ill and I think about suicide everyday. What I want is respect and this isn’t respect or behavior. Mental Illness is one thing, but it is absolutely no excuse for the way they have been continuously acting to multiple people.
@voidstitched i really would love an explanation of why you’re telling people to go die, and that you hoped they died, when you’ve constantly been doing that. and don’t forget, it’s ableist as hell to say that you want bpd adults to die hmm?
do you understand, @voidstitched​, that you can cause a person who is suicidal to think that their suicidal feelings are warranted and caused a suicide because you literally have hoped people die. it’s like a little nasty don’t you think!!! but yet again hypocritical coming from the child who apparently says that these people have told you to die or want you to die, when there’s no record of such.
or are you going to blame your bpd on that, because bibi has mentioned multiple times that they have officially diagnosed  BPD and they were more than nice to you, too nice even.
Or @voidstitched, why are you hoping that geese / kotowarv dies when they have been nothing but kind to you, too nice and polite to someone who has treated them like shit and calling them slurs (never forget that you cannot be using the slurs the way you do, multiple black people have confided that you use it AND Aave in a way to seem more aggressive and tougher than you are.)
but you know what i just want to understand, you’re not blocked here so you can always @ or message us because....there’s some serious messiness i see here.
mod outsider here again. content warning for #death & #death wishes. 
here, we have @voidstitched​ straight up saying they want people to die for disagreeing with them. 
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(this is rather ironic considering void pushed really hard to say that everyone was trying to pressure them to die.)
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as taken from the call out post made by bibi:
There was also a recent event involving a caesar where they said that the people who were roleplaying with the caesar were abusers and such and saying they all should just block and unfollow them even though some people didn’t even know they had a caesar of their own. They had since deleted that post but they were gross to Geese, who said this to them, and generally the way Void handled it is pretty manipulative. In the end Geese this and this to Void, and was met by this nasty ask.  Geese made these tweets on the subject for reference. (x) (x) (x)
you can clearly see in the messages that void’s reaction to this is completely uncalled for, considering geese / kotowarv​ handled the situation thoughtfully and respectfully - but wishing for them to die solely based on the fact they didn’t agree with them and wanted to part ways, is disgusting.
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