voyblr · 3 years
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It’s National Pollinators Week, so for your Monday Motivation, were sharing this 1929 motivational workplace poster published by Mather & Company.
From Mather & Company work incentive posters (Mather & Company work incentive posters (Accession 2005.278) ), in Hagley’s Audiovisual Collections. You can view more workplace posters at our Digital Archives.
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voyblr · 3 years
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Just a bit of what I’m working on, between my actual jobs-related work 
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voyblr · 3 years
Great idea! Let’s use the system that makes it easiest to work together, without significanty forcing anyone to change while others change not at all. I like it a lot. 
i will never understand why americans write dates like that. it hurts my brain. it's just pure logic to go from day to month to year
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voyblr · 3 years
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voyblr · 3 years
You know I’m always happy to see more access to education and knowledge
free online resources from virtual museum tours to online learning
hi! if you’re looking for some ways on how to spend your time and engage with subjects you really love, or learn something new, or just distract yourself with art and literature, i’ve got you!! please share with others if it’s helpful <3
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voyblr · 3 years
Such thoughtful questions <3
hello. i made another quiz. it is spring, these days. we are looking to move forward. let me give you something you might need.
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voyblr · 3 years
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One thing that academia taught me and that I’m so grateful to it for is this ^. I used to be so afraid to speak up in classes and I’d suppress my desire to ask people things or to challenge them. I’d just wonder, quietly steeping in my curiosity until I let myself get distracted. But so much of learning is due in largely to asking and answering questions well. I mean, what would happen if we all stopped asking questions? What would happen if we all started asking more?  (I know that the image is a bit corporate; don’t hate me for it. I originally designed the image for linkedin :P)
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voyblr · 3 years
At the end, of the day, we’re all just people, aren’t we? No more and no less. 
please stop idolizing people you barely know on the internet
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voyblr · 3 years
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I’m in love with these polar-inspired sticky notes and these fine-tip pens, which are both adorable and they make my writing look nicer.  Hopefully, these make my walls a little prettier and they help me to be more productive c:
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voyblr · 3 years
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“Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.”
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voyblr · 3 years
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Just having a chill night of studing and doing work for Project Voy with my plants and my gecko 
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voyblr · 3 years
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An example of a question asked to Voy’s humanist hive (aka a group of self-reported humanists). What do you all think? Do you have any different answers to this question? Do you think it’s a good question for this hive? Are the colors looking okay? If you have any thoughts, please let me know c:
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voyblr · 3 years
Learn to love reading and research I promise you’ll never be bored again
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voyblr · 3 years
I’m gonna buy stickers for my schedule; it’s looking too boring. Does anyone have any stikcer seller recommendations?
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voyblr · 3 years
Art isn’t just pretty things, (although beauty is important). It’s connection; it’s conversation.  And those things are vital. 
“You read something which you thought only happened to you, and you discover that it happened 100 years ago to Dostoyevsky. This is a very great liberation for the suffering, struggling person, who always thinks that he is alone. This is why art is important. Art would not be important if life were not important, and life is important.”
— James Baldwin, Conversations with James Baldwin
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voyblr · 3 years
You know what’s awesome?  Research.  You know what’s not awesome?  Not being able to get access to research because it’s stuck behind a paywall and you don’t belong to an institution/your institution doesn’t subscribe to that particular journal.
Here is a list of free, open access materials on a variety of subjects.  Feel free to add if you like!
Directory of Open Access Journals- A compendium of over 9000 journals from 133 countries, multilingual and multidisciplinary.
Directory of Open Access Books- Like the above, but for ebooks.  Also multidisciplinary.
Ubiquity Press- Journals covering archaeology, comics scholarship, museum studies, psychology, history, international development, and more.  Also publishes open access ebooks on a wide variety of subjects.
Europeana-  Digital library about the history and culture of Europe.
Digital Public Library of America- American history, culture, economics, SO MUCH AMERICA.
Internet Archive- In addition to books, they have music and videos, too.  Free!  And legal!  They also have the Wayback Machine, which lets you see webpages as they looked at a particular time.
College and Research Libraries- Library science and information studies.  Because that’s what I do.
Library of Congress Digital Collections- American history and culture, historic newspapers, sound recordings, photographs, and a ton of other neat stuff.
LSE Digital Library- London history, women’s history.
Wiley Open Access- Science things!  Neurology, medicine, chemistry, ecology, engineering, food science, biology, psychology, veterinary medicine.
SpringerOpen-  Mainly STEM journals, looooong list.
Elsevier Open Access-  Elsevier’s kind of the devil but you might as well take advantage of this.  Mainly STEM, also a linguistics journal and a medical journal in Spanish.
113K notes · View notes
voyblr · 3 years
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https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2F68.media.tumblr.com%2F9ea7f1ffa2203e2d75535400a6096f4c%2Ftumblr_ofb65cYXTA1rqj6wno1_500.gif&f=1&nofb=1 This gif just reminded me a bit of swarming on Voy  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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