i need feminism because
i need feminism because i feel like i have to apologize to the boy who played with my heart for standing up for myself.
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my mom just took away my computer because i didn't clean my room for the cleaning lady.
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that is in the past
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when you’re sitting next to your crush and the pastor says to pull out your bibles and you pray they won’t have their’s so you can offer to share with them
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so why is it a thing that periods are such a taboo topic? i mean, if i feel like shit physically or emotionally i want to just say “im on my period” instead of telling people im just not feeling well. why isn’t this accepted? im not saying periods should be joked about or used to gross guys out, im just saying that if im working on a group project with a guy and i have cramps i want to be able to say hey, im on my period, and him to say oh wow that sucks and then for us to keep working without me having to worry about people finding out. is that too much to ask?
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- only grunge posts -
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black and white
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her: are you ok? just tired again?
me: yeah.
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that moment when you’re a virgin and your period is 5 days late and you begin to wonder if you shook hands with a guy who had just...enjoyed himself, and then you wiped after peeing and maybe possibly you’re pregnant with his baby but how will you explain this to the world?
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