whimsymimsywrites · 4 years
Toshinor Yagi (All Might) x reader
Smut warning; soft feels?
The last notes floated through the air from your lips like a ghost that had found the light before thunderous applause took over all your senses. Your eyes couldn’t see through the harsh stage lights so it seemed that flowers appeared from the darkness. With a deep shuddering breath you took a bow trying to hide the ecstatic grin you bore, it also allowed you to glance over where you saw him. Your boyfriend Yagi, he was bouncing and clapping, all for you. Seeing his childish pride and excitement made you tear up. Pulling up as the rest of the cast made their way out to take their own bows and taking a couple more yourself.. 
Slipping stage left you dashed into Yagis arms and kissed him. He held you in his arms and spun with you in his arms. Now that you were with him you let the tears run free. 
“That was so scary!” You mumbled and hid your face into his neck. “My mind went blank I forgot some of the words, I hope I didn’t mess up too badly.” You rambled as he kissed your neck.
“You did amazing, you were in the zone My love. Listen, they’re calling for an encore.” He cooed to you and smiled. “Can you hear them?”
“No, I can only hear you and your heart beat.” You said softly as you relaxed in his arms. “Can we go home?” You asked.
“Don’t you want to go to the cast party for the production?” He asked, You shook your head.
“I just… I need a moment, just with you. Please?” You asked and pulled away so you could look him in the eyes. He melted and smiled.
“Anything you want, beloved. But I want you to go out there and give one more bow before we cuddle. I’ll even go with you.” You smiled and nodded.
“Really? You’ve never wanted to before.” You asked
“Really, I should get more comfortable on stage anyway, don’t you think?” He asked as you walked back out onto the stage to another round of applause  you bowed once more and around you you could hear gasping and squeals of excitement. This confused you greatly as you looked around and Yagi was gone until you looked down and saw him on one knee. Quietly he pulled a box out of his pocket as one of the cast held a mic to his mouth.
“Y/n L/n, We’ve been dating for… 7 years, and During that time you have supported me in more ways than I could have ever hoped for. When others were telling us we couldn’t make a life out of singing, you kept trying and working at it and I’m so proud of you for that. You helped me achieve so much, even at the expense of your own career.” He said as the people around you gasped and hugged each other waiting with baited breath. He took one of your hands and held it in his passing the pad of his thumb over the back of your hand as he looked for something once he found it he pulled it out almost dropping it but catching it before it fell into the orchestra pit.
“Ah, that was close, With all that being said, Will you marry me, my beloved song bird?” Yagi asked as he opened the box and presented you with the ring.
“I… I will, Yes!” you chirped and threw yourself onto him as everyone on and off the stage exploded into applause and cheers.Yagi held you and kissed your face for a moment then slipped the ring onto your finger. It fit perfectly and seemed like he picked it out with your preferences in mind which made it even more special to you. You smiled brightly and kissed him on the lips, holding on to him as the cast took a bow and started to usher the two of you off stage. 
“How long have you been planning this?” You asked, excitement, nausea and contentment all swirling in your mind.
“Since I got my first paycheck from my music.” Yagi admitted. “I’ve been saving as much as I can to buy this and something else for us.”
“Darling, you shouldn’t have,” You said quietly as you walked with him to the dressing room. “All I need is you.” You say as you slip in. You quickly dress down and listen to him as he sits outside the door waiting.
“But I want to, You’ve done so much for me, It’s only fair I get to spoil you sometimes.” He called out to you and you chuckled. 
“I haven’t done that much,” You say as you slip on your shirt.
“Bullshit!” He yelled back. “Darling you slaved away to keep us fed while all of my things were happening,”
“You were keeping a roof over our head honey,” you checked your clothing in the mirror and smoothed them out before heading out to see Yagi on his feet and he looked slightly upset.
“That doesn’t make your contribution any less my love.” he spoke and took your hand. “I want you to feel special tonight. And for every night after.” biting his lip he looked around quickly and kissed you. 
“And between you and me, I think you were better then any of the other actors up there.” 
“You’re biased” You said with a smile and laughed.
