westepabove-blog · 10 years
#DoGood This Holiday Season with Step Above!
Step Above is built upon the understanding that we are all faced with challenges and we all have to make choices about how to tackle those challenges. There are some challenges that we can each handle individually, but there are others that require a group effort. HIV/AIDS is one of those challenges.
[Visit www.IGG.me/at/StepAboveHIVAIDS2014 to donate!]
This campaign will run from World AIDS Day to New Year's Day, December 1st, 2014 to January 1st, 2015 to donate funds to HIV/AIDS education, research and to provide nutritious meals to those living with the disease. Last year, we met and surpassed our goal of raising $500 by raising over $1000 to donate to God's Love We Deliver!
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We also collected over 300 warm-weather clothing items to donate! If you live in the NY, NJ, PA area, and would like to donate warm-weather clothing, please email us at [email protected] to arrange for a pick-up!
Let's #DoGood!
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westepabove-blog · 10 years
#DoGood: Why this charity campaign?
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Step Above is built upon the premise that "success is each step; success is the journey". "Success" is not a journey that we travel alone. To receive, you must give. When we started Step Above, we recognized our responsibility, not only to give to others but also to provide others with an opportunity to give.
In the spirit of giving this holiday season, Step Above will launch its 2nd Annual #StepAboveDoGood HIV/AIDS Campaign on December 1st, 2014! We invite you to #DoGood by donating to help stem the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
So, why an HIV/AIDS campaign, and why December 1st? 
For one, December 1st is World AIDS Day. It is a day where people and organizations all over the world recognize the impact that HIV/AIDS has and had and participates in education campaigns around the disease. For nearly 10 years, the co-founders of Step Above have participated in HIV/AIDS awareness individually and through various organizations. This cause is personal for Step Above and we need your help to do our part!
Also, coincidentally, December 1st is the day Step Above was officially registered as an LLC. December 1st is our anniversary! What better way to celebrate than to give back and #DoGood in recognition of all that we have received over the years.
An important aspect of success is starting off strong and finishing strong! In that spirt, by participating in this campaign from December 1st to January 1st, we all end this year and start the new year to #DoGood and feel good!
Lastly, to truly celebrate this campaign and to celebrate all of the GOOD you have done, Step Above will host a party in New York City! Details to come.
Want to get involved? We'll tell you exactly HOW on Monday, December 1st. Stay tuned...
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westepabove-blog · 10 years
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It's official! Lift off! Official launch of Step Above's new website! Check us out! Browse around! Let us know what you think! www.WeStepAbove.com [email protected] IG/Twitter: westepabove 'Like' us on Facebook!
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westepabove-blog · 10 years
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It's officially here! Step Above's first book "DETENTION" is now available. We've been shipping out books all weekend and we're running low on advanced copies. To order your own, visit Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble online! Send us a pic when you get yours. We would love to feature you! "Success is each step. Success is the journey."
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westepabove-blog · 11 years
New Website Coming Soon!
Step Above has been doing some pretty cool stuff recently. We want to give you a sneak peak! Interested? It's easy. Here's how:
Check out the work that Step Above does with positive youth development and young professional development at www.WeStepAbove.com.
Sign up for updates on our landing page!
Step Above will be launching our new website in the next few weeks and for those who sign up for updates prior to the launch, we will share new content and layout with you first.
Photos, videos, and more!
Stay tuned!
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westepabove-blog · 11 years
THANK YOU! Step Above #DoGood Holiday Charity Campaign Wrap-Up
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Hello all!
I want to say THANK YOU!
Why? Well, it's because of YOUR help that STEP ABOVE was able to close out our World AIDS Day to New Year's Day holiday charity campaign in a successful way.
See the numbers below:
Over 300+ articles for donation, including:
56 warm-weather coats/jackets, sweaters and sweatshirts; and
27 pairs of sneakers and boots!
And if that wasn't enough, we blew our $500 fundraising goal out of the water by 260%!
Using online fundraising tools and a fundraising event, we raised $1300 to go toward HIV/AIDS education, research and treatment services!
Thanks to of the support we received, people in need will be warmer during these cold-weather months; men, women and children without shoes will receive some; and funds will be received to combat the ongoing fight against HIV and AIDS.
Thank you and Happy New Year!
