whirlys-webcomics · 2 years
in the comic, how does losing one of his optics affect blurr? does he have to adapt to it over time?
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made a little doodle page to show off the effects of Blurr losing his eye in a way I thought pretty well showed off my thoughts on it. I based it off a lot of reading up on people who IRL who have lost sight in one eye and this was generally the effects I saw consistently talked about. I didn't want Blurr to feel too nerfed by his injury as I don't think that's realistic or accurate but I will say it is something that effects him and plays a bit into his character arc in comic!
Obviously this is excluding quite a few more spoilery points abt his injury- however still quite a bit of interesting things I would say ^w^!
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whirlys-webcomics · 2 years
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Did some cute little pride icons of our main cast! While romance is not a big part of the webcomic, it is hinted at and certain topics of gender are referenced! [note the script is not entirely finished yet.]
Blurr is a gay man! [he/him]
Radio is a lesbian! [she/her]
Nightalon is a trans lesbian! [she/they/he]
Treads is nonbinary and omnisexual! [they/them]
as of today the final script has 5k words and the rough script has 17k! Once again I feel the need to say this blog is very much open to any and all questions people have about the webcomic! ^w^!
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whirlys-webcomics · 2 years
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i thought these two were super cool so i drew them. enjoy!
Awww tysm they look so cute!! Poor Nights always so grouchy, if only Treads would stop teasing them X3
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whirlys-webcomics · 2 years
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Did some chibis of the main cast!
Below are the separate characters and some quick updates.
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So it's been a while since I updated u guys, so long in fact school ended for me and on my rough script I finished the first act and am moving onto the second! I have 13,000 words written and 10 chapters written! I've been making quick progress and I'm sure sometime this summer I'll be able to update you guys a lot quicker. Maybe even launch the comic itself but I won't make promises until I know for sure!
My askbox is always open for those wanting to know more about this project but for now that's all I have to say, bye!
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whirlys-webcomics · 2 years
Howdy! Welcome to Whirly's Wonderful Webcomics! This blog is for the webcomics created by me Whirly! I go by they/them/it/its and the comic currently being produced is Blurr: The Greatest Decepticon!
Icon of the blog is by @odd-chips
If u would like more info on the current comic click here and click here to be taken to the first page!
If u like my stuff consider following my Transformers art blog or my normal art blog!
any and all asks n messages are welcome! But if you want to discuss anything with me outside the webcomic then consider going to my main blog!
this blog is Strictly Pg-13 so no nsfw talk! or interactions from 18+ blogs there are kiddos here!
Also know that I reserve the right to block any users who I myself am not comfortable with interacting with this blog. I also reserve my right to not justify every block or discuss why I do not wish to interact with certain people. These comics are personal to me and I want to be comfortable while making them.
Anyways I hope u all enjoy, be responsible and respectful and have a great day ^w^
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