“Be that as it may… I’m not wrong.” He said and grinned, his bright blue eyes met yours. “You’ll never have to fear, for I am here. And I always will be. Well, as long as you’ll have me.” You wrapped your arms around him and hid your face in his neck.
“I’ll have you for forever and a day.” 
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whimsymimsywrites · 4 years
New years kiss
A server NYE Collab <3
Toga/GN Reader
No warnings, 
Toga stood in the crowded party. A cloud of cheer and drunken rivalry swirled around her seemingly ignorant of the woes of the world. Her eyes darted between all the party goers until her eyes fell on one in particular. They stood off seemingly uncomfortable as they clung to their own coat as their own eyes also scanned the world. The moment that Togas' eyes met this mysterious persons eyes and toga felt something she had never felt before. This unfamiliar feeling entrapped The girl  and pulled at her. Calling her close, needing no demanding of her to come closer to this person. This new person held out their hand and  before toga could stop herself she had already walked over and taken the outstretched hand. 
“Who are you?” Togas voice asked. The strange being smiled and pulled her a bit closer so they could hear each other over the noise.
“I’m Y/N… It’s nice to properly meet you Miss Toga.” They spoke with a certainty that their body language didn’t show. “I’ve wanted to meet you for a long time.” They said, 
“Y/N?” She said, entranced by their eyes. “You know my name?” She watched them nod. 
“I know alot about you. But we can talk about that later.” They said  and leaned over. “May I kiss you? I heard it’s bad luck to not have a kiss when the clock strikes 12.”
“Bad luck huh?” Toga smiled and giggled. “Gee… I would hate to see someone as interesting as you to have bad luck.” She said coyly and moved closer as the countdown started.
“I wouldn’t want you to have bad luck either.” Y/N said as they dropped their coat on the ground in favor of holding Toga a bit closer.
“Do you know what I can do?” Toga asked and leaned closer.
“Of course I do.” Y/N said and leaned  in as well. The whole world felt as if it was falling away, leaving just the two of them.
“Do I scare you?” She asked and slipped her arms around their neck.
“Never.” They breathed and sent a shiver down the girls spine. ” I think what you do is beautiful.”
Togas breath caught in her throat. Her eyes wide and full of wonder. “You do?”
“Well of course, One artist to another.” Y/n with a wicked smile that made Togas knees weak.
“You… You’re like me?” 
“I am.” They said before capturing The Villians lips in a heated kiss. As the clock struck 12 the world disappeared around them. There was only this kiss, Tender and full of love and yet wild and full of a primal need. But air was needed and soon the kiss died. Toga clung to her partner as her mind reeled.
“Happy new year.” Y/N said softly and kissed her one more, a mere peck on the lips this time. 
“Happy new year.” Togas voice was soft and sincere, she remembered what what strange feeling was. A crush.
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whimsymimsywrites · 4 years
In sickness and in health
Baby bird,
By the time you read this, I will be gone. But I want you to know, Whatever happens Don’t come look for me, Don’t try to contact me. You’ll just make this harder then this has to be. I know that you found out about my affair. I knew it broke your heart so I’ve freed you from your cage. It feels so good to write this down. I’ve been trying to keep my act up to keep you happy but I just couldn’t do it anymore. Attached to this letter are the divorce papers, I’ve already filled them out. All you need to do is send them to my lawyer. And you can keep the apartment too. I’ve already gotten a new condo with my lover.  
I’m sorry it had to happen this way but I couldn’t stand to see you cry. I wanted my last memory of you to be your smile. I know I seem like a selfish asshole but pretending to still love you seemed worse to me. But I did try, I thought fake it til you make it. But it didn’t work. I haven’t loved you in months. Ever since the accident we’ve been focusing on you and getting you better and I’ve been feeling neglected. And a man has needs.  So it’s better to just rip this off like a bandaid.
I know this will be better for you in the long run. You won’t have to stress about me dying on the job anymore and I won’t stress about you anymore. It’s a win win situation if you think about it. 
With all this being said, I’ve already paid for all your medical bills, and we paid off the apartment so you only need to worry about taking care of yourself. Maybe in a few years we can try again. 
