whiskeycoloredhair · 3 years
I’m watching Tiger and Bunny at the moment and I can see some similar ideas between that show and My hero academia. Both are hero shows for starters and people with powers get the roles as heroes. Both shows show the good and bad sides of being a super hero.  In Tiger and Bunny they show media being a big part of a super heroe’s life since commercials and screen time is a way to draw in fans as well as merchendize. Media also dictates what the heroes are allowed to do and try to make angles that will put them in a better light as well as highten their status. I feel like media in Tiger and Bunny is quite twisted as catastrohpes and the risk of human lives are means for selling the population a story. It’s a senstaional show. They also have a popularity contest between the heroes that is determined by voting system as well as tv views and sales. Much of this is also covered in My hero Axademia were popularity is the main reason for a heroe’s sucess and salary.  Another similiarity I noticed between the two shows are how their powers are limited by time. In Tiger and Bunny their power at 100% only last for about five minutes and then they have to recharge before using said power again. Which is quite similiar to ho the characters in My hero academia are often limited by how long their power last and is often an important plot device to figure out the enemies weakness or how long the main characters can hold on in a fight.  Going into spoiled territorium here the main character in Bunny and Tiger slowly looses his power and the time for how long he can use it. In this universe it can happen to those with power. In My hero academia is a big plot point since that’s the main reason Almight chooses Deku to inherit his power. 
I’m not quite sure which series came first but I have a strong feeling either creator was heavily inspired by the other and borrowed some key elements for their story while adding some twists and themes. 
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whiskeycoloredhair · 3 years
I am alive I promise. I just have so much on my mind and I’ve got no inspiration or motivation for roleplay. I’m eating packing, reading/drawing or watching some K-drama. I dunno when or if I’ll be back on full throttle. 
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whiskeycoloredhair · 3 years
squid game taken from the tv show.
you know how bad this thing could get?
goodness, what a trooper. look at you.
let’s get you washed up before anything else.
you’ve been dozing off.
here, take this for the bus ride home.
tell me your name, sweetie.
that jacket is way too light for this cold.
stop arguing with me.
we need to lower your fever.
let’s try to stay on subject.
can you still trust anybody to be good, even after everything you’ve been through?
stop giggling, asshole.
hey, kid, you okay?
i can handle this alone.
let me go, damn it!
this isn’t the way to handle things.
how’d you hurt your face like that?
listen, you don’t trust people here because you can. you do it because you don’t have anybody else.
hey, you okay? hey, wake up.
it wasn’t for free. you can pay me back tomorrow.
i got scared. i thought you were gone for good.
when? when did you get hurt?
this brings back old memories.
we’re in hell here. there’s no rules in hell.
what a rude little brat.
it’ll be nice to have a little extra company around for dinner for a change.
you betrayed me. now you’re going to die.
look at that. there’s someone who cares.
how can you call yourselves human?
you made all this a good experience.
just leave me. i’ll be okay.
get your fucking hands off me right now!
why are you in such a hurry?
that game is for little children.
you should go and rest.
don’t any of you want to leave this horrible place?
this is a bunch of bullshit!
it’ll be okay once you get some rest.
what? no ice cream for you, little man?
you don’t know anything.
no, no, it’s fine. i’m fine.
don’t do it. that isn’t you.
we should really know about each other, build up a little trust, okay?
let’s stop. i’m too tired.
just stop it with this bullshit.
you pull anything on me, i’ll rip your fucking throat wide open, and that’s that.
how can i trust someone like you, scumbag?
it’s okay. hey. everything’s okay.
i did everything you said to.
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whiskeycoloredhair · 3 years
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Credit (X)
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whiskeycoloredhair · 3 years
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whiskeycoloredhair · 3 years
post - trauma sentence starters  blood, death mention.
“don’t do that. don’t shut me out.” 
“you’ve been crying. i can tell.”
“we need to change those bandages and get some food in you.”
“you want me to rub your back ’til you fall asleep?”
“that was a brave thing you did today.” 
“shh, that’s okay, get everything out.”   
