wcrpconfessions · 2 years
Anon who sent an ask about wcfandom-confess: I cannot in good conscience publish that with no proof. If you’d like to contact me on my discord, let me know, and you can show proof there. If I find the proof to be sufficient I’ll post your ask without identifying you or mentioning the proof. Thank you.
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wcrpconfessions · 2 years
If you want more insidious favoritism, join Blight's Ending. They don't have special little roles for everyone, but one player is given so much more than the rest and they just pretend like it isn't true and close their anon off the second its pointed out to them directly. I'm surprised the annoying ass hasn't been promoted to that stupid salmon position or mod with how much the mods and other players fall over them.
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wcrpconfessions · 2 years
ok but honestly the enthusiasm to pin being a terf on maya based on “””vibes””” when her most prominent identity is being a lesbian is kinda……… gross and plays on lesbophobic stereotypes imo. like, way to tell everyone that you can’t be normal about open lesbians
This one made me laugh
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wcrpconfessions · 2 years
the only reason Blight's Ending mods haven't bren chased out of the community like they did to the CT mods is because theyre too popular lolllll its so obvi. they didn't give a fuck when those mods were getting harassed and doxed but now that they got some mean anons its a big deal suddenly that these perfeclty reasonable drama blogs exist
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wcrpconfessions · 2 years
hey what happened to only posting serious accusations with proof? there is literally no evidence of maya being a terf and this is just going to lead to people being harassed for no reason. genuinely cannot believe this has to be said but if you're going to start calling someone a terf you should have more to back it up with then "vibes" posted on another anonymous confession blog. like. people are gonna get hurt from this.
None of you guys ever provide proof when asked because you’re too cowardly to out yourselves as drama blog users so what am I supposed to do? Not my fault if you can’t take anonymous submissions with a grain of salt.
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wcrpconfessions · 2 years
@ anon asking for good blogs - just about every blog mentioned here is good. the asks here are sent by weirdos who dont get along with anyone and somehow think its the mods teams fault that theyre like that
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wcrpconfessions · 2 years
Happy 20 years to the Warrior Cats series 🙂
Happy 20 years...
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wcrpconfessions · 2 years
okay i am the go outside anon but like dude no one asked for your sob story. i was just saying it is really odd to be so dependent on online community when it comes to your well being. don't act like you are the only person who got bullied ever. maybe i am speaking from experience myself but your head is so far up your ass you can't see past your own pity lmao
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wcrpconfessions · 2 years
what’s the other drama blog?
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wcrpconfessions · 2 years
anyone in this thread smoke weed? ☠️
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wcrpconfessions · 2 years
positive anon here: i was bullied a lot as a child. it gave me a lot of issues with trusting people that i still struggle with to this day. please be more mindful when you are bashing on things seemingly "cringe". for some of us it is the only thing keeping us going
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wcrpconfessions · 2 years
dude imagine the only thing you can count on in life being wcrp. go outside. touch grass ☠️
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wcrpconfessions · 2 years
deleted all your old asks, huh? did you start feeling embarrassed about publishing a bunch of bullshit with absolutely no proof, or are you just trying to look better than that other drama blog that you also obviously run?
No, just didn’t feel like updating everything to the new tag system
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wcrpconfessions · 2 years
can anyone share any rps that are like?? actually good. ones where i don't have to worry about mods playing favorites, community drama or shitty plots
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wcrpconfessions · 2 years
does anyone have like actually any positive confessions? mine is that despite the drama and bad people in wcrp, i am glad i am apart of this community. it is the only solid thing i can rely on in my life. i know that i will always have a group of people to talk to
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wcrpconfessions · 2 years
Since it seems like people are so desperately trying to brush this off on the other blog. Maya is such a TERF. Idgaf that she is okay with non-binary people. TERFS target binary trans people and mostly trans women at that.
Trans women are the main target of TERFs, along with all TMA people, and I do think most other harm done by them is just collateral. Just making that clear
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wcrpconfessions · 2 years
the new drama blog makes you look so much more sane
Well... thanks
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