I’ll miss you.
Your former husband
Keigo Takami
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whimsymimsywrites · 4 years
A love letter in waiting
 Dear dumbass of my life
You’ve insisted  we write our favorite stories of each other in the few days we have left before our wedding for some reason. But you did that eye thing to me and I can never say no when you do that. Bitch. But you're my bitch, so… I guess It’s not the worst thing. I wanna write down the story of our relationship, proposal and your trip to the hospital. 
I met you when I was starting my own hero agency, you had applied to be part of my agency as an assistant claiming that ‘no noise or scream you could make could interrupt my work.’ A bold claim. Then I found out why you could claim this, You are deaf.
 You said it was cause you got too close to a hero fight when you were in middle school. ‘Some explodey kid in a goo villain’ you had explained, ‘Then All might came down and I stopped being able to hear.’ Telling me your quirk used to be supersonic hearing. I was… Slightly upset, I asked to take you to dinner, to make up for the incident and you just laughed and agreed. I was gonna hire you anyway cause you had the perfect credentials as an accountant. But …
 When we went to dinner and talked…. Texted for hours. It felt like I knew you my whole life. We made a tradition of this, every wednesday we would go eat and talk. We did this for… 3 years I think before I asked you on a real date. Then a year after that I bought a ring. Then the fuckery went from a 2 to a 10.
I got us a reservation at the nicest restaurant in the city, had the workers put your ring in a champagne glass cause I thought that you were smart enough to look in YOUR GODDAMN GLASS BUT NOOOO YOU TOOK IT LIKE A SHOT. gAVE ME A DAMN HEART ATTACK HAD TO TAKE YOUR DUMBASS TO THE HOSPITAL CAUSE YOU WERE CHOKING ON THE FUCKIN RING. WE SAT IN THE ER FOR 5 HOURS! 
But for some reason after all that, All you could do was worry about me. I wasn’t the one choking or had to get the ring removed, it was you. But all you could think about was if I was okay? So damn dumb, I wish you would worry about your own self more. You’ve gotta take better care of the person I love. Or I’ll do it for you… I’m not being sappy, thats a threat. You better remember that. 
I really love you more than anything in the world. And even in a hundred years when we’re old… probably dead. I’ll still love you. You’re one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. Even the old hag likes you and thats saying a lot cause she hated everyone I brought to her before. You’ve seen the worst sides of me and still kissed me and told me that you loved every part of me. Even the parts that I’m not proud of. You took the good and the bad and you didn’t care what people thought. I love you.
 But if you tell anyone about this letter I will deny it to your face
Forever yours,
Bakugo Katsuki 
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whimsymimsywrites · 4 years
A love letter accidentally sent
Character; Toshiro Yagi aka AllMight
My darling,
I, Toshinor Yagi, will probably never send this letter but I must put my feelings down before they spill out. For the longest time, my heart has reached for yours but I held it back because I was afraid. I know I’m not long for this world and if I let you into my heart and world, it would end up hurting you. But I love you. I love you, I love you. I can’t help it, I’m still human so I can’t stop feeling this way I can only hide them.
When I first saw your eyes, I knew I was doomed. They were swimming in tears of laughter at something you saw on your phone before you looked up and saw me. And you shared your laughter, your smile, with me. You were still giggling when you asked if I needed help finding something. I think I made up something just to be in your presence more, and I think you knew I didn’t need it. Your laughter still rings in my ears when I’m down. Your skin was so soft when I accidentally brushed your hand. I wish I could have held your hand, but instead I shrunk away while apologizing. When you smiled and said it was fine then you asked for my numberI almost died of shock. We started texting and getting to know each other, you became a close friend of mine, and I hope I was a close friend to you as well. 
