Fic Update - Love Birds
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A new Love Birds chapter for you! A quote below to get you interested - just click on the chapter number to go read the new content in FULL! OR - start at the beginning of the story by clicking on the title (found in the first sentence of this blurb!) 
“No, she wasn’t kidnapped, and no, she wasn’t ransomed. Her boyfriend’s best friend and partner just decided to pay her a visit. At 2 in the morning. Sitting on her dresser. A knife in one hand.” - Chapter Two
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Fic Update - Uncaged
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Look at that: An Uncaged update! Two new chapters for you this week – the title link will send you to chapter one to start at the beginning or click on the chapter numbers that follow each quote to read that specific chapter. A few quotes from the new chapters to tide you over below!
"This is why I don't deal with the civilians," She complained loudly over Max's laughter. Civilians. The way she said the word was like a bucket of ice water, and Max suddenly ceased to find the situation funny. Because she spoke as if she WEREN'T a civilian, as if she were a soldier. As if she were fighting a war, as if she had been for a long time. "Not funny anymore?" The blonde man at JJ's side guessed, voice low and sympathetic. Max made a face and ignored the man. "Stop it, JJ," Max scolded harshly. "This is serious." Eyes narrowed and her head tilted, and her voice was frosty when she spoke. "Who - the hell - is JJ?" – Chapter Four
“When Cassie had first landed in the cage, she'd spent two days alone, fighting to survive and braving the dangers she'd been faced with all by her own strength. She didn't learn until later that those two days had been a test."You survive the first 48 hours, and then I can show you the ropes. You don't make it that long here, you don't deserve to live."On day three, SHE had shown up, looking fierce and like some warrior princess, and Cassie had been worried that the woman would kill her, but when she hadn't, and instead had saved her from a creepy beast that Cassie wouldn't have been able to fight off on her own, well.Cassie had cried.The woman had rolled her eyes, muttered "Why do they always do that?" And then showed Cassie how to make shelter and find food.” - Chapter Five
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Fic Update - Backspace
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Happy Monday! Here are two new chapters of Backspace for your reading pleasure! Click the title to go to chapter one and read from the beginning or the chapter numbers at the end of each quote to go to a specific chapter. Quotes are below! 
"This Ultron – thing, when was he first created? Two years ago?" Sam looked to Tony for confirmation, and he shrugged. "Closer to two and a half," Tony admitted. "So maybe the robot has all-access to the internet, but the internet can't tell you how to feel things." "Right." JJ made a face. "So – we're dealing with a two and a half year old in an adult's body." "Or in other words," Prentiss smirked. "We're dealing with a man." Garcia cackled, and Theo snorted, but the others seemed decidedly unamused.” - Chapter Twelve
“The ringing of a phone caught everyone off guard."Is that?" Clint asked slowly. "A home phone?" Pietro scoffed. "Who even has one of THOSE anymore?" Dean made a face, and his eyes were uncontrollably drawn to Steve, and then to Theo. They all wore the same expression. "Home phones have exactly three uses," Steve said slowly, his fists clenching at his side. "They are for the older generations," "For the homeridden," Dean added."Or for ransom calls." Theo finished. "I vote we don't answer it," John said seriously. - Chapter Thirteen
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New Fic: Caged Sequel!
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The CAGED Sequel, titled UNCAGED, is now online! Chapters one, two AND three are available and waiting to be read! Click on specific chapter titles to go there, or the fic title or HERE to go to chapter one! 
Read below for Summary and a sneak peek! 
Summary: 3 years after JJ's disappearance, and the Supers are living the life while the Avengers settle peacefully into retirement. Except...there are monsters on the loose, everyone's keeping secrets, and Max Watson's caught in the middle. Add in a new cast of characters, a plot twist (or twelve), a friend back from the grave, and what do you know? We have ourselves a SEQUEL. CAGED SEQUEL
Sneak Peek! 
““How can you stand there and preach about the power of light when you’re so shrouded in darkness and misery that just looking at you makes me want to cry?” A woman in the third row snapped. “What happened to your light?”               Gen blinked. 
“I sold it to the highest bidder in exchange for a reprieve,” She snapped.               “You gave up what you’re currently saying is the most important tactic we have at our disposal to make your life easier?”               
