welcome2humanity · 10 years
This is a good read.
After a VERY long hiatus, here I am again! Ta Da! (*waving)
I have wonderful news I want to share. I’ve been super stoked that I’m going to be doing something very exciting! Well, I guess “exciting” is relative… How does 10 days of vegetarian food, no make-up, no “bugs squashing,” no sex,...
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welcome2humanity · 10 years
B U N D Y - R A N C H - C O W B O Y S - & - F E D S
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Local media has started covering the Bundy Ranch story but this has been ongoing for 20 years. The past 2 days have turned into a military zone fisting cowboy against Federal Agent. Finally after tazers have been shot, women knocked to the ground, dogs set on attack and livestock have been corralled, the BLM has backed down.
ABC US News | ABC Business News
The video below shows the final standoff and then the government agents backing down and being forced off the property. What is interesting is that the case has no legal leg to stand on but it does show how American's can and will organize when pushed. As we've all probably suspected, this has been a long time coming and most likely won't be the last Mexican standoff on American soil.
Cliven Bundy, owner of Nevada's Bundy Ranch has been the target of a major dispute over land rights with the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) and the Federal Government.
For hundreds of years, Bundy's cattle like other rancher's have always been allowed to graze freely on open land. 20 years ago BLM and the Federal government slapped a taxation on all cattle ranchers for grazing based on the need to protect tortoises. Really?
With no legal leg to stand on Bundy has refused to pay taxes to the Federal government. According to some, the land is needed for solar energy.
STAND OFF: http://abcnews.go.com/US/nevada-cattle-rancher-wins-range-war-federal-government/story?id=23302610
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welcome2humanity · 11 years
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Back in Vietnam... I didn't want to be disrespectful and take pictures of the people begging in the street.  However, I still see the residue from the war.  No matter how modern and shiny the buildings look with the "Gucci" and "Vertu" signage adorning the malls, there are still ghosts of war pasts here.  
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welcome2humanity · 11 years
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In or Out?
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welcome2humanity · 11 years
Vogue, incidentally, removed this article from their website and issued an 'apology' for publishing something contrary to the propaganda dictates of the brutish oligarchs ruling the Western Empire.
...And here is Yahoo's article on the First Lady of Syria, Asma Assad:  
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welcome2humanity · 11 years
The Illusion of Freedom...
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“The Illusion
of freedom will
continue as long as
it’s profitable to continue
the illusion. At the point where
the illusion becomes too expensive to
maintain, they will just take down the scenery.
They will pull back the curtains. They will move
the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the
brick wall at the back of the theater.”
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welcome2humanity · 11 years
Sorry, I F*cked Up!
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welcome2humanity · 11 years
The world has changed. Not just a little but enormously. Years ago, our fears of liberty were of “Big Brother.” But with smart phone technology, gaming apps, social platforms and the internet “We the People” may have gained the...
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welcome2humanity · 11 years
He Pulled a Rickshaw Until Age Of 90 For Children
In 1987, a 74-year old rickshaw puller by the name of Bai Fangli came back to his hometown planning to retire from his backbreaking job. There, he saw children working in the fields, because they were too poor to afford school fees.
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Bai returned to Tianjin and went back to work as a rickshaw puller, taking a modest accommodation next to the railway station. He waited for clients 24 hours a day, ate simple food and wore discarded second-hand clothes he found. He gave all of his hard-earned earnings to support children who could not afford education.
In 2001, he drove his rickshaw to Tianjin YaoHua Middle School, to deliver his last installment of money. Nearly 90 years old, he told the students that he couldn't work any more. All of the students and teachers were moved to tears. In total, Bai had donated a total of 350,000 yuan to help more than 300 poor students continue with their studies. In 2005, Bai passed away leaving behind an inspiring legacy.
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welcome2humanity · 11 years
We Are Dying... 4 Minutes For Life! - - - W A R N I N G - - - SOME FOOTAGE MAY NOT BE SUITABLE
We are considered the most intelligent species on this planet!
We have been blessed with this life.
Blessed as a species to share this land with them...
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Have we considered the consequences of our actions?
When do we stop pointing the finger at our perceived enemies and join together. Who will make the first move?
This planet does not belong to us nor do we have the right to take life from any other, not even if they cannot defend themselves against us.
We are the most intelligent but we continue to act like the least...
This planet and every living being on it is in need of love. 
We will not fail, this is our task to embrace as a species.
Religion, politics, ego, fear, finances... all man made, all dragging us down. 
Share this or things like it
Hug someone
Take the time to do something nice
Listen more, talk less
Ask, plead, and stand united when there are actions against the greater good of every species
Be afraid but still do what is necessary
Put yourself in others shoes
Find the good in things
Share what you have, don't worry you'll get more
Let go
Enjoy every breath as they are all gifts
Thank you Carlos Chavira for this thought provoking video. Thank you for slowing us down to take a look at this thing we call life! We are all running around trying to save ourselves, our family, our homes... Thank you for putting things a little more into perspective... 
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welcome2humanity · 11 years
Hey they’re just kids trying to have a good time…
At who’s expense? And for what cause? As millions around the world protest against corrupt governments and human rights, Southern California’s youth take to the streets of Huntington Beach proceeding the Vans US Open of Surf. As there was no...
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welcome2humanity · 11 years
My shoes...
Careful what you wish  for... You just might get it!
A fable of life's appearances by Nima Raoofi. A MAPS Film School Production of 2012. support his NEW film through pozible http://pozible.com/beginagain
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welcome2humanity · 11 years
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welcome2humanity · 11 years
faithbook - truth is not measured by power!
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welcome2humanity · 11 years
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Good morning from Bali. Just a thought for today.
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welcome2humanity · 11 years
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Think! Then act... You still can, it's not too late
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welcome2humanity · 11 years
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Love and friendship - choose wisely!
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