After a while I asked why you had asked for my number in the first place, and you only replied that ‘I felt something pull me to you, so I took a chance.’ And I’m so amazingly happy you did. You’ve brought so much joy to my life with your songs and stories and jokes. My heart flutters when I see you’ve sent me a text. All that being said… If I were to fall in love with you and if you loved me, I would die a happy man, but I would leave you hurt and alone. And I could never do that to you. I’ve tried to push everyone away now that my end is approaching, but you keep coming closer and closer and I don’t know what to do. You’ve taken me out to dinner several times, I’ve taken you to small places that make me happy, we go on long walks, We talk for hours and never run out of conversations. You once told me you had feelings for someone and they made you happier then you’ve ever been. I am content with being your friend as long as I can help you be happy. I hope one day I could meet the person who brings you joy. 
Always by your side,
Toshinor Yagi, Former pro hero All Might
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whimsymimsywrites · 4 years
Fights and making up head canons
He rarely fights with you but when he does it’s intense, He stops smiling and gets quiet before he explodes with everything he’s been bottling up, 
He will never touch you during a fight But he might accidentally break something from swinging his arms around wildly.
If he gets too heated he will leave the house until he’s cooled off completely. It could take a few hours tho but he’ll never let himself go to bed angry.
But when he does come back he’ll check on you. He’ll quietly bring you water or tea, maybe something to eat.
His love language is acts of service based so he’ll start doing stuff around the house to make you happy again, Washing dishes, Vacuuming, doing laundry.
 If none of that works he’ll go out and bring you back your favorite foods and stuffed toys
He’ll ask if he can touch you and rub your back in order to make you feel better,
He will apologize for as long as it takes to get you to smile. Your smile is one of his favorite things about you.
He’s been getting alot better about telling you his feelings instead of hiding behind a smile. But He’s still got a long way to go.
Once your tears and frowns stop he’ll quietly cuddle you, kissing you and telling you how much he loves you and how sorry he is for his unheroic outburst. 
The only way you can get him to stop apologizing is to kiss him and play with his hair, He melts every time you do that. 
For someone usually so quiet and shy When he gets mad he’s like a raging volcano, It will take him a while to calm down. There will be tears and there will be yelling.
He Will never touch you out of rage. He did once on accident He thought you were farther away then you actually were. When he did his anger immediately stopped and he checked on you. 
When he does get angry he’ll yell and scream for a bit then blow off all his steam by playing a video game.  He will not talk to you until he’s calmer.
His Love language is Physical touch. Once he’s calm he’ll come over and hold your hand quietly.
He’ll apologize and then say nothing unless you start the conversation electing to hug you, hold your hand and give you kisses instead of talking.
After everything has calmed down he’ll order you both something to eat and then relax and watch a movie with you to make up for the fight. Any movie you want, even if it is a horror movie.
Sir Nighteye
The first and last fight you got into was before his fateful meeting with overhaul, You stormed off to your shared bedroom and he left for work.
You had begged him not to go, Something bad was going to happen.  And you just knew it. And you knew he knew so to but he told you everything would work out. He Just wouldn’t listen.
He kissed your head before leaving. But by then you had cried yourself to sleep. 
Just before the fight he had a large bouquet of your favorite flowers sent to you, with a note saying that he would pick up dinner.  That he loved you.
You only found out what happened When Bubbles called you telling you his hospital room number and to get there before it was too late.
You rushed over as fast as you could and were able to get there to sit there and hold his hand before he slipped away.
His last words were “I’m sorry we fought, I love you.” You gave him a choked up Love you back and a kiss before his eyes closed. 
And he was gone.
You guys fight all the time, Nothing serious Mainly play fights.  There is a Tally board for who wins the fight and you are currently in the lead
“I would rather get it out of the way now, It’ll just be a pain in the ass if I keep it for later.”
Most of his wins are because he kisses you senseless and takes you to the bedroom.
His love language is receiving gifts, “I saw this Shiney thing and thought of you” “Here, eat this.”
You two always make up quickly and poke fun about how his feathers puffs up. 
“I won!” “You only won cause you kept kissing me so I couldn’t talk, you bird brain” “You love me.”
Your ‘fights’ Are usually quiet debates,  
His Love language is Words of affirmation and will listen and admit when you have a good point. And kisses your hand  and tells you that he loves you
He tries not to fight with you but when you get upset and start getting truly angry he kinda just shuts down, Going into work mode. 