Gen’s eyes narrowed, but she didn’t get a chance to speak.               
Instead, Jamie and Max watched as one of the woman on Gen’s team pushed her chair back with such force it clattered to the floor.            
 The woman’s dark eyes flashed with fire – literally, and Jamie and Max shared a look of surprise.             
  “Don’t you EVER speak to her like that again,” the woman snapped, angrily flicking her dark hair out of her face. “You don’t know what it was like for her in the cage: alone, unable to help, forced to watch hundreds die – she gave up HERSELF so she could help, and without that sacrifice thousands would have died.”              
 “That woman,” Bruiser interrupted the woman with an eyeroll, though one regal hand settled on the womans shoulder, “kept us from death, at great sacrifice to herself. If you’ll let her, she will do the same for you.” - Chapter Nine, Uncaged
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New Fic: Love Birds
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Chapter one of my new Fic: Love Birds is now online! Click on the fic title or HERE. Summary and a sneak peek are below! 
Summary: Clint's better half shocked everyone by showing up in Age of Ultron. But she didn't just randomly come into being for shock value. She's always been around: building a life with Clint, befriending Natasha, living a life almost no one would want and being REALLY excellent at it. This is the beginning of that story, or my version anyway - and it starts with Clint, sitting in a tree.
Sneak Peek: “She moved forward to start stitching his wound together, amused at how her night was going so far – not worried in the slightest.The man was strange, that was for sure, but he was injured, and he seemed harmless.And this was what Laura did – she helped people.” - Chapter One
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A Backspace Extra: The Triangle
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Maddie, our fantastic O.C. in Backspace, is dealing with a bit of a “The Bachelor” issue...she’s currently stuck dealing with three men, two from her past and one from her present, and none of them seem to want to get along. We’re going to take a look at each “contestant”, their pros, their cons, and where they’re currently standing in Maddie’s affections - which should help us figure out which guy she’ll end up with! Let’s take a look shall we? 
Meet Steve Rogers! 
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More commonly known as Captain America, Maddie met Steve when she first appeared in the dimension, and was quickly hired by him to join the “New Avengers”. 
The only relationship they’ve ever had consists mostly of a physical one - other than their work relationship of course. 
Steve Rogers IS rumored to be the father of Maddie’s son Orion. But he is not the only contender there either. 
Pros for Steve: 
He’s a babe. 
He MIGHT BE the father - which means Maddie will have to have some form of relationship with him for at least the next 18 years or so. 
Being a parent changes you - Steve and Maddie might be ready now, when they weren’t before. 
They are no longer boss and employee, so it won’t be weird there anymore. 
Steve got attached to Maddie before, who says he still isn’t? 
Cons for Steve: 
 The only relationship they had (minus the work one,) was a physical one.
Maddie and Steve are like oil and water - they don’t mix.
Steve is a superhero with a crazy busy schedule 
Steve Rogers = complicated, the OPPOSITE of what Maddie wants. 
Steve lives in New York, Maddie in Seattle. 
Maddie and Steve didn’t have a chance - who says it’s any different now?
Maddie doesn’t like him like that. 
Is Steve Maddie’s guy? Or is it...
Meet Theo! 
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We don’t have a last name, actually. We don’t really know much about him at all! What we DO know doesn’t actually bode well for the other two guys. 
We know Theo has known Maddie for a long time, and they had a long-term romantic relationship. We know that Theo has a better understanding of Maddie than nearly everyone else does. We know that Theo is from Maddie’s dimension and they went to high school together, did a lot together, have a lot of memories, almost a LIFETIME of memories. We also know that they never actually broke up - and that according to our sketchy timeline, he is the OTHER contender for paternity. 
Pros for Theo: 
He and Maddie were in a REAL, long - term relationship. 
Theo and Maddie get along quite well.
They never actually broke up. 
He could be the father. 
He’s got a real job. 
He doesn’t fight monsters or aliens or bad guys. 
His job comes with government benefits. 
Cons for Theo: 
There are two other guys in the running. 
They are more interesting. 
Theo has a LOT going for him! So is he the guy?! Or is it...
Meet Dean! 