“there’s something on your shirt. you – that’s blood!”
“need some space?”
“you should lay down.”
“there’s nothing wrong with asking for help.” 
“shh, shh. you were having a nightmare.”
“we can talk through the door.” 
“let’s clean you up and get you to bed, okay?”
“you almost died.” 
“i brought you a blanket.”
“you’re home. you’re safe.” 
“i’m worried about you.”
“is everything okay?”
“tell me how to make it better.”
“it’s been a tough few days. how are you holding up?”
“you have to stay awake. come on, give my hand a squeeze.” 
“you’re in the hospital.” 
“think you can make it to the bathroom?”
“no, no. don’t close your eyes.”
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whiskeycoloredhair · 3 years
I’m in such an asian mode, has been for some days. I’ve watched Strangers from Hell, Posessed, Sweet home and I finished Squid Game today. Now I’m watching a chineese horror series called Detention, which is about a conservative and strict school with some spooks.  In the first episode they established that they arent allowed to read anything besides the school litterature while being in school. I would have hated it there. I love to read and write. That was my past time activities between lessons. 
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whiskeycoloredhair · 3 years
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whiskeycoloredhair · 3 years
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whiskeycoloredhair · 3 years
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Fairy Designs by Woodenpencilbox
This artist on Instagram // RedBubble
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whiskeycoloredhair · 3 years
my muse is feeling down! Have your muse send mine a text to help them cheer up! 
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whiskeycoloredhair · 3 years
I was tired and negative yesterday. It was probably sleep deprivation that messed with my head but I went to bed earlier yesterday and feel more rested. I feel better today.  As my therapist once said: A chair with 4 legs are more stable than a chair with 3 legs. Meaning that a person's well being comes from how all aspects of ones life seem. The fundamental of a human's well being is sleep, healthy diet, excersise, economy and human interactions :3
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whiskeycoloredhair · 3 years
Annoyed/Frustrated Sentence Starters
"This is getting ridiculous."
"'Bleh bleh bleh, I'm very important, do what I tell you'. Bitch."
"If you're so good why don't you do it?"
"Stop. Just, fucking stop."
"What did I just tell you?"
"Do you even listen to me?!"
"What the hell did you even do?"
"A monkey could've done a better job."
"Are you done giving me lip?"
"Why." Slam! "Won't." Slam! "You." Slam! "WORK!"
"Hurry up, I'm not getting any younger."
"I gave you one, ONE, job."
"Oh for fucks' sake!"
"Did you even follow the instructions?!"
"I followed the damn instructions!"
"What did you do now?"
"Wonderful. Just great."
"Shall I snap my own neck now or later?"
"You. Are completely useless."
"I can't get it to fucking work!"
"I've tried everything and still!"
"You said you had my back, but as SOON as I have it turned, you've fucked off to who knows where!"
"This? This is shit. Utter nonsense."
"You said you could handle it!"
"I'm THIS close to cutting you loose."
"Why do I even keep you around if you only just disappoint me?"
"A corpse would be better use than you at this rate."
"You said this'd be easy!"
"I told you I couldn't do it!"
😡+ add your own!
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whiskeycoloredhair · 3 years
Another poem made by me. Just a heads up that it’s another poem about depression and sadness. Though not as heavy as other poems.  I paint sorrow on the wall From brown to gray And gray to black Shapes and shadows Claws that reach And tickle my skin Red spots  Yellow eyes from afar Blue pearls down my cheeks Stomach roaring Throat itching Jealosy gnawing my heart Shivers, shivers, shivers Head so heavy Eyes stinging Sandman please Knock me out tonight
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whiskeycoloredhair · 3 years
“No one cares about...”
Finish the sentence in my ask box
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whiskeycoloredhair · 3 years
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♡ 梵天丸 ♡
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whiskeycoloredhair · 3 years
Theres some heavy gay vibes with one of the characters in Strangers from hell. The character is a dentist who lives next door to the main character. He keep peeping at him through a hole in the wall and said “babe” to one guy and at another point he called the main character “babe” as well.
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