He knows it seems manipulative but he can’t help that he does that.
“You know I don’t mean to shut down, I just… I don’t know how to deal with all this. It’s like a fight or flight, you know?”
He’ll lay next to you in bed and hold you as he tells you all the things he loves about you. From your eyes and your smile to the way your hands fit into his so nicely
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whimsymimsywrites · 4 years
Blankie fort head canon! Villain edition
He’s never really made a blanket fort but he tries
Once you show him he’ll have one 24/7
He had 1 pillow and blanket before and now has 10 blankets and 15 pillows.
He claims their yours but we all know the truth
He has the best snacks, And in the winter he keeps hot cocoa warm.
When watching horror movies in the fort he’ll get comfortable and fall asleep within 15 minutes.
He snores a little 
He loves making a nest within the fort and hiding in it like a cave. 
You’ve given him the nickname dragon and you joke about his blanket and pillow hoard
He hasn’t corrected you yet
He fluctuates between building one and kicking it down.
When you can you get one built he’s happy to be made into a Jin burrito,
He loves to watch cartoons while in the fort 
he always forgets to bring snacks but he does bring drinks
He loves to cuddle while in the fort 
He’s got tons of blankets and pillows 
Jin makes a fort and drags people in when he thinks they are upset.
He does invite Toga to relax with you guys
He’s not really a blanket fort type of guy
He will indulge you occasionally but  it’s very rare.
When he does make it, it is neat and tidy and please don’t make a mess
The mask stays on. No exceptions. And stay 6 ft away
He will watch whatever movie you want, he really doesn’t care.
If you put on a documentary on a plague or epidemic he will ignore you and study the film. 
He will break down the fort when he says it’s time to sleep 
He never allowed you to make one for Eri. “She hasn’t earned it yet.”
Much like his boss, not really a fort guy.
But he’ll indulge you more frequently then Kia will.
He helps you make the nest but he will drop the building if his boss ever calls.
Hari will lay and let you cuddle but he’s going to be the small spoon.
He will fall asleep if you pet his hair
Movie choice will be up to you and so are the snacks He will buy them but he’s not too picky.
He didn’t let you make a fort with Eri either. “Sorry, Kais orders.”
She makes the most extra blanket forts, Fairy lights, Stuffed animals, a mini projector, a mini fridge. The works.
She has a large tent that she uses for the frame. 
She surprised you with it after hearing how you wanted to make one.
She will have nail painting and facials while you watch movies and have a nice night in.
If you don’t have pjs she’ll let you borrow one of hers.
She loves to cuddle but she does get a bit bitey when she wants you to grab her a snack.
She loves getting her hair played with, in return she rubs your back and shoulders.
She gives bomb backrubs.
Dance parties will happen randomly.
She’s cuddly af and you will wake up with Toga hugging your arm and snoring.
Twice will join you in your fort parties sometimes 
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whimsymimsywrites · 4 years
Writing Exercises Vol. I
Whether you want a challenge, a break, or to get back in the groove, here are some writing exercises to get started!
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Word Writing Prompts
Write 250-500 words using all five of the words listed. Try timing yourself to see how fast you can bang out a short or flash piece. To add extra challenge, use the words in the same order they’re listed.
peonies, hammer, pillow, hate, found
callback, vase, actor, broken, money
pink, dust, saturated, rust, bleak
dragon, farmer, monster, love, friend
Christmas, fight, jail, lemon, tiger
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Write a Letter as Your Character
It can be a brand new character or a character you’re working on and they can be writing it to literally anyone. Use this to find their voice, opinions, personality, explore their life before the story, or just for fun. Below are some ideas of who they could write to.
a parent
their unrequited love
their past self
their future self
their best friend
a childhood crush
a priest
John Mulaney
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Write a Flash Fiction Piece
Flash fiction is characterized as being less structured than a short story and more focused on the detail of a moment or collection of moments. It’s much more condensed and tends to be packed with vivid imagery. Shoot for under 500 words. Here are some prompts:
She had never seen a blade so big before.