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Dean Winchester is Maddie’s current boyfriend, which should say a lot, and they’ve been dating for the last eight months, which should say even MORE - But Dean has a complicated past and a whole lot of inner issues that might put him out of the running, and give the other guys a chance. Unfortunately, his list is pretty even divided.  
Pros for Dean: 
Two words: Current Relationship. 
Maddie and Dean get along very well. 
Dean adores Maddie’s son. 
Dean also has a government job. 
He loves Maddie a lot. 
He makes the time for them
Dean’s family approves. 
Cons for Dean: 
His past is very dangerous. 
He’s got a lot of trust issues. 
He’s not known for being good with COMMITMENT. 
Dean is a double edged sword. He’s got a lot of Cons but a lot of Pros, with maybe the biggest Pro of all - Maddie wants HIM. But will he push her away? And if he does, who will step up? This is the what I like to call - 
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Keep reading Backspace to find out, and review in the comments of Chapter Eleven (link HERE) and tell me who your vote is for! 
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Fic Update
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Chapters 10 and 11 of Backspace are now up! Click on the chapter numbers to go to that specific chapter, or the title to go to chapter one and start from the beginning! A sneak peek from each chapter is below!  
"Avengers?" She addressed, and the group straightened and turned to her. "Ultron sees himself as my ally, and you are the enemy, especially you two." She raised an eyebrow at Wanda and Pietro, and they shrugged in agreement. "As such," Maddie continued, "you don't leave this building unless I will it."
"Let me guess," Clint said dryly, "You don't will it?" - Maddie, Chapter Ten
“But even at the end of the day, if my son didn't have any of those people, if Dean actually did get tired of me and left, if Steve started a family of his own and forgot about the rejects, if Bucky ran off and Cas and Sam left with Dean, and Sherlock decided that the distance was greater than our importance, my son would ALWAYS have me.And I would watch the world burn to save my son.So – Ultron? He had no idea what he was dealing with.But he was about to find out.”  - Maddie, Chapter Eleven
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I was getting pretty fed up with links and generators with very general and overused weapons and superpowers and what have you for characters so:
Here is a page for premodern weapons, broken down into a ton of subcategories, with the weapon’s region of origin. 
Here is a page of medieval weapons.
Here is a page of just about every conceived superpower.
Here is a page for legendary creatures and their regions of origin.
Here are some gemstones.
Here is a bunch of Greek legends, including monsters, gods, nymphs, heroes, and so on. 
Here is a website with a ton of (legally attained, don’t worry) information about the black market.
Here is a website with information about forensic science and cases of death. Discretion advised. 
Here is every religion in the world. 
Here is every language in the world.
Here are methods of torture. Discretion advised.
Here are descriptions of the various methods used for the death penalty. Discretion advised.
Here are poisonous plants.
Here are plants in general.
Feel free to add more to this!
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I’m back readers! So sorry for the impromptu hiatus - Life has not been kind. But never fear! Expect new chapter updates, story revivals, and crazy announcements starting up again January 1st! Wishing you all the best of holiday seasons - see you soon!! 
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That’s right! This week, keep an eye out for the last THREE chapters! Then it’s all over! Or is it?! 
Never heard of this before or want to reread it in it’s entirety? Here’s a link to start reading CAGED or keep an eye out this week for a link to the FINISHED fic! 
Near the end of the week we’ll be making a wonderful announcement! When I say wonderful, I MEAN wonderful! 
So to summarize, this week is going to be GOOD! 
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For the first week of our DIGGING DEEPER, I am super excited to post this Glitch series Masterpost! 
I would put up the link to my profile again, but hopefully by now you’ve got the gist of how to access my stories! (AKA Fanfiction dot com search user wannabedragontamer88)
Glitch is my first crossover series, but definitely NOT my last (more on that later!). Each story centers around my OC; Spunky Charlotte Dylan Eden Kirk. You meet her in the first installment, GLITCH, at the age of 14, dealing with freshman woes, geeky films, and a little thing called GLITCHING. Throughout the series you not only watch her grow up, but you also see her make new friends, make a name for herself, and even…fall in love?
Keep reading for the order and summary of each installment! 