-Step Above
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westepabove-blog · 11 years
Build Some Value into your New Year #NewValueYear
So as I thought about some of the things I would like to see for myself, and the people that I love in the new year, I came up with this short list of 5 action-oriented ways to add value to your life. I’ll call 2014 the #NewValueYear. Check my tips out below:
1) Add dollar value. Update your personal finance goals. If you don’t have an excel sheet laying out your financial standing, make one. Set your goals to plan to clear debts, minimize expenses, and generate additional income.
2) Un-junk mail yourself. Unsubscribe from newsletters and email lists that clutter your mailbox and inbox with “savings” begging you to spend money you don’t need to spend. Saving 30% on something you didn’t need is not “savings”. Don’t sabotage your ability to complete #1 by not doing #2.
3) Make space. Donate clothes and shoes you don’t wear. Get your unread email to zero (see #2). Toss the junk paper you’ve been collecting for no reason (see #2). You can’t control everything in the world, and those are often the things that you worry most about. In fact, there is very little that we can directly control. Take control of what you can — your space. Make some room for your growth.
4) Add something new. After you clean up your past (#2 and #3), and make a foundation for your success into the future (#1), let’s do something new to add value. Make 4 personal goals — one for each season if that helps you space them out. My only rules: one goal must be physical, one mental/intellectual, one social, one personal.
5) Share. Add personal value to your life by adding value to others. In my experience working with very successful people all over the country, it is so, so, SO important to share what you know and help someone reach their potential. Help someone get a job or improve their skills. Help with a project. Get like minded people together to share ideas. We all have something to share with others. 
Oh, and after you share that, share these 5 tips with someone you know. Help others toward adding value to their life in the new year. You’ve got 363 days left in 2014. Let’s add some value in the #NewValueYear!
- Alex
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westepabove-blog · 11 years
Step Above Holiday #DOGOOD Charity Campaign
We're getting closer and closer to our end-goal of raising $500 for HIV/AIDS research and education. We're sooooo close! We have just 9 days left! Help us get there! http://igg.me/at/StepAboveHIVAIDS
Also! Check out our ongoing Step Above: Leadership Series, where we highlight social, political, business, cultural, and spiritual leaders who help us push forward, and step above.
We will be posting photos on Instagram (http://instagram.com/westepabove), links to videos and articles on Twitter (https://twitter.com/WeStepAbove), and you can always check us out here on Tumblr for content as well.
Feel free to suggest a leader for us to highlight by contacting us here: http://westepabove.tumblr.com/ask
We hope you all enjoy the holiday season! Remember, always Step Above, and #DOGOOD in the process!
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westepabove-blog · 11 years
Nelson Mandela and HIV/AIDS
Makgatho Mandela (Nelson Mandela's son) died of AIDS in 2005. Nelson did a lot to help fight the epidemic through the Nelson Mandela Foundation, the 46664 concerts campaign, and speaking about HIV/AIDS at conferences around the world.
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#SALeaders #StepAboveHIVAIDS
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westepabove-blog · 11 years
Nelson Mandela - Quick Facts
Some quick facts about Nelson Mandela, "one of the great moral and political leaders of our time."
Full Name: Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
Aka(s): Nelson Mandela, Rolihlahla
Nickname(s): Madiba, Black Pimpernel
Birth date: July 18, 1918
Place of Birth: Mveso, Transkei, South Africa
Death date: December 04, 2013
Place of death: Johannesburg, South Africa
"Occupation": Civil Rights Activist, World Leader, Writer
Education: Clarkebury Boarding Institute, Wesleyan College, University College of Fort Hare, University of London, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Prison term: 27 years - He was arrested on August 5, 1962 and released on February 11, 1992 (28 years)
Some of his achievements (only a few, of so many):
Co-found the ANC-YL (African National Congress Youth League) in 1944 and later elected it's president in 1951
He became the first black South African President (1994 - 1999)
He helped fight apartheid and segregation, thus becoming an international hero
He has received more than 250 awards that are in every way honorable, along with the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.
He wrote over 100 books, most famously "Long Walk to Freedom"
The Nelson Mandela Foundation - a huge organization with the aim to promote a just society built on Mandela's vision and work.
The Nelson Mandela Children's fund - supports children in South Africa with the aim to change the way society treats its children and youth.
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westepabove-blog · 11 years
Step Above Leaders Series
For this week and the next 3 weeks, we'll be doing a LEADERS series.
Each week we'll focus on a prominent leader, and post quotes, vids, pics and facts about that leader, in hopes to educate and inspire future leaders.
We'll continue this week with Nelson Mandela, in light of his recent departure. Stay tuned...