“Come on!” “I can’t do it!”
A young chef has just realized she’s in the middle of a con.
a chess piece, an unloaded gun, and an attempted murder
A prince has just been stabbed on the battlefield
“The flowers are so pretty this time of year.”
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whimsymimsywrites · 4 years
A beautiful morning with your baby boy Twice
Pairing; Twice/ Jin Bubaigawara x GN reader
 Apocalypse au collab [MASTER LIST]
Warning; 18+
Kinks; Clothed sex, outdoor sex, blowjob, anal, face sitting, slight cock warming.
AN; I wasn’t sure how to tag this without getting yeeted into the naughty corner. I hope you guys like this!
You stood in the ruins of Tokyo, 5 years ago it would have been crammed full of people who were traveling elsewhere, too busy looking at their phones to notice the beauty of the morning. Looking up at the small bits of shining glass that had not been retaken by nature yet. In the early morning light the buildings glittered like water. You let your backpack slip off your shoulder as the light filtered down waking all the nature that slumbered below the giant structure. 
“It’s such a beautiful morning.” You muttered under your breath. Letting all the errands and cares you had melt away in the soft morning breeze. 
“Hey come on! The others are waiting for us!” A voice behind you chirped as a set of arms wrapped around your waist in a friendly hug.
“But Jin, Look at how pretty it all is, Why don’t we just take a moment and relax?” You suggested and leaned against him. 
“Ahhh, Well,” Jin hummed and glanced around before looking back down at you, pulling his beanie down slightly to cover the split in his forehead. “I guess we can take a little break, I mean we do have a lot to carry back to the fam squad.” He said with a grin. “Thanks for finding this hat by the way, You didn’t have to.”
“Of course I did,” You said and turned in his arms. “I was the one who accidentally ripped your mask, It was only fair I find a replacement.” You glance down at his chest and lean against him. “I’m glad you guys found me when you did.” You muttered softly as Jin led you into a soft swaying dance.
“I’m super glad too. Hell, If it hadn’t been for you, we might still be fighting a corrupt society,” He chuckled softly then his voice became sharper. “Yeah, if you hadn’t shown us that a hard reset would help our cause then we might have been killed in the long run. Not that Dumb ass ever thinks of that.” His voice switched again, ”Hey! That's true but it’s not nice!”
“Jin, You gotta be nicer to yourself.” You cooed softly and cupped his face with your hands. “If it weren't for you I wouldn’t have been able to build our salvation in the first place.”You say stroking his cheek and watching him melt into your touch. “Such a good boy”
Jin almost purred and smiled dumbly as he wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up, nuzzling your chest and closing his eyes in a moment of bliss.
“Awww, my baby boy, do you want Master to take care of you for a while?” You asked as you ran a soothing hand over his shoulders  and back. He groans softly and looks up at you with love and adoration.
“Yes, Please Master. I love when you do.” He mumbles and hugs your waist and lifts you from the ground. Behind you you heard a cough starling Jin into dropping you. You groaned and rubbed your ass as you looked behind you. “Oh, Hey Dabi!” Jin said pulling his beanie down over his face.  Behind you at the other side of the road stood Dabi with a small wagon alongside him. 
“You guys done?” Dabi asked in a raspy voice then he sighed. “I can take the bags back so you two can have some…. Alone time.” He said then made a slightly disgusted face. Jin grinned thanking him profusely as he grabbed all the bags and dashed across to him dumping the bags unceremoniously into the small cart as you walked over and smiled at Dabi.
“Thanks man, Maybe while we’re still out we can find something for you?” You offered in return but dabi shook his head gesturing up. Far above you Hawks flew out of a window diving down to your group.
“Thanks, But we’ve got it covered, Besides we’re just out seeing if  any of the electronics survived.” The burnt male grumbled. “That thing you made was pretty effective. Took out everything as far as we can get so far.” You nodded smiling at him.
“I only did as you guys wanted. You said to reset society and I did. ” You chirped pleasantly as Jin took your hand.