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#1: Glitch       WC: 19,138       10 Chapters
Summary: What happens when a fangirl (of epic proportions,) of the film The Avengers finds herself somehow, by stroke of luck, IN the movie? How did it happen? Why did it happen? And more importantly, how can this be used to her advantage? Will our fangirl turn the whole film upside down, or is she actually supposed to be there in the first place? This my friends, is what I call, the ORIGIN STORY.
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#2: Adjusting with the Avengers     WC: 24,427      11 Chapters 
Summary: Alright, if Charlie is going to be stuck with the Avengers for awhile…she might as well have some fun with it. Forget all the previous rules; here’s a new one: INTERFERE…with everything! Make new friends, take out enemies before they can attack, and wait, what if the Avengers are only the beginning? Do I hear a CROSSOVER in Charlie’s future? Maybe…Stay Tuned! This is the Avengers story.
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#3: Deducing the Sleuth     WC: 23,382     11 Chapters
Summary: Six months after Charlie (Kay) left the Avengers, and no one’s seen or heard from her since. Now its May 2012, and Charlie’s resurfaced in London, England with a new name (Eden) and a plan. Plan Interfere, to be exact. With her secret weapons at her disposal, what exactly does “Eden” have in store for John Watson and the Holmes Brothers? This is the Sherlock story!
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#4: Crowley’s Redemption        WC: 27,714        11 Chapters 
Summary: Bored once more, Charlie’s renamed herself Dylan to spend some quality time with the Winchesters. With her “hit list” on hand, will her prior knowledge help or hurt the Winchesters as they navigate a still-closed purgatory world? And how will Dylan handle a trickster, king of hell, and grouchy old man butting in all the time? Answer: With style..and sass! The SUPERNATURAL story.
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#5: Bucky       WC: 10,549        8 Chapters 
Summary: Charlie’s left the Avengers…and now she’s bored. But with Plan INTERFERE her top priority, she won’t be bored for long! And in between rehabilitating a hot soldier turned weapon of mass destruction, accidentally hiring on other lost causes to help her with The Cause and MOVING, Charlie may find the one thing she’s been looking for: a place to belong. This is…really, it’s a love/redemption story, even if it was never supposed to be.
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#6: Charlie’s Terrible Horrible    WC: 46,279    18 Chapters 
Summary: 5 years have passed since Charlie glitched into the ULTIMATE alternate universe. In those 5 years she’s created a life for herself, started a family, and built an empire…Life is good. But when some of her enemies decide to team up against her, she’ll have to call on every contact she’s made to protect the family she’s always wanted…and just might lose. 
Click each title for the link to each story, and follow Charlie as she grows older but never grows UP. 
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This Week On...
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Hey Y’all! Happy last week of June! 
We have a lot of fun things in store this week, a LOT of new things that I’m excited about! Let’s break down this week by day! 
MONDAY: Keep an eye out for a new weekly post about the author (yours truly) of every fic that this blog promotes! This week is basic information during our Q and A With Author CLC
TUESDAY: I’ll be posting a GLITCH masterpost, with links to every installment as well as the order and summary of each section! *yay* 
WEDNESDAY: The glorious FIC UPDATES! Including New stories, Updates, and Finished Fics! Specifically this week, a new SHIFT installment and two more chapters of Caged! 
THURSDAY: We’re going to #TBT, all the way back to my very first fic! 
FRIDAY: Quick Fics! YOu’ll be getting a super fun oneshot that fits in with the SHIFT universe! 
Also on FRIDAY: A sneak peek at what the month of July has in store for us! 
I hope this week is super awesome for all of you! Stay cool! 
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Y’all remember the lovely and beautiful GLITCH series, with our wonderful protagonist Charlie? 
Well, for those of you who enjoyed this series, get excited. Because Charlie is not the only one capable of traveling through the mysterious wall that separates the alternate realities. 
A second series has emerged out of the rubble that is Avengers: Age of Ultron, and though the first two installments ARE posted, I won’t be posting the links HERE until the revised and updated versions have been posted and are available to you. Those will be ready in less than a week. Until then, here’s a quick blurb about the new series to get you excited! 
Maddie has nothing in common with Charlie. Her childhood was less than idyllic, her capacity to see goodness in the world is practically nonexistent, and her sass is legendary. And the largest difference? Maddie has never seen any of the Marvel movies, nor does she want to. In all honesty, she doesn’t even own a TV. 