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westepabove-blog · 11 years
Holiday Charity Campaign
On December 1st, we launched our first holiday charity campaign! We partnered with some amazing groups / organizations, and we have 3 ways for you to participate this holiday season. 
From World AIDS Day (December 1st) to New Year's Day (January 1st), you can donate shoes, coats and monetary funds at any value. Here's how:  
Donate to the #StepAboveHIVAIDS campaign at http://igg.me/at/StepAboveHIVAIDS - Proceeds will go toward HIV/AIDS education, treatment and other related services. Share the link via Facebook, Twitter and IG! 
Donate pairs of shoes by emailing [email protected] - We will give the shoes to Soles4Souls! 
Donate a warm-weather coat/jacket by emailing [email protected] - We will give the coats to the annual NYCares Coat Drive! 
Lastly, to celebrate all of the GOOD you are doing and to celebrate the GOOD in people, we will be co-hosting a holiday social fundraiser on December 21st, 2013 at COPIA (flyer below). We will be collecting shoes and coats on-site, so feel free to bring your donation there! Your $5 entry fee will go towards our HIV/AIDS fundraising efforts! Hope to see you there!
Help us #StepAboveHIVAIDS and Poverty
Alex, Jon & Mena
-Step Above
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westepabove-blog · 11 years
Why Imitation is Flattery
You don't become good at something by following the habits of people who are not good. Most of us want to get better at something, so we follow or mimic someone who is already good or better. If you happen to be one who is followed or mimicked, that's a good thing. And be aware of whom and what you are following, and what habits you are picking up as a result. Keep it positive.
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westepabove-blog · 11 years
Sometimes what we need is a reminder; a pat on the back; a high five; a go get’em.
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westepabove-blog · 11 years
#MenaENGAGE2012: Post #4
I Engage Life: to be loving, joyful, and peaceful:
“Food is to eat. water is to drink, life is to… Live” I say in my message of purpose. Life is so precious, so valuable. Why not live life with joy, in peace and just feeling FULL of life! Who doesn’t want that?  Not only that, but giving to others and bringing them joy. I want to engage my life to be loving, to be joyful, and to be peaceful. In doing so, I can bring joy and guidance to others, serve as an example of good character, and also feel joy & peace myself. Many of the things that make us the most happy are because of Love. I’m not talking about romantic Love, but Love that you have for yourself, and Love that you can show to others.
  In the Bible, it mentions that Love is the greatest gift, and if one has all the knowledge and wisdom and powers in the world, but has not love, he/she has nothing and is nothing. It’s gratifying and rewarding to have a loving heart; a pure heart acting with pure intentions and not for self-praise, a heart that wants to serve others, that wants to give others without expectations, that strives to help others, to elevate others - personally, professionally, spiritually, emotionally and even mentally. 
Knowing that I engage life by loving, being joyful and peaceful, I keep it fresh in my mind to act with a loving heart every day. Trust me, it’s not always easy. Some days, things are not always sunshine and rainbows, but living a loving life so important to me, that I work hard to never let it go.
  One thing I do to make sure I think and behave out of love is this: when something makes me sad or angry, I [describe something you do to calm you or reforcus you].
  In the comments section below, tell me something that you do, or something that you will do in order to stay focused and balanced when things are bothering you.
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westepabove-blog · 11 years
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Letting the light show us the way. #StepAbove with a quick sit-down after a session at William Paterson University in New Jersey! #StepAbove still finding ways to help you...Step Above! Photo by @franken_steve
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westepabove-blog · 12 years
#MenaENGAGE2012: Post #3
I Engage Students: to be their true selves, and not anyone else:
As I deliver keynotes, I share with students how I live with purpose, live to the fullest, and live for others. An important part to doing all that is being your self first, and your best self, without hiding it. And the feedback that I receive from students is amazing! A lot of my talks, especially through Step Above is about identity. Self-Identity is a huge issue amongst students, and many of the academic issues that we all face all come back to how we view ourselves, and value ourselves. 
  Step Above focuses largely on identity development, and we do this because we know it is a major area of study among top educational programs. Many times students hide behind an invisible cloak, to hide their true self, and to conform to what's popular, or to fit in that specific environment. I engage students because I know that we are all capable of overcoming shyness, overcoming differences in culture, religions, interests. I engage students because there is no better person for you to be than to be yourself.
  Tell me: What is your favorite thing about youself? List EVERYTHING that you like about that one thing, and share it in the comment section below!
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