“Yeah you did, It was a shame about all those Electric quirk users though. Oh yeah Twice. Make sure you get back before dark, we’re having a meeting later.” Dabi said as Hawks touched down looking at the bags and his companion, “Come on hawks, Let's get back. We can go again after a break.” Dabi groaned as he and hawks made their way out. 
After the two were out of sight Jin picked you up bridal style and started running to a hidden alley off the main road, grinning like a fool all the while you were laughing. 
“Slow down!” You said between giggles. “Don’t wanna trip!” Your arms wrapped around his neck as he slowed down and grinned at you.
“Ah, Sorry, All the cute stuff you were saying earlier got me really excited...” Jin said and set you on the ground and looked around before pulling out his cock. It twitched in his hand, erect and needy. “He looks so lonely, master.” Jin said, trying to act cute. “Please kiss him better?” 
Smirking you take his cock into your hands, gently stroking it and  looking up at him. Jins eyes closed as he moaned weakly, undoing his pants fully and yanking down his boxers.  Then pulling up his shirt, so his body was bared to you. Shifting to your knees you looked up at him, his cock twitching and throbbing in your hands.
“Talk to Master baby boy, Tell me what you want me to do. If you stop talking I’ll stop too.” You ordered as you swiped the pad of your thumb over the slit of his cock. He gasped loudly and gripped his shirt tighter.
“I- I want master to play with me.” He started as you stroked his cock a little faster. “I’ve been such a good boy for you! I haven’t touched myself cause I know my cock belongs to you!” He thrusted his hips as your warm tongue trailed along the underside of his heated flesh. “Master I’ve been dreaming about pleasuring you for the past week, You could sit on my face I just wanna make you happy!.” He spasmed as his voice got a bit harsher. “I wanna bend you over and fuck you till you can’t walk.” His voice turned to a growl. “Fill you full of my seed in every hole I can.” He shuddered as the tip of his cock entered the slick heat of your mouth and you began to suck his cock. Your eyes trained on him. He whimpered and panted. “M-Master! I love you Master!” Slowly you pulled his cock out and let the saliva strand that formed break of its own accord. 
“Baby boy, I love you too, Will you show me how much you love me?” You asked innocently and Jin nodded.
 He gets on his knees and yanks down your pants and turns you to face the wall. Licking his lips he spread your ass cheeks to see how you working on him made you feel. 
“Master, you look so needy, Can I touch you? Licking you?” He asks looking up at you. His eyes were begging. “Please?”
“Hmmmm” You hummed in a teasing manner as you wiggle your ass at him. “I dunno, Should I let you?” You look back and smirk as he pouts and kisses your ass. “I’ll let you do it for a little bit” You say and giggle. He perks up and licks lips and leans forward and lazily draws his tongue along not only your ass, but along your sensitive sex as well. 
“Master you taste so good~.” He moans and presses the tip of a finger to your needy asshole and pushes it in. You cover your mouth and moan in response to his touch. “Master do you like it?” He asked unsure but at the small noises his excitement got the best of him and he started to lick and kiss and finger your needy hold. “Master” He mumbles as he adds a finger and stretches your hole out.
“A-ah! Be careful,” You warn as your ass gets played with. “Make sure you don’t start something you can’t finish baby boy.” You groan as Jin licks and probes you his own need becoming evident.
“Master, Please, Take me, I want to be yours.” He whimpered then he growled. “You better take us before we take you. Just cause he’s a bottom bitch doesn’t mean I am!” With a frown you push him back so his back was against the wall and pressed your ass against his face. He moans as he gets back to pleasing you. Looking down you see his poor neglected cock weeping and twitching as he pushes his tongue into your ass.
“Okay,” You said, pulling away hearing him whimper. “Time for the main event.” You tease as he looks up at you. “Now, Beg for me.” you say slipping off your pants, Jin bit his lip and whimpered as his hand reached for his cock. “Hey, I didn’t say you could touch my cock.”