Charlie traveled to the Avengers, befriended Loki, and used of the knowledge she’d acquired in her universe to change the one she found herself in, for the better. 
She made friends, saved the world, and fell in love. 
Maddie will do the same...but on her own terms, and in her own way. 
This is the story of Maddie...of change...of SHIFT. 
There you go! More of this new series, (including the links and a summary to the first installment!) next week, probably Sunday! 
Maybe you’ll even get a cool graphic with the title if I’m super productive! (We’ll see!) 
Love ya guys! 
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Yes my dearest friends, this story is still alive and well! 
Wanna hear a secret? I’ve actually only four more chapters to actually write before it’s FINISHED. (I know, it’s quite sad.) 
BUT the reason I make this new post is to announce that chapters 18 and 19 of Caged have officially been posted! 
As always, click on either the picture, fic title, or chapter number to go straight to the story! 
"We greet our honored guests and offer our home and our kingdom as their own to embrace for the week that you are with us. Anything you desire, we will aim to provide." JJ spread her arms, a wide smile on her face. "Simply put: Welcome to Asgard.” -JJ to the Avengers, Chapter 18
"So you're not mad at me?" Aaron asked. The group shared a look, but it was Stephen that answered. "Honestly? We're furious. You beat up your best friend, the girl who has had you back since the beginning, and you've been really rude to her. But if JJ won't take it out on you, how can we?" -Chapter 19 
Next two chapters to be posted sometime next week! 
Much Love, 
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Call of the search dogs, take my face off the milk cartons, stop planning the funeral...
CAUSE I’M ALIVE. And I’ve returned...with presents! 
FIRST OFF: During my unplanned, unscheduled trek deep into the land of the unknown, I picked up not one Beta, but two! These lovely ladies and I will be cleaning up all of my previous and current works, and by CHRISTMAS, every story currently online will be finished, revised, and reposted. (ya!) 
SECONDLY: Phase Two will be officially completed by December 25th. (merry christmas!) 
THE THIRD OF GIFTS: A new updated phase two line-up will be revealed, and may (MAY) include some Cap3 stories if I can muster up the creativity to outline something fun and original. 
MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU: I had to break from posting and writing fanfiction because I was falling apart in real life. I’m Sorry. I can’t promise there won’t be more breaks, because sometimes I’ll just need mental health breaks or life will get crazy, but this is my oath to you - that I will ALWAYS return. 
SO>>>>> Keep an eye out for a new THIS WEEK ON Ready. Aim. Write. for further information on these exciting new updates! 
I sincerely love you all. 
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Chapters Five and Six of At Risk have been posted! 
"That's what I was worried about." Fury stood and began to pace. "So what we really need is someone both groups respect to not only bring out the best of everyone involved, but also to teach the Avengers how to teach and Team Two how to learn." Fury chuckled. "So basically we need Harper."Steve laughed. "Pretty much." He agreed. "But Harper's in the wind." Fury turned slowly. "Or is she?" He asked pointedly.”   -Fury to Steve, Chapter 5: Mission
"But why haven't you told her the truth?" Clint crossed his arms. "You mean, why haven't I told her that she's a super-powerful superhero, with all of our combined DNA running through her system?" Steve clarified. "Well…yeah." Clint shrugged. "Why didn't I tell the college freshmen who's only ever wanted to be normal that she'll never be anything but?" Steve tried again. "OH." Clint grimaced. "Right. I get it."  -Steve and Clint, Chapter 6: Coach
Much Love, (LLAP,) 
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Charlie’s Terrible Horrible chapters five and six have just been posted! 
"Who is this kid?" Tasha crossed her arms. "If you had an unlimited number of guesses," Clint began, "And all of eternity to use them," Ian added,"You wouldn't even get close." John finished with a smirk.”                                                                    - Chapter 5: The Fugitives
“It was gorgeous and understated…and very, very Charlie."It's beautiful." Sam complimented."It's expensive." Dean added."It usually signifies marriage." Tony blurt out.”          - Chapter 6: Cabin in the Woods
Much Love, LLAP and all that,
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