“Master please fuck me, I’ve been such a good boy, I haven’t touched my self for a week, I’ve done everything you asked, I’ve made sure I’m clean and don’t got any hair, I rode that dildo for you this morning, I’m helping you make another bomb.” He begs trying to think  of whatever good things he’s done as you move down and rub the sensitive tip of his cock against your ass. “Please Master I love you, I’ll do anything for you!” He gasps and tries not to buck his hips into your hole.
“I know baby boy, you’ve been so good all week, And now I’ll give you a good reward.” You say as you push his cock inside, you could feel him twitch and throb inside of you. “A-ah~. Good boy~.” You moan as Jin rolls his eyes back. “You like that baby?” He nods as you slowly start to rock your hips against him. “You can wrap your arms around me.” At your words he pulls you into a hug, pulling out his cock slightly. You kiss his head and smile as you slowly ride him, your heart starts to work faster as you do.
“M-master, you feel so good, I love you!” He pants and thrusts up a bit. “S-sorry,” You smile and kiss his head and push down against him as he moans. “A-ah, I can feel you gripping me!” The heat from both your bodies makes you feel sweat starting to bead up on your body as both of your body heats and scents start to mix.
“You’re such a good boy, so sweet and kind to everyone, even if they don’t deserve it.” You say sweetly into his ear as you slowly start to ride his hard cock feeling it inch in with every thrust. He pants and rolls his eyes back. You smile at all of his wanton expressions “What a cute face,” You teased and slammed down onto his cock your eyes roll back as his cock fills your ass as beads of sweat roll down your face, Jins sweet face was turning into a hot sweaty mess as well. “A-ah~! You like this baby boy?”
“Master!” He moaned and hid his face into your chest, biting into your shirt as you rode against him. You can hear someone coming from somewhere but at this point neither of you cared. You could feel him getting closer to the edge along with you. You can feel beads of sweat rolling down your spine as  you keep riding him, He clings to you panting increasing the heat between you both. You can feel your core tighten like a spring ready to go off as Jin moans in pleasure. Your body starts to spasm and move of its own accord losing yourself to the pleasure and pull jins face up and kiss him deeply. Your eager tongue slipping into his mouth and playing with his. He moaned submissively then growled, wrapping his arms around you and taking control of the pace. And for once, you didn’t mind it. He started to slam you down on his cock, as if he was trying to reach deeper with his cock. 
“Good boy!” You moaned into the kiss. “You can cum inside me.” You said as you held on to his arms and wrapped your shaking legs around his hips. Jin took that as an invitation to start slamming into your ass as hard as he could. His head resting on your shoulder as he moaned and panted in your ear.  “You’re doing so good Jin baby, You’re making me feel so good baby boy.”You praise him as the spring inside you winds up more then it releases in an instant, throwing your head back you can see stars while your legs tremble and spasm, you feel him start to slow as  thick ropes of cum filled your ass. He groaned weakly and held you in place as if he was trying to breed your ass. “Such a good boy.” You mumbled.
“I lobe yous Masters” He mumbled into your neck his mind gives up for the day. “Master. Sleepy.” He mumbled again and you could feel his body get heavy.
“Oh no,” You groaned as he fell asleep while his cock was still inside your ass, against the alley wall. “Oh baby...” You said softly.
“Really guys? Again?” a new voice asked incredulously, you turn your head in time to see the back of a familiar blonde girl. “God, you two. So dirty.” She mumbled. 
“You can complain, or you can help free me and carry jin home.” You teased. “‘Sides you’re just jealous that I call Jin my sweet baby boy and not you.” You spot her ears turning red.
“Hush up you. Just hurry up and get free so we can take Twice home.” She said her back still facing you. “Just cause you made that EMP doesn’t mean you get to lewd Twice everywhere.”
“Hey, He started it.” You said as you pulled yourself away from him, much to his sleepy protests. “Come on Jin, Wakey wakey, We gotta clean up and go home.” You said softly kissing his head.
“I am home.” He muttered but let you go all the same. You both cleaned up as best you could and leaned on Toga as your legs were still shaky and Jin was still half asleep.
“It’s a beautiful morning.” You mumbled. Looking up at the morning sky reflected in the shattered glass of the sky scrapers. Letting all the cares you had melt away in the soft morning breeze
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